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hontas, 239-244; petition, 269;
contribution to the Generall Historie,
302-316, 328-339; marriage to Po-
cahontas, 310, 327; educates Poca-
hontas, 316; visit to England, 321.
Rolfe, Thomas, 238, 330.
Rolfe's Creek, 185 n.
Rose, 160.

Rosingham, Ensign, 256.
Royall James, ship, 350.
Russawmeake, 105.

Russell, John, 156, 159, 162, 163.
Russell, Robert, 140.

Russell, Walter, 76, 119, 121, 146, 170,
175; contribution to the Proceed-
ings of the English Colony, 141–147;
discovers the designs of the savages,

Russell, William, 159.

Russell's Isles, 142, 352.
Rymer, Fadera, 406.

Sabbath, law concerning, 273.
Sagadahock, see Maine.

Saint Croix Island, French settlement
at, 230; destruction of the settle-
ment at, 227, 313.

St. Michael, island, 331.
St. Sauveur, 230 n.

Salt-works, 352.

Sambage, William, 159.
Samuell, 170.

Sands, Thomas, 126.

Sandy Point, 13 n.; Paspahegh Indians
remove to, 275 n.
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 429; treasurer, 335;
policy toward the colonists, 247;
political leadership, 335 n.; efforts
to establish a university, 337 n.;
government, 293, 421, 434, 446;
accusations against, 447; efforts
to retain the charter, 453 n.
Sandys, George, treasurer, 348, 426;
experiments, 348 n.; report con-
cerning the Indians, 363.
Santa Maria, see Chesapeake Bay.
Santo Domingo, 219, 219 n.
Sarah Constant, ship, 122 n.
Sassafras, 434, 434 n.
Savage, Richard, 140, 170.
Savage, Thomas, interpreter, 140;

is given to Powhatan by Newport,
56, 134; is returned to Jamestown,

68; accompanies Hamor to Pow-
hatan, 313; Namenacus seeks, 352;
first permanent settler on the
Eastern Shore, 352 n.; quarrels
with Indian chiefs, 353; conspiracy
against, 354.

School, free, subscription for, 350,
350 n.

Scot, Nicolas, 126, 160.
Scrivener, Matthew, 140; becomes
president of the colony, 37 n., 147;
is elected councillor, 52; accom-
panies Smith to Powhatan, 53;
experiences in a bog, 58; traffics
with Indian chiefs, 60; accompanies
Newport, 61, 133-135; trouble with
the Indians, 66; in authority at
Jamestown, 71 n.; accompanies
Smith to Nansamund, 160; is left
in charge at Jamestown, 161;
death, 174.

Sea Venture, ship, 191 n.
Secowocomoco Indians, 86.
Sedan, 398.

Shackaconias, 105.

Sharpe, Samuel, 249, 256, 426.
Shelley, Walter, 250, 256; death, 260,
260 n.

Sherley, Sir Thomas, 207.
Shortridge, Geoffery, 160, 162.
Sicklemore, John, see Ratcliffe, John.
Sicklemore, Michael, 140, 141, 147,

162, 163; failure to find Raleigh's
colony, 188.

Silk, attempt to make, 90, 348 n.; law
concerning the manufacture of,

Silkworms, destruction, 381.
Silver, discovered, 156.
Simonds, Doctor William, 140, 294,
294 n., 297; revises Smith's manu-
script, 75; contribution to the
Proceedings of the English Colony,
179-204, 297 n.; contribution to the
Generall Historie, 294-297; death,

Small, Robert, 126, 141.

Smith, Alice, mother of Captain John
Smith, 27.

Smith, George, father of Captain John
Smith, 27.

Smith, Captain John, True Relation, 4,

28, 30-71; Map of Virginia. 28,

191; Generall Historie of Virginia,
New England and the Summer Isles,
5 n., 28, 31, 208, 217, 294-407;
critical estimate of his works, 29;
Mappe of the Bay and River, 75, 76;
letter of, to Sir Edward Semer, 76-
77; Description of Virginia, 80-
118; Proceedings of the English
Colonies in Virginia, 119-204; A
Description of New England, 191;
New England's Trials, 191; True
Travels, 28, 291; letter of, to Queen
Anne, 325-328.

Smith, Captain John, biographical

sketch of, 27-28; reaches Chesa-
peake Bay, 32; establishes a settle-
ment, 33; explores James River,
33-34, 123-124; return to the fort,
35, 52, 61, 177; illness, 36; trades
with the Indians, 37-38; goes on
trading expedition, 39-40; explores
the Chickahominy River, 41-43;
capture, 44, 396; experiences as a
prisoner, 45-51, 130-131; at Wero-
wocomoco, 47, 163; conference
with Powhatan, 48-49; visits Pow-
hatan, 53-60, 133-135; promises
of, to Powhatan, 55; trades with
Powhatan, 57, 59; in a bog, 58;
is entertained by Opechancanough,
60; trouble with the Indians, 63,
66-70; quarrels with Martin, 66 n.;
savages ask aid of, 105-106; cen-
sures his enemies, 117-118; sails
for Virginia, 122; arrest, 124-125,
124 n.;
accuses Wingfield, 127;
conspiracy against, 129, 196; re-
builds the fort, 137; treatment of
the Indians, 138-139, 177-178, 182-
183; first voyage to the Chesa-
peake Bay, 141-147; on the Poto-
mac, 145; second voyage to the
Chesapeake Bay, 147-151; among
the Toghwoghs, 149-150; president
of the colony, 151; management
of the colony, 151, 156, 179-
180, 186-187, 190, 192; attitude
toward Powhatan's coronation, 152-
155; visits the Chickahominy Ind-
ians, 157; efforts to depose, 158;
voyage to the Pamunkey country,
161-173; conference with Pow-
hatan, 164-168; reaches the Pamun-

key country, 170; discourse with
Opechancanough, 170-173; attempt
to poison, 176; fight with the king of
Paspahegh, 181; makes peace with
the Indians, 183; Volda's treachery
made known to, 189; departure
for the Falls, 193; is injured by
gunpowder, 195, 398; sails for Eng-
land, 196; character, 197; ас-
cusations against, 198-199; cen-
sures the colonists, 208; comments
on the revocation of the charter,
293; visit to Pocahontas, 328;
opinion concerning the defence of
the colony, 370, 370 n.; proposal,
373-375; opinion concerning the
Indians, 379-380; opinion con-
cerning the attacks upon the Ind-
ians, 379, 379 n., 385-389, 385 n.;
reviews his administration, 398-
399; answers to the questions of the
Commissioners, 399-405; opinion
as to the government of Virginia,

Smith, Roger, 426.
Smith, Sir Thomas, 306 n.,
418 n.;
treasurer of Virginia, 320, 331 n.;
political defeat, 335 n.; efforts to
secure the dissolution of the Vir-
ginia Company, 421; government,
422-425, 437, 454, 455 n.;
political leadership, 429; deposed,
446, 446 n.; commissioner of Vir-
ginia, 455; accusations against,


Smith's Fort, 185 n.
Smith's Island, 141, 141 n., 355; salt-
works at, 352.

Smyth, John, of Nibley, 338 n.
Smyth's Hundred, delegates from,
250; law concerning, 266.
Snarsbrough, Francis, 126.
Somers, Sir George, political positions,

191, 191 n.; arrival at Jamestown,
201, 296; return to England, 202;
death, 203; at the Bermudas, 300.
Soraphanigh Indians, 143.
South Sea, 152; belief concerning,
59 n.; report of, 147; English
designs concerning, 219.
Southampton, Earl of, treasurer,
247, 344, 345 n.; political leader-
ship, 429; administration of, 293,

421, 434-436, 446; accusations,
447, 449.

Southampton Hundred, 339 n., 250 n.
Southerne, John, 426.

Spanish Colonies, condition of, 365-

Sparkes, Michael, goes as messenger

to Powhatan, 310.
Speareman, John, 140.

Spelman, Captain Henry, 723; death,
202 n., 392; punishment, 274–275;
rescue, 295; assists Argall, 300;

good services of, 324.
Spence, William, 140, 256, 312, 337;
elected a burgess, 249.

Stacy, Robert, elected a burgess, 250.
Stalling, Daniel, 140; voyage to
New England, 334; death, 335.
Stegarake Indians, 105.

Stephens, Richard, 426.

Stockden, Jonas, relation of, 347-348;
opinion as to the Indians, 347 n.,
364, 369.

Indians, 359; murdered by the
Indians, 360, 363 n.
Throckmorton, Kellam, 20 n., 21, 126.
Throckmorton, Sir William, 338 n.
Thwaites, R. G., Jesuit Relations, 227.
Tiger, ship, 350.

Tobacco, price of, 259, 450; great
fortunes from, 346; used as cur-
rency, 384; reasons for the small
profit from, 400; sole attention of
the colonists given to, 416, 417 n.,
434; laws concerning, 266, 267-
268, 349; contract, 431, 442, 446-

Tockwogh Indians, 89; ask aid of
Smith, 105-106.
Tockwogh River, 148.

Todkill, Anas, 76, 119, 121, 126, 134,

141, 147, 170; narratives concern-
ing Jamestown, 132 n., 137-179;
search for Raleigh's lost colony, 188;
contribution to the Proceedings of
the English Colony, 132-179.

Strachey, William, Historie of Travaile Tooker, William Wallace, 33 n., 39 n.,

[blocks in formation]

Toppahanock River, see Rappahan-
nock River.

Towtales, Lawrence, 140.
Toyatan, 376.

Tracy, Joyce, murdered by the Ind-
ians, 360 n.

Tracy, William, member of the coun-
cil, 338 n., 345; murdered by the
Indians, 360 n.

Tragical Declaration, 432 n.

Susquehanna Indians, described, 87-
88; domain of, 89, 149; physical | Treasurer, ship, 282, 332;
characteristics, 99; ask aid of
Smith, 105-106.
Sutton, Sir Richard, 405.

Taler, William, 160.
Tankard, William, 126, 162.
Tauxenent Indians, 86.
Tauxsnitanias, 105.
Taverner, John, 134, 140.
Tavin, Henry, 126.

Tegoneaes, 105.
Terceras, see Azores.
Terra Sigillata, 50, 66, 82.
Thorpe, George, 357 n.; manager for
the college lands, 338 n; member
of the council, 345; visits Opechan-
canough, 349; treatment of the

slaves brought over by,
Triall, ship, 337.

first negro

282 n.

Tropic of Cancer, Percy passes, 9.
Tucker, Daniel, 159.

Tucker, Captain William, 250, 256,

Twine, John, clerk of the general as-
sembly, 251.

Tyler, Lyon G., editor of the Virginia
Narratives, 4; England in America,
286 n.; The Cradle of the Republic,
337 n.

Unger, William, 126.
University, see College.
Uphu, David, 160.
Upton, John, 382.

Utie, John, 426.
Uttamatomakkin, visit to England,


Uttamussick, wigwams at, 35 n.; Ind-
ian temple at, 109.

Vela, Blasco Nuñez, 366.

Velasco, Don Alonzo de, letter to, 217.
Ven, Nicholas, 140.

Vere, 140.

n., 372, 429; opposes Argall, 334,
334 n.; sends Frenchmen to in-
struct colonists how to raise grapes,
350, 350 n.; Smith's proposal to,
373-375; reply of, to Smith's
proposal, 375; dissensions, 375-
376; outfit furnished the colonists
by, 393-395; dissolution, 405, 421,
422; journals of, or Records of, 292,
334 n., 335 n., 350 n., 373 n., 389,
405 n., 411; Abstract of Proceedings,
424 n.; Briefe Declaration, 212 n.,
220 n., 325 n.; A True and
Sincere Declaration of the Estate
of the Colony of Virginia, 294 n.,
302 n.; Nova Britannia, 294 n.
Virginia Magazine of History, 255 n.,
258, 430.

Volda, William, conspiracy of, 188-
189; escape, 190.

Vieques, Percy near, 8 n.
Virgin Islands, Percy at, 8 n.
Virginia Assembly, proceedings of,
249-278; preliminaries, 251; order
concerning Captain Ward, 252;
committees, 255-256; petitions,
257-259, 276-278; decisions as to
Captain Martin's Patent, 260-262;
laws based on instructions from
England, 262-268; laws proposed
by individual burgesses, 268-274;
remuneration of the officers de- Wahunsonacock, name given by the
termined by, 276; adjournment, Indians to their ruling chief, 113.
277; denounces Sir Thomas Smith's Wainman, Sir Ferdinando, 202, 401.
administration, 421; The Tragical | Waldo, Captain Richard, 153, 157, 159,
Relation of, 419-426.
160, 161; member of the council,
152, 171 n.; death, 174.
Waler, John, 126.
Walker, George, 21, 160.
Walnuts, uses, 91.

entertains Pory, 352;
innocence, 353.

Virginia, boundaries, 80; climate, 81,
413-414; physical contour, 82, 412-
413; rivers, 83-89; trees, 90;
fruits, 91; herbs, 92-93; animals,
93-94; birds, 94; fishes, 95; com-
mercial advantages, 97-98; in-
habitants, 98-108; religion, 108-
113; natural advantages, 213, 220,
283, 286, 395; fertility of the soil,
336, 350; houses, 415, 424; for-
tifications, 415, 424; government,
113-118, 249-278, 400-405, 417,
417 n., 429, 433, 437, 456-460;
condition of affairs, 379, 380-381,
414, 417-418, 422-425, 431, 433- Warraskoyack, Indian town, location
436, 438-443, 444; difficulties in of, 38, 360 n., 412.

Ward, William, 140, 147, 162, 256;
elected a burgess, 250; is denied a
seat in the assembly, 251; order
concerning, 252; voyage to New
England, 337; experiences on the
Potomac, 338.

Ward's Plantation, delegates from,

settling, 177-179; courts estab- Warraskoyack Indians, 83, 84.
lished in, 356; commodities, 367- Warwick, Earl of, 237, 247, 429.
368; commission appointed to gov-
ern, 455-460, 455 n.; Indian mas-
sacre, 357-373, 437, 444; after
effects of the massacre, 373-374;
manufactures, 416-417; large im-
migration to, 350, 417-418, 436;
false reports concerning, 336, 391-
392, 439-440, 444, 451.
Virginia Company, 207--209, 221 n., 250

Washer, Ensign, elected a burgess,

Washington, George, 436 n.
Waters, Edward, escape, 377.
Watkins, Henry, 426.
Watkins, James, 140, 141, 144, 147,


Watson, Thomas, supposed author of
A True Relation, 27; books wrong.

fully printed under the name of, | Wickam, William, member of coun-

Waynman, Sir Ferdinando, 202, 401.
Webbe, Thomas, 126, 194; revolt cf,

Wecuttanow, attempt of, to poison
Smith, 176.

Weeks, S. B., The Lost Colony of
Roanoke: Its Fate and Survival,
17 n.

Welbie, William, 209.

Weraskoyack, warns Smith, 162.
Werawhone, Indian village, Smith
at, 40.

Werowance, 15 n., 49 n., 84, 105;
Indian belief concerning, 112-113;
power of, 115.
Werowocomoco, 114; Smith arrives at,
47, 53, 61, 134, 163; location, 47 n.,
85; Powhatan's triumph at, 116.
West, Francis, 159, 162, 170, 172, 175,
176, 208, 294, 295; efforts to obtain
provisions, 186; settlement of, 192,
192 n., 193; attitude toward mu-
tinous colonists, 195; experiences
among the savages, 200; member
of the council, 335.

West, Henry, fourth Lord Delaware,

West, John, 208.

West, Nathaniel, 208.

West, Thomas, second Lord Delaware,

West, Thomas, third Lord Delaware,

see Delaware, Lord.

West, William, 208.

West Hundred, 424.

cil, 335.

Wiffin, David, approves Smith's pro-
posal, 375.

Wiffin, Richard, 76, 119, 134, 140,
170 n., 174, 177; contribution to
the Proceedings of the English Colony,
151-179; sent to punish the con-
spirators, 189.

Wighcocomoco Indians, 86; physical
characteristics, 99.
Wighcocomoco River, 142.
Wilcox, John, 426.

Wilkinson, William, 126.
William and Mary College Quarterly,

Williams, 160.
Williamsburg, 14 n.
Wimp, 357 n.

Wingfield, Edward Maria, 125; de-
posed, 22, 37, 127-128; biographi-
cal sketch of, 22 n.; fined for Smith's
arrest, 28; president of the colony,
33, 123; accusations made against,
36, 36 n., 127; leaves Jamestown,
71 n.; Smith's injustice toward, 75;
conspires against Smith, 129; Dis-
course of Virginia, 4, 36 n.
Winne, Captain Peter, 157, 159, 160,

161, 169, 183; member of the coun-
cil, 152, 171 n.; dealings with the
Dutchmen, 181, 182; death, 187.
Wollystone, Hugh, 159.

Wolstenholme, Sir John, position as to
the tobacco contract, 450, 450 n.
Wood, Captain, 194.
Woodall, 457.

Jamestown, 338, 338 n.
Worley, Richard, 140, 162.
Wotton, Thomas, 126.
Wriothesley, Henry, see Southamp-
ton, Earl of.

West Indies, colonists at, 122; Lord Woodlief, Captain John, arrival at
Delaware in, 207.
Weyanoke Indians, Smith among the,
34-35; territory of, 34 n.; return
to Jamestown, 68; number of, 84.
Whitaker, Alexander, 305, 305 n.,
451 n.; remarks of, 316; com-
plaints, 317, 317 n.; opinion con-
cerning the Indians, 316, 364.
Whitaker, Jabez, 426, 451 n.

Whitaker, Mrs., 451.

Wrote, Samuel, suspended from the
company, 448, 448 n.; character,

Wyatt, Sir Francis, arrival at James-
town, 348; succeeds Yeardley, 345.

White Oak Swamp, Smith captured Wyles, Bishop, 140.

at, 44 n., 85 n.

White, William, 126, 194; reports
of, concerning Indian customs, 23.

Whonkentyaes, 105.

Wynne, Hugh, 160.

Yarington, George, 159, 162.

Yeardley, Sir George, deputy-governor

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