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Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Department of the University of Nebraska.


E. A. Burnett, B. S., Dir.; Animal Husb.
T. L. Lyon, B. S. A., Assoc. Dir.; Agr.
H. H. Nicholson, M. A., Chem.
C. E. Bessey, PH. D., Bot.
Lawrence Bruner, B. S., Ent.
E. H. Barbour, PH. D., Geol.

A. T. Peters, D. V. M., Animal Path.
G. D. Swezey, M. A., Met.

O. V. P. Stout, C. E., Irrig. Engin.

Samuel Avery, PH. D., Chem.

R. A. Emerson, B. S., Hort.

A. L. Haecker, B. S., Dairy Husb.

J. H. Gain, M. D. C., Asst. in Animal Path.

H. R. Smith, B. S., Asst. in Animal Husb.

S. W. Perin, Foreman of Farm.

J. S. Dales, M. PH., Financial Sec.

W. W. Marshall, Executive Clerk,


School of Agriculture of the Nevada State University, Reno.


J. N. Evans (Pres.), Reno; W. E. F. Deal, Virginia City; W. W. Booher, Elko.


The regular course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. A short course in agriculture is also provided, requiring five months of each year for four years and leading to no degree. Short courses in agriculture, dairying, domestic science, and assaying are given during the months of January and February of each year, for the benefit of ranchers and prospectors.


Joseph E. Stubbs, M. A., D. D., President of the University and Director of the Experiment Station.

H. H. Dexter, B. A., Libr.

George J. Young, B. S., Metal., Assaying.

George D. Louderback, PH. D., Geol., Min., Phys.

Nathaniel E. Wilson, M. S., Chem. Lysander W. Cushman, PH. D., Engl. Lang. and Lit.

Henry Thurtell, B. S., Mech., Math. James E. Church, jr., M. A., Lat. Lang. and Lit.

Romanzo Adams, PH. D., Sociol., Education.

Mrs. Mary W. Emery, M. A., Engl.
Robert Lewers, Polit. Econ. and Logic.
Chas. T. Boyd, First Lieut., U. S. A.,
Mil. Sci. and Tactics.

Samuel B. Doten, B. A., Ent.
Peter Fransden, M. A., Zool., Bact.
Laura de Laguna, M. A.. Mod. Lang.
Jennie E. Wier, B. A., Hist.
Kate Bardenwerper, Dom. Sci.

P. Beveridge Kennedy, PH. D., Bot., George F. Blessing, B. S., Mech. Engin. Hort.

Gordon H. True, B. S., Animal Husb.

L. F. J. Wrinkle, Min. Engin.

L. A. Darling, B. S., Mech. Engin.
C. R. Fitzmaurice, Asst. Chem.

Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, Reno.

Department of Nevada State University.


Joseph E. Stubbs, M. A., D. D., Dir.
Nathaniel E. Wilson, M. S., Chem.
Peter Fransden, B. A., Zool., Bact.
P. B. Kennedy, Bot., Hort.
G. H. True, B. S., Animal Husb.

Elizabeth S. Stubbs, Sten.
S. B. Doten, Ent.

C. R. Fitzmaurice, Asst. Chem.
Theodore Clark, Farm Foreman,
H. H. Dexter, B. A., Libr.


New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Durham.


Board of Trustees: G. A. Wason (Pres.), New Boston; Gov. Nahum J. Bachelder (ex officio), Concord; W. M. Parker (Treas.), Manchester; C. S. Murkland (ex officio), Durham; C. W. Stone, East Andover; Lucien Thompson (Sec.), Durham; J. G. Tallant, Pembroke; F. P. Comings, Lee; G. B. Williams, Walpole; Warren Brown, Hampton Falls; R. W. Pillsbury, Londonderry; H. W. Keyes, Haverhill; R. M. Scammon, Stratham; J. E. Shepard, New London.


There are five courses of study, each requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S.: Course in agriculture, course in chemistry, course in mechanical engineering, course in electrical engineering, and general course (open to women). Also a two years' course in agriculture not leading to any collegiate degree, a ten weeks' course in agriculture, and a ten weeks' course in dairying.


Charles S. Murkland, M. A., PH. D., D. D., President; English Language and Literature.

Charles H. Pettee, M. A., C. E., Dean; Joseph H. Hawes, (Assoc.) Draw.

Math., Civil Engin.

Clarence W. Scott, M. A., Hist., Polit.

Fred W. Morse, M. S., Org. Chem.
Charles L. Parsons, B. S., Gen. and
Anal. Chem.

Clarence M. Weed, D. Sc., Zool., Ent.
Frank William Rane, B. AGR., M. S.,
Hort., For.

Carleton A. Read, B. S., Mech. Engin.
Arthur F. Nesbit, M. A., B. S., (Assoc.)
Phys., Elect. Engin.

Herbert H. Lamson, M. D., (Assoc.) Bot.

Harry Hayward, M. S., (Assoc.) Agr.
Richard Whoriskey, jr., B. A., (Asst.)
Mod. Lang.

W.W. Braman, B. S., Instr. Chem., Min.
John N. Brown, Instr. Mach. Work.
Edward H. Hancock, B. S., Instr. Wood-

Ivan C. Weld, Instr. Dairying.
A. F. Conradi, Fellow in Biol.
Harry F. Hall, Asst. in Hort.
Frederick C. Keith, Purchasing Agt.
Oscar W. Straw, Engin.

H. M. Tucker, Supt. of Farm.

New Hampshire College Agricultural Experiment Station, Durham. Department of New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts.


. Fred W. Morse, M. S., V. Dir.; Chem.
Charles H. Pettee, M. A., C. E., Met.
Herbert H. Lamson, M. D., Bact.
Clarence M. Weed, D. Sc., Ent.
Frank Wm. Rane, B. AGR., M. S., Hort.

A. L. Sullivan, B. S., Asst. Chem.
Lucien A. Hill, B. S., Asst. Chem.
A. F. Conradi, Asst. Ent.
Frederick C. Keith, Clerk.
Harry F. Hall, Gard.
H. M. Tucker, Asst. in Dairy Husb,

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Rutgers Scientific School, the New Jersey College for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, New Brunswick.


Board of Trustees: Gov. Franklin Murphy (ex officio), Trenton; W. S. Gummere (Chief Justice of the State), Newark; T. N. McCarter, (Attorney-General), Newark; Austin Scott (Pres.), New Brunswick; M. E. Viele, Albany, N. Y.; H. L. Janeway, New Brunswick; Joachim Elmendorf, New York City; Paul D. Van Cleef, Jersey City; Samuel Sloan, New York City; H. W. Bookstaver, New York City; R. F. Ballantine, Newark; David Bingham, East Orange; T. G. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Frederick Frelinghuysen (Treas.), Newark; Jonathan Dixon, Jersey City; James Neilson, New Brunswick; Roderick Terry, New York City; E. B. Coe, New York City; J. B. Drury, New Brunswick; James Le Fevre, Somerville; F. J. Collier, Hudson, N. Y.; Paul Cook, Troy, N. Y.; David Murray (Sec.), New Brunswick; G. D. W. Vroom, Trenton; J. B. Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick; W. H. Leupp, New Brunswick; Peter Donald, New York City; E. F. Brooks, Philadelphia, Pa.; J. P. Searle, New Brunswick; W. H. S. Demarest, New Brunswick; W. F. Wyckoff, Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. W. Herbert, jr., Helmetta; W. H. Vredenburgh, Freehold; W. S. Myers, New Brunswick; F. M. Voorhees, Elizabeth; J. G. Cannon, New York City.


There are six distinct courses of study: A course in agriculture, a course in civil engineering and mechanics, a course in chemistry, a course in electricity, a course in biology, and a course in ceramics. Each course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. There is also a Latin scientific course which leads to the degree of B. Litt.


Austin Scott, PH. D., LL. D., President; History and Political Science. Rev. Jacob Cooper, D. D., D. C. L.,

LL. D., Logic, Mental Philos.
Francis Cuyler Van Dyck, PH. D., Phys.,
Expt. Mech.

Edward A. Bowser, C. E., LL. D., Math.,

Rev. Charles E. Hart, D. D., Ethics,
Evidences of Christianity, Engl. Bible.
Louis Bevier, jr., PH. D., Greek Lang.
and Lit.; Sec. Extension Dept.
Alfred A. Titsworth, M. S., C. E.,
Graphics, Math.

Julius Nelson, PH. D., Biol.
Byron D. Halsted, D. Sc., Bot., Hort.
John B. Smith, D. Sc., Ent.
Edward B. Voorhees, D. Sc., Agr.
Albert H. Chester, E. M., PH. D., D. Sc.,
Chem., Min.; Curator Museum.

Eliot R. Payson, PH. D., Hist. Art

Edward L. Stevenson, PH. D., Hist.
Rev. Henry Du Bois Mulford, M. A.,
Engl. Lang. and Lit.

Quincy O'M. Gilmore, Capt., U. S. A.
(Retired). Mil. Sci. and Tactics.
William H. Kirk, PH. D., Lat. Lang.
and Lit.

Irving S. Upson, M. A., Libr., Registrar;
Sec. of Faculty.

Clarence L. Speyers, PH.B., Assoc.Chem.
Edwin B. Davis, B. L., Assoc. Mod.

William E. Breazeale, M. Sc., Actg.
Assoc. Math.

Edward L. Barbour, B. O., Instr. Rhet.,

John C. Van Dyke, L. H. D., Hist. of Fred H. Dodge, B. A., Instr. Phys. Art.

Robert W. Prentiss, M. S., Math.,


Training: Dir. Gymnasium.

Richard Morris, M. S., Instr. Math.,


Albert W. Boesche, M. A., Instr. Ger


Byron B. Brackett, PH. D., Instr. Elect.

Cullen W. Parmelee, B. S., Instr. Chem.; Actg. Dir. Clay Working and Ceramics.

Albert C. de Regt, B. A., Instr. Chem.

New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station, New Brunswick.

Department of Rutgers College.

Edward B. Voorhees, D. Sc., Dir.
Julius Nelson, PH. D., Biol.


Byron D. Halsted, D. Sc., Bot., Hort.
John B. Smith, D. Sc., Ent.

James A. Kelsey, M. S., Field Asst.
Irving S. Upson, M. A., Disbursing
Clerk, Libr.

Augusta E. Meske, Sten. and Typewriter.

New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick.

At Rutgers College.


Board of Managers: Gov. Franklin Murphy, Trenton; Austin Scott, New Brunswick; Edward B. Voorhees, New Brunswick; Ephraim T. Gill, Haddonfield; Robert Gwynne, Salem; Winfield S. Bonham, Shiloh; John E. Darnell, Masonville; David D. Denise (Pres.), Freehold; James Neilson, New Brunswick; Samuel B. Ketcham (V. Pres.), Pennington; George Fritts, Pattenburg; Josiah Ketcham, Belvidere; James A. Burnett, Hilton; Abram C. Holdrum, Westwood; George H. Blakeley, Paterson; George E. De Camp, Roseland; Cyrus B. Crane, Caldwell; George Dorer, East Orange; Ira C. Kilburn, South Orange; Rynier J. Wortendyke, Jersey City; Lucius F. Donohoe, Bayonne; John B. Williams, New Durham; Philip M. Brett, Jersey City.


Edward B. Voorhees, D. Sc., Dir.
Irving S. Upson, M.A., Chief Clerk, Sec.,

Louis A. Voorhees, M. A., Chief Chem.
John P. Street, M. S., Assoc. Chem.
Alva T. Jordan, B. S., Asst. Hort.
Clarence B. Lane, B. S., Asst. in Dairy

Jacob G. Lipman, M. A., Soil Chem.,

William P. Allen, B. S., Asst. Chem.
John B. Smith, D. S., Ent.
Mary A. Whitaker, Sten. and Typew.
Vincent J. Carberry, Lab. Asst.
Harry W. Williams, Janitor.


New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Mesilla Park.


Board of Regents: Granville A. Richardson (Pres.), Roswell; H. B. Holt (Sec. and Treas.), Las Cruces; Seaman Field, Deming; W. A. Cooper, Santa Fe; Jose Lucero, Las Cruces. Advisory Members: Gov. Miguel A. Otero, Santa Fe; J. Francisco Chaves (Supt. Public Instr.), Santa Fe,


The courses of study are four: A course in agriculture, a course in mechanical engineering, a course in domestic science, and a general or scientific course. There are also graduate courses and short courses in agriculture and mechanic arts.


Luther Foster, M. S. A., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station; Political Economy.

Clarence T. Hagerty, M. S., Math.,


Arthur Goss, M. S., A. C., Chem. Hiram Hadley, M. A., Hist., Philos. Elmer O. Wooton, M. A., Biol., Geol. Francis E. Lester, Registrar; Prin. Sten. Dept.

J. D. Tinsley, B. S., Soil Phys.

Alice Horning, B. S., Dean of Women; Dom. Sci.

John J. Vernon, M. S. AGR., Agr., Hort. D. M. Richards, B. A., Prin. Prep. Dept.

Edith Davis, B. A., Engl.

Merritt L. Hoblit, B. A., Spanish.
Charles Mills, Mech. Engin.

Alfred S. Frost, Col.. U. S. A., Mil. Sci. and Tactics.

R. Fred Hare, M. S., (Asst.) Chem.

Fabian Garcia, B. S., (Asst.) Hort. Geraldine Combs, Asst. in Prep. Dept. A. B. Sage, B. S., (Asst.) Mech. Engin. Dept.

Charlotte A. Baker, Libr.; Asst. in Engl. Frances E. Blakesley, B. L., Asst. in

Prep. Dept.

J. O. Miller, B. S., Asst. Registrar; Sten., Typew.

Elizabeth E. Shimer, Asst. in Prep.. Dept.

Clara L. Foster, B. S., Asst. Dom. Sci. J. S. Macgregor, B. S., Asst. Mech. Engin.

Pinckney Ford, Asst. in Sten. and Typew.; Sten.

Charles L. Post, M. S., Asst. Chem. Henry C. McLallen, M. S. AGR., Asst. Agr.

Agricultural Experiment Station of New Mexico, Mesilla Park.
Department of New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.

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Board of Control: Stephen H. Hammond (Pres.), Geneva; W. O'Hanlon (Sec. and Treas.). Geneva; Gov. Benj. B. Odell, jr., Albany; Jens Jensen, Binghamton; Thos. B. Wilson, Halls; F. C. Schraub, Lowville; E. A. Callahan, Albany; Edgar G. Dusenbury, Portville; Oscar H. Hale, North Stockholm; Martin L. Allen, Fayette; Lyman P. Haviland, Camden.

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