BOARD OF INSTRUCTION-continued. Michael T. Fullan, M. S., M. E., (Asst.) Mech. Arts. Clifford Le R. Hare, M. S., (Asst.) Arthur McB. Ransom, M. S., Instr. William O. Scroggs, M. S., Libr., Instr. Engl. Wm. W. Davis, M. S., Actg. Libr.; William W. Hill, M. S., Instr. Mech. Jas. R. Rutland, A. B., M. S., Instr. Thomas Bragg, M. S., Instr. Chem. W. B. Stokes, M. S., Instr. Mech. Arts, Thomas H. Matson, B. S., Asst. in Allen G. Jones, B. S., Asst. in Elect. Albert L. Thomas, B. S., Asst. in Mech. E. W. Ewing, B. S., Asst. in Chem. Isaac S. McAdory, B. S., Asst. in Vet. Sci. Agrcultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, under the control of the Board of Trustees. Trustees: Gov. Wm. D. Jelks, Montgomery; Isaac W. Hill (Supt. of Educa tion), Montgomery; S. J. Mayhew (Chair.), Huntsville; Daniel Coleman (Treas.), Huntsville; D. A. Grayson (Sec.), Huntsville. COURSES OF STUDY. The college is divided into two departments-literary and industrial. The courses requiring four years for completion are as follows: Scientific, agricultural, and mechanical. Courses covering from one to four years are given in a number of different industrial and literary subjects. a On leave. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. W. H. Councill, PH. D., President; Ancient History, Chemistry, and Mental Science. M. Z. Hanna, Asst. in Agr., Comdt. Daisy B. Allen, Asst. Libr. Geo. E. London, Asst. Print. Florence T. Johnson, Engl. Branches. Henrietta M. Archer, Sec. Faculty; Alphonso Horton, Shoemaking. Canebrake Agricultural Experiment Station, Uniontown. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control: R. R. Poole (Com, of Agr. ex officio), Montgomery; J. Huggins, Newbern; W. H. Taylor, Uniontown; G. D. Stollenwerck, Uniontown; Wm. Munford (Treas.), Uniontown; J. B. Garber, Laneville, STATION STAFF. J. F. Duggar, M. S., Dir. J. M. Richeson, M. S., Asst. Dir.; Sec. J. F. Connor, V. M. D., Vet. Agricultural School of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee Institute. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Chas. C. Thach * (Pres.), Auburn; R. R. Poole * (Com. of Agr.), Montgomery; Geo. W. Campbell,* Tuskegee Institute; R. C. Bedford (8ec.), Beloit, Wis.; Warren Logan* (Treas.), Tuskegee Institute; Lewis Adams, Tuskegee Institute; Charles W. Hare,* Tuskegee Institute; Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute; J. W. Adams, Montgomery; John C. Grant, Chicago, Ill.; George A. Gordon, Boston, Mass.; Charles F. Dole, Boston, Mass.; J. G. Phelps Stokes, New York City; Wm. H. Baldwin, jr., New York City; R. O. Simpson, Furman; Robert C. Ogden, New York City; George Foster Peabody, New York City; Hugh H. Hanna, Indianapolis. Ind.; Paul M. Warburg, New York City. COURSES OF STUDY. The institute is divided into five departments: Academic, music, Bibie training school, mechanical industries, and agriculture. The school of agriculture offers two two-year courses in agriculture—one to young men and one to young women. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Booker T. Washington, Principal of the Institute. George W. Carver, Dir., in charge of P. C. Parks, Supt. of Farm. Chas. W. Greene, Pract. Agr., Home Geo. R. Bridgeforth, Stock Raising. Geo. W. Owens, Dairying. D. A. Williston, Landscape Gard. A. F. Crawford, Asst. Landscape Gard. Maj. J. B. Ramsey, Comdt. Wm. S. Pittman, Archi., Mech. Draw. John J. Wheeler, Asst. Mech. Div. Wm. A. Richardson, Asst. Paint. H. J. Perkins, Plumbing, Steam Fitting. John C. Jordan, Harness Making, Car- Wm. M. Allen, Shoemaking. Mrs. B. T. Washington, Dir. Indus, for Hattie E. King, Dressmaking. C. A. Vivian, Millinery. N. E. Pollard, Teachers' Dining Room. John H. Palmer, Registrar. Anna Vanderzee, Kindergarten. Susie A. Carter, Asst. Libr. Tuskegee Agricultural Experiment Station, Tuskegee Institute. Department of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, under the control of the Board of Trustees of the Institute. STATION STAFF. G. W. Carver, Dir. P. C. Parks, Supt. of Farm, C. W. Greene, Pract. Agr., Home Geo. R. Bridgeforth, Stock Raising. G. K. Gordon, Dairying. A. F. Crawford, Landscape Gard. J. B. Brown, Truck Gard. ALASKA. Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Sitka, Kenai, Copper Center, and Rampart. Under the supervision of A. C. True, Director Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. Board of Regents: Winfield Scott (Chancellor), Scottsdale; Geo. J. Roskruge (Sec.), Tucson; J. M. Ormsby (Treas.), Tucson; Chas. S. Bayless, Tucson; Gov. A. O. Brodie (ex officio), Phoenix; N. G. Layton (Supt. of Public Instr., ex officio), Phoenix. COURSES OF STUDY. The university offers six regular four-year courses of study leading to a degree, viz, literary, scientific, engineering, chemistry, mining, and agriculture; also a short course in mineralogy and assaying. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Kendric C. Babcock, PH. D., President. William P. Blake, PH. B., M. A., Geol., E. M. Blake, E. M., PH. D., Math., Frank N. Guild, B. S., Min., Anal. Chem. Vinton A. Clark, M. S., Agr., Hort. Ivan De Lashmutt, B. S., Metal. George E. P. Smith, C. E., Phys., Engin. Chas. A. Turrell, M. A., Mod. Lang. F. E. Talmage, B. L., Instr. Bookkeeping, Sten., and Typew. Marion C. Stanley, B. A., Instr. Lat., Engl. Geo. M. Evans, PH. B., Registrar; O. A. Kates, Phys. Training. a On leave. 8901-No. 151—05 M- -2 Agricultural Experiment Station of University of Arizona, Tucson. Department of the University of Arizona, under the control of the Board of Regents. Board of Trustees: Gov. Jefferson Davis, (ex officio Pres.), Little Rock; II. F. Reagan (Sec.), Fayetteville; Otey Miller (Treas.), Fayetteville; G. T. Breckinridge, Paragould; W. H. Langford, Pine Bluff; C. C. Hamby, Prescott; II. L. Stroup, Paris; J. C. Mitchell, Fayetteville; J. C. South, Mountain Home. COURSES OF STUDY. The university offers the following courses in the departments at Fayetteville: Three in engineering, leading to the degrees of B. M. E., B. C. E., and B. E. E.; two in literature and science, leading, respectively, to the degrees of B. A. and B. S.; one in agriculture, leading to the degree of B. S. A.; three short courses without degrees, students in which at the end of the sophomore year may change to one leading to one of the above degrees, viz, normal, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering courses. There are also graduate courses. In addition to the above, the medical department and the law department, both at Little Rock, have courses of study leading to the degrees of M. D. and B. L., respectively. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Henry S. Hartzog, LL. D., President; in charge of Farmers' Institutes. J. H. Reynolds, M. A., Hist. John C. Futrall, M. A., Ancient Lang. Bolling J. Dunn, M. A., (Assoc.) Math., Julius J. Knoch, M. S., C. E., Civil William N. Gladson, M. S., E. E., PH. Edgar F. Shannon, B. A., (Assoc.) Albert H. Purdue, M. A., Geol., Min. Engl. and Mod. Lang. William A. Treadway, B. E. E., Instr. Joseph W. Carr, PH. D., Engl. and Paul Schmolek, Musical Dir. Mrs. Martha White, Instr. Elocution. |