CONTENTS. Officers of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi- Officers and referees of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of Officers of the Association of Economic Entomologists Officers of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers. Agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the United States, with governing boards, courses of study, boards of instruction, and station KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. Acct., Accountant. Actg., Acting. (Adjunct), Adjunct Professor. Gen., General. Geog., Geography. Geol., Geology, Geologist, Geological. Agr., Agriculture, Agriculturist, Agri- | Gov., Governor. cultural. Agron., Agronomy, Agronomist. Agt., Agent. Anal., Analytical. Anat., Anatomy. Arbor., Arboriculture, Arboriculturist. Archi., Architecture. Arith., Arithmetic. Assoc., Associate. (Assoc.), Associate Professor. Asst., Assistant. (Asst.), Assistant Professor. Astron., Astronomy. Bact., Bacteriology, Bacteriologist. Biol., Biology, Biologist, Biological. Bot., Botany, Botanist, Botanical. Chem., Chemist, Chemistry, Chemical. Com'l, Commercial. Hist., History, Historical. Hort., Horticulture, Horticulturist. Husb., Husbandry, Husbandman. Indus., Industrial, Industries, Indus try. Inst., Institutes. Instr., Instruction, Instructor. Invest., Investigations. Irrig., Irrigation. Lab., Laboratory. Lang., Language, Languages. Lat., Latin. Lect., Lecturer. Libr., Library, Librarian. Lit., Literature. Mach., Machinery, Machinist. Math., Mathematics. Mech., Mechanics, Mechanician, Mechanical. Met., Meteorology, Meteorologist. Metal., Metallurgy. Mgr., Manager. Corresp., Correspondence, Correspond- Mil., Military. Pomol., Pomology, Pomologist. Pres., President. Prin., Principal. Print., Printing. Psych., Psychology. Rhet., Rhetoric. Sci., Science, Scientific. Sec., Secretary. Sta., Station. Sten., Stenography, Stenographer. Substa., Substation. Supt., Superintendent. Tech., Technology, Technical. Treas., Treasurer. Typew., Typewriting, Typewriter. Univ., University. V. Dir., Vice-Director. Veg., Vegetable, Vegetation. THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. STAFF. E. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. W. H. BEAL, B. A., M. E., Chief of Editorial Division. W. H. EVANS, Ph. D., Chief of Division of Insular Stations. Mrs. C. E. JOHNSTON, Chief Clerk. SARAH L. SOMMERS, Record Clerk. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. E. W. ALLEN and H. W. LAWSON, B. S., Chemistry, dairy farming, and dairying. W. H. BEAL, Agricultural physics. W. H. EVANS, Botany. C. F. LANGWORTHY, Ph. D., Food and nutrition. J. I. SCHULTE, B. S., Field crops. E. V. WILCOX, Ph. D., Entomology and veterinary science. C. B. SMITH, M. S., Horticulture. D. J. CROSBY, M. S., Agricultural institutions. WILLIAM HENRY, Indexing and proof reading. G. A. HARLOW, Librarian. ALASKA EXPERIMENT STATIONS. C. C. GEORGESON, M. S., Special agent in charge, Sitka. F. E. RADER, B. S., Assistant at Sitka. H. P. NIELSEN, Assistant at Kenai. J. W. NEAL, Assistant at Copper Center. HAWAII EXPERIMENT STATION. JARED G. SMITH, Special agent in charge, Honolulu. T. F. SEDGWICK, Agriculturist. D. L. VAN DINE, Entomologist. FRANK E. CONTER, Farm foreman. PORTO RICO EXPERIMENT STATION. F. D. GARDNER, Special agent in charge, Mayaguez. O. W. BARRETT, Entomologist and botanist. J. W. VAN LEENHOFF, Coffee expert. PAUL A. ENGLISH, Assistant agriculturist. C. R. NEWTON, Clerk and stenographer. NUTRITION INVESTIGATIONS. W. O. ATWATER, Ph. D., Chief of nutrition investigations, Middletown, Conn. F. G. BENEDICT, Ph. D., Physiological chemist. IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS. ELWOOD MEAD, M. S., C. E., Chief of irrigation investigations. C. T. JOHNSTON, M. S., C. E., Assistant chief, in charge of central district. CLARENCE E. TAIT, B. S., Assistant in charge of maps and illustrations. J. D. STANNARD, B. S., Assistant, field investigations in Idaho. FRANK BOND, B. S., Irrigation assistant, in charge of investigations on rice irrigation. FRANK ADAMS, B. A., Irrigation assistant, field investigations in Utah. A. E. CHANDLER, Irrigation assistant, in charge of investigations in Nevada. C. G. ELLIOTT, C. E., Agent and expert in charge of drainage investigations. L. G. C. MAYER, B. S., Agent and expert, in charge of investigations of pumping and farm machinery. |