BOARD OF INSTRUCTION-Continued. William A. Treadway, B. E. E., Instr. Joseph W. Carr, PH. D., Engl. and Mod. Paul Schmolck, Musical Dir. Mrs. Martha White, Instr. Elocution, W. A. Harding, Mach. Burton N. Wilson, B. S., M. E., Mech. Engin., Supt. Mech. Arts. Jubal E. Beavers, Actg. (Adjunct) Mech. James W. Kuykendall, Prin. Prep. Dept. R. E. Philbeck, B. A., Instr. Lat., Math. Hist. Mary A. Davis, Instr. Engl., Hist. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Fayetteville. W. G. Vincenheller, Dir. STATION STAFF. Ernest Walker, B. S. AGR., Hort., Ent. R. R. Dinwiddie, M. D., Path., Bact. C. L. Newman, B. S., Agr. J. F. Moore, B. S., Chem. CALIFORNIA. University of California, Berkeley. GOVERNING BOARD. The Regents of the University: Gov. G. C. Pardee (ex-officio Pres.), Sacramento; Alden Anderson, 2 Morgan st., Suisun City; Arthur G. Fisk, Mills Building, San Francisco; T. J. Kirk, (State Supt. of Public Instr.), Sacramento; Benj. F. Rush, Suisun City; R. J. Taussig, 26 Main st., San Francisco; Benjamin Ide Wheeler, 1820 Scenic ave., Berkeley; Isaias W. Hellman, Nevada Bank, San Francisco; Chester Rowell, Fresno; J. A. Waymire, Alameda; C. W. Slack, Nevada Block, San Francisco; J. B. Reinstein, 217 Sansome st., San Francisco; J. E. Budd, Stockton; Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, Pleasanton; A. W. Foster, Mutual Life Insurance Building, San Francisco; Garret W. McEnerney, Nevada Block, San Francisco; C. N. Ellinwood, 2739 Pacific ave., San Francisco; C. S. Wheeler, 532 Market st., San Francisco; G. C. Earl, 2739 Pacific ave., San Francisco; J. W. McKinley, 254 South Broadway, Los Angeles; Rev. P. C. York, 1267 Sixteenth ave., Oakland; J. A. Britton, 632 Walsworth are., Oakland; F. W. Dohrman, 124 Sutton st., San Francisco. COURSES OF STUDY. The university comprises several departments. The college of agriculture has a four-year course which leads to the degree of B. S. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, PH. D., LL. D., President. E. W. Hilgard, PH. D., LL. D., Agr., Chem. E. J. Wickson, M. A., Agr. Pract.; Supt. W. A. Setchell, Pн. D., Bot. R. H. Loughridge, PH. D., (Asst.) Agr. C. W. Woodworth, M. S., (Asst.) Ent. a Includes only instructors in subjects directly relating to agriculture. Other members of the university faculty may give instruction to students pursuing the agricultural course. bOn leave. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION—Continued. M. E. Jaffa, M. S., (Asst.) Agr. G. W. Shaw, M. A., PH. D., (Asst.) Agr. Ralph E. Smith, B. S., (Asst.) Plant. Path. E. H. Twight, B. S., Diplôme E. A. M., A. R. Ward, B. S. A., D. V. M., (Asst.) A. V. Stubenrauch, M. S. A., (Asst.) E. W. Major, B. AGR., (Asst.) Animal Henry J. Quayle, Asst. in Ent. C. A. Triebel, PH. G., Asst. in Agr. Lab. D. T. Fowler, M. A., Conductor Farmers' Inst. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California, Berkeley. Department of the University of California. STATION STAFF. E. W. Hilgard, PH. D., LL. D., Dir.; Chem. R. H. Loughridge, PH. D., Agr. Geol. and George Roberts, M. S., Chem. (Fertilizer G. W. Shaw, M. A., PH. D., Asst. Chem. George E. Colby, M. S., Asst. Chem. (Fruits, Waters, and Insecticides). H. M. Hall, M. S., Asst. Bot. A. R. Ward, B. S. A., D. V. M., Vet., Bact. E. W. Major, B. AGR., Animal Indus. C. A. Triebel, PH. G., Student Asst. in W. T. Clarke, Asst. Supt. Univ. Ext. S. Fortier, M. E., Irrig. A. P. Stover, B. S., Asst. in Irrig. OUTLYING STATIONS. San Joaquin Valley Station: John Tuohy, Patron, Tulare; Julius Forrer, Foreman, Tulare. Southern California Station: J. E. McComas, Patron, Pomona; James W. Mills, Foreman, Ontario. Chico Forestry Station: A. A. Knowlton, Patron, Chico; J. H. Ooley, Workman in Charge. Santa Monica Forestry Station: Roy Jones, Patron, Santa Monica; William Shutt, Foreman, Santa Monica. Poultry Experiment Station: H. O. Woodworth, Foreman, Petaluma. a On leave. COLORADO. The State Agricultural College of Colorado, Fort Collins. GOVERNING BOARD. The State Board of Agriculture: P. F. Sharp (Pres.), Denver; A. M. Hawley (Sec.), Fort Collins; Whitney Newton (State Treas.), Denver; Geo. A. Webb (Local Treas.), Fort Collins; B. F. Rockafellow, Canon City; Mrs. E. F. Routt, Denver; Jesse Harris, Fort Collins; Harlan Thomas, Denver; J. L. Chatfield, Gypsum; B. U. Dye, Rockyford; E. H. Grubb, Carbondale; Gov. J. H. Peabody (ex officio), Denver; B. O. Aylesworth (ex officio), Fort Collins. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are seven, each requiring four years in addition to two years of preparatory work, and each leading to the degree of B. S.: The agricultural course, the mechanical engineering course, the irrigation and civil engineering course, the domestic science course, the architectural course, the veterinary science course, and the electrical engineering course. Provision is made for post-graduate work. The degrees of M. S., C. E., and M. E. are conferred upon those worthy of holding them by faculty, action approved by the governing board. A commercial course, covering a period of two years, is established, entrance to which requires the same qualifications as for admission to the freshman class; no degree is given. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Barton O. Aylesworth, M. A., LL. D., President; Political Economy and Logic; in charge of Farmers' Institutes. James W. Lawrence, M. S., Mech. Engin. a Louis G. Carpenter, M. S., Civil and Irrig. Wendell Paddock, M. S., Bot., Hort. Theodosia G. Ammons, Dean of Woman's Edward B. House, B. S., E. E., Math. Richard A. Maxfield, B. S., Mil. Sci. and Edward P. Boyd, B. S., Archi. Mabel Mead, B. S., Asst. in German, E. L. Spaulding, B. E., Asst. in Oratory, W. R. Thomas, B. A., Litt. D., Constitu tional and Irrig. Law. W. J. Meyers, B. S., Asst. in Irrig. Engin. C. J. Griffith, B. S., Asst. in Animal Husb. Earl Douglass, B. S., Asst. in Chem. Nellie M. Drake, B. S., Asst. in Dom. Sci. F. L. Hadley, Asst. in Forge-room Work. Lathrop M. Taylor, B. S., Sten. and Robert E. Trimble, B. S., Asst. in Met. Joseph F. Daniels, Libr. State Board of Control: Gov. Abiram Chamberlain (Pres.), Hartford; W. H. Brewer (Sec.), New Haven; E. H. Jenkins (Treas.), New Haven; W. O. Atwater, Middletown; Edwin Hoyt, New Canaan; J. H. Webb, Box 1425, New Haven; T. S. Gold, West Cornwall; B. W. Collins, Meriden. Board of Trustees: Gov. Abiram Chamberlain (ex-officio Pres.), Hartford; E. H. Jenkins (ex-officio V. Pres.), New Haven; George A. Hopson (Sec.), East Wallingford; B. C. Patterson, Torrington; E. S. Henry, Rockville; George S. Palmer, Norwich; D. W. Patten, North Haven; C. A. Capen, Willimantic; A. J. Pierpont, Waterbury; L. J. Storrs, Spring Hill. COURSES OF STUDY. The regular courses of study require four years for completion and lead to the degree of B. S. Supplementary courses for farming, business, engineering, and home economics lead to certificates and diplomas. There are two and four year courses, and short winter courses of ten days or of a few weeks. a On leave. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. R. W. Stimson, M. A., D. B., President. B. F. Koons, PH. D., Nat. Hist., Curator of Museum. L. A. Clinton, M. S., Agr. A. G. Gulley, M. S., Hort. C. L. Beach, B. S., Dairying. E. H. Lehnert, B. S., D. V. S., Physiol., E. A. White, B. S., Bot., For., Landscape C. A. Wheeler, B. A., Math. H. S. Patterson, Shopwork and Mech. H. R. Montieth, B. A., Hist., Civics, Lat., E. O. Smith, B. S., Engl., Polit. Econ.; Sec. Alberta T. Thomas, Dom. Sci. and Art, Anna W. Brown, Engl., Elocution, Gym- W. A. Stocking, jr., B. S. A., (Asst.) Bact. E. D. Proudman, Instr. Sten., Typew., Pen- E. R. Bennett, B. S., Instr. Mil. Sei, and Emma H. Koller, Asst. Lady Prin., Instr. H. L. Garrigus, B. AGR., Instr. Field G. H. Hollister, Instr. Greenhouse Work. Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, a L. A. Clinton, M. S., Dir.; Agr. STATION STAFF. W. O. Atwater, PH. D., Supervisor Nutri- H. W. Conn, PH. D., Supervisor Dairy C. L. Beach, B. S., Dairy Husb. W. A. Stocking, jr., B. S. A., Asst. Bact. F. H. Stoneburn, Poultryman. H. L. Garrigus, B. AGR., Asst. Field E. R. Bennett, B. S., Asst. Hort. W. M. Esten, M. S., Lab. Asst. (Middle- B. F. Koons, PH. D., Consulting Ent. E. H. Lehnert, B. S., D. V. S., Consulting Vet. DELAWARE. Delaware College, Newark. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: C. B. Lore (Pres.), Wilmington, Manlove Hayes (V. Pres.), Dover; C. B. Evans (Sec. and Treas.), Newark; Gov. John Hunn (ex officio), Dover; G. A. Harter (ex officio), Newark; S. M. Curtis, Newark; G. G. Evans, Newark; James Hossinger, Newark; H. G. M. Kollock, Newark; J. C. Higgins, Delaware City; G. W. Marshall, Milford; J. H. Whiteman, Wilmington; George Biddle, Elkton; F. W. Curtis, Newark, W. T. Lynam, Wilmington; D. W. Corbit, Odessa; Edward Reynolds, Middletown; L. H. Ball, Marshallton; L. P. Bush, Wilmington; J. E. Addicks, Claymont; J. C. Stockly, Smyrna; James Pennewill, Dover; C. S. Conwell, Camden; Geo. G. Kerr, Newark; H. W. Baker, Seaford; E. R. Paynter, Georgetown; W. H. Stevens, Seaford; John Barkley, Clayton; W. Watson Harrington, Dover; Lewis W. Mustard, Lewes; S. H. Messick, Bridgeville. a Telegraph address, Storrs via Willimantic; railroad station, express, and freight address, Eagleville. |