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rienced; but will simply say, that, though it has been my happy lot to labour in several revivals of religion, yet my mind was never before so solemnly impressed in view of my own ministerial responsibility, and of the infinitely perilous condition of the unconverted. Being made to feel thus deeply, seeing, as I thought I did clearly, that there was but a very thin partition between the sinner and endless despair, it may be readily supposed that I warned, exhorted and entreated my people, both in publick and in private, in the most plain and earnest manner, to arouse from their long continued and threatening slumbers. It was soon evident that He who had made the writer feel so much for the people, began to make some of the people feel for themselves. There were some signs of life; a little stir, a tremulous motion among the "dry bones." For this, I thanked God and took courage. Meetings were appointed at private houses, which soon became crowded and overwhelmingly solemn. Our assemblies upon the Sabbath, became nuch larger, and a visible, a deep-toned solemnity reigned through the house. Numbers were brought to believe and realize for the first time in life, that they were lost sinners, exposed to the wrath of an offended God, that "sin kills beyond the tomb." Their former delusive dreams of heaven, vanished "like the morning cloud and the early dew," as they awoke from their long deep sleep of stupidity and unbelief. "What must I do to be saved?" was the anxious interrogation of many, whose voices were almost suppressed with sobbings. Their convictions were remarkably pungent; but in general, their distress did not continue as long, as in several other revivals which I have witnessed. In some instances, their hearts would rise in the most fearful manner either against God as a Lawgiver, or against the Lord Jesus Christ as Mediator. As to the latter, they felt a strong desire, expressing it without reserve, to go to God directly, without having any thing to do with the Lord Jesus Christ. However they were at length, as we hope, made willing to submit to God's terms, and brought to accept of pardoning mercy through the "only name revealed under heaven among men," whereby a sinner can be saved. In some cases it seemed as if God opened the eyes of the individual, to see the number, magnitude, and demerit of his sins at once. In such eases, of course, the distress was very great, but usually, of short continuance.The storm was soon hushed, and "there was a great calm," as the eye of faith beheld Jesus approaching. For many weeks, it appeared as if not a sermon was preach ed. nor an exhortation given, nor a visit made in vain. The Spirit of the Lord was truly present to apply divine truth to the consciences, and to fasten it in the hearts of sinners "like a nail in a sure place."

Such was the solemnity of our meetings, that with very few exceptions, the most careless and thoughtless appeared to pause and to reflect, as if conscious that God was with us. During all this the most perfect order reigned in our meetings. In general nothing was to be heard, but the voice of the speaker; except now and then an involuntary sob would break upon the ear, which carried with it its own apology Sometimes, an individual, whom I had left in the morning in all the darkness and distress attendant upon clear conviction without pardon, would appear in the prayer meeting in the evening, with a countenance so changed as to indicate plainly what had taken place within. I could mention many particulars, relative to individual cases, which no doubt would be extremely interesting to every pious reader, but perhaps it is better to omit them.

There are 37 or 38 who have indulged a hope that they have passed from death unto life, during this work. Among these there are 18 or 19 heads of families, males and females. Our Sunday School has been peculiarly blessed.-Both of our Superintendents, 13 or 14 of our Teachers, and 5 of our largest schools, are among the hopeful subjects of the revival. Formerly, according to the best of my knowledge, there were but two families in the congregation in which family worship was regularly attended; and now, I believe, there are 10 or 12 families that avail themselves of that precious privilege. There are several yet seriously inquiring the way to Zion; and a few of these have been solemnly impressed from an early period in the revival. The 2d Sabbath in August, was the most interesting day ever known in this place. On that day, the Rev. S. S. D. assisted me in organizing a Presbyterian Church. The candidates having been previously examined, 28 individuals were associated together as a Christian church, not one of whom had ever been a member of a church before. Some who had been examined and propounded for admission, were prevented from coming forward by sickness. The ordinance of baptism was administered to 9 persons only, the others having been previously baptized. After this, we proceeded to the solemn exercise of ordaining a Ruling Elder.

The church being thus regularly orga nized, between 30 and 40 professed disciples of Jesus sat down to commemorate the dying sufferings of their Redeemer, upon a spot in a house where a similar scene was never witnessed before. The house was crowded almost to overflowing by a solemn and attentive audience. It was a day never to be forgotten by the writer, nor, as it is to be hoped, by any of those who on that occasion publickly took upon them the vows of the Almighty.

Among those who united with the Church, there were four husbands with

their wives; and in about four or five instances, parents and children were together at the same communion table. At our

next communion season, it is expected that

others will come forward and unite with this church, some by profession, and some by letters from other churches.

On the third Sabbath in September, in the presence of a large and attentive audi nce, I baptized twenty-five children, whose parents, one or both of them, are members of our church. Formerly, if the people were destitute of a preacher, there was no religious exercise of any kind from month to month. But now, if destitute upon the Sabbath, they meet together, read a sermon, pray, &c. and attend to the exercises of the Sunday School.

Before closing, I would remark, that God has in this revival, as usual, greatly honoured his own means. In general, those who have been brought in, were, previous to the revival, among the regular attendants upon publick worship. I think the influence of Tracts has been great. I believe that two young persons found relief from their distress while perusing the Tract, entitled, "The Way to be Saved." Though the number of conversions here is small, when compared with the results

of those more extensive outpourings of the Spirit, witnessed in some other places, yet we feel that "the Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad." More, however, much more remains to be done. For while some, as we hope, have been made willing to enter the Ark, others are still standing unsheltered without, exposed to all the threatened and approaching storms of Divine wrath.

That God may revive the revival, and still carry on his own work among us, until all shall be brought cordially to embrace the Saviour, we hope will be the prayer of our brethren abroad, as I trust it is the fervent petition of this infant church, and of your affectionate brother in the Gospel of Christ. N. HOYT.

Beach Island, S. C. Oct. 3d, 1827.


Among the many missionary enterprises of the present day, there is scarcely one that appears more important to us than the establishment of female schools in India-If these could be generally established, they would speedily change the whole aspect of society in that populous region, and change it in favour of Christianity. The heathenish and Mahomedan usage of degrading the whole female sex would be destroyed, and Christian mothers would be found among the natives, to bring

up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We therefore most cheerfully give publicity to the following communication, which has been handed us; and take the opportunity to say, that we most earnestly wish that Philadelphia Schools in India may be multiplied greatly.

To the kind Supporters of the Philadelphia School.

Dear Christian Friends,-In our communication forwarded by our esteemed friend, Mr. Blachie, you were informed of a school designated the Philadelphia School, having been established under the superintendence of a native Christian woman. Since that period, however, it has been deemed expedient to change both its situation and its mistress: the first, on account of a school having been established by a sister society within two minutes walk of ours; and the second, because the mistress being a Christian, she found she could not collect or keep together heathen children, owing to the prejudices of their parents. However, in July last, a very favourable situation was found for the establishment of another school, designated the Philadelphia, and its prospects are very pleasing: it already contains thirty pupils, and bids fair

to be one of the most efficient on the Society's list.

I would just observe, that the former mistress is employed as mistress of the Female Asylum, which has lately been es tablished in connexion with our female

schools, and the establishment of which I feel sure will be hailed by all well wishers to the poor native females. Here, the poor children are boarded and clothed; accustomed to family prayer, and constantly under the eye of those who seek their best interests. A resolution passed at one of our committee meetings, that any person subscribing for the support of any child in this institution 5-S24-or 50 rupees, annually, shall be entitled to have the child thus supported, called by any name, he or she may direct.

We hope, in a month or two, to forward the Annual Report of our Society's progress; therefore, I will not now say any thing of the state of our other schools, but affectionately desiring you may be repaid a thousand fold into your own bo soms all the kindness you manifest for the poor degraded females of India, I beg leave to subscribe myself, on behalf of tian regard, the committee, yours, in the ties of Chris

ANNA CAREY, Secretary. Calcutta, Dec. 29, 1826.


In Charleston, South Carolina, on the 5th of October, after an illness of ninety hours, the Rev. Dr. Tho

mas Charlton Henry, in the 38th year of his age. We hope to publish, in our next number, a memoir of this excellent and eminent mi

nister of the gospel of Christ.

The Treasurer of the Trustees of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church acknowledges the receipt of the following sum for their Theological Seminary at Princeton, (N. J.) during the month of October last, viz.

Of Rev. John W. Scott, a Quarter's rent, for the Contingent Fund

And that he has received the following sums for their Missionary Fund, viz.
Of Rev. Dr. E. S. Ely, for his sales of the Minutes of the General Assembly
Of Rev. Dr. J. J. Janeway, from Millville Church $8, one half is for this Fund


$87 50

138 75


$142 75

View of Publick Affairs.


OUR latest European dates are, from London of the 29th, and from Paris and Havre of the 15th of September.

BRITAIN. The new British Cabinet has at length been definitively settled, as follows: First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Goderich-Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Herries-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Dudley and Ward-Secretary of State for the War and Colonial Department, Mr. Huskisson-Secretary of State for the Home Department, Marquis of Landsdowne-Master General of the Ordnance, Marquis of Anglesea-Lord Chancellor, Lord Lyndhurst-President of the Council, Duke of Portland-Lord Privy Seal, Earl of Carlisle-President of the Board of Trade and Treasurer of the Navy, Mr. C. Grant-President of the Board of Control, Mr. C. W. Wynn-Secretary at War, Lord Palmerston-Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Lord Bexley-Master of the Mint, Mr. Tierney-Surveyor of the Woods and Forests, Mr. S. Bourne.

It appears that the whole system of measures adopted by the British ministry before the death of Mr. Canning, and which were principally devised by him, are to be pursued by the new administration. It is also stated that a very desirable, and even unusual harmony, prevails among the members of the present cabinet; and also that the king and cabinet are entirely harmonious in their views and wishes-Besides the formation of the cabinet, no event of national or general interest appears to have taken place in Britain during the past month. The prospect of a war with the Turks had caused a small fluctuation of stocks; and the creditors of the Duke of York had received a dividend of ten shillings in the pound. The great tunnel under the Thames was carried forward with new vigour, and with the confident expectation of complete success. It was thought that employment for mechanics and for the poor was less in demand, and somewhat less profitable, than two or three months since. Mr. Gallatin and his family were to embark for New York on the 8th of October. We know not the cause of this return to his country of our minister to the British court.

FRANCE. The most important occurrence that has recently taken place in France seems to be, the funeral of the late deputy Manuel, who was expelled from the chamber of deputies on the 12th of March, 1823, for expressing himself too freely and earnestly in favour of what is denominated liberalism. He died, after a short and severe illness, at the house of his friend M. Lafitte, about five leagues from Paris, on the 20th of August ult. Permission could not be obtained to remove his corpse to his dwelling in Paris; and every effort was made by the government, by attempting to hurry the funeral, and by other means, to prevent the expression of the popular feeling, which was known to be favourable to the defunct, and to hinder his reception in any way of publick funeral honours. All efforts of this kind however were ineffectual. The hearse in which the corpse was carried, was surmounted with two crowns, and the motto "The immortal gratitude of the people," was placed on the top of the highest plume of feathers on the car. The place of interment was the cemetery of Pere la Chaise in the environs of Paris; and the procession, which was considerable at first, was continually increased in passing through the villages and towns on its way to the cemetery; till at length, a

it moved along the bulwarks of Paris, the attendant crowd was supposed to amount to a hundred thousand people. The corpse had been carried a part of the way on the shoulders of young men, and then placed in a car, from which the horses were taken and their places supplied by the former bearers. When not far from the place of interment, this immense concourse of people was arrested, by a large corps of the Gendarmerie of Paris. The commander of this corps, M. Count de Saint Germain, insisted that the corpse should be taken out of the car in which it had proceeded thus far, and be placed in another, to be drawn by horses and not by men. After much altercation, and being apparently on the verge of a bloody conflict, a kind of compromise was agreed on. The corpse remained in the first car, to which a pair of horses were slightly harnessed, and the men who had before drawn it continued to do so-In this manner it proceeded to the place of burial, where our country's friend, General La Fayette, pronounced a warm eulogy of the deceased; and then the crowd dispersed peaceably. We have gone into this detail-not however a tenth part as long as that from which we have abridged it-because we think it is calculated to show the state of parties in France. The Liberals, although not in power, and perhaps a minority of the whole nation, are still both numerous and influential, and not afraid to avow their opinions openly and ardently; and yet always with some reserve, and with professed respect to the existing government. The government on the other hand, is manifestly jealous of the Liberals, vigilant to restrain, and if possible to diminish their influence; and yet afraid to excite their anger, or by open force to repress their proceedings-It is said that the harvest of the present year in France is not equal to that of last year; and that bread stuffs have increased in price.

SPAIN.—We have heretofore taken notice of the faction in Spain denominated the Carlists, that is, those who profess to wish that the reigning monarch should be deposed, and his brother Carlos take his place. This faction has become exceedingly formida ble, particularly in the province of Catalonia. The following paragraph from the London Courier contains the most recent information relative to this alarming insurrection. "We have this morning learned from a gentleman recently arrived from Madrid, that, as far as his information goes, the great cause of alarm to the Spanish Government, with respect to the insurrection in Catalonia, is the perfect organization of the plans of the Carlists, and that the troops that were marching against them were many of them hearty in the furtherance of the object that the insurgents had in view-the dethronement of Ferdinand! Insurrections, as he observed, had sprung up in rapid succession in Spain, during her present monarch's reign, but they have, for the most part, been commenced without deliberation, and conducted without system. The Spanish Government was aware, from the intelligence daily communicated to it, that the reverse of this state of things was the characteristic of the present troubles: and it was from a Spaniard of deini-official connexions that the individual in question received a hint to be on the alert, to secure any property he might have with him in Spain."Since the foregoing was prepared for the press, a more recent ar rival has brought an official article by the Spanish Minister, Secretary of War; in which he gives a detailed history of the origin, progress, and present state of the existing rebellion. It is directed to the Captain General of Catalonia, Count Campo Sagrado; and concludes with a royal decree expressed in eight articles, directing the commander in chief in relation to his duty in suppressing the rebellion, and declaring in what light the rebels are regarded. It appears that a large military force is moving towards the section of the country most disturbed (for various parts are in a state of great disorder), and it is affirmed that king Ferdinand himself is going to exhibit his sacred person in the rebellious region, in hopes that it will operate as a sedative to the political disorders so prevalent and dangerous there.-Our readers will err, if they suppose that these rebellious Carlists are a whit more friendly to any thing like free government than the Ferdinandists; on the contrary, their main plea is that Ferdinand is in captivity, and can not, or will not, act with sufficient energy against the Constitutionalists, and all who favour them. They even demand the Inquisition in some places: yet this party is joined by some Constitutionalists, no doubt with a hope uk timately to serve themselves. The state of Spain is surely a political chaos-“ Confasion worse confounded."

PORTUGAL.—This kingdom is scarcely in a better state than its neighbour. It would seem that the promising prospects of a favourable settlement of the nation under the New Constitution, are altogether clouded, by the expected arrival of Don Miguel as the representative of his brother Don Pedro; and his known hatred of the "liberal party, and warm attachment to the friends of the old regime. The latter, of course. show themselves in greater numbers, and act with more confidence. The Princess regent seems well disposed, but the reins of government require a more powerful arm than hers, to hold them at the present time. It is believed by some that Don Miguel can

reconcile the contending parties if he will, or at least prevent an open conflict. But we misjudge if he has either the ability or the inclination to produce such an effect. TURKEY AND GREECE.-The dates from Constantinople, are to the twenty-second of August. At that time, the ultimatum of the powers had been presented to the Porte eight days, and only five days more were allowed for deliberation; the original period of one month having been considered too long, and reduced one-half. The ambassadors of England, France and Russia, presented it together; and the Reis Effendi, after inquiring of the dragomans what were its contents, and receiving no satisfaction, laid it aside. The European papers very naturally give many different conjectures on the subject, and publish all the rumours they hear. It is said that Mr. Stratford Canning urged the Austrian Internuncio to advise the Divan to accept the propositions, but that he refused. Also, that the Prussian minister made some representations to the Reis Effendi, which were ineffectual. The limited time will expire on the 31st of August. In the mean time, the three powers are assembling their squadrons in the Archipelago; the best evidence we have seen to prove that they adhere to their resolution of doing something for Greece and humanity. It also appears that the Russians are prepared for military operations by land, and that the Russian minister had signified to the Porte, that any injury or insult offered to the ambassadors or the subjects of the three allied powers, at Constantinople, would be the signal for the Russian army to enter the Ottoman territory. A Russian fleet is also off the Bosphorus, on the side of the Black sea. The naval forces of Britain, France and Russia, were expected to join each other, and be ready for action in the first days of September. We trust that the carnage among the poor Greeks is nearly at an end. Humanity shudders in the contemplation of the sufferings, in every form, to which this oppressed people have been and still are subjectedSince writing as above, an arrival from London has given us a copy of the ultimatum, signed by the plenipotentiaries severally of the three great powers, and presented by them to the Turkish Reis Effendi. The conclusion of it is most decisive-It forecloses all pleas for delay, all evasion, and will not even endure silence. Its import is, "speak before the fifteen days are out, or then we will act!" And at the last accounts, three or four days beyond the allotted period had passed, without any answer from the Turk. Yet we think we have been tempted to say we fear-that after all, he will not fight. He will probably bluster as long as possible, and then yield. If he does not, we shall consider him judicially infatuated, that he may be destroyed. The English quid nuncs are divided in opinion; but the majority seem to look for war. It appears that the Greeks, since they have heard of the powerful interference in their favour, have resumed their courage, laid aside their animosities, and made head against their enemies with spirit, and with at least partial success.

RUSSIA. It appears that the rumour which we mentioned last month, that the Russian troops had suffered a defeat by the Persians, was exactly the opposite of the truth. It seems now to be pretty well ascertained, that the Russians, after a very sanguinary battle on the Araxes, gained a complete victory over the Persians. The war, however, still rages; and it appears that the Russians, to gain a more advantageous position, have made a retrograde movement-this probably gave rise to the ru mour of a defeat.


It appears that a civil war has, for some time past, been raging in the northern and north-western part of the Chinese empire. We copy the following article from a paper recently brought from Europe.

Accounts from China, received in Paris, via London, state that Sung-Tajin, who was minister at the time of Lord Macartney's embassy, died at Kansah. This veteran was considered by the Chinese as one of the pillars of their Empire. The war in Little Bucharia continued with great fury. Cashgar had fallen into the hands of the rebels, and it was supposed Tarkand would also be taken by them. Chang-Lung, the fifth minister of state, had been appointed commander in chief against the rebels. The Malacca Observer, of Feb. 18, says that the rebels in Tartary carried all before them. Accounts from Canton, of January 2, state that Ele, Keerchang, and Cashgar were taken, that the great officer, King Toean was killed, and the imperial army de stroyed.


The English cruisers on the coast of Africa, between the 10th of April, 1824, and the first of June, 1827, captured fifty vessels, containing no less than 9,733 slaves

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