: 1 ! which, as coming from one of the stanchest adherents (till disgusted by such conduct as he relates) of this unhappy branch of an unhappy family, seems worthy of credit. The establish ment of the fact, of the Prince being in London after the year 1745, is in itself a matter of historical importance: as for the melancholy picture of that person himself, we can only lament its too protable accuracy. We now copy Dr. King: September 1750, I received a note from my Lady Primrose, who desired to see me immediately. As soon as I waited on her, she led me into her dressing room, and pre sented me to *. If I was surprised to find him there, I was still more astonished when he acquainted me with the motives which had induced him to hazard a journey to England at this juncture. The vapatience of his friends who were in exile And formed a scheme which was impracti| cable; but although it had been as feasible as they had represented it to him, yet no preparation had been made, nor was any thing ready to carry it into execution. He was soon convinced that he had been deceived, and therefore, after a stay in London of five days only, he returned to the 1 place from whence he came. As I had some long conversations with him here, and fer some years after held a constant corres Bondence with him, not indeed by letters, bat by messengers, who were occasionally dispatched to him; and as during this Intercourse I informed myself of all particalars relating to him and of his whole conimet, both in public and private life, I am perhape as well qualified as any man in Euztand to draw a just character of him; myself, not only and I on impose this task for the information of posterity, but for the sake of many worthy gentlemen whom I shall leave behind me, who are at present attached to his name, and who have their ideas of him from public report, but More particularly from those great actions which he performed in Scotland. As to his person, he is tall and well made, but stoops ittle, owing perhaps to the great fatigue which he underwent in his northern expe<tion. He has an handsome face and good yes; (I think his busts, which about Lime were commonly sold in London, are were like him than any of his pictures which I have yet seen;) but in a polite com pany he would not pass for a genteel man. He hath a quick apprehension, and speaks French, Italian, and English, the last with a little of a foreign accent. As to the rest, very little care seems to have been taken of his education. He had not made the belles ❘sioned the defection of the most powerful lettres or any of the finer arts his study, which surprised me much, considering his preceptors, and the noble opportunities he must have always had in that nursery of all the elegant and liberal arts and science. But I was still more astonished, when I found him unacquainted with the history and constitution of England, in which he ought to have been very early instructed. I never heard him express any noble or benevolent sentiments, the certain indications of a great soul and a good heart; or discover when the rest of his family and attendants fled, were afterwards obliged to quit his service on account of his illiberal behaviour. But there is one part of his character, which must particularly insist on, since it occaof his friends and adherents in England, and by some concurring accidents, totally blasted all his hopes and pretensions. When he was in Scotland, he had a mistress, whose name is Walkenshaw, and whose sister was at that time, and is still housekeeper at Leicester House. Some years after he was released from his prison, and conducted out of France, he sent for this girl, who soon acquired such a dominion over him, that she was acquainted with all his schemes, and trusted with his most secret correspondAs soon as this was known in England, all those persons of distinction, who were attached to him, were greatly alarıned; they imagined that this wench had been placed in his family by the English ministers; and, considering her sister's situation, any sorrow or compassion for the misfor-ence. fered in his cause. But the most odious tunes of so many worthy men who had sufpart of his character is his love of money, a vice which I do not remember to have been imputed by our historians to any of his ancestors, and is the certain index of a base and little mind. I know it may be urged in his vindication, that a prince in exile ought to be an economist. And so he ought; but nevertheless his purse should be always open, as long as there is any thing in it, to relieve the necessities of his friends and adherents. King Charles the second, during his banishment, would have shared the last pistole in his pocket with his little family. But I have known this gentleman with two thousand louis-dors in his strong box pretend he was in great distress, and borrow money from a lady in Paris, who was not in affluent circumstances. His most faithful servants, who had closely attended him in all his difficulties, were ill rewarded. Two Frenchmen, who had left every thing to follow his fortune, who had been sent as couriers through half Europe, and executed their commissions with great punctuality and exactness, were suddenly discharged without any faults imputed to them, or any recompense for their past service. To this spirit of avarice may be added his insolent manner of treating his immediate dependants, very unbecoming a great prince, and they seemed to have some ground for their suspicion; wherefore they dispatched a gentleman to Paris, where the Prince then was, who had instructions to insist that Mrs. Walkenshaw should be removed to a convent for a certain term: but her gallant absolutely refused to comply with this de mand; and although Mr. M'Namara, the gentleman who was sent to him, who has a natural eloquence, and an excellent understanding, urged the most cogent reasons, and used all the arts of persuasion to induce him to part with his mistress, and even proceeded so far as to assure him, according to his instructions, that an immediate interruption of all correspondence with his most powerful friends in England, and in short, that the ruin of his interest, which was now daily increasing, would be the infallible consequence of his refusal; yet he continued inflexible, and all M'Namara's intreaties and remonstrances were ineffectual. M-Namara staid in Paris some days beyond the time prescribed him, endeavouring to reason the Prince into a better temper; but finding him obstinately persevere in his first answer, he took his leave with passed out, "What has your family done, Sir, thus to draw down the vengeance of Heaven every branch of it through so many ages?" It is worthy of remark, that in all the conferences which M'Namara had with the Prince on this occasion, the latter declared that it was not a violent passion, or indeed any particular regard,§ which at a sure prognostic of what might be ex- concern and indignation, saying, as he pected from him if ever he acquired sove reign power. Sir J. Harrington and Col. Goring, who suffered themselves to be imprisoned with him, rather than desert him, + Rome. His governor was a protestant, and I am apt to believe purposedly neglected his education, of which it is surmised he made a merit to the English ministry; for he was always supposed to be their pensioner. The Chevalier Ramsay, the author of Cyrus, was Prince Charles's preceptor for about a year; but a court faction removed him. As to his religion, he is certainly free from all bigotry and superstition, and would readily conform to the religion of the country. With the catholics, he is a catholic; with the protestants, he is a protestant; and, to convince the latter of his sincerity, he often carried an English Common Prayer book in his pocket; and sent to Gordon (whom I have mentioned before,) a nonjuring clergyman, to christen the first child he had by Mrs. W. § I believe he spoke truth when he declared he had no esteem for his northern mistress, although she has been his companion for so many years. She had no elegance of manners: and as they had both contracted an odious habit of drinking, so they exposed themselves very frequently, not only to their own family, but to all their neighbours. They often quarrelled, and sometimes fought: they were some of these drunken scenes which probably occasioned the report of his madness. * Charles, it is reported, used to say, that be learnt to drink in the Highlands, during his concealment, and could not overcome the habit.-ED. tached him to Mrs. Walkenshaw, and that he could see her removed from him without any concern; but he would not receive directions in respect to his private conduct from any man alive. When M'Namara returned to London, and reported the Prince's answer to the gentlemen who had employed him, they were astonished and confounded. However, they soon resolved on the measures which they were to pursue for the future, and determined no longer to serve a man who could not be persuaded to serve himself, and chose rather to endanger the lives of his best and most faithful friends, than part with an harlot, whom, as he often declared, he neither loved nor esteemed. If ever that old adage, Quos Jupiter vult perdere, &c. could be properly applied to any person, whom could it so well fit as the gentleman of whom I have been speaking? for it is difficult by any other means to account for such a sudden infatuation. || He was, indeed, soon afterwards made sensible of his misconduct, when it was too late to repair it: for from this era may truly be dated the ruin of his cause. Dr. King adds, a few pages further on, pamphlet, lately published (1762) in French, Testament Politique du Maréchal Duc de Belleisle. The author of this work is said to be the present writer of the Brussels Gazette: he pretends to know, that when the French had resolved on the expedition against Minorca, the command of their troops was offered to Prince Charles, which he refused, complaining of his imprisonment in the Castle of Vincennes. Et finit par me dire (says Mr. Belleisle) que les Anglois lui rendroient justice, s'ils le jugeoint à propos; mais qu'il ne vouloit plus être leur épouvantail. I can scarce believe the command of this expedition was ever offered to Prince Charles; but if it were, I can easily believe that his answer was such as this author has reported; for he had often declared to his friends, after the ill treatment which he had received from the Court of France, that he never would accept of any offers which that court might hereafter make him, which never had any real intention to serve him, but only to use him occasionally as their instrument, and to sacrifice him to their own interest. He knew enough of the history of his family to have learnt the truth, and he had on two or three occasions experienced it in himself. ANALYSIS OF THE JOURNAL DES SAVANS, FOR NOVEMBER 1818. into the various languages of India, and other parts of the East. III. FUERO JUZGO, en Latin y Castellano, &c. i. e. The Code of the Judges, compared with the most ancient and most valuable Manuscripts. By the Royal Spanish Academy. In folio. The Fuero Juzgo is a collection of the laws of the Visigoths. This ancient monument is doubly valuable: on the one hand it contains the laws which governed that people both in Spain and the South of France, so long as they existed as a nation, and these laws were even adopted by the governments which succeeded that of the Visigoths; and, on the other hand, it shews us, in a version in that tongue, made at a very remote era, the genuine state of the Cas tillian idiom. We know of scarcely any considerable work of which is acknowledged to be more ancient than that of the Fuero Juzgo; so that the text of this version, particularly as it has been published by the Spanish Academy, with numerous various readings, will be very useful to explain the origin and the difficulties of the Castillian. in that language, the date There were already several editions of the Fuero Juzgo in the original; that is to say, the Latin; the first was published in 1579, by the learned Pierre Pithou, justly called the French Varro. The laws contained in this collection were afterwards reprinted in Germany and Italy. In Spain alone the ancient Castillian version had yet been published. The Spanish Academy having formed the design of publishing a new edition of the not original Latin and of the Castillian version, the MSS. in their Libraries. Private per- and of which it was susceptible. The preliminary discourse is composed by Don Manuel de Lardizabal y Uribe. After an introduction, in which he proves that the Visigoths had retained many parts of the Roman laws, he divides the code of the Visigoths into four classes: Ist, Those Art. I. Pottinger's Travels in Beloochistan | which the princes issued by their own au and Sinde. thority, among which are some which the Princesays he made, with all the great officers of the palace and the court. 2d, The laws which were the result of the deliberation of the national councils, in which the Prelates and the Nobles took part. The King who had proposed these laws, sanctioned them, after the consent of the clergy and the people. 3d, Those which do not express how they were made. The author of the preliminary discourse thinks they are very ancient laws, which have been placed in the collection. 4th, Lastly, the laws which have been corrected in process of time, and which sometimes express this circumstance. The Reviewer observes, that on examining this volume, he found that he did not recollect ever to have seen in the Latin collections of the laws of the Visigoths, the part intituled PRIMUS TITULUS, which fills ten pages; and perceived that this part did not seem to have been originally intended to make a part of this edition, it being paged with Roman numerals; after which there comes another first chapter, 1. Titulus de Legislatore, where the Arabic numerals begin: the Castillian translation answering to this first part is also paged with Roman numerals, and, with the various readings, and the notes, fills sixteen pages; which the Arabic numerals commence. This first chapter concerns the election of the kings, their duties and their rights, as well as the duties of the people. The constitutional principles which it contains are not a new stipulation between the Prince and the nation, but a renewal of the ancient laws, and King Sisenand require that they shall be drawn up by the assembly of the Visigoths, who are paternorum de cretorum memores. after These laws bear the same character o liberty as the ancient laws of the othe kingdoms of Spain. They begin with th definition of the title of King: Reges eni à regendo vocati sunt. If the King act uprightly, he retains his title; if otherwise he loses it. The second section of this firs chapter concerns the Election of the King "The election is made in the royal city or in the place of the decease of the prince by the assembly of the Prelates and grea men, with the consent of the people, an not otherwise, and not by the conspirac of a small number, or in the seditious tu mult of the people inhabiting the country "The Princes must be of the Cathol religion. - In the distribution of justi modest." they must be mild; in their mode of livin "They shall not require of their subject for the supply of their wants, more than necessary and lawful: their fortune do not descend to their children, but to t King elected after them." "The heirs of a King can pretend to more than the fortune which he had befo he ascended the throne." "The Kings take an oath; and if the violate it, they lose their rank." The 16th and 17th sections secure to wives and children of the Kings what oug reasonably to be allowed them. The 3d section, the judicial treating power, says, "The King cannot dec alone, either upon persons or propert but judgment must take place in the sembly of the priests, who will insp mercy, and with the consent of the peop so that by this sentence passed in pub the crime may be proved to the chiefs the earth; but the right of pardoning After having laid down the duties of the Kings, those of the people are not forCotten. The following law is remarkable tor its severity: Sect. 11. "Though the divine law has wil, The father shall not die for the caldren, nor the children for the parents; but every one shall die for his own sin: And sin: The son shall not bear the iniquity the father, nor the father that of the son: Nevertheless, to prevent conspiracies and rellions, it is declared, that when the lty are convicted canonically and legally ef having conspired with the design of depriving the King of his life or crown, or if they have in any manner whatever, by facDeas or machinations, injured the country and the nation, both the guilty and their sole posterity shall be degraded from the Lannars of the Palatine order, and they remain subject to perpetual slavery to private treasury, saving the clemency the King." The 18th section says, that ommencement of a new reign, the great men who have obtained dignities and faFours from the preceding King, are not to he deprived of them, unless they have proved themselves unworthy." What we have quoted of this chapter will w how necessary the edition of the laws the Visigoths, published by the Spanish Arsdemy, was to complete the collection th contain the laws of the different Pople who succeeded to the domination of Rome, and which have been called by the gral name of BARBARORUM LEGES AN which have hitherto impeded our progress By far the most important and universal our service. In treating of the merits of our anthems, dradeservice pretty regularly for several + Vide Life of Mozart and Haydn, p. 87. though I have most anxiously watched for indications of talent, and hailed, with the most lively pleasure, any particular production, any passage or passing notes which spoke to the heart, yet I am bound to admit that I have been very rarely gratified, This might arise from the mediocrity of the performance, but the impression on my mind was, that it arose from the indifference of the composition. I do not stand alone in this opinion; have confessed to the same impression. pinion; many enlightened friends The scrupulous correctness and dull uniformity of these productions can never rouse the attention of a congregation: our common psalm-tunes are in most respects preferable, because they are generally short, simple, and affecting melodies, and therefore rarely tiresome. The greater number of our anthems have had that effect upon many sensible judges of music. But there are exceptions, and one or two brilliant ones. Many pieces, of Purcell, Greene, Boyce, Arne, and Batishill, have great musical merit, particularly the latter; whose anthem, "Call to remembrance," will always remain an ornament to our national service. I am, however, fully persuaded, that among the vast mass of productions of this description with which we abound, a selection might be made, which, though small, would be highly creditable to our national talent. Dr. Boyce's collection, which is that now most commonly used, contains much indifferent stuff, interspersed with some valuable compositions. The judgment here formed of our anthem, is founded (I confess it without hesitation) upon a comparison of its merits with those of the Catholic mass service; and though in the style of the latter there is occasionally too much levity, too much theatrical effect to suit the sobriety of our religious notions, yet, on the other hand, there exists in it an infinitely higher spirit of devotion, greater sublimity, and deeper pathos. For the truth of this position I can only appeal to the judgment of those enlightened lovers of the art, who have had the same ample opportunities of judging of both which have fallen to my lot. With very little knowledge of the theory of music, I have made my own feelings alone the criterion of musical merit. This must be the case with every one, who would judge impartially, and yet it produces very little dissension among real lovers of the art, as to the comparative value of different compositions; there is, therefore, no reprehensible vanity in thus promulgating a sentence pronounced upon the authority of individual feeling. I feel myself called upon in this place, to introduce a remark or two upon the deplorable state of Music in our country churches. In very many, I might say the majority of them, there are no organs. This, though an evil, is not without its remedy. But the grand mischief arises out of the unpardonable vanity of our village musicians, and the tasteless negligence of the clergy, who permit them to exhibit at church on Sundays and holidays, to the great annoyance of every one possessing an ear for the pu rity of musical sounds. Where there is no organ and organist to control the efforts of these people, the discordancy of the sounds is absolutely intolerable; our beautiful service is disfigured and disgraced to gratify the vanity of every drivelling performer on the clarionet, flute, fiddle, or violoncello.. The resemblance of all this complicated discordancy of sound, to what we usually call music, is faint indeed. I have occasionally witnessed similar performances, in which the effect produced was more like the noises of the congregration in Noah's ark, than the singing in a protestant church. Again, in very many places our valuable congregational tunes have been discarded, to make way for a set of very singular performances, meant to represent anthems; they consist, for the most part, from the beginning to the end, of a uniform series of notes of nearly equal length, tending to a cadence at every half dozen bars, which comes as much a matter of course as the expected rhyme at the end of a doggerel distich. This multiplication of drawling cadences is the attribute of vulgarity in music; and it is no where to be net with in such absolute perfection, as in the services of not a few of our country churches. So sensible indeed are some of our clergy, of the indecorum of such practices, that they have seriously set about purging their churches of this nuisance, and expelling all sorts of noises, whether of fiddle, bass, flute, or clarionet, to the great comfort of all but the performers themselves. If our good taste kept pace with our industry, I think there would be little difficulty in removing the evil here complained of. The remedy is very simple;-a little good instruction in the elementary principles of the art, and encouragement from those whose rank or property give them authority in country parishes, particularly the clergyman. Such appear to me to be the inherent defects in our cathedral and country-church service. It is necessary now shortly to advert to the general character of the performers in the first. As far as my experience goes, there are also here many sad defects to be remedied: iny observations must be chiefly drawn from the state of the choirs at Cambridge, where (if any where) good music might be expected to be met with. But the University is very poorly off in this respect; considerably worse, I believe, than Oxford. The appointments are mostly in the hands of men whose attention has been turned to abstruse studies; who have little time, and as little inclination, to cultivate an art foreign to their habits. Even supposing them in clined to defer their choice to some competent person, the trouble of educating the choir must rest upon that individual; fo good singers, ready formed to their hands are not to be found. The labours o the superintendant of the choir must o ought to occupy the whole of his time and attention. But the funds provided for the maintenance of the organist and choristers, see who the persons are, and what their qualifications, who, upon his recommendation, are dubbed Doctors of Music by the Senate. are totally insufficient to enable the former | ling, and some odd expenses, to pay for thus to devote his whole time and attention. it. Such is the Professor; we shall now The time for practice and instruction is confined to four or five hours in the week, whereas as many hours in the day would barely suffice. Their acquirements are, therefore, usually limited to the ordinary routine of church service; more cannot be attempted. Whenever I inquired why such or such a composition was not occasionally performed, I have usually received for answer, that it would consume too much time to instruct the choir, and that it was to be apprehended they would forget what they knew if too many new works were placed before them. This could never take place were their education properly provided for; as it is, the excuse was a valid one. The boys' voices are generally good; but the other parts are very poorly sustained. Men of long standing are often retained, after they have lost all pretence to voice; and what is still worse, when their habits of bad practice are so firmly rooted by age as to render them altogether incorrigible. Any man of decent musical ability, or any one who has been at the expense of a mu sical education, would find himself poorly rewarded indeed by a choristers' stipend, if any greater demand were made upon his time and attention. The work of teaching music is usually resorted to by such persons, with much better prospect of emolument. I am not acquainted with the constitution of other choirs; but the same effects generally proceed from the same causes. The superiority of the rest is not so striking as to warrant us in concluding that the same radical defects do not exist elsewhere. Here too the defect points out the remedy. The credit of our ecclesiastical bodies must be implicated in the proper performance and improvement of the church service. When this is the case, they will devote a small portion of their immense revenues to the advancement of church-music. Employments in their choirs should be made a matter of distinction, and of adequate emolument. Proper tests should be prescribed, proper judges should be appointed to take cognizance of the qualifications of candidates, and advancement held out as a reward to superior industry and talent. Such is the course pursued wherever good church music is to be met with. And such must be the course in England, or our music will remain where it is. Another still more obvious evil exists in the state of our academical institutions for the promotion of musical knowledge. The Professor of Music at the University of Cambridge is elected by the Senate, but has no duties to perform, and no stipend!! His opportunities of emolument arise out of an exclusive licence to give public concerts within the University, particularly during the gay season of the Commencement. He enjoys a monopoly of musical entertainments, and gives no equivalent to the public for it; except virtually conferring degrees upon any candidate who can raise 107. ster The candidate for the degree of Mus. D. is required to produce a piece of sacred music (original composition,) which mus be performed before the Senate at the Uni versity Church, on the Sunday previous to the Commencement. This is the only exer cise or test, and is (I am sorry to say) in general a very slovenly and defective per formance, having few of the requisites o good music; yet a candidate is hardly eve known to have been rejected. It is no usual; and the convenient custom secure the fees due to the Professor, for the trou ble of listening and approving. roving. Any per son of the commonest musical knowledg may thus obtain the highest academica distinction, without the shadow of a titl to such an honour. The distinction mus be, however, considerably raised in publi estimation, when it is understood that Mus. D. wears a flowered gown, and has n academical privileges whatever! Poor in deed must be the attaininents of those t whom the possession of an honour s cheaply obtained can be of any value. An that it should constitute any title to publi notice, as a professor or teacher of musi is a strong proof of the deficiency of mus cal knowledge in this country. Handel said to have been so sensible of its worth lessness, as to have rejected the proffere degree with disdain; and Haydn, whe called upon by the University of Oxford satisfy the usual condition of a degree, ser them, in token of his qualification, a sort musical jeu d'esprit, called a Canon Concr sans, in three parts, and comprised in single line. Favours so cheaply, indiscr ninately, and ignorantly bestowed, deser such treatment at the hands of distinguishe individuals. It would lead me too far to discuss th remedies for such obvious abuses and m managements; I shall therefore confi myself myself to suggesting some few methods promoting a more rational and profoun study of the art of Music; in imitation will candidly confess it) of similar instit tions and practices in the countries whe music is in the most flourishing conditio In Naples there are three institutions the study of Music actually subsisting. Vienna, the numerous chapels attached the households of the great nobility, ke up a constant succession of good musician and supply the want of national academi I am inclined to think that it is to this must attribute the superiority of musical tainments in that capital, over every oth in Europe, Naples perhaps alone excepte Although more money is expended up Music in England than in any other cou try in Europe, we have no national es blishment for the art. Italy and Germa have long had their Academies, from whi we are under the necessity of importing t talent which distinguishes our musical Aussaan 4 4 presentations. France, though a nation of less musical pretension than ourselves, has, in the midst of her revolution, established her Conservatoire, a sort of Musical University, where every branch of the art has its separate school and professor, and in which all the science of the present day is displayed. Were the sinecure funds, and nominal professors, attached to Gresham College, and both the Universities employed greeably to their original destination, an Academy of Music might be established in this country superior to any similar institution in Europe. A Music Hall, of sufficient magnitude, should be erected, in which the students should be called upon to exhibit, monthly, before the public. To this should be attached a library, where every author in the art should be required to deposit the copyright of his works. Such an institution, attached to the sister art in Somerset House, and directed by the well known taste and judgment of the Prince Regent, would be an ornament to his reign, and an bar to the country." * But in defect of such an establishment in this country, why should not our young musicians follow the example of our young painters, many of whom have considered a residence in Italy, for a limited time, a necessary part of their education? Musical notions may be acquired at home; a fixed musical character can only be attained in the land of music. Handel, Hasse, Haydn, Mozart, and most other illustrious artists, received the best part of their education Here; because there the best musical habits are formed, the resources of the art best understood; that kindling enthusiasm in its behalf, most ardent and inspiring, and therefore most likely to fire the ambition, and fix the inclinations of young arlists. At home, gain, and little else, must be their object. There they will see the art practised for its own sake; and its votahes, though mostly poor and indigent, yet mimired and caressed by all classes in sotety, from the Prince to the peasant. Returning then to their native land, our young sicians would inspire their countrymen with a portion of their newly acquired zeal, ad thus kindle a flame, whose effulgence N.B. The concluding sheets will contain some Vide Lives of Haydn and Mozart, pp. 171, |