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Hudson Gazette, to pub. laws of Extra Session Legis-
lature, May 1861, and January 1862,.....

$30 00

H. S. Clubb & Co., to publishing laws extra session Le-
gislature, 1861,...

15 00

State Treasurer, to postage stamps for Supt. Pub. In-

25 00

S. D. Bingham, to expenses incurred, legal fees, and
professional charges, in case of The People vs. John

Warren P. Adams, to 3 days examining road and pa

pers of Mr. Donolly,.....

to 6 days to Lansing & return to Newaygo, Isaac Sloan, to services as porter at the capitol from March 26th to May 6th, 1862, 41 days,.....

49 00


18 00

41 00

[ocr errors]

A. Lindsley, to services as porter in State offices, from
May 1 to June 3d, 27 days @ $1,... ... ... ... ... ....
to washing 38 pieces @ 3c.,...

27 00

1 14

A. S. Stimson, to services as porter in State offices,
from May 7th to date, 28 days, @ 75c.,.....

21 00

July 9th.

Chas. Upson, to expenses incurred on official business

as Att'y General,..

"" p'd for postage stamps,.....

State Reform School, to expenses,


State Treasurer, to postage stamps used in the State

[ocr errors]

Treasurer's Office, from March 27th to

July 8th, 1862,...

to postage bill, Lansing P. M.,....


to postage stamps for Supt. Pub. Instruct'n,

[ocr errors][merged small]

Albert S. Stimson, to services as porter, in State offices

from June 30th to date, 9 days, a 75c.,....

S. R. Green, to boxes for offices, labor and materials
for Supreme Court room,...

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

31 00


14 39

A. Lindsley, to services as porter in State Offices from

June 4th, to July 9th, inclusive, 36 days, to washing 51 pieces, for offices,.

$36 00 1 53

[blocks in formation]

postage and drawer rent for same time,...
for Executive Office,

2 61

[blocks in formation]

Peninsular Bauk, to exchange on $1,586 02 of coupons due in New York, act,

7 93

19 50

Albert S. Stimson, services as porter at the State offices, from June 4th, to date, 26 days, @ 75c.,... Mich. Insurance Bank, to interest on $13,000 00 Penitentiary Bonds, for one year, from the 1st

of July, 1861, to July 1st, 1862,........ exchange on the same,.

State Treasurer, to interest paid paid on J. Owen's

[ocr errors]

Trustee certificates,...

exchange paid on coupons, due in New

York $3,323 02 @ct.,.....

postage stamps for Att'y General,.

items of exchange and commission,..

Isaac Sloan, to services as porter in the Capitol from
June 3d, to date, 35 days, @ $1 00,.....

use of team, hauling books,...

Perry Hannah, to 48 days services as Commissioner

780 00

3 90

10 64

16 62


5 37

35 00


1 14

on the Newaygo and Northport State Road,....... 145 50 State Bank of Michigan, to exchange on $227 50 coupons due in New York, @per cent.,... Wm. Hammond, to services as special Commissioner on the Owosso and Saginaw State Road, 12 days,.

36 00

C. B. Stebbins, to 591 days labor in office of Supt. of

[ocr errors]

Pub. Istruction outside of office hours, in
1860, ...

to postage and drawer rent, current quar-
ter, for Supt. Pub. Instruction,....

[blocks in formation]

Truman Spencer, Sheriff of Ingham County, to hold

ing John McKinney a prisoner in custody, and taking him to the Penitentiary,...

$114 94

2 01


23 13

S. R. Green, to lumber nails repairs and boxes for
State offices,...

23 85

John A. Kerr & Co, to ruling 3 reams abstract paper


1 50

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

to press and trim 2 reams State tax land cer-

to press and trim 2 reams tax receipts,....

to ruling same,.....

[blocks in formation]
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ty Treasurers,....



to press and trim 2 reams circulars to Coun


[blocks in formation]

to printing 2 rms city tax receipts,.......
to paper for same,....

to binding 1 ream supervisors apprisals,...
to printing 1 rm circulars to county clerks,
to paper for same,....

to printing 1 ream supervisor's apprisals,..

to binding 1 copy laws of 1861, full bound,

to pressing 4 rms circulars, (State bonds).

to printing 2 rms military commissions,...
to 1 ream medium paper,.....


3 00





John A. Kerr & Co., to composition on Senate investigating committee report, 243,000 ems, @

[merged small][ocr errors]
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to press-work on same, 117 tokens, @30c.,.
to alterations, extra proofs and express,...

to 6 qrs decl'ns of intentions & certificates,


35 10

10 00 .

[ocr errors]

4 50

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]
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to printing 24 rms. school directors reports,



to 32 quires of paper furnished,......

to alterations on comp. inspectors reports,.

5 25

4 38 72.00

24 00


1 00

[ocr errors]

to pressing and trimming 24 reams school
directors reports, .....

7 20

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to binding 4 qrs. blanks, forfeited lands,

bound, corners, @ 20c.,...

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]

John A. Kerr & Co., to printing 2 reams circulars, in

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][ocr errors]

to binding 1 vol. laws, full bound,....

to 50 pieces file board,...

to pressing and trim. 2 rins. city tax receipts,


6 50

3 00

1 00



[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
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to printing 9,500 envelopes, @ $1 50,.....

14 25

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]


[ocr errors]

1 rm. tax receipts, iarge size,...

2 reams sales State tax lands,..

to pressing and trimming 2 reams military

commissions,... .

Detroit Daily Advertiser, to adv. letting Flint River and Lexington State road, 5 folios 5 weeks........ August 29th.

State Treasurer, to paid Sargent & Neff for burglar proof safe for State Treasurer's office,... to paid freight on same,.....

[ocr errors][ocr errors]


885 00

32 72

to paid Michigan Insurance Bank for pre-
mium on gold for payment of $1,620
coupons, "payable in gold and silver,". 100 00
to paid interest on John Owen's trustee

4 00


4 00


8 00


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

to paid Geiger & Scripps for Detroit Daily

7 63

to paid Michigan Insurance Bank for com-
missions paid to Metropolitan Bank on
payment of $78,220 52 in coupons,...

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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