MARYLAND. Maryland Agricultural College, College Park. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. J. W. Smith (Pres.), Annapolis; ex officio—J. W. Hering (Treas.), Annapolis; Isidor Rayner, Baltimore; Murray Vandiver (State Treas.), Havre de Grace; John Hubner, Baltimore; Noble L. Mitchell, Baltimore. Allen Dodge, Washington, D. C.; Chas. B. Calvert, College Park; Chas. H. Stanley, Laurel; E. G. Merryman, Cockeysville; Harold Walsh, Upper Falls; J. M. Monroe, Annapolis; Chas. H. Evans, Baltimore; C. J. Purnell, Snow Hill; David Seibert, Clearspring; Chas. W. Slagle, Baltimore; Chas. A. Councilman, Glyndon. COURSES OF STUDY. There are four four-year courses of study: Classical, leading to the degree of B. A.; mechanical, leading to the degree of B. M. E., and the scientific and agricultural courses, leading to the degree of B. S. There are also two short courses in agriculture, of two years and ten weeks, respectively. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. R. W. Silvester, President; Mathematics. Thos. H. Spence, M. A., V. Pres.; Lang. Samuel S. Buckley, M. S., D. V. S., Vet. C. F. Doane, M. S., Instr. Dairying. R. I. Smith, B. S., Asst. Ent., Path., Bot. Henry Lanahan, B. A., Phys., Civil R. W. B. Mayo, Asst. Dept. Lang. F. B. Bomberger, B. S., M. A., Engl., Chas. S. Richardson, Dir. Phys. Culture, J. C. Scantling, Major, U. S. A. (Re- J. Hanson Mitchell, M. E., Mech. Engin. A. B. Foster, B. S., Asst. Chem. (State work). J. B. Robb, M. S., Asst. Chem. (State work). T. R. Gough, B. S., Asst. Chem. (State work). H. N. Lansdall, B. S., Asst. Chem. (State Jos. R. Owens, M. D., Registrar, Treas. M. L. Spence, Sten. Mrs. L. K. Fitzhugh, Matron. E. T. Harrison, Libr., Executive Clerk. Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park. Department of Maryland Agricultural College. STATION STAFF. Harry J. Patterson, B. S., Dir.; Chem. Ralph I. Smith, B. S., Asst. Ent. James S. Robinson, Hort. A. L. Quaintance, M. S., Ent. J. B. S. Norton, M. S., Bot., Veg. Path. Thos. M. Price, M. S., Asst. Chem. C. F. Austin, Assoc. Hort. C. F. Doane, M. S. AGR., Dairy Husb. F. H. Blodgett, B. S., Asst. Plant Path., Jos. R. Owens, M. D., Treas. Thos. H. White, Gard. MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. John L. Bates (ex officio Pres.), Boston; H. S. Hyde (V. Pres.), Springfield; G. F. Mills (Treas.), Amherst; E. W. Wood, West Newton; C. A. Gleason, New Braintree; James Draper, Worcester; S. C. Damon, Lancaster; M. I. Wheeler, Great Barrington; W. R. Sessions, Springfield; C. L. Flint, Brookline; W. H. Bowker, Boston; G. H. Ellis, Boston; J. H. Demond, Northampton; E. D. Howe, Marlboro; N. I. Bowditch, Framingham; William Wheeler, Concord; H. H. Goodell (ex officio), Amherst; F. A. Hill, Boston; J. W. Stockwell (ex officio), Boston. COURSES OF STUDY. The collegiate course of study requires four years and leads to the degree of B. S. A post-graduate course, leading to the degree of Ph. D., consists of one major and two minors chosen from the following studies: Entomology, botany, chemistry, zoology, and horticulture. There are also short winter courses of eleven weeks in dairying, general agriculture, animal husbandry, fruit culture, floriculture, market gardening, botany, chemistry, and zoology. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Henry H. Goodell, LL. D., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station; History. Levi Stockbridge, (Honorary) Agr. F. A Waugh, M. S., Hort. Charles H. Fernald, PH. D., Zool. William P. Brooks, PH. D., Agr. Henry T. Fernald, PH. D., Ent. Capt. John Anderson, Mil. Sci. and Herman Babson, M. A., Asst. in Engl. Philip B. Hasbrouck, B. S., Asst. in Louis R. Herrick, B. S., Instr. French. Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. Department of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. H. H. Goodell, LL. D., Dir. STATION STAFF. William P. Brooks, PH. D., Agr. Charles H. Fernald, PH. D., Ent. J. E. Ostrander, C. E., Met. Henry M. Thomson, B. S., Asst. Agr. Henri D. Haskins, B. S., Asst. Chem. (Fertilizers). James E. Halligan, B. S., Asst. Chem. (Fertilizers). Daniel Lunt Cleaves, B. S., Asst. Chem. (Fertilizers). Edward B. Holland, M. S., First Chem. (Foods and Feeding). Philip H. Smith, B. S., Asst. Chem. (Foods and Feeding). Henry T. Fernald, PH. D., Assoc. Ent. S. C. Bacon, Observer. MICHIGAN. Michigan Agricultural College, Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. State Board of Agriculture: T. F. Marston (Pres.), Bay City; Franklin Wells, Constantine; Chas. J. Monroe, South Haven; Gov. A. T. Bliss, Lansing; Jonathan L. Snyder (Pres. College), Agricultural College; E. P. Allen, Ypsilanti; R. D. Graham, Grand Rapids; L. W. Watkins, Manchester. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are three, each requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S.: The agricultural course, the mechanical course, and the women's course. Short courses are given in general farming and live stock, dairying, creamery management, fruit culture, cheese making, and beetsugar production. A post-graduate course is also provided. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Jonathan L. Snyder, M. William J. Beal, M. S., PH. D., Bot.; Curator Bot. Museum. A., PH. D., President. W. W. Wells, B. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. Howard Edwards, M. A., LL. D., Engl. Mrs. Jennie L. K. Haner, Instr. Dom. Art. Lit., Mod. Lang. Herman K. Vedder, C. E., Math. L. R. Taft, M. S., Supt. of Farmers' Inst. C. L. Weil, B. S., Mech. Engin. W. B. Barrows, B. S., Zool., Physiol.; Frank S. Kedzie, M. S., Chem. C. E. Marshall. PH. D., Bact. U. P. Hedrick, M. S., Hort., Supt. Robert S. Shaw, B. S. A., Agr. A. M. Brown, B. A., Sec. William S. Holdsworth, M. S.. (Asst.) Martin D. Atkins, M. A., (Asst.) Phys. W. O. Hedrick, M. S., (Asst.) Hist., Polit. Econ. Maude Gilchrist, B. S., Dean of Women's Dept. E. Sylvester King, (Asst.) Engl. Warren Babcock, B. S., (Asst.) Math. Mrs. Linda E. Landon, Libr. R. H. Pettit, B. S., Instr. Zool. Geo. E. Denman, B. A., Phys. Culture. Herman Reynolds, B. S., (Asst.) Mech. Engin. J. B. Dandeno, M. A. (Asst.) Bot. B. O. Longyear, Instr. Bot. Louise Freyhofer, B. A., Instr. Music. L. H. Harza, B. S., Instr. Math. Carrie A. Lyford, Instr. Dom. Sci. L. W. Sawtelle, B. A., Instr. Engl. George C. Humphrey, B. S., Instr. Animal Husb. John Michels, B. S. AGR., Instr. Dairying. Chace Newman, Instr. Mech. Draw. Jennett Carpenter, B. S., Instr. Dom. Sci. W. A. Gardner, B. S., Instr. Math. E. R. Blair, Farm Foreman. C. E. Baker, Foreman Foundry. R. C. Benner, B. S., Lab. Asst. Chem. C. A. Stiles, Clerk to Pres. College of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: Greenleaf Clark (Pres.), St. Paul; William M. Liggett, St. Anthony Park; Stephen Mahoney, Minneapolis; Elmer E. Adams, Fergus Falls; Thomas Wilson, St. Paul; A. E. Rice, Willmar; O. C. Strickler, New Ulm; James T. Wyman, Minneapolis; T. L. Schurmeier, St. Paul; Gov. Samuel R. Van Sant, Winona; Cyrus Northrop, Minneapolis; John W. Olson, Albert Lea; J. E. Ware (Treas.), Minneapolis. COURSES OF STUDY. The college course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. Agr. Instruction in a number of subjects included in the course in agriculture is given by the faculty of the college in science, literature, and the arts. There is also a secondary school of agriculture, with a course requiring three years of six months each for completion, a special lecture course continuing for a term of eight weeks for farmers of mature years, and a dairy course of four weeks. To secure a dairy certificate the student must have two seasons' actual practice in a creamery or cheese factory, one of which must follow his work at the dairy school. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Cyrus Northrop, LL. D., President of the University. William M. Liggett, Dean. Math., Gen. Hist., Econ. Samuel B. Green, B. S., Hort., For. T. L. Haecker, Dairy Husb. M. H. Reynolds, M. D., V. M., Physiol., Willet M. Hays, M. AGR., Agr. Andrew Boss, Animal Husb. William Boss, Carpentry, Power Mach. Juniata L. Sheppard, M. A., Cooking, Margaret Blair, Sew. Virginia C. Meredith, Preceptress; Home Charles F. Keyes, B. A., Geog., Hist.; Catherine Comfort, B. L., Engl. Wm. A. Wheeler, B. A., Agr. Bot. a Freight and express address, Lansing. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION-continued. Frederick L. Washburn, M. A., Zool., Mary A. Bull, Asst. Cooking, Launder Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minnesota, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. H. Longino (Pres. ex officio), Jackson; R. C. King (Sec.), Agricultural College; Thaddeus Lampton (Treas.), Jackson; W. B. Montgomery, Starkville; T. L. Wainwright, Stonewall; T. C. Dockery, Love Station; J. T. Harrison, Columbus; W. C. George, Greenwood; W. H. Morgan, Sheppardtown; J. J. Coman, Jackson; Henry L. Whitfield, Jackson; J. F. McCool, Kosciusko; J. B. Bailey, Conehatta; J. C. Hardy (Pres. of College), Agricultural College. COURSES OF STUDY. The collegiate course of study requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. Post-graduate courses and a preparatory course are also provided. There are also four short courses of two years each, viz, agricultural, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and textile; and a ten weeks' course in agriculture. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. C. Hardy, M. A., President. I. D. Sessums, B. S., (Actg.) Mil. Sci. A. B. McKay, B. S., Hort. Albert Barnes, M. M. E., Mech. Engin. J. E. McKell, B. S., Asst. Mech. Engin. Arthur Whittam, Dir. Textile School. J. S. Wier, B. S., Asst. Carding and F. A. Abbott, Power Weaving. C. B. Seal, Designing and Fabrie |