Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment, a Department of Georgia State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Directors: Thomas G. Hudson (Pres.), Atlanta; J. B. Park (Sec. and Treas.), Greensboro; Walter B. Hill, Athens; H. C. White, Athens; R. C. Neely, Waynesboro; P. E. Boyd, Leary; J. T. Ferguson, De Soto; J. H. Mobley, Hamilton; A. J. Smith, Conyers; N. B. Drewry, Griffin; Felix Corput, Cavespring; John Deadwyler, Maysville; George Gilmore, Warthen; William Henderson, Ocilla. Robt. J. Redding, Dir. STATION STAFF. H. C. White, C. E., PH. D., V. Dir.; Chem. Hugh N. Starnes, B. A., Biol., Hort. J. M. Kimbrough, Agr. Claude L. Willoughby, B. AGR., Dairy and Josephine M. Hefron, Sten., Acct. S. J. Jones, Foreman Hort. Georgia State Industrial College, Savannah. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Commissioners: P. W. Meldrim (Chair.), Savannah; W. R. Hammond, Atlanta; P. J. Cline, Milledgeville; Otis Ashmore, Savannah; Geo. T. Murrell, Athens; Walter B. Hill, Athens, J. F. Brooks (Treas.), Savannah. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses offered are industrial, preparatory, normal, and collegiate. Practical agriculture is made one of the industrial features of the college courses. A special dairy course covering two months is offered during the winter. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. R. R. Wright, A. M., LL. D., D. C. Suggs, A. M., V. Pres.; Instr. Nat. Sci. President; Instructor in English. L. B. Thompson, A. B., Asst. Instr. Math., Henry Pearson, A. M., Asst. Instr. Engl.; J. H. Hazel, Painting, Glazing, Sign Writ- Jos. S. Himes, Dir. Manual Training Dept.; E. B. Knight, Carpentry, Plumbing. R. M. Cooper, Tailoring. W. C. McLester, Foreman of Farm. Mrs. D. E. Pearson, Prin. of Model School. E. F. Golden, Shoe and Harness Making. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Honolulu. Under the supervision of A. C. True, Director Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. STATION STAFF. Jared G. Smith, B. S., M. A., Special Agent in Charge; in charge of Farmers' Inst. D. L. Van Dine, B. S. A., Ent. Edmund C. Shorey, M. A., D. Sc., Chem. J. E. Higgins, B. S., Expert in Hort. C. R. Blacow, in charge of Tobacco Erpts. at Pohakea (P. O. Paquilo). Q. Q. Bradford, Farm Foreman. Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station, Honolulu. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees of Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association: F. M. Swanzy (Pres.), H. P. Baldwin (V. Pres.), W. O. Smith (Sec.-Treas.), E. D. Tenney, Geo. H. Robertson, Wm. G. Irwin, a Telegraph, freight, and express address, Griffin. H. A. Isenberg, S. M. Damon, F. A. Schaefer. Experiment Station Committee: W. M. Giffard (Chairman), E. D. Tenney, G. M. Rolph. STATION STAFF. Chas. F. Eckart, Dir. Div. of Agr. and Chem. Samuel S. Peck, B. S., PH. G., Asst. Chem. R. C. L. Perkins, B. A., Dir. Div. of Ent. A. Koebele, Consulting Ent. Frank W. Terry, Asst. Ent. Otto H. Swezey, B. A., M. S., Asst. Ent. L. Lewton-Brain, B. A., Asst. Dir. Div. E. M. Grosse, Asst. W. E. Chambers, Illustrator for Station C. H. McBride, Cashier. IDAHO. College of Agriculture of the University of Idaho, Moscow. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: I. F. Roach* (Pres.), Boise; Geo. C. Parkinson* (V. Pres.), Preston; Mrs. Wm. H. Ridenbaugh* (Sec.), Boise; Edw. S. Sweet,* Grangeville; J. H. McCarthy,* Wallace. COURSES OF STUDY. The regular course in agriculture requires four years for its completion and leads to the degree of B. S. A two-year preparatory course, a two-year course in agriculture and horticulture, and a special course of from four to six weeks in farm dairying and horticulture are offered. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Jas. A. MacLean, A. M., PH. D., President; Political Science. Hiram T. French, M. S., in charge of Farm- Chas. E. Lewis, PH. D., Biol., Curator of Geo. Steunenberg, Lieut., U. S. A., Mil. Museum. Isaac J. Cogswell, B. M., (Assoc.) Music. Chas. A. Peters, B. S., PH. D., Chem. Sci. and Tactics. Edward M. Hulme, A. M., (Assoc.) Hist. Mary E. Young, Preceptress; Dir. Dom. Sci. Wm. W. Baden, M. A., PH. D., Greek, Lat. Gertrude M. Jenkins, B. S., Instr. Engl. Henrietta Moore, PH. D., Engl. Lit. George A. Crosthwait, B. S., Agron. B. S. Allen, M. A., Instr. Lat., Greek. Miles F. Reed, B. S., Prin. Prep. Dept.; Rosa A. Forney, B. A., Instr. Mod. Lang. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Idaho, Moscow. Department of the University of Idaho, under the control of the Board of Regents. Hiram T. French, M. S., Dir.; Agr. STATION STAFF. Louis F. Henderson, PH. B., Ent., Plant L. B. Judson, B. S., Hort. G. A. Crosthwait, B. S., Agron. C. N. Little, A. M., PH. D., Irrig. Engin. Wm. L. Payne, Treas. Francis Jenkins, Clerk. Prentice Moore, Farm Foreman. ILLINOIS. College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois, Urbana. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees of the University: Gov. Chas. S. Deneen, Springfield; Austin D. Barber, Hamilton; Alfred Bayliss, Springfield; Alexander McLean, Macomb; Samuel A. Bullard, Springfield; Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, Belleville; William B. McKinley, Champaign; L. H. Kerrick, Bloomington; Laura B. Evans, Taylorville; William L. Abbott, 139 Adams street, Chicago; Charles Davison, 1010, 103 State street, Chicago; Mrs. Mary E. Busey, Urbana; William L. Pillsbury (Sec.), Urbana; H. A. Haugan (Treas.), Chamber of Commerce Building, La Salle and Washington streets, Chicago. COURSES OF STUDY. Two four-year courses, leading to the degree of B. S., viz, agriculture and household science, are offered. Provision is also made for special students. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Edmund J. James, PH. D., LL. D., President of the University. Eugene Davenport, M. AGR., Dean; Threm matology. Thomas J. Burrill, PH. D., LL. D., Bot. Stephen A. Forbes, PH. D., Zool. Charles W. Rolfe, M. S., Geol. George T. Kemp, M. D., Pí. D., Physiol. Herbert W. Mumford, B. S., Animal Husb. Mrs. Jennette C. Lincoln, M. O., Phys. Wilber J. Fraser, M. S., Dairy Husb. John M. Trueman, B. S. AGR., Instr. Dairy Neal C. Brooks, PH. D., German. Florence N. Jones, PH. D., Instr. Romanic Lang. Chas. S. Crandall, M. S., (Asst.) Pomol. Jeremiah G. Mosier, B. S., (Asst.) Soil Phys. Louis D. Hall, B. S. AGR., Instr. Animal Husb. Wm. Dietrich, B. S. A., Instr. Swine Husb. Cassius C. Hayden, B. S. A., Instr. Dairy Husb. Herbert A. Hopper, B. S. A., Instr. Dairy Rufus C. Obrecht, B. S. A., Instr. in Horses. O. D. Center, B. S., Asst. in Crop Production. Edwin S. Good, B. S., Instr. Animal Husb. Carl E. Lee, B. S., Instr. Dairy Manufactures. A. Phelps Wyman, B. S. AGR., Landscape Gard. Myrn Brockett, B. S., Instr. Household Sci. Anna R. Van Meter, A. B., Asst. in Household Sci. Charlotte Gibbs, A. B., Asst. in Textiles. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, Urbana. Department of the University of Illinois, under the control of the Board of Trustees. Eugene Davenport, M. AGR., Dir. STATION STAFF. T. J. Burrill, PH. D., LL. D., Chief in Bot. C. G. Hopkins, PH. D., Chief in Agron., J. C. Blair, Chief in Hort. J. M. Trueman, B. S. AGR., First Asst. in Jas. T. Barrett, A. B., Asst. Bot. J. H. Pettit, PH. B., First Asst. in Soil Anal. H. W. Mumford, B. S., Chief in Animal R. C. Obrecht, B. S. A., First Asst. in Husb. Horses. Clifford Willis, B. S., First Asst. in Soil Wm. Dietrich, B. S. A., First Asst. in Swine L. D. Hall, B. S. AGR., First Asst. in Ani- Harry H. Love, B. S., Asst. in Chem. H. A. Hopper, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Andrew Ystgard, B. AGR., B. S., Asst. in Husb. Chem. C. C. Hayden, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Jerome E. Readhimer, B. S., Supt. of A. N. Hume, M. S., First Asst. in Crop O. D. Center, B. S., Asst. in Crop Pro- E. S. Good, B. S., Asst. in Animal Husb. duction. R. C. Lloyd, B. S., Supt. of Soil Survey. INDIANA. School of Agriculture of Purdue University, Lafayette. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: William V. Stuart (Pres.), Lafayette; E. A. Ellsworth (Sec.), Lafayette; J. M. Fowler (Treas.), Lafayette; James M. Barrett, Fort Wayne; David E. Beem (V. Pres.), Spencer; Charles Downing, Greenfield; Sylvester Johnson, Irvington; Chas. Major, Shelbyville; C. B. Stemen, Fort Wayne; J. H. Van Natta, Lafayette; Addison C. Harris, Indianapolis. COURSE OF STUDY. The course of study requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. There are also a two-year course and a short winter course in agriculture, horticulture, dairying, and animal husbandry. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION.b Winthrop Ellsworth Stone, PH. D., President of the University. William C. Latta, M. S., Agr.; Supt. of Wm. McE. Nye, B. S., M. E., Instr. Farm Farmers' Inst. James Troop, M. S., Hort., Ent. Arthur Goss, M. S., A. C., Agr. Chem. John H. Skinner, B. S., (Assoc.) Animal Robert A. Craig, D. V. M., Instr. Vet. Sci. • On leave. Mech. Wm. W. Smith, B. S., Asst. Animal Husb. C. O. Swanson, M. AGR., Instr. Agr. Chem. This list does not include the instructors exclusively engaged in the schools of engineering, science, and pharmacy. Percy N. Evans, B. S., PH. D., Chem. Ervin S. Ferry, B. S., Phys. Emma M. McRae, M. A., Engl. Lit. Thomas F. Moran, PH. D., Hist., Polit. Ernst J. Fluegel, PH. D., German. Pauline Mariotte-Davies, PH. D., French. Ivy F. Harner, M. S., Home Econ. Alpha P. Jamison, B. M. E., (Asst.) Mech. Ralph B. Trueblood, B. S., Instr. Pract. Mech. Agricultural Experiment Station of Indiana, Lafayette. Department of Purdue University, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. Arthur Goss, M. S., A. C., Dir.; Chem.; S. D. Conner, B. S., Asst. in Soil Improve- W. C. Latta, M. S., Consulting Agr. J. C. Arthur, D. C., Bot. J. H. Skinner, B. S., Animal Husb. A. T. Wiancko, B. S. A., Agr. G. W. Spitzer, PH. G., Poultry Husb. Wm. J. Jones, jr., M. S., A. C., Assoc. M. L. Fisher, B. S., Asst. Agr. ment. O. C. Haworth, B. S., Asst. Chem. C. O. Swanson, M. AGR., Asst. Chem. F. D. Kern, B. S., Asst. Bot. H. N. Slater, Dairy Field Asst. Geo. I. Christie, B. S. A., Asst. in Crop W. A. Cochel, B. S., Asst. in Animal Husb. Nellie Tracy, Clerk, Libr. Jessie Cowing, Bookkeeper, Sten. Aldine Pilling, Sten. IOWA. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Ames. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. B. Cummins, Des Moines; J. F. Riggs (Supt. of Public Instr.), Des Moines; W. O. McElroy, Newton; W. A. Helsell (Financial Sec.), Odebolt; Herman Knapp (Treas.), Ames; W. K. Boardman, Nevada; E. W. Stanton (Sec.), Ames; E. A. Alexander, Clarion; Ellison J. Orr, Waukon; J. B. Hungerford (Chair.), Carroll; W. R. Moninger, Marshalltown; Jas. H. Wilson, Adair; H. M. Letts, Columbus Junction; Vincent Zmunt, Iowa City; W. J. Dixon, Sac City; G. S. Allyn, Mount Ayr; Ben Edwards, (Custodian), Ames. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are thirteen, requiring four years for completion. The five courses in agriculture (agronomy, dairying, animal husbandry, horticulture, and science and agriculture) lead to the degree of B. S. A.; the course in veterinary science, to the degree of D. V. M.; the course in mechanical engineering, to the degree of B. M. E.; the course in civil engineering, to the degree of B. C. E.; the course in electrical engineering, to the degree of B. S. in E. E.; the course in mining engineering, to the degree of B. S. in Min. E.; the course in science as related to the industries, to the degree of B. S.; the course in general and domestic science for women, to the degree of B. S., and the course in domestic science for women, to the degree of B. D. S. A one-year graduate course in agricultural engineering leads to the degree of B. A. E. There are also short winter courses in stock and grain judging, dairying, and domestic science. |