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with red tripes. After staying about two feconds, the moved off very quickly towards the Recruit Houle. He farther faid, that he was at that time perfectly fober and in good health, and immediately went and gave information to John Dale, the next fentinel, of what he had feen, who replied, he was not the first who had feen fuch a fight in the Park. Whatever may have been the cause of their fright, it is certain that three foldiers, taken ill in confequence, have been fent to the hofpital.

Disputes among the Volunteers.Col. Tierney having thought proper to annul the election of a captain in one of the companies of Southwark Volunteers, the company perfifted in maintaining their choice, as a fundamental privilege; the confequence of which was, that the Colonel ordered the company to be disbanded'; and the members have according refigned their arms into the hands of the proper officer. Lord Teignmouth, as Lord Lieutenant of the county, has juftified the aft of Colonel Tierney; and a letter to the fame effect being written by Mr. Secretary York, at the last meeting of the Volunteers on the fubject, they conceded fo far as to declare their readiness to forget what had paffed; and, in confequence of the critical ftate of the country, to continue their fervices as though nothing had happened. Mr. Erikine's opinion of Volunteer engagements is, that a member has a right to refign at pleasure.

Volunteer Corps Fines.-On Friday, Jan. 6, the uniform, furniture, &c. with the filver fpoons, levied on Mr. Thomas Dowley, of Willow-street, Bandkside, were fold for the fum of 5/ 15s, fuch fum being incurred by his non-attendance at certain drills and mufters, as a private in the Southwark Yeomanry Cavalry, commanded by Captain Collingdon. He had previous notice that they were to be fold on that day, but he allowed them to be fold to the beft bidder. A notice is given, that the merits of this momentous decifion and feizure will be brought before the Court of King's Bench, in the fhape of an action for an illegal distraint.

In fome counties, as the farmers, &c. refufe to employ perfons engaged as Volunteers, they have been threatened with profecutions from the magiftrates, on the ground of a mildemea



His Majefty's Illness.-On Monday the 16th their majeft es had appointed to vifit Covent Garden theatre. meffage was fent in the forenoon that they thould not attend. As foon as the purport of the meffage was known, it gave rife to a variety of conjectures and reports. The real caufe confifted in his Majefty being affected by a rheumatic gout in his foot. He took the diverfion of hunting on Saturday, though he felt fymptoms of a cold. When he returned to Windfor from ' the chafe, he was fo ftiff, that he was obliged to be affifted in difmounting from his horfe: his health was otherwife as good as it ufually is; and though obliged to wear a cloth fhoe ever fince, his health and fpirits in any other refpect do not appear to any diminution.

have fuffered

Incendiaries.--Early on Sunday morning, Jan. 8, the back premifes of Mr. Copland, baker, in Coleman Street, were entered by fome villains, who' went to the fhop, and after taking what money had been there left, which only amounted to a few pounds worth of halfpence, fet fire to the houfe in different places; and, but for the fmoke, which awakened Mr. C., the houfe in a few minutes more muft inevitably have been in flames, as, on coming down ftairs, he found the papers in a bureau and fome linen in a drawer underneath totally destroyed; and but a few feet from the fame was an aperture in the flooring, of three or four inches, occafioned by their fetting fire to a fack of fhavings in the cellar. The city have offered a reward of 2057, and 100/ more is offered by government for the apprehenfion of thefe offenders.

An immenfe affemblage of reptiles, infects, and animals, all in a high state of prefervation, was fold by auction laft week, at a broker's warelioufe near the Steel-yard. They were the produce of Cayenne and its vicinity, and nearly fix years were employed in making the collection. This curious cargo, which was captured by one of our privateers, was addreffed, to the Firft Conful, and is fuppofed to have been bought by his defire for the Jardin des Plantes, the repofitory of fuch curiofities in Paris. They fetched the fum of 3000 guineas.

The Bank has recovered 57 in the Court of Requett, at Guildhall, of Mr. William Clipfon, Serjeant at Mace, be


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ing the value of a note, numbered 7,603, which the defendant had obtained payment of fome time ago, by bringing forwarda Mr. George Archer, from whom he received it, to state that the note in queftion had been mutilated by being conveyed from Birmingham to London in his boot. The real note, however, lately made its appearance, when is was difcovered that the mutilated one, formerly paid in, confifted of pieces of different notes. The defence was, that the Bank fhould have discovered the deception; but the Court thought the defendant had experienced great lenity, in not being proceeded against in another way.

The ftamped Dollars are now iffued from the Bank, at 5s per dollar; their intrinfic value, we learn, is 4s 94d; but that is of little moment in circulation as an accommodation to the public.

On Monday, Jan. 9, there was a meeting of the Renters of Drury Lane Theatre, at the Crown and Anchor, Tavern, at which a long difcuffion took place refpecting the fituation of that property. Mr. Sheridan attended, and gave a fatisfactory answer upon moft of the points fubmitted to him. It was finally refolved, that a Committee of Renters fhould be appointed, in aid of the Board of Management. Mr. Sheridan, in confequence of an intimation from Mr. Holland, that the exertion of his pen would tend more than any thing to revive the attraction and improve the interests of the theatre, obferved, that his mind for the last ten years had been fo much occupied, that it was impoffible for him to think of dramatic compofition, but that he had now refolved to employ whatever talents he might poffefs in that purfuit. This declaration gave new life to the meeting, and the company feparated in hope and good humour.

Prefentation of the Colours wrought by her Majesty and the Princeffes.This grand military fpectacle took place on Tuelday, January 3d, at Ranelagh Gardens, the boxes of which had been fitted on the occafion in a fuperior ftyle, and feveral of them allotted for Lord Hawkesbury, an honorary member of the corps, and a number of other perfons of the first rank.

The two battalions of the Queen's Royal Volunteers were ranged four deep all round, at a fmall diftance from -the boxes, and certainly made a very

excellent foldier-like appearance. The centre box was occupied by the Countefs of Harrington, who reprefented her Majefty, attended by two maids of honor, and the Majors of both battalions. The reft of the boxes, nearly forming a complete circle, were filled with the nobility and gentry.

Befides a moft excellent military hand, within the area, the orchestra was filled with vocal performers, an organift, &c. Braham and Incledon ap→ peared to be the principal. Incledon and a few other vocal performers wore the regimentals of the Duke of Cumberland's fharp fhooters, to which they belong: the chorifters from both our Cathedrals alfo gave the affistance of their vocal powers. Previous to the arrival of her Majefty's Representative, a number of grand martial airs were played.

At near one o'clock the Countess of Harrington's arrival was announced, and the was ushered into her box with all the pomp belonging to majefty itfelf; two principal officers belonging to the corps, and two ladies of the Queen's household, waited upon her; the band played "God Save the King," and the two battalions prefented arms. Several prayers were then read by the Rev. Weeden Butler, chaplain to the corps; after which an excellent fermon was preached by one of her Majefty's chaplains, from the 4th chapter of the book of Nehemiah and the 9th verse.

"Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and fet a watch against them day and night because of them."

After the fermon, the Coronation Anthem was fung and played by all the vocal and inftrumental performers prefent. Two enfigns, a captain, and fix ferjeants from each battalion, then stepped forward to receive the colours; Lord Hobart, as commandant, gave the word to the whole corps to prefent arms. The Countefs of Harrington then presented the colours, and Lord Hobart received them kneeling, as if the Queen was perfonally prefent. Her Ladyship delivered a fpeech of a few words, but in fo low a tone, that flie could not be heard. Lord Hobart returned an answer in the name of the corps, expreffive of the peculiar honour which had been done them, and of their refolution to lose the colours only with their lives.

God fave the King was then played, and fung in full chorus. The corps

again faluted, and the Countess and attendants withdrew.

The corps then marched to Grof venor Place, Pimlico, where they depotited their colours at the house of their commandant. The ftandard, which particularly belongs to the corps, has the royal arms moft richly worked in fpangles and embroidery. The words Queen's Royal Volunteers,' in large letters of gold and fpangles, are underneath, and the number of the battalion over. The officers dined together in the evening.

The high winds on Sunday the first inftant occafioned confiderable damage. Between Blackfriars and London Bridges, four wherries were overset and funk. Two coal barges broke from their moorings, and drove upon the ftarlings of London Bridge, where they were dathed to pieces; fortunately, however, no perfons were on board. The finalt veffels appointed for the conveyance of the volunteers and impreff ed feamen from the tender ftationed off the Tower to the Nore, were unable to proceed farther than Limehoufe. The men were accordingly taken out at that place, and conveyed to their def tination in veffels better able to combat the ftorm. A large tier of fhips were driven from their moorings at Shadwell, and received much injury. A ftack of chimnies in St. James's Palace was blown down; they fell over the parapet into the street, but happily no perfon was walking by at the time. About the fame hour, the parapet of the front of a public houfe in Sutton Street, Soho Square, and the greater part of the roof of a houfe in Little Carey Street, were blown off, and fell into the ftreet: fortunately no perfon happened to pass at the time.

A very confiderable part of the antient wall which furrounds the gardens of Canonbury Houfe, Iflington, with the embankment thrown up for the ball firing of the volunteers corps, were levelled with the ground. Five of the trees in St. James's Park, and one in the Green Park, were torn up by the roots. A ftack of chimnies in Norris Street, Haymarket, was blown down, but providentially no perfon was hurt. The cafement of a windowlight blew down from the garret window of the Flying Horfe, Lambeth Street, Whitechapel, on the head of a child, who was palling at the time, and fractured his skull. A boy, about eight

years old, croffing the upper end of Park Street, was forcibly carried, by a fudden guft, to fome confiderable diftance, and rolled feveral times over along the ground before he could be taken up; in the fall, his under lip was fhockingly lacerated through to the chin, and the whole of his face very much bruifed: he was carried to a fur geon in North Audley Street, who reported him in a fair way.

Tuesday, Jan. 3d, the Inqueft of the Ward of Lime Street gave information to the Lord Mayor, of having discovered a great quantity of meat in the shop of John Blay, in Leadenhall Market, which was expofed for fale in a putrefied ftate. The Lord Mayor in coufequence ordered the officers to feize the meat, when Mr. Holdfworth, the City Marthall, with proper affiftants, car ried away a cart load of it, confisting of feveral hundred weight of different forts, part of which was produced at the Manfion Houfe in a wretched state. His Lordthip did not chufe that it fhould be buried, as it would even create a distemper among dogs: as fuch, he ordered it to be burnt in Smithfield, which was accordingly done at five o'clock on Wednesday morning.

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Putrefied Pork.-On Wednesday the 18th, the firemen were in a great buftle in the different parts of the town, a very large fire appearing in the neighbourhood of Whitechapel. On arriv ing there, it was found to be produced by the conftables and other officers burning a quantity of pork, which had been feized in Petticoat Lane, in the courfe of the day, by order of the Magiftrates, it having been found in a ftate of putrefaction. It is a melancholy fact, that upwards of four tons weight of this article were burnt in a field near to the spot where it was found, which, might have been of much benefit to the poor, had it been fold at a moderate price whilft it was fit for ufe. Several cart loads of faggots were used on the occafion, and fome thousands of people were prefent to fee the fight. The french that proceeded from the fire was fo offenfive, that many perfons were obliged to retreat.

Antique Curiofities.-The curiosities found tince New Year's Day, in digging oppofite the Eaft India Houfe, in Leadenhall Street, proved to be exceedingly valuable. About ten feet below the furface of the fireet, the workmen finding fomething hard, it was immediately in

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fpected by that refpectable antiquarian
Mr. Wilkins, by whofe directions and
affiduity a perfect urn was foon brought
out. It contained a quantity of bones,
among which a finger and a jaw bone
were plainly difcernible. A beautiful
Roman teffelated pavement was allo
difcovered, and, by the nice attention
of the fame gentlemen, one piece, of
about four feet by two, was raised un-
injured. The entire pavement feems
to have been a fquare of nine feet, in
the centre of which is an elegantly
adorned circle of four feet, containing
a Bacchus holding a wand, and riding
on a tiger; the figure is in a purple
robe, and the attitude of the beaft is
very grand; his head looking at the
figure on his back, one of his fore feet
raifed, ftepping well forward, and the
tail extended.-Under the able direc-
tion of the librarian, there is no doubt
of the whole being rendered well worthy
the attention of the antiquarian,

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Fisheries, At a late meeting held at the Marine Society Office, for the purpofe of taking into confideration the propofition "that certain funds fubfcribed for carrying on a Fishing Company, for more effectually fupplying the metropolis with fifh, be transferred to the Nymph Bank Fishery of Ireland,” the faid propofition was withdrawn by Captain Frafer, on account of the Waterford Fishing Company having expreffed themfelves, through Sir John Newport, adverfe to the measure; and the Marine Society refolved to proceed immediately in forming a Joint Stock Fishing Company, upon a very extenfive, fcale, to be incorporated either by Charter or Act of Parliament, as found most eligible, for the purpofe of extending the Fisheries for the fupply of the London market, both in the North Seas and in the Southern Coaft of Ireland. Orders were given to their folicitor to prepare a report on the fubject, and the meeting adjourned.

The new Fish Market, which for
fome time paft has been building at
Billingfgate, is nearly finished, and af-
fords a commodious fituation for, the
A clock
dealers who attend there.
placed over the covered way would prove
of much utility to the mafters of the
different fmacks who have to tide it up
and down the river.

The Grand Junction Canal and its
tunnel are to be completed at Chrift-
mas next, under a penalty of 20,000

The Military Orphan Afylum at Chelfea has at prefent 220 boys and girls on their eftablishment. Preparations, are making for the reception of 400 more, which are expected from various parts in the courfe of a week. This benevolent institution will, when completed, maintain, clothe, and educate 1000 boys and girls, the helpless children or orphans of thofe in every branch of his Majefty's fervice.

In the laft Seffion of Parliament, an Act was obtained to enable the City to take down and rebuild, in fome other fituation, Bethlem Hospital, where, with the fpacious plot of ground in front, commonly called Moorfields Quarters, it was intended that two grand fquares, upon the plan of Finibury Square, fhould be built, with two noble streets branching down from them on the east and weft fides of the Bank and Royal Exchange. But to accommodate the Volunteer Corps of London with an exercifing ground at a convenient distance from their homes, the Court of Aldermen have determined to lay afide, for the prefent, the first plan, and workmen are now employed in felling the trees and railings for the purpose of making a gravelled parade on a grand scale.


Murried. At St. Mary-le-bone Church, Thomas Byron, Efq. of Goodwyns, near Hertford, to Mifs Louifa Braffey, youngest daughter of the late Nathaniel Braffey, Efq.-Mr. Serjeant Vaughan, to the Honourable Mifs Augufta St. John, fecond daughter of the Right Honourable Lord St. John, of Bletfoe.-R. B. Tapfcot, Efq. of Norton Street, Portland Place, to Mifs S. D. Brentwood, of Baker Street, Portman Square. Mr. R. Adams, of HighVymer, gate, furgeon, to Mifs H. Wy youngest daughter of Robert Wymer, Efq. of Lammas, Norfolk-At Chelfea, Richard Longfield Davis, Efq. of the Navy, to Mils Rebecca Mary Marshall, fecond daughter of the Rev. John Marfhall, Rector of Foreft, in Effex.-At Queen's Square Chapel,, Mr. C. Lucas, linen draper, to Mifs M. Bailey, niece of Mr. Coward, in Bond Street.-At Hammerfinith, Thomas Prince, jun. Efq. of the Island of Jamaica, to Mifs Marianne Sauderfon, niece of the late Sir John Hales, Bart. of Blashford, Hants. At St. George's, Hanover Square, Capt. Sydenham, fon of the late General Sydenham, Military Au

ditor General of Madras, to Mrs. Bunbury, widow of the late Capt. Charles Bunbury, nephew of the worthy reprefentative for the county of Suffolk.—At St. Stephen's, Walbrook, Mr. Richard Reeves, linen draper, to Mifs Wood, of Chidly farm, Eaft Peckham.-Chas. Turner, Efq. fon of Samuel Turner, Elq. of Upper Wimpole Street, to Mifs Athill, daughter of Samuel Athill, Efq. of Antigua.—Mr. W. Deane, of Jermyn Street, to Mifs Syms, of Tooley Street.-John Wood, Efq. of New Bridge Street, to Mifs Flint, of Grafton Street.-Mr. Samuel Hardacre, of Wood Street, London, to Mifs Charlotte Errington, of Yarmouth, an amiable and accomplished lady, with a handfome fortune.-At Quebec Chapel, Oxford Road, Mr. Meader, of the land tax office, to Mifs Giffy, of Cavendish Square.-At Mary-le-bonne Church, John Shedden, Efq. of the 15th light dragoons, fon of Robert Shedden, Efq. of Gower Street, to Mifs Lewis, youngeft daughter of Matthew Lewis, Efq. of Devonth.-Place.-At Bridewell Chapel, John Le Mefurier, Efq. Major in the 39th regiment, to Mifs Perchard, daughter of Alderman Perchard.

Died.] In Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, William Mollefon, Efq. of Canon Hill, aged 71.-The lady of Francis Freeling, Efq. of the General Poft Office-At her houfe in Charles Str. Berkeley Square, Lady Anne Capell. At his houfe, in Sloane Street, John Andree, Ef. late of Bond Street.-Mrs. Toulmin, wife of Mr. William Toulmin, folicitor, Union Street, Southwark.-At her house, Spring Gardens, Lady Taylor, in her 80th year. At her father's Difpenfary, Princes Street, Soho, in her 17th year, Mifs T. Spilfbury, daughter of Mr. H. B. Spilfbury. -Mrs. Powell, wife to Mr. Powell, the actor, of Drury Lane.-At her brother's houfe at Pimlico, Mifs Knight.-At Clapham, in the 20th year of her age, Mis Juliana L. Symons, daughter of the Rev. Jelinger Symons, B.D. Vicar of Whitburn, in the county of Durham. -Mr. John Gammon, jun, of Knowle Green, Staines.- Mrs. Towfe, wife of Mr. Towfe, of Knowle Green, Staines. Mrs. Eaton, wife of Mr. Eaton, of Egham Hill. At Kenf ington, aged 80, Mrs. E. Stantial, relict of the late Reverend J. Stantial, formerly of Chertsey.--In Sa

ville Row, after an illness of many months, her Grace the Duchess of Ancafter. At Devonshire House, Hay, one of the Duchefs's chairmen, raving mad.-Mr. Crouch, beadle of Cripple gate Ward Without, after eating a hearty breakfast, at his houfe in Grub Street, fell down in a fit, and immediately expired.--In his chair, Mr. W. Wheeler, carpenter, of Water Lane, Fleet Street (while giving directions for next day's bufinefs).-A baker, with a board of pies, &c. on his head, dropped down fuddenly in Belgrave Place, Pimlico, and expired immediately.-At Limehoufe, John Crofs, Efq. aged 74, many years Purveyor of his Majefty's yard, Woolwich.-At Hamstead, Adam Beyer, Efq. in the 75th year of his age.At the great age of 101, John Page, fifty years gardener to the Afylum.At her house at Whitehall, Mrs. F. Pelham, the laft furviving daughter of the late Right Hon. Henry Pelham. In Cheapfide, J. P. Smith, Efq.Lady of J. Peppercorne, Efq. of Kennington- At the Tower, aged 50, William Gregory, Efq.In Baker Street, II. S. D. Bucknall, Efq.-At Kentish Town, F. Main, Efq.-Mr. T. Sealy, of the India Houfe.-Aged 84, Mrs. Taylor, mother of Mr. Taylor, of Bridge Street.-Aged 74, in Portman Street, Mrs. Pierce.-At his houfe in Piccadilly, Mr. Francis Parfons.-Mrs. Margaret Leech, widow, of Kenfington Square.--Mr. William Bullock, merchant, Crefcent, Minories.-At his fon's houfe in the Strand, Mr. Drury, aged 80.-At her refidence in Duke Street, Grofvenor Square, the Countefs of Talbot. Her complaint was an inflammation in the bowels, with which fhe was attacked in the morning, and which, in a few hours, made fuch rapid progrefs, as terminated in her dif folution, at the early age of forty-three. Her Ladyfhip was daughter of the late Earl of Hillsborough, and fifter to the laft Marquis of Downfhire, as well as the prefent Marchionefs of Salisbury, and mother to the existing Earl of Talbot.-Mrs. Mary Ann Watts, wife of D. P. Watts, Efq. Gower Street.—At Bath, James Jacque, Efq. late of Charlotte Street, Portland Place.-Rather fuddenly, John Labrow, Efq. druggift, of St. John Street, Smithfield.--Thom. Elde, Efq. in his 88th year. He was one of the Registers of the Court of

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