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nice and delicate question, the proper
conduct of an ambaffador in a foreign
court. It must give fatisfaction to
every one of our readers to hear, that
his Lordthip denies the charge brought
against us by the French government;
for no Englishman will heitate in tay-
ing, that, if Mr. Drake had defcended
to fuch mean and deteftable practices,
he deferved every calumny now fixed
upon his character by the French, and
that he and his employers would be de-
fervedly the objects or univeriai detesta-
tion. But, in disavowing the charge,
there was no neceflity for a fecretary
of itate to enter into a queftion which
might employ the peu of a Grotius, a
Puttendorf, or a Vattell, or might make
the fubject of an exercite at one of the
Univerities; and if we do understand
his Lordthip right, for his language is
on a par with his matter, we entirely
difagree with him in his conclutions.
It is rightly faid, and, indeed, there was
no need of a fecretary of itate in Eng-
land to inform foreign ambafadors,
that none of them had a right to fo-
ment difcord in the country to which
they were fent; but they are, it seems,
to be allowed to keep up a correípond-
ence with the enemy's country, and to
take advantage of circumstances. Now,
this doctrine we reprobate entirely, if
it goes farther than the communica-
tion to their own courts of the intelli-
gence they may have received respect-
ing the enemy's country; for the ground
on which they tread is no longer neu-
tral, if it may be made the rendezvous
of confpiracies, and a depot of arms
for every nefarious purpote. How
could the elector receive the French
ambaffador, and profefs himfelf a friend
to his chier, if he knew that the Eng-
lith ambatador was at that moment
fending men, money, and arms, into
France, with the view of putting him
to death, or dethroning him? We
have put a cafe, which we are affured
and we truft is not the fact; but as
felf-prefervation is the law on which
all other rights are grounded, an am-
baffador who carries on an infidious
war muft not expect that his enemy
will regard the ufual formalities, which,
in civililed nations, regulate the con-
duct of Rates and aniballadors.

Whilt a change was taking place in the administration of our government, an important one was meditated in France, which is a full ftronger proof of the diminished influence of the peo

ple in the affairs of state. The Firt
Conful, on his access to power, thought
it neceflary to have it established by
the fuffrages of the people. This form
is no longer neceflary. He has deter-
mined to alter his title, and his word is
the law. The bodies under the name
of the Tribunate and the Confervative
Senate have represented to him the ne-
celity that he should take upon him-
felf the imperial title; and this change
in the name icarcely excited a debate.
Carnot oppofed the affumption of the
title upon the fame ground that he
had rented the motion for velting the
confular power in Buonaparte during
life: but his refiftance was very feeble,
and an appearance of opponition ferv-
ed rather to give a reprefentation of
free debate than to injure the motion.
It is of little conlequence whether the
fovereign of France is addreted by the
title of First Conful or Emperor. Thefe
Roman names neither add to nor d.-
minith his confequence, though the na-
tion, over which he prefides, may be
flattered with the return of that how
and parade which diftinguithed ther
former monarchy. He s confedly,
at prefent, the chef fovereign on the
continent of Europe: his dominions
are compact, extentive, well peopled,
and fertile. He has acquired his pow-
er by thofe talen's which have made
the heads of dynafties; and, in the
courfe of a few hundred years, the
blood of the Buonapartes will be as
much celebrated, as, fome years ago,
was the blood of the Bourbons. The
upftart or the ufurper, as be may he
called by his brother emperors and
kings, will foon find a readiuefs in
them to forget the prefent fuppofed
meanness of his birth: alliances will
be made between the princes and
princeffes of his family and those of
the royal and imperial families of Eu-
rope whom he deigns to admit to fuch
an alliance; and the French will be
delighted again with that idle vanity
which fo diftinguished their antient no-

In the raifing of the First Conful to the dignity of Emperor there is a tacit implication of a fuperiority attached to the name, which might lead to an eaquiry into the power of the Tribunate and Confervative Senate to confer this fuperiority on any perfon. The fovereign of Germany is dignified with the title of Emperor, as the reprefentative of the antient Cæfars; and he is knowa

in Germany under the title of the Kai-
far, or Cæfar: the Emperor of Ruflia
is called a Czar, which is only a cor-
ruption of the fame title. What ideas
the French choose to attribute to their
name of Emperor we are yet to learn;
but it is determined that they are not
to be incompatible with the liberty and
equality of the people.
Thete are

merely words of courfe, for whatever
forms the new Emperor chooses to ap-
point will find a ready acquiefcence;
and the new fyftem will laft, till fome
new revolution introduces a change
founded on equal fr.volity.

In the mean time, however, the
plans of the fovereign of France for
the aggrandifement of his empire and
the depreflion of his foes are pursued
with the fame fyftematic ardour. What-
ever may be the fentiments of other
fovereigns towards him, his fubjects
univerfally attr bute, and with propri-
ety attribute, to him faculties fuperior
to thofe of any of his predeceffors fince
the time of Henry IV. All adore the
rifing fun; and there feems to be fcarce-
ly a with in the whole circuit of his do-
minions for the abolition of his power.
The confpirators are not yet tried, and
it is faid that the new Emperor will
emulate the firft of the Cæfars in his
clemency; and it must be confeffed,
that, fince his affumption of power, he
has not in this virtue, at leaft, been
found deficient. It will be happy for
mankind, if, upon the acknowledg-
ment of his fuperiority, he will turn
his imperial powers to the arts of
peace, and Europe may have the op-
portunity of prefenting to mankind
again fome appearance of civilifation.
The collections of men in arms in va-
rious kingdoms, and the recollection of
the blood fhed within the laft fifteen
years on the fcaffold or in the field, are
no credit to the fuppofed improvement
of the times; and hold out the fearful
prefage, that the western part of Eu-
rope, by abufing, like moft other coun-
tries we read of in hiftory, its privi-
leges of fuperior information and fu-
perior power, will prefent to the world
defolation and ruin fimilar to that
which reigns in the dominions now fub-
ject to the Turk.

The other countries of Europe prefent little of importance to us. The court of Peterburgh is faid to have made a ftrong manifeftation of its indignation at the execution of the Duke of Enghien, which reminds us of the

conduct of our glorious Queen, who appeared in mourning, with her whole court, on the day that the first received the French ambalador, after the hor feat of St. Bartholomew. Indeed, the rible maffacre of the protestants on the recollection of the horrible acts perpetrated by the old dynafty of France dynafty; for, notwithstanding the mamuft reconcile every perion to any new ny atrocities imputed to Buonaparte, he is far inferior to his predeceffor aud cruelty. Reports from Spain make Lewis XIV in bloodshedding, bigotry, preferved with that kingdom. it credible that peace cannot be long would, of course, be declared when it fuits the intereft of the French fovereign; but no additional ftrength will be derived from involving Spain in the conteft, and the defu uction of its commerce will add to our wealth, and diminifh his resources.


Egypt is itill in confufion, without any profpect of an improved governEnglish power paramount on that conment. India prefents to our view an tinent in the fame manner as that of dies, the pre-eminence of the blacks on France is in Europe. In the West Inone inland creates naturally diftruft on Mr. Wilberforce on the flave trade has the reit; and the renewed motion of put the Weft India merchants in agitatereft, and baffle the measure. From tion to exert their parliamentary inthe mode in which the queftion has dent that no expectation is entertained been of late years managed, it is eviend of a feflion, and is merely an apo of its fuccefs. It is brought in at the logy for the neglect of a question in much intereft; and which, if properly which the public at one time took fo conducted, would by this time have difgrace of the flave trade, and increafremoved from the English nation the nics. The blacks of St. Domingo are ed the fecurity of the Weft India colories they have fuffered for the last two now retorting on the whites the mife hundred years; and as no other argument could justify the former conduct blacks, with lefs alliflance from civiliof the whites than that of power, the fation and religion, cannot be expected to be inferior to their teachers in the arts of tyranny and oppreffion.

Africa gave to the French an occafion for boafting of the capture of Godoes honour to Lieutenant Pickford, ree; but the retaking of that island

and placed the conquerors into our hands without bloodfhed. But, if we rejoice in the honour gained by Lieutenant Pickford, the navy of England has been difgraced in a moft fhocking manner on the coaft of Portugal. A fleet, under convoy of the Apollo frigate, for the Weft Indies, was nearly all loft on this coaft; the frigate itself, and between thirty and forty of the convoy, wrecked: numbers of lives loft, and the commander drowned, That fuch an event could happen at a time when navigation has been fo much improved, when the daily fituation of the fleet with refpect to every European thore might be known with the utmoft facility, muft create our aftonithment, and a defire that the whole affair may be inveftigated with the utmoft fcrutiny. If there was not a timekeeper on board the frigate, nor in any thip in the convoy, the want of it argues a degree of unconcern about life and property, which fo terrible a calamity is calculated to correct in future. We understand that fome fhips in the convoy very prudently kept as much to the wett of the captain's illfated course as poffible: and from them, on their return to England, we fhall hope to learn what reprefentations were made to the captain on his steerage, and whether it is poffible that on board a king's thip there thould be fo much ignorance as this difafter at prefent feems to indicate. If no opportunity was offered to take a lunar obfervation, and the whole fleet was without a timekeeper, ftill we thould have thought it incredible that they could ftrike the land within two cables length of the thore, without any apprehenfion of their fituation; for the dead reckoning ought to have been fo kept as to preterve them from fuch a calamity. Parliamentary intereft and family connections may, in many cafes, not be very injurious to the ftate; but where the lives and property of fo many individuals may depend on the capacity and fcience of a fingle perfon, and his talents may be easily climated by a fuitable examination, it is highly expedient that no one thould be advanced to a poft of confequence who does not poffcfs the fuitable qualifications.

Our attention is called to the law equrts by a profecution inftituted by the Society for the Suppression of Vice. This fociety, it feems, has a very great

averfion to dancing; and, like fome fanatics of former times, thinks it is doing good fervice, by preventing every thing like cheerfulness in fociety. In confequence of this anti-dancing fpirit, it dreffed up two of its fpies, to go to an affembly in the neighbourhood of Bedford-row, where there had been for fome time paft balls of refpectable people, who paid half a guinea for tickets, giving them admiflion for four nights.— The fpies, having purchased tickets of admillion, went to a ball one night, and brought back a report agreeably to the withes of their employers, who imme diately determined to profecute the matters of the aflembly, two dancing mafters, for keeping a riotous and diforderly meeting. The caufe was tried before the juftices at Clerkenwell, and not one inftance was given of rude or improper conduct: the neighbourhood had made no complaint, and it ap peared evidently to be a profecution founded on thofe wild and imaginary conceits, which, under the pretence of reforming mankind, and fuppreffing vice, have their batis in a malignant, intolerant, and pharifaical spirit, determined that no one fhall dare to amule himself but in a way laid down by thefe new reformers. The defendants were found not guilty: but it becomes the public to confider, what a nuifance a fociety is which keeps in its pay fpies to enter into every place of amufement, and to report to their masters whatever they please of the proceedings to which they have been witness. The fociety then carries on a profecution against, it may be, a very poor individual, who, if he has juftice on his fide, may be terrified into fubmiffion; and the malignity of individuals may be gratified by finding fome little caufe of complaint against a neighbour, and bringing upon him the terrors of the fociety. An enquiry, we hope, will be made into the proceedings of this felf-formed body, a body not known to, nor authorised by, the conftitution --whofe means, whatever the ends may be, are bafe and difhonourable, and which, in encouraging fpies and infor mers to prowl about the streets, and enter into every house of entertainment, is more likely to be inftrumental in the promotion than in the fuppreffion of vice.

The last month brought into circulation the new coinage of dollars, or the conversion of the coin of the King

ef Spain into marks for the use of the Bank of England. The appearance of thefe counters is much improved in one respect, but in another it must excite very ferious reflections. On one fide is the King's face, with his name and title; on the other, Britannia in an oval, round which are ftamped the words five fhillings dollar; and be tween the oval and the edge of the counter the words, Bank of England, 1804. The execution of this medal or counter is far better than the stamping of the head of one fovereign in the neck of another; but this change in the mode of providing a filver coinage is a proof of the state into which the country is brought by that unhappy day, which gave to the company, called the Bank, a privilege beyond that of any other trader. That the bank has uted filver instead of tin, or copper, or lead, or paper, is at leaft fome gain to the public; for it might as well have iffued paper, or the bafer metals, with the declaration of their intended worth, as filver medals, on the iffuing of which it is not a very confiderable gainer; and it affords to every one the opportunity of reflecting on the depreciation of its own paper money. The day is anxioufly looked for, when the connection between this trading company and the government shall be diffolved, and the coinage of the kingdom be vested in thofe hands whofe privilege it is, and where it is beft placed with fecurity to the public; and, indeed, the bank ought now to be very well contented with the inordinate gains it has been permitted to accumulate.

In confequence of the change in the miniftry, the Houfes of Parliament have been more employed in ordinary business than in interefting debates :— they have been indulging in a degree of repofe requifite after the fevere conteft which had taken place on their floors. The divifions on this fubject deferve to be recorded. The firft took place on the 16th of April, on the third reading of the Irish militia bill, when the oppofition voted against it, and divided 107 against 128. In the House of Lords, on a motion for papers, the minifter was in a minority, there being thirty-one for and thirty against the queftion: but, in a fecond motion, the minitry brought in a fupply of force, and had feventy-feven on their fide against forty-nine. On the 23d, Mr. Fox's motion on the state of the cour VOL. I.

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try was supported by 204 against 256. On the 24th, two divifions took place in the Lords, the one on a claufe in the Irish militia transfer bill, when 71 voted for the ministry, and 45 in oppofition: on the other, the paffing of the bill, produced 61 against it. there were for it 94, and the oppofition day, alfo, a motion of Mr. Dent's, reOn this lative to the loyalty loan, gave the ministry 100 against 76. The 25th minifter's power, for, on the motion proved the evident decline of the relative to the army of referve suspenfion bill, the minifter's number was reduced to 240, whilst that of opposition Fox's motion, having on this day 203, was within one of its ftrength on Mr. and leaving to the minister a majority of only 37. Upon this, negotiations took place. Mr. Pitt obtained his with, embodying his forces; whilft the new was fully employed in collecting and oppofition was not, as foon as they arranging their strength. Certain great knew his intentions, behind hand in fides, but there is no appearance of families have taken the lead on both any strength on the fide of the country at large to controul the motions of those whose evident aim is the acquifition of place and power.

The volunteer bill has, from the
lengthened debates on that fubject, car-
ried our attention from other points in
the houses; and the next that came in
reftriction bill, which gave rife to much
order of importance was the Irish bank
debate and useful information. On the
motion for the houfe to refolve itfelf
February the 13th, Lord A. Hamilton
into a committee on this fubject, ou
reprefented the ftate of the paper cur
rency in Ireland as a great national
there was no profpect. When the re-
evil, and an evil of whofe termination
Commons, the amount of bank notes
ftriction bill paffed the Irish Houte of
iffued was 600,000l. It now was not
less than 2,700,000l. The gold had di-
minifhed in the fame ratio, and rofe in
price with the depreciation of paper.-
Even between Dublin and Belfait there
was a difference of exchange to the
Ireland and England it had risen as
amount of ten per cent; and between
high as 19, and, in fome inftances, to
20 per cent.

of the prefent meafure, but did not al
Mr. Corry agreed in the importance
low the profufion of paper in Ireland
to be the fault of the bank directors,

4 A

who had no controul over the iffuing of private paper. The prefent bill was neceffary, as long as the reftriction remained on the Bank of England; but he did not forefee any circumftances which thould prolong the restriction in Ireland beyond its term in this country.

Lord H. Petty conceived, that as the Irifh bank had iffued paper five times more after than before the reftriction, it became parliament, which had allowed the power of thus coining money to individuals, to investigate the caufes which had led to fuch a ufe of the power. The bank had increafed its dividends full one and a half per cent, and he understood that there was to be this year an additional bonus of five per cent; but whilst the bank was thus enriched, the whole trade and property of Ireland was threatened with danger. In these fentiments Mr. Fofter joined, adding, that he did not believe there was a real thilling from one end of Ireland to the other.

Mr. H. Thornton thought the fubject more fimple than was generally imagined. The excefs of paper circulation is the cause of the bad ftate of the exchange, and this arofe from the different state of the two banks of England and Ireland. In England, the bank controuled the operations of the private banks, but it was not fo in Ireland. He wished, therefore, to limit the circulation of private banks, and that Irish bank paper might be made exchangeable for that of the Bank of England.

Lord Caftlereagh thought the quef tion to be of extreme delicacy and the moft abftruse nature, and the extent of the evils should not be enlarged beyond their juft limits. There were good reafons, he affirmed, for believing, that they arofe not more from the depreciation of paper than the rife in the price of gold. He doubted whether a remedy could be applied, though he was fure that parliament must be embarraffed in any attempt to interfere with private banks. Mr. Johníon oppofed Lord Caftlereagh's pofition, that if gold had rifen as paper had fallen, five per cent would be the proportion in both cafes. Lord Caftlereagh and Mr. Fofter explained: other Irith members fpoke all agreed in the importance and difficulty of the cafe, which evidently arifes from, and is one fad confequence only of, the Bauk of England's

ftopping payment, and yet going on with its bulinefs.

On the twentieth of February, the motion for the third reading of the bill brought up Lord A. Hamilton, who urged very strongly the effects that muft arife from the restriction being continued to any length of time, and that the fcarcity of guineas arofe rather from factitious than real causes. There was a point alfo that called for explanation. Though the exchange was fo great against Ireland, the Lords of the Irith Treafury received their falaries at par; at lealt the general report was, that this was their mode of receiving their falaries. For the cxifting evils a remedy was loudly called for, and it seemed neceffary, as a previous step, to appoint a committee to enquire into the high state of the exchange against Ireland.

Mr. Corry confefied, that certain officers from Ireland, who were employed in this country, received their falaries at par; a practice which had originated at and continued without a remark fince the union. Mr. Curwen faw no reason why the banks of England and Ireland thould not be united, or a bill be paffed to limit the circulation of paper in Ireland. As to the private bank paper, he faw no reafon why the private banker should not be obliged to pay his notes in Bank of England paper. This last remark brought up Sir John Newport, who fhewed the abfurdity of fuppofing that an Irish banker would iffue paper on one day, on which, by being compelled to change it the next for Bank of England paper, he might lofe eighteen or nineteen per cent. The Baronet did not attribute the balance of exchange to the reftriction; for in 1795 and 1796 it was as high, when there was no reftriction. The cause of the prefent evil was to be found in the state of the country, in the large amount of the abfentee rents, in the large loans for money, in the defire of every perfon to get cash, and the difpofition to hoard it. He therefore hoped that the difference of the two countries would be confidered, and that more weight fhould be given to the particu larity of the cafe than abstract reafoning on general principles. The bill was paffed, after a few remarks from Mr. Fotter, who expreffed an intention of bringing forward, unless he was anticipated by minifters, a bill for

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