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Althieft water, poured on this charcoal, will in a few minutes flow clearly thro' the pipe, and be fit for use.

VERY great importance has been afcribed to the different ftate of the atmofphere in accelerating or retarding the motions of time-keepers; but this opinion is called in queftion by Mr. Haley, who, after many judicious remarks on time-keepers, fubmits the following as a fundamental principle on which time-keepers thould be examined. The principal caufe of their errors confists in the wearing of the different parts of the fcapement. So long, as, by the act of wearing, the relative proportions of its parts are preferved, and errors of contrary kinds compenfate each other in the general action, the machine will go correctly; but fo foon as thofe ratios of the parts are altered by wearing, the watch will go either too fast or too flow.

In vicum vendens thus et odores is characteristic of many publications; and long before the deftruction of the Complutenfian manufcripts, the grocers have been very affiduous in eafing the world of its fuperfluous literature. Not long ago fome very curious papers were preferved from the counter. They contained the fquares of all numbers from unity to 128,540, with the exception of a break from 28,261 to 29,061, and the cubes of all from unity to 26,560. They belonged to Mr. Councer, an attorney at Bloxam, in Oxfordshire, and feem to have been completed before 1760. The tables appear, from trial on several numbers, to be correct, and the damage done by

the grocer may be easily repaired, as he had not got beyond the number


WE are informed, there is now in the prefs, and will thortly be ready for publication, a fatirical work in three vols. entitled, "The Tears of Camphor; or, Love and Nature Triumphant." The general opinion is, that it proceeds from the pen of a certain well-known and eminent fatirift, under the affumed name of Dr. Glyfticus.A late popular event has been adopted as the groundwork, though we have been affured that it contains fome mafterly ftrokes of fatire, and fome serious enquiries into various political and moral evils. Of this, however, we are convinced, that, if it be the production of Mr. it will not disappoint

the expectations of the reader.

THE ftereotype prefs of Lord Stanhope is fhortly to exhibit to the public a fpecimen of its powers. A work of a very exalted perfonage is fubmitted to this mode of printing, and is intended to be its first production. We will fay no more at present, that the work may come forward with all the advantages attendant on novelty, and the curiosity that will naturally be excited by this very meritorious effay of fo illuftrious an author.

MR. Woolf gives the following as an eafy mode of measuring the contents of a pipe. Square the diameter in inches, and the product gives the number of pounds of water in every yard length of pipe. If the last figure is confidered as a decimal, the remaining figures give the ale gallons in yards.


Buonaparte an Emperor-Refloration of Titles-Similar Conduct of EngLand and France-Want of Forefight in the French Proceedings-Revival of Clerical Hopes-Gain of France in the late Struggles-not alarming to England-Skill of Buonapartelate Confpiracy in France-Conduct of Foreign Powers-Wisdom in Denmark-Mifery in the West IndiesAbolition of the Slave Trade-Court Martial on the Lofs of the Apollo Frigate-Trials of Mr. Cobbett for a Libel-fingular Speech attributed to the Judge curious Anecdote of High VOL, I.

Life-High Life vindicated-Meluncholy Birth Day-Difficulty in Public Bufinefs-Agitation in the Houfe of Commons Public Apathy

Debates on the King's Indifpofition in the Houfes of Commons and Lords.

THE wifhes of Europe and of this

country are gratified. France is no longer a republic. Fifteen years of calamity and confufion have termi nated in a return to her antient modes, and her grand monarque is now invefted with a higher title. The fplen 4 N

dour of a court is restored, and the perfons merely who perform the ufual characters in fuch places are changed. The name of Bourbon is removed for that of Buonaparte. One family is driven into exile, and another is raised to honours. Such is the course of the world: but events of this kind do not often happen in the period of a man's life, and therefore occasion, when they do, greater astonishment. But where is the family, either in high or low life, that can trace its pedigree two thoufand years? and, in general, the remark is true, that in five hundred years the children of him who now rides in his coach give place to the children of him who fit on the coach box.

France has now an emperor. She who lately disclaimed all titles is not content with even the abject flattery and fubmiffion of the antient regime. She muft now have fomething more than a king; and her new body of nobles must be dignified with more highly-founding appellations. Well might England be amufed with obferving all thefe changes, if she had not the bitter reflection of the fums the has expended in her vain interference, and the mortification to know, that, in spite of her pretenfions, a great nation is not to be dictated to in the choice of its mode of


Already congratulations have been poured forth to the majefty of the new emperor on his acceffion to his title. The ftates of Europe can have no difficulty in acquiefcing in this change, for what is it to them in what manner the fovereign of the country is to be addreffed? Every nation has its own forms, and amballadors eafily learn to accommodate themselves to the ceremonial ordained at every court. As we are at war with France, we lose the opportunity of thewing our eagernefs to acknowledge the new monarch; and when peace comes, there will be no difficulty on the fubject, for it will of course be made with the new emperor, whofe title, whatever we may choose to think or fay, is juft as valid as if his ancestors had a thoufand years ago d fmiffed the then reigning family, and placed itself on the vacant throne.

Heralds may indulge themselves in various fancies on armorial bearings and titles. The power of conferring them is now lodged with the fupreme

authority of every flate; but at one time the field was emblazoned according to the fancy of the bearer, and a title of honour was conferred independently of fovereignty. The power in France, which we had acknowledged, from whom we had received an ambaffador, muft undoubtedly be competent to the change that it has lately made in its government. It has conferred new titles and new powers. It acknowledges to have received from the people its right to perform these operations, and, in confequence of this right, it has vefted one family with fovereign power, modelling that power in the manner which suited best its views of government, limiting the or der of fucceffion, and providing for a future one in the cafe that this family fhould become extinct. In all this it has exercifed only the fame powers as the legislature of England in the reign of Queen Anne, when it felected the prefent family for the government of this country.

But, if the making of the imperial crown of France hereditary, with certain restrictions, in the family of Buonaparte, is of little or no confequence to the neighbouring nations, and the new change is only a proof of the vo latility of the French, ftill it may feet equally injurious to the new family and to the people, that, with the experience which the last years had afforded them, and the knowledge they could not fail of having acquired from hif tory, the imperial government was not reftrained by thofe wholesome limits, which render abuse of power on the one hand, and refiftance on the other, lefs likely to renew confufion. Aiming at too much, the French have lost thofe eafy and obvious things, which, by degrees, would have made them capable of enjoying the bleffings of a good conftitution. At prefent, all is unfettled. The monarch is all in all, without even those checks of nobility, clergy, and parliaments, which, under the antient government, compelled the defpot to pay fome attention to public opinion. The splendour of the new court, the activity of the fovereign, the fame of his actions, may, for a time, preferve the nation from the difadvan tages attending such a state; but the opinions promulgated within the last twenty years cannot fail of producing fome effect, and new firuggles may fill take place, and overfet the whole of

what feems now to be fettled on a permanent bafis.

new devices will be employed to add fplendour to the new body, time must determine. A name is easily given, and the multitude as easily acquiefces in the respect which is to be paid to it.

To what purpofe, then, it may be afked, has Europe been kept fo many years in fuch agitation? This question inay be aufwered in the next century: we have been too much involved in the Vortex to inveftigate it with the coolnefs requifite for fuch a difcuffion. France has acquired a great accellion of territory, and has removed many things which were an obitacle to the old, and would be to any form of government. There is now only one nation in its immenfe terr.tory: there are no difqualifications either from religion or birth: many obstacles to indultry are removed, and the thackles on trade and agriculture are destroyed. There is fufficient room for the exertion of talent, if the French have perfeverance enough, which may be doubted, to take advantage of the prefent circumstances.

W th t e establishment of the imperial throne, the hopes of the clergy feem to revive. Already the papers talk of the neceffity of impoting cere monies; and the Fete Dieu, or Feast of God, as it is termed by fuperftition, was celebrated on the third of laft month with great folemnity. Formerly, on this day, the church difplayed its wealth and fplendour in every street of Paris; all ranks concurred to embellith the scene, and to a proteftant the fight was molt difgufting and ridiculous. Images of Chrift and his mother, and of a multiplicity of faints, were carried about in proceflion, attended by a pack of lazy priests and monks chaunting hymns, and fumigating altars at different ftations with incenfe. Nothing could feem to be better calculated to bring religion into contempt; and it had its effect on the higher orders, who laughed at the farce in which they were compelled to take a part. So much has been lopped off from the revenues of the clergy, that this folemn mockery of every thing facred muft want its antient attractions, low as they were; and the establishment of the proteftant religion, in a certain degree, with the diffution of knowledge among the people, are great obftacles to the reftoration of antient fuperftition. If, how ever, the emperor wills it, and prudence may dictate the propriety of keeping up between him and the people fo ufeful a body as the clergy, out-ple to attach themselves to that inwardly, at least, the forms of the old religion will be complied with, and the prieit will retain a confiderable degree of influence. Still, however, it seems improbable that the land thould be filled again with monks and nuns, and fuch like trump ry. The proteftants have a great opportunity, by diffuting the knowledge of the fcriptures, to bring their fellow-citizens to a purer mode of worthip and doctrine,

The feudal rights are ftill difclaimed, and the new nobility must of course be a very different body of men from the laft nobleife, which in fact might be called a different nation from the reft, who inhabited the fame country. As many of the old nobility have returned, and will of courfe, in time, take titles under the new government, that body will foon be tunk entirely, and its memory obliterated.


The late change in the mode of government is not however favourable to their with of rivalling us in commerce, and of courfe may be viewed by us with greater indifference. The more fplendour there is at the court, the greater the proportion of people that look up to the fovereign for the means of existence, the more numerous the armies, and the greater the influence of the military, the lefs likely are the peo

duitry and independence, which are the foundation of credit and extensive commerce. France is now to all intents and purposes a military government; and wherever the military bear fway, commerce either lives with reluctance, or retires to happier climes. It is the happiness of England, that its ftrength depends on a navy; on men who at the hour of danger can defend its honour, and, when peace comes, are the able fupporters of its wealth, They are never an idle load on the country; their profperity is bound up with it: in peace and in war they are the main-stay of our credit and confequence.

In France the army is every thing, and without it the fovereign authority could not be maintained.

The preponderating influence of the army has been feen in the late change, and the prudence of the Emperor in

the choice of time to accomplish his defired object is not lefs manifeft. That he did not originally with to enter into a war with England is evident; but, from the moment that war was declared, he has been pursuing an object of greater importance to him!elf, at the fame time that he was, in his opinion, taking the moft effectual means to ruin this country. By turning the attention of his nation towards us, and exciting their hopes of fubduing their powerful rivals, they were blind to the projects which were going on in their own country: vaft bodies of men were collected and ftationed without alarming their fears; the immenfe preparations that were making feemed abfolutely neceffary for the important object in view,--the conqueft of England. When the time came for throwing off the mark, when the will of the Emperor was to be the law, in vain might it appear unconftitutional or dangerous to the bulk of the inhabitants: the army was on his fide, and its inclinations were not to be refified, Thus the war with England has afforded him the means of fubjugating his country, and the fame means are prepared to aflift him in any foreign cuterprife. In the mean time he is carrying on, he prefumes, a fuccefsful war againit our finances, and triumphing in the idea, that we are wafting our strength on the teas, and that it will be foon brought down to that level, in which he may hope to attack it with forces equal to the contest,

The late confpiracy in France has, by its failure, tended much to promote the views of the Emperor. The only perfon in the country that could in any hape be deemed his rival was Moreau, who by his mode of life, at the fame time that he avoided the fufpicions of government, firengthened the well known attachment of the people to himself, Such a rival was to be removed; and he feems to have thrown himfelf away in the frangoft and moft injudicious mane His own letter, and the circumftances that came out on the trial of the confpirators, make it evident that he was fufficiently implicated in the confpiracy to render him amenable to the laws of the country. He had entere into a correspondence with thofe who were decidedly traitors; and, if his views were not the fame as theirs, he had given them that encouragement, which proved that he wished to


overthrow the existing form of govern


With refpect to the other con fpirators, their guilt, if we may use the term,' was manifeft; and the lives of them all lay at the mercy of the fove reign whom they had attempted to depofe. The whole plot feems to have been ill-laid, and ill-conducted, Evel ry movement was known to the go vernment, and the confpirators were apprehended at the time which bett fuited its views. Their avowed object to refiore the Bourbons made them obnoxious to the nation, and Morean fell at once from his high post in their opinion, and was no longer an object of dread to his rival. Thus the little influence that the Bourbons retained in France was by this injudicious mea fure ftill more diminished, and Buona, parte obtained with greater eale the object of his wishes. In all the confufion of the country, the expatriated royalift feems to have been with litt e hope, and this he has weakened by not waiting till the tide might turn in his favour. A glorious opportunity is of fered to the Emperor of difplaying his clemency, and by the appearance of virtue adding fecurity to his throne.

The feizure of the Duke of Enghien was expected to excite much intereft in many courts, but it is not likely to be attended with any ftriking confe quences. A reprefentation has been made to the diet of Germany from the Emperor of Ruffia; but the violation of territory will be excufed by the new French Emperor, on the reprefentation of danger to his perion, and extent of a confpiracy, in which an English ambaffador upon neutral ground was taking to active a part. The circumstance, doubtlefs, was a fufficient pretext for war, if the Germanic body had been prepared to enter into one; but the compofure in which it fees the French in poffeffion of Hanover, and the little notice that is taken by the Elector, whole territory was violated, evidently prove that its only with is to repair the loffes it fuffered in the late conteft. A blow is alfo meditated, it is faid, in that country, a ainft the property of the knights of Malta, which,with the disputes fill unfettled on church property that has been fecularifed, is fufficient to occupy the attention of the little potens tates of Germany.

The deftiny of Italy is not yet fettled. It will probably be ditrepublicapifed, and the new Emperor will be

the king of that territory, which he go verns now under another title. The other ftates of Europe offer little for our notice, except that Denmark is with its ufual prudence availing itself of every circumftance that can contribute to the good of the people. The coinage of a country muft ever be a matter of great importance, and to fecure the poor man from being deceived by forgery is an object worthy of the notice of every government. England poffeffes at this time machines of greater power than have hitherto been known in the world. Their worth has been fully feen in the ease with which they converted the Spanish dollars into those beautiful medals now circulated by the bank as pledges for mopey. Denmark is not above availing itfelf of fo great an advantage; and application has been made to parliament, to permit Mr. Bolton to fend to Denmark, machines of his invention, for the purpose of its coinage. It is honourable to this country that fuch an application fhould be made, and no doubt can be entertained that permiffion will be granted: but it may create fome attonithment, that a foreign government fhould folicit to have thefe machines, of which the government at home will not avail itself of, for a fimilar purpose. By Mr. Bolton's machines, money would be coined in* the eafeft and most expeditious manner, and forgery would be almost impracticable. He has offered, we understand, to erect them in the Tower; but such formidable obftacles are in the way of their being used, that it is not likely that his offer thould be accepted. If the machines were there, a journeyman of Mr. Bolton's could do the whole business of the coinage, and the place of master of the mint, with a variety of fubordinate places, would be useless.

From the Weft Indies the accounts of the crueltics exercised by the blacks on the whites continue to grieve humanity; but it was reported, and the anfwer of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, when applied to on this fubject, confirms the report, that Deffalines had attempted to negotiate with the governor of Jamaica for the introduction of new flaves into the island of Domingo. Difpatches from Jamaica have fince ascertained the fact of a negotiation, which arofe, however, from the

governor of that ifland; but the demands of Deffalines were too extravagant to admit of farther correfpondence without new advices from England. How far it will be thought expedient to enter into a connection with a black government, time muft determine: but the fears entertained in this country on the fuccefs of Mr. Wilberforce's motion for the abolition of the flave trade have alarmed every planter for the fafety of his property. It is not fo much the fear of a law being enacted on this fubject, as of the dif cuffion which has taken place, and the confequences that may entue from it in the Weft Indies. The question in itfelf is fo worn out, that no novelty can be expected; but, doubtless, the greatest care fhould be taken to feparate the two points,---the trading in flaves, and the treatment of flaves in the islands. The latter can hardly be difcuffed in a British Houfe of Commons: the abolition of the former, which is certainly a difgrace to the British character, is an act once loudly called for in this country, and which would be ftill acceptable to every good man in it. On the treatment of the flaves in the islands, much is advanced by thefe men, who have viewed with indifference the treatment of their fellow fubjects nearer home; for it cannot be doubted, that under Lord Camden's adminiltration in Ireland more atrocities were committed in that ill-fated country than can be laid to the charge of Weft India planters in the courfe of a century. We thould give more credit to the affertions of our lovers of negroes, if we faw them affected with fimilar humanity towards men of their own colour. The question is expected to pafs through the Houfe of Commons, and to receive its quietus in the Houte of Lords.

We mentioned in our laft report the lofs of the Apollo frigate, and a great part of its convoy, on the coaft of Por tugal. A court-martial has since been held on the furviving officers of the frigate, who were all acquitted; for no blame could poflibly attach to them, and the hipwreck is attributed to error in the reckoning. Error in the reckoning, which could in fuch a fituation produce fuch an effect, muft have been fo great, as to imply in the commander a total incapacity for the duties of his office; and we trust

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