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And with respect to the dangers of this church and other vacant churches in this vicinity; we have great confidence in the piety and integrity of the churches, and in the good sense and sober habits of the congregations; and above all in the blessing and protection of God, to keep them from hurtful divisions. and to supply them with pastors after his own heart: And we cannot but believe that the God who has given us this opportunity to bless extensively, a sister state, will make it apparent, in his providence, that it is more blessed to give than to receive; and that not improbably the man we send away, will send back to these churches, blessings double to what we give up in his dismission.

With these views of the subject, and standing before God, and expecting to render to him, shortly, an account of our doings, we do feel as if the general welfare of the Christian church will, to all human probability, be most promoted by the dismission of Dr. BACKUS. We have therefore been constrained to unite in the following result:

1. Voted by the Consociation that we deem it the duty of this Consociation to regard primarily what we conceive to be the glory of God, and the general good of his church.

2. That the interest of a College, and especially of that over which Dr. BACKUS is called to preside, is, in our apprehension. of greater consequence than that of an individal church, or of the churches of a given consoviation, or even than the interest of the state, in the influence of an individual in a private station.

3. We therefore conclude, that it is the duty of Dr. BACKus to accept the invitation to the presidency of Hamilton College; of this body to dismiss him; and of this church and society, to acquiesce in his dismission.

Therefore voted, unanimously. that Dr. BACKus be dismissed, and he is hereby dismissed, from his present pastoral relation to the church and society in Bethlem, with a view to his accepting a call now in his hand, to the presidency of Hamilton College, in the state of New-York.

The Consociation desire to express their cordial approbation of the candor, with which this church and people have appeared to view this great subject, and the commendable manner in which they have conducted it before this body.--And while we weep with them, in view of the sacrifice which they and we are called upon to make, we recommend them to the care and protection of that God, who is able to keep them, and who, we trust, will not leave them comfortless.


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Gentlemen-In the town of my former residence, and under my parochial care, lived an affectionate and pious couple, blessed with a numerous family of promising little children. By the obitua ry of a newspaper I first learned that Mrs. Chad died sudden. ly. Knowing their strong domestic attachments, I addressed a let ter of condolance and advice to the afflicted husband, on the 17th of November last, and have received the following reply:-which you are at liberty to publish, if you judge my partialities have not overrated its interesting contents. Yours, A. BACKUS.

Hamilton College, Dec. 8, 1813.


“ Bethlem, (Con. ) 26th Nov. 1813.

YOUR favor of the 17th inst. was received with much thankfulness. I will endeavor, God being my helper, to fol low your counsel. I have need of your prayers. The hand of God hath touched me." I have indeed lost a treasure, but hope not all. Every soul knoweth its own bitterness;" and I am ready to say, "there is no sorrow like my sorrow !”— About three or four weeks previous to Mrs. C's death, our youngest son, the idol, was dangerously sick with a bowel complaint; we had but faint hopes of his recovery for several days. At that time there were many little tender recollections and strings that pulled about the heart.....They are now all great ones!— But though a mourner, I would humbly hope, that I am not a murmurer. We are not called to mourn as "those who have no hope.” We have many mercies and consolations mingled with the cup of affliction. Mrs. C for a long time previous to, and especially during her sickness, gave increasing and abundant evidence that her peace was made with God; and that, to her, death was disarmed of his terrors.

"I have a kind of melancholy pleasure in recollecting and tracing many circumstances attending her sickness and death. Shall presume on your indulgence, and hope you will pardon me while attempting to state some particulars.

"Mrs. C's illness commenced on Saturday the 6th ult. a little after noon, attended with the most extreme pain, which continued with very little mitigation, till a few hours before her death; which took place on the following Thursday, at half past ten in the evening. Through the whole of ber sickness she enjoyed the use of her reason perfectly.On her enquiring if we did not suppose her in the act of dy

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ing, and being answered in the affirmative, she manifested the utmost calmness and composure:-gave some directions to her sisters respecting her clothing, &c. and then requested to be left with me a few moments. When the room was cleared and we were alone, she begged me not to be so afflicted, and informed me that the preceding night she had enjoyed a most refreshing season of intimate and sweet communion with God her Saviour; that she thought of calling on me at the time, to unite with her in praising him: but circumstances rendered it inconvenient. She then gave me her dying embrace, her counsel and her blessing. This scene you will better conceive than I can express. Your sensibility can judge how it rent the heart. After this private, pleasant, painful interview, she took an affectionate leave of her children, individually as her strength permitted, as also of her sisters. "I hope," said she, "to meet you all in a better world, where pain and distress will never come!"-But checking herself, immediately observed, that she had not sweat drops of blood yet"-(wiping the cold, clammy drops from her forehead at the same time,) "Oh, I may have said too much!—I tremble and rejoice!I fear I have not been sufficiently patient, and that my resignation proceeds from a desire to be freed from exeruciating pain."-After a short time, she addressed her neighbors, who had come to see "how a Christian could die:" thanked them for their kind attentions to her, and patience with her. Observed that "it was a pleasant thing to be surrounded by kind and affectionate friends; but that it was infinitely more precious to enjoy the friendship of God in a dying hour." She then bade them all farewell, and said, "My work is finished here below."She rested a few moments and revived, requesting her friends to sing the 93d Hymn in Dwight's collection, to the tune of Newmark, which they did; and a little while after, at her desire,, they sung the 17th Ps. L. M. to the tune of Old Hundred. In both of which she joined with them, as I observed her lips to move correctly, and could hear her voice at times, (the voice of a seraph). I know you could not choose but weep for joy!!-Prayers and thanksgivings were then made and of fered by Mr. R——, a candidate preaching with us.-From this time she was able to converse but little, and when speech had entirely failed, she fixed her eyes earnestly upon me, with an indescribable expression in them, as though wishing to inform me what her feelings were at that time. Love and affection were however most predominant. In a few moments her eyes had lost their meaning-her eye-lids gradually fell and her spirit was present before God.

"My dear sir, we were under many obligations to you, and had experienced many kindnesses, which will not be forgotten. Continue them by your prayers for myself and motherless children. I long to see you "face to face," and tell you more than I can by letter. Mrs. C, as well as myself, grived that we were deprived of our old Minister's company in sickness. But, said she, it is God's will; it is all for the best."I have written you a long letter, dictated by affection. To most men I should offer an apology for intruding on their patience. But I'll no more, save to assure you that I am, dear sir,

“Your obliged and affectionate servant,

"Rev. Dr. Backus, Hamilton College."


An Historical View of the First Planters of New-England.

No. V,

Continued from page 252.

THE company in the mother country now began to make vigorous exertions for the settlement of New-England. In the course of the year 1629, it was resolved that the corporation, with their charter, should be removed to America. Accordingly, the most of the proprietors of the Massachu setts, together with a great number of adventurers, among whom were many persons of family, of education, and of wealth, prepared to embark for the western wilderness. The most of these were influenced by one common principle; the sufferings which they endured under ecclesiastical tyranny for a consocientious non-conformity with many of the prescribed ceremonies, the expectation of enjoying the rights of conscience and the privileges of gospel worship and discipline, and the hope of planting the churches of their Lord in a desert, which never echoed the praises of redeeming love. They believed the cause of pure religion to be greatly declining in their native country, they hoped the Spirit of God would attend his church into the wilderness, and give it a great increase. The churches in England having never been wholly liberated from the shackles of Popery, they believed that some might be established in a new country, more agreeable to the primitive pattern, than any which they had seen. That such churches might exist on the American strand, was the supreme object of their incessant toils, their uncommon self-denial, and their persevering prayer, to the end of their lives.

Seventeen ships were prepared, with all the necessaries for the voyage and the new settlement, large supplies of provisions, implements of husbandry, and cattle. The most of these sailed early in the year 1630, and before the end of the year, they all arrived in New-England. In these ships came Mr. John Winthrop the governor of the company, the lieutenant governor Dudley, several of the assistants, and above fifteen hundred settlers. In the election of governors and assistants in March, the company were careful to appoint those who were willing to remove. Several of these were discouraged at the prospect before the time of embarkation, and others were substituted in their place. Like the army of Gideon, all who were faint hearted were desired to remain in their native country: it being well known that nothing less than an unconquerable firmness, with an unshaken reliance on the divine support, could be sufficient to meet the difficulties which must necessarily be encountered. Previous to their departure, after having entered on board their ships, the governor and several others addressed a paper to their brethren of the established church, for the purpose of removing suspicions, and preventing all misconstructions of their designs; in which they call the church of England their Mother Church, beseeching the divine blessing to rest upon her, and earnestly requesting the prayers of their brethren for them in their important and difficult undertaking.

On the arrival of Gov. Winthrop in June, who was, from that time to his death, the head and father of the colony, he found the plantation in a distressed, suffering state. In the preceding autumn, the colony contained about three hundred inhabitants. Eighty of these had died, and a great part of the survivors were in a weak, sickly state. Their supply of corn was not sufficient for more than a fortnight, and their other provisions were nearly exhausted. In addition to these evils, they were informed that a combination of various tribes of Indians was forming for the purpose of the utter extirpation of the colony. Their strength was weakness, but their confidence was in God, and they were not forsaken. Many of the planters, who arrived this summer, after long voyages, were in a sickly state, and disease continued to rage through the season. By the close of the year, the number of deaths exceeded two hundred. Among these, were several of the principal persons in the colony. Mr. Higginson, the venerable minister of Salem, spent about a year with that parent church, and was removed to the church in glory. His excellent colleague, Mr. Skelton, did not long

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