U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Scientific Bureaus and Divisions. WEATHER BUREAU-Willis L. Moore, Chief. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY-A. D. Melvin, Chief. BUREAU OF SOILS-Milton Whitney, Chief. Statistician. BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY-H. W. Wiley, Chemist. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS-A. C. True, Director. ALABAMA THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. College Station: Auburn; J. F. Duggar, a Tuskegee Station: Tuskegee; G. W. Carver, a State Station: New Haven; E. H. Jenkins, a DELAWARE-Newark: A. T. Neale, a HAWAN Federal Station: Honolulu; J. G. Smith. e IDAHO Moscow: H. T. French, a ILLINOIS-Urbana: E. Davenport, a INDIANA-Lafayette: A. Goss, a IOWA-Ames: C. F. Curtiss, a KANSAS-Manhattan: J. T. Willard, a LOUISIANA State Station: Baton Rouge;\ Sugar Station: New Orleans; W. R. Dodson, a MAINE-Orono: C. D. Woods, a MINNESOTA-St. Anthony Park, St. Paul: W. M. MISSISSIPPI-Agricultural College: W. L. Hutchin son, a MISSOURI College Station: Columbia; H. J. Waters, a NEW HAMPSHIRE-Durham: W. D. Gibbs, a State Station: Geneva; W. H. Jordan, a OHIO-Wooster: C. E. Thorne, a OKLAHOMA-Stillwater: John Fields, a PORTO RICO-Mayaguez: D. W. May.c WEST VIRGINIA-Morgantown; J. H. Stewart, a Special agent in charge. d Acting director. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith manuscript of a bulletin containing the organization lists of agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the United States. The matter has been compiled under my direction by Miss M. T. Spethmann and Miss Mary Agnew of this Office, and I recommend its publication as Bulletin No. 161. Officers of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations..... 5 Officers of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of the United States... 6 6 6 Officers of the Society for Horticultural Science.. 6 Agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the United States, with governing KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. NOTE.-Members of boards of trustees or other governing boards of the college who are charged with the management of experiment station affairs are indicated by an asterisk (*). Acc., Accountant. Actg., Acting. (Actg.), Acting Professor. (Adjunct), Adjunct Professor. Agr., Agriculture, Agriculturist, Agricultural. Agron., Agronomy, Agronomist. Agt., Agent. Anal., Analytical, Analysis. Anat., Anatomy. Arbor., Arboriculture, Arboriculturist. Archi., Architecture. Arith., Arithmetic. Assoc., Associate. (Assoc.), Associate Professor. Asst., Assistant. (Asst.), Assistant Professor. Bad., Bacteriology, Bacteriologist. Bot., Botany, Botanist, Botanical. Chem., Chemist, Chemistry, Chemical. Com'l, Commercial. Comr., Commissioner. Corresp., Correspondence, Correspondent. Dept., Department. Dir., Director. Dir., Division. Dom., Domestic. Draw., Drawing. Econ., Economy, Economic, Economics. Ed., Education. El., Elementary. Elect., Electrical, Electricity. Engin., Engineer, Engineering. Engl., English. Ent., Entomology, Entomologist. Erpt., Experiment, Experimental, Experimental ist, Experimenter. Ert., Extension. Flor., Floriculture, Florist. For., Forestry. Gard., Gardener, Gardening. Gen., General. Geog., Geography. Geol., Geology, Geologist, Geological. Gov., Governor. Hist., History, Historical. Hort., Horticulture, Horticulturist. Husb., Husbandry, Husbandman. Indus., Industrial, Industries, Industry. Inst., Institutes. Instr., Instruction, Instructor. Intest., Investigations. Rhet., Rhetoric. Sci., Science, Scientific. Sec., Secretary. Sew., Sewing. Sociol., Sociology. Sta., Station. Sten., Stenography, Stenographer. Substa., Substation. Supt., Superintendent. Tech., Technology, Technical. Teleg., Telegraphy. Treas., Treasurer. Typew., Typewriting, Typewriter. Univ., University. V. Dir., Vice-Director. Veg., Vegetable, Vegetation. STAFF. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. E. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. W. H. BEAL, A. B., M. E., Chief of Editorial Division. W. H. EVANS, Ph. D., Chief of Division of Insular Stations. JOHN HAMILTON, B. S., M. S. A., Farmers' Institute Specialist. Mrs. C. E. JOHNSTON, Chief Clerk. SARAH L. SOMMERS, Record Clerk. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. W. H. BEAL, Meteorology, soils, and fertilizers. W. H. EVANS, Agricultural botany and vegetable pathology. J. I. SCHULTE, B. S., Field crops. C. B. SMITH, M. S., Horticulture and forestry. C. F. LANGWORTHY, Ph. D., Zootechny and human nutrition. H. W. LAWSON, M. S., M. D., Agrotechny, dairy farming, and dairying. W. H. BEAL, C. F. LANGWORTHY, and H. W. LAWSON, Agricultural chemistry. E. V. WILCOX, Ph. D., Economic zoology, entomology, and veterinary medicine. R. P. TEELE, M. A., Rural economics. D. J. CROSBY, M. S., Agricultural education. WILLIAM HENRY, Indexing and proof reading. ALASKA EXPERIMENT STATIONS. C. C. GEORGESON, M. S., Special agent in charge, Sitka. F. E. RADER, B. S., Assistant at Rampart. R. W. DE ARMOND, Assistant at Sitka. P. H. Ross, B. S., Assistant at Kenai. J. W. NEAL, Assistant at Copper Center. HAWAII EXPERIMENT STATION. JARED G. SMITH, B. S., M. A., Special agent in charge, Honolulu. D. L. VAN DINE, B. S. A., Entomologist. J. E. HIGGINS, B. S., Expert in horticulture. C. R BLACOw, in charge of tobacco experiments. PORTO RICO EXPERIMENT STATION. D. W. MAY, M. Agr., Special agent in charge, Mayaguez. J. W. VAN LEENHOFF, Coffee expert. H. C. HENRICKSEN, B. Agr., Horticulturist. E. F. CURT, Farm superintendent. NUTRITION INVESTIGATIONS. C. F. LANGWORTHY, Ph. D., Editor and expert in nutrition. F. G. BENEDICT, Ph. D., In charge of respiration calorimeter experiments, Middletown, Conn. R. D. MILNER, Ph. B., Editorial assistant, Middletown, Conn. H. A. PRATT, B. A., Assistant in dietary studies, Middletown, Conn. C. D. WOODS, B. S., Special agent at Orono, Me. Collaborators. H. S. GRINDLEY, Sc. D., Professor of general chemistry, College of Science, University of Illinois. M. E. JAFFA, M. S., Assistant professor of agriculture, University of California. H. C. SHERMAN, Ph. D., Instructor in analytical chemistry, Columbia University. HARRY SNYDER, B. S., Professor of chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota. C. E. WAIT, Ph. D., Professor of chemistry, University of Tennessee. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. ELWOOD MEAD, D. E., Chief of irrigation and drainage investigations. C. G. ELLIOTT, C. E., Engineer in charge of drainage investigations. S. M. WOODWARD, M. S., M. A., Engineer in charge of irrigation investigations. R. P. TEELE, M. A., Expert in irrigation institutions. C. J. ZINTHEO, B. S., Expert in farm mechanics. SAMUEL FORTIER, M. E., Engineer in charge of Pacific district. F. C. HERRMANN, B. S., Expert in irrigation as related to dry farming. |