Military Instruction in Land-grant Colleges, G. W. ATHERTON, of Pennsylvania, Chairman. Cooperation Between Stations and U. S. Department of Agriculture, E. A. BRYAN, of Washington, Chairman. Pure-food Legislation, W. A. WITHERS, of North Carolina, Chairman. Animal and Plant Breeding, W. M. HAYS, of Washington, D. C., Chairman. Collective Exhibit at St. Louis Exposition, W. II. JORDAN, of New York, Chairman. Agricultural Engineering in Land-grant Colleges, W. E. STONE, of Indiana, Chairman. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS OF THE UNITED STATES." President, C. L. PENNY, Newark, Del. Vice-President, C. G. HOPKINS, Urbana, Ill. Secretary, H. W. WILEY, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Executive Committee, The PRESIDENT; the VICE-PRESIDENT; the SECRETARY; C. A. BROW NE, jr., New Orleans, La.; R. W. THATCHER, Pullman, Wash. "The list of referees of this association has not yet been announced. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. President, A. L. QUAINTANCE, of Washington, D. C. First Vice-President, A. F. BURGESS, of Columbus, Ohio. Second Vice-President, MARY E. MURTFELDT, of Kirkwood, Mo Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. SUMMERS, of Ames, Iowa. 11 OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORKERS. President. J. C. HARDY, of Agricultural College, Miss. Vice-President, E. A. BURNETT, of Lincoln, Nebr. Secretary-Treasurer, G. C. CREELMAN, of Guelph, Ontario. Executive Committee, The PRESIDENT and the SECRETARY-TREASURER, ex officio; J. G. LEE, of Baton Rouge, La.; F. H. HALL, of Aurora, Ill.; L. A. CLINTON, of Storrs, Conn. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. NOTE.-Members of boards of trustees or other governing boards of the college who are charged with the management of experiment station affairs are indicated by an asterisk (*). ALABAMA. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. William D. Jelks (Pres. ex officio), Montgomery; Isaac W. Hill (Supt. of Education, ex officio), Montgomery; Jonathan Haralson, Montgomery; J. A. Bilbro, Gadsden; J. M. Carmichael,* Montgomery; W. K. Terry, Birmingham; T. H. Frazer, Mobile; N. D. Denson, Lafayette; T. D. Samford,* Opelika; R. F. Ligon, jr., Montgomery; Tancred Betts, Huntsville; Wm. C. Davis,* Jasper; E. T. Glenn (Treas.), Auburn; J. H. Drake (Surgeon), Auburn; R. W. Burton (Sec.), Auburn. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are ten. Seven of these require four years for completion, and lead to the degree of B. S.: Course in chemistry and agriculture; course in civil engineering; course in electrical, mechanical, and mining engineering; course in pharmacy; general course; course in chemistry and metallurgy. The remaining courses require two years each and lead to a certificate: Course in agriculture, course in mechanic arts, and course in pharmacy. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Charles C. Thach, M. A., President of the College and of the Station Council; English and Political Economy. Otis D. Smith, M. A., LL. D., Math. LL. D., Civil Engin. and Draw. Bennett B. Ross., M. S., Gen. and Agr. John J. Wilmore, M. E., Mech. Engin.; Charles A. Cary, B. S., D. V. M., Phys- Emerson R. Miller, M. PHAR., M. S., John F. Duggar, M. S., Agre John E. Wiatt, M. A., Mod. Lang. R. S. Mackintosh, B. AGR., Hort.; State Bolling II. Crenshaw, M. E., (Assoc.) Benjamin S. Patrick, E. and M. E., James P. C. Southall, M. A., Phys. . On leave, |