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solemn deliberation, and the report of the ablest committee that could be selected, and the private inquiries and researches of the members for a whole year, and "the most mature deliberation" of a second sy nod, both these kinds of marriages are declared "to be unlawful, and that the persons contracting them are to be suspended from special communion, while they continue in this relation." Surely it ought not to be asserted that the highest judicatory of the Presbyterian church, has never been able to satisfy itself that the marriage of a deceased wife's sister is positively forbidden in the Bible. The highest judicature of this church was perfectly satisfied on this subject, for more than half a century. But here again we ought to acquit Dr. Ely of known misrepresentation-We are persuaded he was not acquainted with this decision. His quotations are all made from acts of the General Assembly, which certainly are of a different complexion from those of the old synod-the synod which formed and sanctioned the present constitution of the Presbyterian church. Yet in no instance, let it be remembered, has the General Assembly failed to frown, and sometimes very severely, on these marriages. We did intend to trace this subject through all the records of the General Synod, and General Assembly. But we find that the execution of that purpose would extend our review beyond all reasonable bounds. The truth is, that in the Presbyterian church, discipline in regard to unlawful marriages has gradually been relaxed, and that this relaxation has been, in a great measure, owing to the manner in which the General Assembly has treated the subject-till in some parts of the church no discipline at all is exercised, and the General Assembly itself, has at last submitted it to the Presbyteries to decide whether the constitutional article shall not be repealed,

To what is this to be attributed? To the gradual increase of light, and the removal of superstitionsay the advocates for curtailing the Confession of Faith. To a growing deterioration of morals, and a criminal relaxation of church discipline, and the repeal or non execution of the laws against incest-answer those who would preserve the constitution in its integrity. We profess to belong to the latter class; and thus we come into collision with the authors of the two pamphlets, to which are attached the signatures of Clericus and Veritas. These pamphlets, in reply to Domesticus, are written in a neat style, and with good temper.

We have said that our opinions are in collision with those of these writers; but this is true only to a certain extent. They wish the canons of the church, which relate to unlawful marriages to be repealed or altered; we wish that they should remain exactly as they are. But we entirely agree with them in thinking that the ground is utterly untenable, on which Domesticus contends against an alteration in the Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian church. We think that he has deeply injured the cause which he professes to defend; and we propose to quote from Clericus and Veritas in proof of this fact. So far then as these writers state considerations to show that we must take our authority for the prohibition of incestuous marriages from the Levitical code, and not, as Domesticus would have it, from "general expediency"-so far as they expose the weakness and futility of all his reasoning in support of his strange hypothesis-so far as they condemn his extravagance of assertion and expression-so far their

These writers, it appears, both be long to the communion of the Dutch church, before the General Synod of pending, as before the General Assembly which the very same question is now of the Presbyterian Church.

sentiments and ours are in perfect accordance; and we only regret that Domesticus has put it in their power to urge against what we esteem a good cause, the indiscreet admissions of one of its advocates. All that we have to say, therefore, in opposition to Clericus and Veritas, may be brought within a narrow compass; for by far the larger part of their pamphlets is employed in exposing what is inconclusive and objectionable in the publication to which they reply. If we rightly apprehend these writers, they wish the canons of the Dutch church and the Confession of the Presbyterian church to be altered, in regard to unlawful marriages--simply and solely because they think that these canons and this Confession, as they now stand, cannot be supported by the Levitical code, nor by any other scriptural authority. We have honestly and carefully endeavoured to understand them, and if we do, the whole of what they say on the merits of the question in controversy comes in the result to thisWe are by no means to reject the xviii. chapter of Leviticus as containing merely a temporary enactment for the Jews, but to regard it as furnishing, on the subject of unlawful marriages, the law of the Christian church: and yet we are not to infer from the 16th verse of that chapter, that a man is forbidden to marry the sister of his deceased wife, but rather to consider the 18th verse as intimating that he may. Now we have already seen, that while there have been in every age of the Christian church a few individuals, some of them, we admit, learned and pious, who have rather leaned to this interpretation of the 16th and 18th verses of the xviii. chapter of Leviticus than decisively adopted it, still the collected and overwhelming weight of piety and learning have always been decisively in favour of the other interpretation; and nearly the whole, even of those who lean to VOL. V.-Ch. Adv.

the opposite side, have admitted that our's is the safest construction for practice; the best calculated to preserve the purity of the church from contamination, and the consciences of its members from uneasy doubts and suspicions. Nay, C. and V. themselves disclaim expressly the imputation of pleading for these marriages, as generally expedient; or indeed of being advocates for them at all-They only wish the rules of the church to be so modified that, for the present, some slight punishment may be inflicted for the violation of existing prejudices; and Clericus says, expressly, (page 17), "In a few years the prejudice will probably subside: publick opinion may change; and it may appear expedient to dispense even with this slight discipline." How these writers are to show that they are consistent with themselves, in the different parts of their pamphlets, we are glad to think is not a task which we are called to undertake.

But let us see what reasons they assign for the interpretation they would give to the 16th and 18th verses of Lev. xviii. And here we wish it may be well noted that they do not even pretend to allege any new argument, from the meaning of the texts in the original, or from the context of the verses-they do not even recite much that has heretofore been said by others, in favour of their opinion. What they do say, in the way of argument, has been said and answered a hundred times, before they were born. Their whole plea, so far as it is properly their own, rests on the increased light of the present age, on classing the opinions of their opponents with those in favour of religious persecution and witchcraft, and on the fact that persons of great piety and worth have actually contracted such marriages as we judge to be unlawful. Now we really think that we might fairly urge that much of all this is gratis dictum, and that the


rest is set aside by a fundamental principle of dialectick, which says, a particulari ad generale non valet consequentia-You shall not draw a general conclusion from particular cases. What has the increased light of the present age to do with the subject, if the present age has not thrown a single ray of new light on the texts of scripture in controversy? Such we affirm to be the fact; and Clericus and Veritas themselves do not profess to show the contrary. And what have religious persecution and witchcraft to do with the question, if there is no similarity between them and the case in hand. Clericus has only intimated, he has not even attempted to prove, that there is a similarity. We affirm that there is none whatever. No Protestant, no Romanist, so far as we know, pretends to allege that there is any passage of scripture that lays down a law, showing in what cases religious persecution is lawful, and in what cases unlawful. But these gentlemen themselves admit that there is a passage of scripture which lays down the law in regard to unlawful marriages-The only question is about the true interpretation of this law, and C. and V. take it for granted, that the light of this age is in favour of their construction. Even in this, facts are all against them, unless they will maintain that the light of the age has begun to dawn very recently perhaps since they and Domesticus have appeared as authors. We are not aware that any late European publications have shed light on this subject and as to our own country, what writers, we ask, of the present age, have ranked higher in point of learning, piety and logical acumen, among the Congregational churches of New England, than Dr. Trumbull and the younger President Edwards? And who, in the Dutch and Presbyterian churches, have been more distinguished by the union of the same talents than

Doctors Livingston and Mason? Yet all these men have most deci. sively opposed the interpretation for which C. and V. are advocates, and have put forth all their strength in favour of our opinion, and in opposition to theirs. We know not why C. and V. have not condescended so much as to mention the work of Dr. Livingston-especially as they belong to the church of which, for half a century, he was the brightest ornament. Whatever may have been the cause of their silence, as well as that of Domesticus, we shall take this opportunity to say explicitly, that we think he had, by a very great disparity, more learning, more theological knowledge, more logick, and a better acquaintance with biblical criticism, than all of them put together, with the present reviewer added to the number. But perhaps he was so indurated by years, that the light of the present age could not penetrate his mind! Seriously, for this is a very serious subject, we do not believe that it has been light, but corrupt feeling, unrestrained by church discipline and civil law, which has led to the wretched frequency of marriages between brothers and sisters-inlaw, in our country-For in other countries there has been nothing of the kind-unless we except France, in the time of the revolution. How will Veritas himself reconcile the whole scope of his pamphlet with the following paragraph found on the 11th page? He says

"I would not, however, on any consi these excellent standards of doctrine deration, be understood as undervaluing which we have received from, and for which we are indebted to, the piety and learning of our ancestors; or as casting training up their children, from their inany reflection on their pious care, in

regard for the institutions and ordinances fancy, in doctrinal knowledge, and a strict of religion. We have rather reason to mourn over the degeneracy of modern times. Would that this hallowed influence were distilling itself more extensively on our rising generation! Let the young be taught to venerate our confes

sions of faith. Let early instruction in their doctrines have its full effect. It may possibly produce prejudice, but better that should be the result, than that its to

tal neglect should leave the mind unoccupied, and unguarded against the inroads of infidelity and error: for, where faithfully administered, if the subject is diverted to either, he will step over on the sterner side of Christian rectitude.

Yes, verily, "we have reason to mourn over the degeneracy of modern times," and to impute to this cause the better state of the church and of society at large, in years that are past. To this cause, and not to increased light, we are to impute the transgressions of a few, not many, pious persons, in the matter of unlawful marriage. The very truth is, and all history proves it, that in no one point of morals are good men themselves so liable to offend, if not restrained by the strongest and most palpable bonds, as in that which relates to the intercourse of the sexes. We do not believe that there is in the United States at present, a holier man than David, or a wiser one

than Solomon. Yet every reader of the Bible knows how lamentably they sinned, by the indulgence of unhallowed propensities, and what a blot they have left on their characters, as a warning to all succeeding ages. Nor ought it to be forgotten, how severely they suffered, by the immediate inflictions of God himself. As to witchcraft, the light of modern times, it is supposed, has discovered that, at present, there is no such thing; and consequently that there is no passage of scripture, however applicable heretofore, that is applicable now.

But this modern light, even in the judgment of Clericus and Veritas,

has not discovered that there is no passage of scripture which is directly applicable to unlawful marriages. They maintain that there is such a passage. They maintain it stoutly against Domesticus; who seems to think indeed that he has a complete monopoly of this wonderful light

this (to use a figure of his own) "Jackwith-a-lantern," which has led him away from the safe and sure paths of holy scripture, and "soused him into bogs and ditches," in one of which Veritas professes to have found him, and to enjoy a laugh at his expense.

Thus are we brought into closer contact with Domesticus, certainly the most singular writer that we ever encountered. He uses no ceremony with any body, and therefore has no right to expect any in return. He hurls aside with a jerk, all the best expositors of scripture, and all the framers of canons and confessions of faith, in every age of the church, who have thought that, for the law of incest, recourse must be had to the 18th chapter of Leviticus. He treats them all with perfect contempt, and in reference to the basis on which they construct their system he says "As well might a man endeavour to persuade us, that a steam-engine is made to boil water for the tea-table." Now, a writer who can do this, may be learned, may be ingenious, may be eloquent, may be brilliant, but in our poor opinion, he discovers more talent for every thing that is the opposite of modesty, than for any thing else. Domesticus professes to be on our side of the question, but

as an auxiliary we renounce him utterly.

Non tali auxilio, nec defensoribus istis, Tempus eget

He has done all in his power to that he has done this intentionally betray our cause to the enemy. Not -we acquit him of design; but he has done it in fact. The proof is before us. Clericus quotes him exultingly, from the beginning to the end of his letter; and Veritas frequently refers to him in the same way. Clericus says

"Now, I ask, what is the argument of Domesticus? Indulge me, my friend, with a rapid view of it, to show the correctness of my averment.

"The divine law he yields in toto, at the very outset, as giving no direct

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national manners; nay, in the Hebrew law itself, I could point out numberless singularities of this rite, which no one will contend societies in our day are bound to imitate. We are, therefore, totally in the dark until the question be fully decided-what means the law of incest in general? Having obtained the rea son, we can soon, and easily judge, whe ther, and how far, the Levitical precepts carry with them the force of obligation. We can judge, also, whether the circumstances of modern society so far differ from those of the Hebrew nation as to require a revision and extension of that code

in a word, we shall be able, unless I am greatly mistaken, to fix the true cha racter of the marriage more immediately under consideration. Page 10.

positive countenance to the side he has undertaken to defend. This is his language: My conviction of the incestuous nature of the marriage of a wife's sister, is, as I have already hinted, not founded on the letter of the Levitical law. On this point I fully agree with the gentlemen alluded to above; (referring to those who had been represented by his friend as denying the relation of the 18th verse of the 18th chapter of Leviticus to the question, and thinking the constructive reasoning from the 16th verse, which forbids the marriage of a woman with her husband's brother, too vague and indeterminate to build a solid conclusion on.) I can no more find it prohibited in the words of that code, than I can find the battle of Waterloo in the Apocalypse of St. John. Again. The question is, are "Such, then, is his argument, stated they' (the institutions of Moses,) obliga fairly in his own words. The connexion tory on the Christian church, or on Chris- in marriage of a man with his wife's sister tian nations as a system, so that no change is not sanctioned by GENERAL EXPEDI can be made in any, even of the details, ENCY. The Levitical law, on which some without incurring the high guilt of rebel- place so much reliance to prove the unlion against the authority of Almighty lawfulness of the connexion, is confessedGod? Every sensible man will answer ly not of moral obligation, but depends, as without hesitation, no. I then ask how to the extent of its application, on cir much is obligatory? What rule is to di- cumstances. Circumstances are variable rect us in the delicate process of sifting things. The manners, habits, and feeland selection? The obvious reply to this ings of a people may change, and then is, just so much as agrees with the phy- the application of the law may be modi sical, moral, and political circumstances fied, or suspended altogether, according of modern society, and the rule is GENE- to circumstances. And Reason, which he RAL EXPEDIENCY as apprehended by the says very justly is a most excellent as common sense of mankind. Before, there- sistant in her place,' is to fix authoritafore, a Mosaick statute can be acknow- tively the extent of this application. 'Let ledged to possess a binding authority it not be said, that this is putting too over me, or the community of which I much confidence in the fallible judgment am a member, I must ascertain its reason, of men. It is very foolish to argue against its principle. If, on a fair and candid exa fact, and the plain fact is, that we are amination, I discover that the reason fully necessitated to this course.' Page 8. No holds, the statute I pronounce to be bind--Reason, which a few years ago perform ing. If there be a difference of circumstances, not, however, destructive of the general reason, I am bound to modify so as to suit the peculiarity. If the circumstances be so different that the reason ceases altogether, it is abrogated.' Pages 6,7,8. Again. The 18th chapter of Leviticus he virtually admits contains no precepts of moral obligation, for he says it stands in the midst of a cluster of precepts, which are acknowledged to be long since done away. Look at the chapter immediately preceding, and you find it full of ceremonial and judicial peculi arities. There is not one precept of moral obligation in it, from beginning to end.' Page 9. Having adduced proof of this assertion, he adds, These are exploded; and must we be put off with a sic volo, sic jubeo, when we ask why a greater importance and permanence are attributed to the prohibition of marriages? No institution has been more modified by custom, and peculiarity of

ed such wonders in revolutionary France, and which many men, great in the esti mation of the world, in every age, have worshipped with more sincere and entire devotednes than the Ephesians did their great goddess Diana-REASON is to be both guide and judge in this matter, when the Bible, the only infallible rule of faith and practice, is laid aside. And, indeed, it must be so there is no avoiding it. It may be well to represent her only as an assistant, lest her investiture with infalli bility should excite unnecessary alarm; but, the truth is, she must strike out the path, and determine the boundaries where criminality ends and innocence begins, in matrimonial connexions. By the way, it appears to me very fortunate for the friends, as they are termed, of this parti cular connexion, that two men who are so decidedly opposed to it should take ground so dissimilar and opposite; that the one, and the very Hercules in the controversy, should turn round, and look

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