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The New York Society Library is the most ancient publick Library in the State, and is the third for size and value in the United States; being inferior only to those of Cambridge and Philadelphia. It existed so early as the year 1754, and received its charter from the Colonial Government in 1772. It now possesses about eighteen thousand volumes, many of which are of the most rare and valuable description.

Of the Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary army, who served six months and upwards, it is estimated that there are about 20,000 now living.

Eleven Greek youths, five of them members of Colleges in New England, are now receiving an education in this country, with a view to their future usefulness when they shall return to the land

of their ancestors.

Religious Intelligence.


"Every gownsman is a legion"This, said Dr. Witherspoon, was the expression addressed to me, by the celebrated George Whitefield, when I felt reluctant to leave a congregation of nearly two thousand people, to which I regularly preached in Scotland, for the Presidency of New Jersey College. He who is instrumental in bringing into the ministry of the gospel, one able and faithful labourer, who would otherwise not have entered on the sacred work, renders a service, the benefit of which cannot be calculated. Hence revivals of religion in colleges and academies, by which the church is always furnished with some of its most useful ministers, are peculiarly interesting to the friends of vital piety. We therefore insert in our pages, at full length, the interesting narrative, by the president of the college at Athens in Georgia, of what has taken place among the precious youth of his charge.-We have a lively participation in his feelings. The account is extracted from the Charleston Observer.

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our Synod which we lately attended, i was required publickly to give a narrative of the revival of religion which has lately appeared in this institution, as well as in this town and its vicinity. You also recollect that, after the statement was verbally made to the Synod and numerous congregation present on that occasion, it was resolved unanimously, that a narrative of the same kind should be prepared by myself, and published in some religious journal. Having lately returned home from Synod, I have chosen your recently established paper as the medium of communication, and hasten to comply with the resolution of Synod, by giving the following summary view:

1819, the state of religion here was very On my removal to this place in May, discouraging. Not more than two fainilies, each containing three professors of the Presbyterian communion, resided in this place; together with two females of the Baptist church, and one female of the Methodist order. These were the only professors of religion then in the village. Being required by the laws of the College to see that publick worship should be performed on every Lord's day, I generally officiated myself, except when occasionally visited by a clergyman of the Baptist or Methodist order; to either of whose preachers the College chapel was always cheerfully open. During the first six months of my residence here, it is believed that not more than thirty persons generally attended publick worship, besides the few students who were then in the College. The religious aspect and prospects of the place were gloomy indeed. No church of any denomination had ever been organized in the town, although the Baptists and Methodists, each, had one, not very distant in the neighbourhood.

During the year 1820, the number of students increased, and the prospects of the institution having begun to brighten, several respectable families from various

parts of the state began to select Athens as a place of residence, for the sake of society and the education of their children. Among these were professors of religion of different denominations. Before the close of that year, a Presbyterian church was constituted and the Lord's Supper administered; in which ordinance we were joined by several Methodist brethren and sisters, who have gene. rally united with us in such solemnities ever since.

During the two succeeding years, our little church was increased by the addition of a few respectable students and other persons who became religiously impressed by attending to the usual stated means of grace. The number of families of each denomination, who annually settled here, continued to increase until our worshipping assemblies became large and respectfully attended. A Methodist preacher of respectable talents settled here as preceptor of our female academy. He was invited to divide the Sabbath with Professor Church and myself, by preaching in the College chapel, which he often did with general acceptance. Religious harmony was well preserved; perhaps never better in any place under similar circumstances. At length the number of Methodist families, who removed into Athens, became so large as to dispose and enable them to erect a house of worship for their own use. This being done, an amicable arrangement was made betwixt the two Societies and sanctioned by the Trustees of the College, that divine service would be alternately performed in the College chapel and Methodist meeting house, twice in each month. The labours of a highly esteemed minister of the Methodist order, have been thus employed and enjoyed once in two weeks since last spring.

Ever since the summer of 1824, it has been observed that an increased attention was paid to the preaching of the gospel by a majority of the respectable members of the College, when assembled in the chapel for worship. During the last year (1825) several respectable members were added to our church by a pub fick profession of their faith; but no very unusual appearances occurred until early in August last.

A young man, a member of the senior class in the College, after the final examination of his class in June, had, as is usually permitted, gone to his father's in a neighbouring county, to prepare for the duty assigned to him at the then approaching commencement. While there, he was attacked with a violent fever, and a few days numbered him with the dead. Having been much beloved by his class

mates as well by his other fellow-students, the unexpected intelligence of his early and sudden death produced a serious effect upon the minds of many in the College. This impression was probably improved by some very pertinent and appropriate remarks, introduced by the member of the class who had been appointed to deliver the valedictory addresses on the day of commencement, which were followed by some observations in the address to the graduates. Another young man, formerly a student of this College, who had finished his academical course here two years before, having studied law and entered on the practice of his profession, had visited the place and attended the commencement. On the next day he was confined to bed with sickness; and, after languishing three weeks, notwithstanding every attention and effort of skilful physicians, he died. As he lay in town during his illness, and was much esteemed by the students, many of them visited him, whom he addressed and admonished in terms and under circumstances so peculiarly solemn, as evidently produced impres sions of much solemnity upon their minds.

On the second day after commencement, the Presbytery of Hopewell met in Athens; and on the following Sabbath, the Lord's Supper was administered in our place of worship. There was much solemn and very appropriate preaching on that occasion; and a greater degree of solemnity was observed and believed to overspread the congregation, especially the students, than at any time before. Several of them shortly afterwards were known to be under serious convictions. Prayer meetings, which had been established and attended for five years past once a week or oftener, generally by serious students and other professors of religion, became more closely and fully attended on the evening of the Sabbath and Wednesday in each week. In September, a Methodist camp-meeting, distant some miles from the College, was attended by many of the students, where, it is altogether probable, the religious impressions of a number were deepened. About a week afterwards, one who had been among the earliest subjects of conviction, obtained a comfortable hope of pardon. The seriousness in the College afterwards appeared to increase daily. Religious exercises were attended to by the serious students in their rooms during the hours by law allotted to recreation. In October, several professed a hope of pardon and acceptance; four of whom joined our church by a publick profession of their faith in Christ. The College was

adjourned on the 18th of November, for the winter vacation. Before that period, twenty-seven students of the College had hopefully experienced a change of heart; and many others were then most seriously affected, from whom no account has since been received here.

But the operations of the Spirit of God have not been confined to the members of the College. In this town and its neighbourhood, a goodly number of persons, of various ages and both sexes, have professed a hope of having passed from death unto life since August last. Of all, both in and out of the College, it is known that near fifty have professed faith in Christ. Of these twenty-nine have attached themselves to the Presbyterian church by publick profession; five, (and we think probably more) have joined with the Baptist church; and a number, which we have not been able to ascertain with precision, have united themselves with the Methodist church. When the students return after the vacation, we shall know these circumstances with more certainty.

Although a large proportion of those who have professed a hope of a saving interest in Christ, were evidently under very deep distress of soul for a considerable time, yet on no occasion was there any noise made in our religious meetings, calculated to disturb the solemnities of publick worship. Nor were the usual exercises of college suspended, except during two days, on which many serious students expressed a desire to attend meetings of our Methodist brethren, which were within reach.

As to the causes which it pleased a gracious God to employ as instrumental in producing the effects abovementioned, it is believed that the stated preaching of the gospel on every Sabbath, was the principal. But, in addition to this and the unexpected death of the two young men in July and August last, the following means were no doubt auxiliary and attended with a Divine blessing, viz.

1. A strict regard to discipline in the College, whose laws forbid all kinds of immorality, and require the students to attend publick worship on each Lord's


2. The regular attendance on the monthly concert of prayer, and the general attendance on prayer meetings, which were instituted here almost six years ago, and have been observed generally on Wednesday evenings during the College sessions almost ever since. In these meetings, professors of all churches residing here, have uniformly attended and united in supplication for an effusion of the Holy Spirit upon the members of the

Literary Institution and the inhabitants of this place, with a harmony, and evidently sincere zeal, worthy of those who profess to be the followers of the Lamb.

lege, though few in number, yet were 3. The pious young men in the Colearnestly engaged in social prayer meetings, especially on Sabbath evenings, for a revival of religion in the institution. prayers was evinced by the modesty of The sincerity of their profession and their manners and the correct consistency of their general deportment.

ral of the students had become the sub4. As soon as it was known that sevejects of deep and serious impressions, counsel and attention of ministering bremuch assistance was derived from the thren of different denominations, who visited Athens at that season, and conversed freely and frequently with the and united with them often in prayer students and young persons in the town, both publickly and privately. In these interviews, it is confidently believed that no controversial topicks were ever introof doctrine urged except those which all duced or touched upon; nor any points true Christians agree in believing to be essential to salvation.

forts have been made to make proselytes It is not known to the writer if any efto any religious party. Several students, after obtaining what they believed to be him expressing a desire to unite thema good hope through grace, applied to selves to the church in this place of the applicants were young and the rewhich he is regarded as the pastor. As ligious opinions of their parents were from his own in matters of church diseither unknown, or believed to differ cipline, he uniformly advised them to defer making a publick profession of religion by joining with any church until they could consult their parents, if living. The reason assigned was this, if I had committed a child or son to a preacher of another denomination to be instructed and that teacher should endeavour to by him in classical or scientifick studies, persuade or prevail with him to forsake and renounce the church or religious opinions which I approved or had taught him; and had induced him to join his church and adopt his sentiments in religion, I should think he did not treat me well. I therefore could not do that towards another parent, without violating the rule of equity prescribed by our Saviour in Matthew vii. 12.

No student here has ever been required to attend any religious meeting or exer bath, as enjoined by the laws of the Colcise, except publick worship on the Sablege. When the sons of parents who are

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professors in the Presbyterian church, applied, they were freely admitted to join our church, as we were confident their parents would approve it.

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A brief sketch on this subject has now been given, according to the resolution of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia, without exaggeration, or suppression of any known material circumstance. To many who have witnessed the change here, it has appeared to be the Lord's doing and is marvellous in their eyes. It is hoped and believed that the unusual attention to the doctrines and duties of Christianity, which has lately appeared in this institution, will be productive of results highly beneficial to society both civil and religious. It is believed and expected that many of the young men who have lately embraced religion here, after concluding their academical course, will turn their attention to the study of theology and the ministry of the gospel. In that event, as they will, no doubt, by their own choice, be distributed among the churches of different denominations, as we believe they ought to be, it is a pleasing and probable conjecture, that, having witnessed each other's earnestness and sincerity in their early religious course and exercises, this will greatly tend to destroy those uncharitable jealousies, which have too much prevailed and been so lamentably often exhibited from the pulpit against all other sects except their own, by men professing to be ambassadors of the Prince of Peace. And as a part of them will, probably, not feel called to occupy the sacred desk, it will certainly not disqualify a man for being a sympathetick or skilful physician, or a sound, judicious interpreter of the laws of his country, or forming rules to regulate the intercourse and conduct of men, that he himself fears God and feels bound to keep his commandments. We do cherish a sanguine hope that it will elevate the standard of morality to a higher degree in our State-extend and enlarge the range of Christian benevolence in matters of religious opinion-and prove a source of happiness to generations yet unborn. That these hopes may be realized, I am sure is your desire, as well as that of many others, and of your friend and brother in the gospel,


the direction of the American
Board of Commissioners for Fo-
reign Missions.

We have engaged to give our
readers, in the course of the year,


a general view of Protestant mis-
sions, throughout the world. In the
Missionary Herald for the last
month, we find the following sum-
mary view of the missions con-
ducted by the Board, under whose
auspices that valuable publication
is made-a publication to which all
our religious periodicals are con-
stantly and deeply indebted.

The missions which are now to be sur veyed, though with great brevity, are at Bombay-in Ceylon-among the Cherokees--the Choctaws-the Cherokees-ofthe-Arkansas-the Osages-the Indians in New York-at Mackinaw-at Maumee -the American Emigrants in Hayti-at the Sandwich Islands-in Malta-in Syria --and Palestine.

I. Bombay.*

The third of the British Presidencies in India; about 1300 miles, travelling distance, west of Calcutta. Population of the island about 200,000; of the countries in which the Mahratta language is spoken, about 12,000,000.

Commenced in 1813. Stations at Bombay and Mahim.

BOMBAY-A large city on an island of the same name, and the capital of the Presidency.

Rev. Allen Graves, Missionary, Mrs. Graves; James Garrett, Printer, Mrs. Gar rett; Mrs. Nichols, and Mrs. Frost.

MAHIM.-Six miles from Bombay, on the north part of the island.

The Rev. Samuel Newell, died May 30, 1821; the Rev. John Nichols, Dec. 9, 1824; the Rev. Edmund Frost, Oct. 18, 1825; and the Rev. Gordon Hall, March 20, 1826. The death of Mr. Hall made it necessary for Mr. Graves to remove from Mahim to Bombay. Of course the former The death of Mr. station is now vacant. Nichols, and the consequent removal of his widow to Bombay, made it necessary to relinquish the station of Tannah. Mr. Newell died of the cholera morbus, Mr. Nichols of a fever, Mr. Frost of a consumption, and Mr. Hall of the cholera. Mrs. Hall is in this country.

The last survey stated the amount of printing done at the Mission Press during the three years and a half preceding Dec 31, 1823. The seventeenth Report of the Prudential Committee describes the ope

It will be observed, that in respect t the statistical part of this survey, muc use is made, according to our custom, the Report of the Prudential Committ printed during the previous year.-E

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"The expense of these books was about $1,350. Some small circulars for the mission, and Reports for several societies were also published at the mission-press. In the first six months of 1825, no new tracts had been printed; but a new edition of the Scripture history (10,000 copies) had been commenced. This was to be followed immediately by an English and Mahratta school-book, intended to promote morality and the true religion. The New Testament was printed in order as far as Philippians; the small epistles having also been published.

"A new fount of Nagree types had been procured from Calcutta, which would render it easy to issue school-books of a superior quality. For this species of publication there were many inducements; and doubtless the demand for books of many kinds will increase regularly, till all that part of India shall have experienced the happy change, which the Gospel, accompanied by pure morality and genuine philosophy, will accomplish ere long."

A fact, stated by Mr. Hall, and published at p. 205 of our last volume, shows very strikingly, how much good may be silently effected by the numerous Christian publications issued from the press at Bombay. -The New Testament, in Mahratta, as translated by the missionaries of the Board, was carried through the press before the death of Mr. Hall.

Of the schooling system, the Report speaks as follows.

"It appears from a printed document, issued by the missionaries at the commencement of the present year, that the number of common schools under their superintendence was thirty-two, and the number of children on the list of the teachers, 1750. Of these pupils, 75 were girls, and 133 were Jewish children.During the preceding year, 1000 pupils, as nearly as could be ascertained, had left these schools, having obtained, in general, what the natives esteem a sufficiently "good education. Among those, who have left the schools in preceding years down to the date of the document here referred to, the missionaries say there are many VOL. V.-Ch. Adv.

boys and young men, who can read with a fluency and propriety, that would put to shame a great majority of the common Brahmins." Wherever these youths are afterwards met in the country, they are among the first to solicit and read the Christian Scriptures and tracts. In not a few instances, fathers have solicited books for their little sons. The education of female children is viewed in its just light by the missionaries; and they have taken peculiar pains to break down the prejudices of the people on this subject. Considering the strength of these prejudices, much has already been done, and the way is fast preparing for a general revolution of publick opinion. Numerous and urgent applications are made for new schools; but it is necessary to decline them all, until larger funds and more labourers can be furnished."

The joint letter of the missionaries, inserted in our last volume, pp. 101, 102, together with Mr. Hall's appeal to the American churches, printed at p. 312, strongly prove, that in work preparatory to great and visible success, the mission had, in ten years, made much progress.

II. Ceylon.

A large island in the Indian sea, separated from the coast of Coromandel by a channel, called the Straits of Manaar.Length 300 miles, breadth 200.-Population 1,500,000. It constitutes one of the British governments in India, but is not under the control of the East India Company.

The missionaries of the Board are in the northern, or Tamul division of the island, in the district of Jaffna.

Commenced in 1816. Stations at Til

lipally, Batticotta, Oodooville, Panditeripo, Manepy, and Kaits.

TILLIPALLY.-Nine miles north of Jaffnapatam. Established in 1816.

Rev. Henry Woodward, Missionary. Nicholas Permander, Native Preacher; M. Tumban, Teacher of English; Jordan Lodge, Native Assistant; Charles Hodge, Native Superintendent of Schools.

BATTICOTTA.-Six miles north-west of Jaffnapatam. 1817.

Rev. Benjamin C. Meigs, Missionary; Rev. Daniel Poor, Missionary and Principal of the Central School; and their wives.

Gabriel Tissera, Native Preacher and Teacher in the Central School; Timothy Dwight, Native Assistant Teacher in the Central School; Ebenezer Porter, Native Assistant.

It would seem, from one of the docu ments received from the mission, that Sa muel Worcester was also employed as a Native Assistant Teacher.


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