COURSES OF STUDY. The long courses in agriculture and home economics require four years, leading to the degree of B. S., the middle course in agriculture covers two years, and the short course covers two terms of fourteen weeks each. A certificate is granted to those completing these courses. Courses for the training of teachers in scientific agriculture are given, course I leading to B. S., course II to B. A. The winter dairy course lasts twelve weeks and requires for admission one season's previous training in a creamery or cheese factory. A summer dairy course is offered to a limited number of students, who will be admitted without previous factory training and may remain the whole season. To secure a dairy certificate the student must have had two seasons' actual practice in a factory, one of which must follow his work at the dairy school. A two weeks' farmers' course, limited to persons who are at least 25 years of age; a housekeepers' conference, a week's special course for cheese factory and creamery operators and managers, and summer courses in agriculture and home economies are also offered. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Chas. Richard Van Hise, PH. D., LL. D., President of the University. H. L. Russell, PH. D., Dean College of Agr. Wm. A. Henry, D. AGR., D. SC., Agr. Emeritus. Stephen M. Babcock, PH. D., LL. D., Agr. Chem. D. H. Otis, M. S., Farm Management; Asst. to Dean. Louis E. Reber, Sc. D., Dir. Univ. Ext. Edward H. Farrington, M. S., Dairy Husb. Ransom A. Moore, Agron. Henry C. Taylor, PH. D., in charge of Dept. of Agr. Econ. L. R. Jones, PH. D., D. Sc., Bot. James G. Moore, M. S., (Assoc.) Hort. Leon J. Cole, PH. D., (Assoc.) Expt. Breeding. K. L. Hatch, B. S. A., (Asst.) Agr. Ed.; Sec. Ext. Work. J. L. Sammis, PH. D., (Asst.) Dairy Husb. Carl E. Lee, B. S., (Asst.) Dairy Husb. Gustav H. Benkendorf, (Asst.) Dairy Husb. James G. Fuller, B. S. A., (Asst.) Animal Husb. James G. Halpin, B. S. A., (Asst.) Poultry R. H. Denniston, PH. D., (Asst.) Bot. Engin. B. S., (1sst.) Agr. Edward R. Jones, M. S., (Asst.) Soils. C. P. Norgord, B. S. A., (Asst.) Agron. E. J. Delwiche, M. S. A., (Asst.) Agron. Alden L. Stone, (Asst.) Agron. Wm. E. Tottingham, M. S., (Asst.) Agr. Chem. James G. Sanders, PH. B., M. A., (Asst.) Econ. Ent.; State Ent. Fredk B. Hadley, D. V. M., (Asst.) Vet. Sci. J. Clyde Marquis, M. S. A., Editor; Instr. Agr. Journalism. Frank Kleinheinz, Instr. Animal Husb. John L. Tormey, B. S. A., Instr. Animal Husb. : Conrad Hoffmann, B. S. A., Instr. Agr. Bact. W. H. Peterson, B. S., M. A., Instr. Agr. James G. Milward, M. S. A., Instr. Hort. Harlow L. Walster, B. S. A., Instr. Soils. P. P. Peterson, PH. D., Instr. Soils. Harry Steenbock, B. S. A., Instr. Agr. George H. Dacy, Instr. Gymnastics. O. J. Delwiche, Asst. in Animal Husb. H. Sandell, Asst. in Soils. • Includes only instructors in subjects directly relating to agriculture. Many other members of the university faculty give instruction to agricultural students pursuing the course leading to the degree of B. S. On leave. Fred L. Musback, B. S. A., Asst. in Soils. J. A. Valentine, A. B., Asst. in Agr. Econ. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Department of the University of Wisconsin, under the control of the Board of Regents. H. L. Russell, PH. D., Dir. STATION STAFF. W. A. Henry, D. AGR., D. Sc., Agr. Emeritus. S. M. Babcock, PH. D., LL. D., Asst. Dir.; E. H. Farrington, M. S., Dairy Husb. A. R. Whitson, B. S., Soil Phys. G. C. Humphrey, B. S., Animal Husb. F. W. Woll, PH. D., Agr. Chem. E. B. Hart, B. S., Agr. Chem. L. R. Jones, PH. D., D. Sc., Plant Path. H. C. Taylor, PH. D., Agr. Econ. A. S. Alexander, M. D. C., V. S., Vet., D. H. Otis, M. S., Farm Management. C. A. Ocock, B. S., Agr. Engin. E. G. Hastings, M. S., Agr. Bact. P. P. Peterson, PH. D., Soils. J. G. Halpin, B. S. A., Poultry Husb. L. J. Cole, PH. D., Expt. Breeding. K. L. Hatch, B. S. A., Agr. Ed.; Sec. Ext. J. G. Sanders, PH. B., M. A., Econ. Ent. J. L. Sammis, PH. D., Asst. Dairy Husb. A. L. Stone, Asst. Agron.; State Seed Insp. E. R. Jones," M. S., Asst. in Soils and Drainage. E. V. McCollum, PH. D., Asst. Agr. Chem. Harry Steenbock, B. S. A., Asst. Agr. Chem. A. J. Rogers, jr., M. S. A., Aset. in Hort.; State Hort. Insp. 65400°-Bull. 233-11——6 G. H. Benkendorf, Asst. Dairy Husb. O. R. Butler, PH. D., Asst. Hort. L. F. Graber, B. S., Asst. Agron. O. Lloyd-Jones, B. S. A., Asst. Agr. Chem. A. C. Oosterhuis, B. S. A., Asst. Animal J. A. Valentine, A. B., Asst. in Agr. Econ. Frank Kleinheinz, Asst. Animal Husb.; Shepherd. W. E. Markey, Asst. in Animal Husb. O. J. Delwiche, Asst. Animal Husb. R. T. Harris, Asst. in Dairy Tests, Fert., and Feed Insp. J. J. Singler, Asst. Dairy Husb. H. L. Walster, B. S. A., Asst. in Soils. J. L. Tormey, B. S. A., Asst. Animal Husb. James Johnson, B. S. A., Asst. in Hort. Emil Truog, B. S. A., Asst. in Soils. W. W. Weir, B. S., Asst. in Soils. W. H. Wright, M. S., Asst. Bact. W. E. Morris, B. S., Asst. in Fert. and Feed Frank White, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Engin. Fred Weifenbach, Foreman in Hort. a On leave. WYOMING. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts of the University of Wyoming, Laramie. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Otto Gramm * (Pres.), Laramie; T. F. Burke (V. Pres.), Cheyenne; F. S. Burrage (Sec.), Laramie; J. F. Crawford, Saratoga; A. C. Jones* (Treas.), Laramie; Gibson Clark, Cheyenne; Elizabeth A. Stone, Evanston; V. J. Tidball,* Laramie; H. A. Coffeen, Sheridan; A. J. Mokler, Casper; A. D. Cooke (State Supt. of Public Instr., ex officio), Cheyenne; Charles O. Merica* (Pres. Univ., ex officio), Laramie. COURSES OF STUDY. The following courses are offered, viz: Four-year agricultural, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, irrigation engineering, home economics (B. S.), and commerce (B. S. in Com.); a four-year preparatory course; special courses in agriculture, irrigation, livestock management and judging; correspondence courses, and a six weeks' summer school for teachers. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Charles O. Merica, A. M., LL. D., President of the University; English. Harol D. Coburn, Lieut., U. S. A., Mil. Sei and Tactics; Dir. Phys. Training. J. R. Hutchison, B. S., Prin. School of John C. Fitterer, M. S., C. E., Civil and Otto L. Prien, M. D. V., Vet. Sci. Alpheus D. Faville, B. S., Animal Husb. Robert J. Cowper, Asst. in Shopwork. Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Laramie. Department of the University of Wyoming, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. Henry G. Knight, A. M., Dir.; Chem.; in charge of Farmers' Insts. Aven Nelson, PH. D., Bot. F. E. Hepner, PH. G., M. S., Asst. Chem. J. A. Hill, B. S., Wool Expert. O. L. Prien, M. D. V., Vet. A. D. Faville, B. S., Animal Husb. J. C. Fitterer, M. S., C. E., Irrig. Engin. C. J. Oviatt, B. S., Asst. Wool Expert F. S. Burrage, B. A., Sea INDEX OF NAMES. Abbott, F. D., 23. Adams, G. E., 66. Adams, J. L., 31. Adams, J. Q., 72. Adams, J. W., 15. Adams, M., 48. Ade, G., 24. Aery, W. A., 76. Agee, A., 6, 63, 64. Agee, H. P., 32. Aitkin, G., 73. Allen, D. M., 10. Allen, E. A., 43. Allen, E. W., 4, 6. Allison, T. F. P., 69. Anderson, C. E., 17. 65. Asbury, S. E., 71. Ashby, R. C., 77, 78. Baker, W. C., 53. Auten, J. T., 71. Ballou, H. M., 20. Babb, J. G., 43, 44. Banks, E. M., 18. Banks, N. A., 72. Barbour, E. H., 47. Barlow, T. W., 63. Barnes, R. B., 7. Barnes, S. E., 70. Barrus, M. F., 53, 54. Bassett, H. P., 17. Batchelor, L. D., 72, 73. Bates, E. S., 10. Bates, M. C., 68. Baus, R., 33. Baxter, O. G., 5. Bear, F. E., 59. Beard, H. L., 62. Bearss, J. T., 13. Beattie, R. K., 77, 78. Beatty, C., 35. Beaty, E. B., 62. Beckett, C. H., 24. Bergen, T. G., 49. Berger, E. W., 18. Bevan, W. A., 27. 18. Billetdoux, E. W., 50. Bluford, F. D., 31. Breazeale, W. E., 50. Brewer, W. F., 45. Bricker, G. A., 59. Bridgeforth, G. R., 9. Briscoe, C. F., 23. Bottomley, A. W. T., 21. Briscoe, J. M., 34. Brittain, T. H., 72. Bouquet, A. G. B., 62, 63. Britten, C. D., 71. Beaver, J. A., 63. Beck, O. C., 79. Beckenstrater, H., 35. Bissell, G. W., 38. Becker, A., 28. Becker, G. G., 11. Bixby, F. L., 5, 51. Bower, H. M., 53. Brooks, N. C., 23. Bowers, J. H., 60. Brooks, R. P., 19. Brooks, S. C., 37. Bowker, W. H., 36. Brooks, W. E., 56. |