OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Section on College Work and Administration: C. R. VAN HISE, of Wisconsin, Chairman; H. C. PRICE, of Ohio, Secretary. Committee on Programme: Chairman and secretary. Section on Experiment Station Work: B. C. BUFFUM, of Wyoming, Chairman; M. A. SCOVELL, of Kentucky, Secretary. Committee on Programme: H. P. ARMSBY, of Pennsylvania; C. F. CURTISS, of Iowa, and M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky. Standing Committees. Committee on Graduate Study: For three years, L. H. BAILEY, of New York, Chairman, and H. P. ARMSBY, of Pennsylvania; for two years, M. H. BUCKHAM, of Vermont, and R. H. JESSE, of Missouri; for one year, W. O. THOMPSON, of Ohio, and BROWN AYRES, of Tennessee. Committee on Agricultural Education: For three year, A. C. TRUE, of Washington, D. C., Chairman, and T. F. HUNT, of New York; for two years, H. T. FRENCH, of Idaho, and H. C.WHITE, of Georgia; for one year, J. F. DUGGAR, of Alabama, and W. E. STONE, of Indiana. Committee on Extension Work: For three years, K. L. BUTTERFIELD, of Rhode Island, Chairman, and C. R. VAN HISE, of Wisconsin; for two years, B. W. KILGORE, of North Carolina, and C. F. CURTISS, of Iowa; for one year, A. M. SOULE, of Virginia, and W. M. HAYS, of Washington, D. C. Committee on Station Organization and Policy: For three years, EUGENE DAVENPORT, of Illinois, Chairman, and C. D. WOODS, of Maine; for two years, W. A. HENRY, of Wisconsin, and H. J. WATERS, of Missouri; for one year, M. A. SCOVELL, of Kentucky, and C. E. THORNE, of Ohio. 5 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS OF THE UNITED STATES." President, C. G. HOPKINS, of Urbana, Ill. Vice-President, J. P. STREET, of New Brunswick, N. J. Secretary, H. W. WILEY, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Executive Committee: The PRESIDENT; the VICE-PRESIDENT; the SECRETARY; HARRY SNYDER, of St. Anthony Park, Minn.; M. B. HARDIN, of Clemson College, S. C. OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORKERS. President, G. C. CREELMAN, of Guelph, Ontario. Vice-President, W. W. MILLER, of Columbus, Ohio. Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN HAMILTON, of Washington, D. C. Executive Committee: The PRESIDENT and the SECRETARY-TREASURER, ex officio; J. G. LEE, of Baton Rouge, La.; F. H. HALL, of Aurora, Ill.; W. L. AMOSS, of Benson, Md. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. President, H. GARMAN, of Lexington, Ky. First Vice-President, E. DWIGHT SANDERSON, of Durham, N. H. Second Vice-President, F. L. WASHBURN, of St. Anthony Park, Minn. Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. SUMMERS, of Ames, Iowa. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE. President, L. H. BAILEY, of Ithaca, N. Y. Vice-Presidents: G. B. BRACKETT, of Washington, D. C.; T. V. MUNSON, of Denison, Tex.; E. J. WICKSON, of Berkeley, Cal. Secretary-Treasurer, V. A. CLARK, of Tucson, Ariz. Assistant Secretary, U. P. HEDRICK, of Geneva, N. Y. Executive Committee: W. R. Lazenby (Chairman), of Columbus, Ohio; L. H. Bailey, of Ithaca, N. Y. (ex officio); W. M. Munson, of Orono, Me.; W. L. Howard, of Columbia, Mo.; John Craig, of Ithaca, N. Y. a The list of referees of this association has not yet been announced. NOTE.-Members of boards of trustees or other governing boards of the college who are charged with the management of experiment station affairs are indicated by an asterisk (*). ALABAMA. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. William D. Jelks (Pres. ex officio), Montgomery; Isaac W. Hill (Supt. of Education, ex officio), Montgomery; Jonathan Haralson, Montgomery; J. A. Bilbro, Gadsden; J. M. Carmichael,* Montgomery; W. K. Terry, Birmingham; T. H. Frazer, Mobile; N. D. Denson, Lafayette; T. D. Samford,* Opelika; R. F. Ligon, jr., Montgomery; Tancred Betts, Huntsville; Wm. C. Davis,* Jasper; E. T. Glenn, (Treas.), Auburn; J. H. Drake (Surgeon), Auburn; R. W. Burton (Sec.), Auburn. COURSES OF STUDY. There are eight regular four-year courses leading to the degree of B. S., viz: Chemistry and agriculture, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, pharmacy, general course, and chemistry and metallurgy. There are also a three-year course in pharmacy leading to the degree of Ph. C.; two-year courses leading to a certificate in agriculture, mechanic arts, and pharmacy; a one-year course in agriculture, and a summer school for farmers. Postgraduate work is offered. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Charles C. Thach, M. A., LL. D., President of the College and of the Station Council; English and Political Economy. James H. Lane, C. E., M. A., PH. D., Arthur McB. Ransom, M. A., M. S., Instr. LL. D., Civil Engin. and Draw. George Petrie, M. A., PH. D., Hist., Lat. Bennett B. Ross, M. S., Gen. Agr. Chem.; State Chem. John J. Wilmore, M. E., Mech. Engin.; Dir. of Lab. Charles A. Cary, B. S., D. V. M., Physiol., Arthur St. C. Dunstan, M. E., C. E., Elect. John E. Wiatt, M. A., Mod. Lang. Benjamin S. Patrick, M. S., Comdt., (Actg.) Geo. N. Mitcham, C. E., E. M., Geol., Min. Bolling H. Crenshaw, B. S., M. E., Math. Chem. Jas. R. Rutland, A. B., M. S., Libr.; Instr. W. B. Stokes, M. S., Instr. Mech. Arts. Albert L. Thomas, M. S., Asst. in Elect, and Isaac S. McAdory, B. S., Asst. in Vet. Sci. Enoch L. Miller, B. S., Asst. in Elect. Engin. Luther N. Duncan, B. S., Instr. in Agr. Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, under the control of the Board of Trustees: Gov. William D. Jelks, Montgomery; Isaac W. Hill (Supt. of Education), Montgomery; S. J. Mayhew (Chair.), Huntsville; Daniel Coleman (Treas.), Huntsville; D. A. Grayson, (Sec.), Huntsville. COURSES OF STUDY. The college is divided into two departments-literary and industrial. The courses requiring four years for completion are as follows: Scientific, agricultural, and mechanical. Courses covering from one to four years are given in a number of different industrial and literary subjects. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. W. H. Councill, PH. D., President; Ancient History, Chemistry, and Mental Science. W. D. Woodard, M. S., Prin. Dept. Nat. and Phys. Sci. Florence T. Johnson, Prin. Primary Dept.; Engl. Branches; Model School; Kindergartner; Libr. Wm. L. Hood, Agr. Mabel L. Wright, Sew., Tailoring, Milli nery. Daisy B. Allen, Libr. J. Walter Ramsey, Printer. Henrietta M. Archer, Asst. Prin. Normal Clarence W. Banton, Prin. Normal Dept.; Jos. H. C. Saunders, Shoemaking. Cornelia B. Brooks, Engl. Branches; Com- Susie L. Maben, Sec.; Typew. C. C. Harris, Laundress. Annie B. Marsh, Physiol., Nurse Training. Kathreen Simons, Instrumental and Vocal Mrs. E. C. Williams, Lat., Engl. J. A. Harris, Asst. in Agr.; Comdt. Clara C. Duncan, Art Paint. Joshua C. Barney, Mach., Plumbing, Thomas Bailey, Asst. Mach., Plumbing, Henrietta K. Patrick, Supt. Female Indus. I. R. Garrett, Engl. Branches, Bookkeeper. Italy K. Halfacre, Cooking. Canebrake Agricultural Experiment Station, Uniontown. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control: R. R. Poole (Com. of Agr. ex officio), Montgomery; J. Huggins, Newbern; W. H. Tayloe, Uniontown; R. A. Hardie, Uniontown; Wm. Munford (Treas.), Uniontown; J. B. Garber, Laneville. STATION STAFF. J. M. Richeson, M. S., Asst. Dir.; Sec. J. F. Duggar, M. S., Dir. J. F. Connor, V. M. D., Vet. Agricultural School of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee Institute. * GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Chas. C. Thach* (Pres.), Auburn; R. R. Poole * (Comr. of Agr.), Montgomery; Robert C. Ogden (Pres.), New York City; R. C. Bedford (Sec.), Beloit, Wis.; Warren Logan (Treas.), Tuskegee Institute; Charles W. Hare,* Tuskegee Institute; Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute; John C. Grant, Chicago, Ill.; George A. Gordon, Boston, Mass.; Charles F. Dole, Boston, Mass.; J. G. Phelps Stokes, New York City; R.O. Simpson, Furman; George Foster Peabody, New York City; Hugh H. Hanna, Indianapolis, Ind.; Paul M. Warburg, New York City; Wright W. Campbell, Tuskegee; A. J. Wilborn, Tuskegee; Seth Low, New York City; V. H. Tulane, Montgomery. COURSES OF STUDY. The institute is divided into five departments: Academic, music, Bible training school, mechanical industries, and agriculture. The school of agriculture offers two two-year courses in agriculture-one to young men and one to young women. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Booker T. Washington, Principal of the Institute. George W. Carver, M. AGR., Dir., in charge P. C. Parks., B. S. A., Supt. of Farm. Geo. W. Owens, B. S., Dairying, Animal D. A. Williston, B. S. A., Landscape Gard. Jos. B. Brown, Truck Gard. Wm. A. Richardson, Asst. Paint. Chas. H. Evans, Woodworking Mach. William Gregory, Brickmaking. H. J. Perkins, Plumbing, Steam Fitting. Wm. M. Allen, Shoemaking. Edward W. Lomax, Wheelwr. Mrs. B. T. Washington, Dir. Indus. for Hattie E. King, Dressmaking. Fannie L. Thompson, Asst. Cooking. John H. Palmer, Registrar. Chas. W. Wood, Libr. Amelia Cromwell, Gymnastics. Harry E. Thomas, Mach., Steam Engin., Clara A. L. Smith, Asst. Libr. Founding. |