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G. A. Dean, B. S., Asst. Ent.
L. F. Paull, M. A., Asst. Bot.

Emma J. Short, Asst. Prep. Dept.

C. Jeannette Perry, B. S., Executive

Maude M. Coe, B. S., Asst. Dom. Art.

Ina F. Cowles, B. S., Asst. Dom. Art.
Alice M. Melton, B. S., Clerk Dir. Office.
Minerva Blachly, B. S., Bookkeeper.
Helen Knostman, B. S., Executive Clerk.
Charles Hughes, Sec. to Pres.
W. R. Lewis, Janitor.

Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan.
Department of Kansas State Agricultural College.

J.T. Willard, M. S., Dir.; Chem.
E. A. Popenoe, M. A., Ent.
H. F. Roberts, M. S., Bot.

D. H. Otis, M. S., Animal Husb.
N. S. Mayo, M. S., D. V. S., Vet.
Albert Dickens, M. S., Hort.
A. M. Ten Eyck, M. S., Agr.
E. H. Webster, M. S., Dairying.
L. F. Paull, M. A., Asst. Bot.


J. G. Haney, M. S., Supt. Fort Hays
Branch Expt. Sta., Hays.

Lorena E. Clemons, B. S., Sec.

C. L. Barnes, D. V. S., Asst. in Vet. Dept.
George A. Dean, M. S., Asst. Ent.
V. M. Shoesmith, B. S., Asst. in Feeding
and Field Work.

R. H. Shaw, B. S., Asst. Chem.
G. O. Greene, M. S., Asst. Hort.

Alice M. Melton, B. S., Clerk to Dir.


Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, Lexington.


Board of Trustees: Gov. J. C. W. Beckham (ex officio), Frankfort; G. B. Kinkead, Lexington; John McChord, Lebanon; Cassius M. Clary, Paris; W. R. Ramsey, London; Wm. C. Bell, Harrodsburg; D. F. Frazee, Lexington; L. N. Lindsay, Frankfort; W. T. Fowler, Hopkinsville; J. B. Marcum, Jackson; R. C. Stoll, Lexington; J. K. Patterson, Lexington; B. W. Bradburn, Bowling Green; H. S. Barker, Louisville; McDowell Ferguson, Paducah; J. F. Hager, Ashland; R. W. Nelson, Newport.


The regular courses of study are sixteen, each requiring four years for completion: The agricultural course, leading to the degree of B. Agr.; nine scientific courses, leading to the degree of B. S.; two classical courses, leading to the degree of B. A.; the mechanical engineering course, leading to the degree of B. M. E.; the civil engineering course, leading to the degree of B. C. E.; mining engineering course, leading to the degree of B. M. E., and the normal course, leading to the degree of B. Ped. Certificates of proficiency are given to those who do not complete a course undertaken.


J. K. Patterson, PH. D., LL. D., President; Metaphysics and Civil History.
J. G. White, M. A., Math., Astron.
Paul Wernicke, French and German
Lang. and Lit.

J. H. Neville, M. A., LL. D., V. Pres.;
Lat. and Greek Lang. and Lit.

J. H. Kastle, PH. D., Chem.

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R. N. Roark, PH. D., Prin. Normal Dept.
Arthur M. Miller, M. A., Zool., Geol.
C. W. Mathews, B. S., Agr., Hort., Bot.
J. P. Brooks, M. S., Civil Engin.
M. L. Pence, M. S., Phys.

F. Paul Anderson, M. E., Mech. Engin.

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Department of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky.

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The Kentucky Normal and Industrial Institute for Colored Persons,



Board of Trustees: H. V. McChesney (Chair.), Frankfort; E. E. Hume, Frankfort; Louis D. Smith, Frankfort; Wm. Cromwell, Frankfort; J. S. Hathaway (ex officio), Frankfort.


The courses of study are eight: Normal, carpentry, agriculture, cooking, dressmaking, printing, blacksmithing, and wheelwrighting. The school grants State diplomas to normal graduates.


James S. Hathaway, M. A., M. D., President; Psychology, Pedagogy, Latin, and Hygiene.

T. J. Garth, Nat. Sci., Agr.
Moses A. Davis, Math., Mech, and Man-

ual Training.

Mrs. Mary L. C. Campbell, Normal Dept. Saml. M. Van Cleave, M. A., Prep. Dept. C. T. Cook, Prep. Dept.

Mrs. Mary C. Reed, Sewing.

Mrs. Addie G. Smith, Matron; Cooking. Edw. E. Murrell, Print.

Francis M. Wood, Steward; Supt. Night School.

Lloyd Graves, Farm Foreman.


Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge.


Board of Supervisors: Gov. W. W. Heard (ex officio Pres.), Baton Rouge; Wm. Garig (V. Pres.), Baton Rouge; S. McC. Lawrason, West Feliciana; J. G. White, Rapides; Wm. H. Price, Lafourche; Hon. J. V. Calhoun (ex officio Supt. Public Education), Baton Rouge; Thos. D. Boyd (Pres. State University ex officio), Baton Rouge; A. T. Prescott (Sec.), Baton Rouge; H. Skolfield (Treas.), Baton Rouge; H. S. Chenet, Orleans; C. J. Ducote, Avoyelles; C. C. Davenport, Morehouse; George K. Pratt, Orleans; F. W. Price, Lincoln; J. M. Smith, Union; P. S. Pugh, Acadia; George Hill, West Baton Rouge.


The regular courses of study are eight, each requiring four years for completion, except the sugar course, which requires five years: The course in agriculture, the course in sugar cultivation and manufacture. the commercial course, the course in civil engineering, the course in mechanics, the general science course, the Latin science course, and the literary course, the first six leading to the degree of B. S., the others to the degree of B. A. A preparatory department, with a course covering one year, is also provided.


Thomas D. Boyd, M. James W. Nicholson, M. A., LL. D., Math.

William C. Stubbs, PH. D., Agr.

H. A. Morgan, B. S. A., Zool., Ent.
E. L. Scott, M. A., Ancient Lang.
B. W. Pegues, B. S., Civil Engin.
Wm. A. Read, PH. D., Engl.

Charles E. Coates, jr., PH. D., Chem.
F. H. Billings, PH. D., Bot.

A., LL. D., President.

William H. Dalrymple, M. R. C. V. S.,
Vet. Sci.

John A. Lockwood, Capt., U. S. A. (Re-
tired), Mil. Sci. and Tactics.

F. H. Burnette, Hort.

R. L. Himes, Com'l Branches.

H. K. Strickland, M. A., Asst. Engl.
C. H. Kretz, B. S., Mech. Engin.
Alfred Best, B. S., Asst. Chem.

Thomas W. Atkinson, B. S., C. E., Mech., S. T. Sanders, Prin. Subfreshman Dept.


A. M. Herget, Mech., Arts, Draw.

A. T. Prescott, M. A., Hist., Polit. Sci.

Charles H. Stumberg, M. A., Mod. Lang.

J. F. Broussard, B. A., Instr.

B. H. Guilbeau, B. S., Instr.

H. J. Rhodes, B. S., Instr.

Cecil McCrory, B. S., Asst. Comdt.

No. 1. Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, New Orleans.
No. 2. State Experiment Station, Baton Rouge.

No. 3. North Louisiana Experiment Station, Calhoun.

Department of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical



State Board of Agriculture and Immigration: Gov. W. W. Heard, Baton Rouge; Wm. Garig (V. Pres.), Baton Rouge; J. G. Lee (Comr.), Baton Rouge; Thos. D. Boyd (Pres. State Univ.), Baton Rouge; Wm. C. Stubbs (Dir. State Expt. Sta.), Baton Rouge.

Jno. Dymond, Belair; Emile Rost, St. Rose; A. V. Eastman, Lake Charles; E. T. Sellers, Walnut Lane; Chas. Schuler, Keatchie; H. P. McClendon, Amite.


Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, New Orleans.

Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., PH. D., Dir.
R. E. Blouin, M. S., Asst. Dir.; Chem.
P. L. Hutchinson, B. S., Chem.
G. W. Agee, B. S., Asst. Chem.
R. E. Loudon, B. S., Asst. Chem.
Robt. Glenk, B. S., Chem.

M. Esnard, B. S., Asst. Chem.
C. A. Browne, jr., PH. D., Chem.
G. D. Harris, M. S., M. A., Geol.
Geo. Chiquelin, Sugar Maker.
R. S. Washington, B. S., Farm Mgr.
Jas. K. McHugh, Sec., Sten.

State Experiment Station, Baton Rouge.

Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., PH. D., Dir.
W. R. Dodson, B. A., S. B., Asst. Dir.
W. H. Dalrymple, M. R. C. V. S., Vet.
C. E. Coates, jr., PH. D., Chem.

H. Skolfield, Treas.

H. A. Morgan, B. S. A., Ent.
F. H. Burnette, Hort.

B. H. Atkinson, Farm Mgr.

North Louisiana Experiment Station, Calhoun.

Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., PH. D., Dir.
D. N. Barrow, B. S., Asst. Dir.
Simon Baum, B. S., Chem.

Eugene J. Watson, Hort.

A. T. Anders, Dairyman, Poultryman.
S. M. Bumpass, Tobacconist.

Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, New Orleans.


Board of Trustees: W. H. Preis (Pres.), New Orleans; J. W. Cooke (V. Pres.), Lake Providence; J. C. Henriques (Sec. and Treas.), New Orleans; A. A. Woods, New Orleans; H. W. Spear, New Orleans; S. H. Meyer, New Orleans; Ernest Cucullu, New Orleans; L. H. Marrero, Amesville; Branch K. Miller, New Orleans; A. L. Reese, Baton Rouge; I. E. Mullon, New Orleans; H. H. Freeman, New Orleans.


The university is divided into the following departments: College, normal school, high school (college preparatory), grammar school, department of music, and industrial department. In the industrial department there is an agricultural school, a mechanical school, and a dairy school, the first two having two and four year courses and the last a two-year course.


H. A. Hill, President; Economics and Mental Science.

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The University of Maine, Orono.


Board of Trustees: Henry Lord (Pres.), Bangor; Elliott Wood, Winthrop; C. P. Allen, Presque Isle; J. A. Roberts, Norway; E. B. Winslow, Portland; V. L. Coffin, Harrington; A. J. Durgin, Orono; E. J. Haskell, Westbrook; I. K. Stetson (Treas.), Bangor.


The undergraduate courses of study leading to degrees are eleven, each requiring four years. These are the classical course, the Latin scientific course, the scientific course, the chemical course, the agricultural course, the preparatory medical course, the pharmacy course, the civil engineering course, the mechanical engineering course, the mining engineering course, and the electrical engineering course. The classical course leads to the degree of B. A., the Latin scientific course to B. Ph., the other courses to B. S. The shorter courses, leading to a certificate, are as follows: The courses, of one and two years in agriculture; the course, of two years, in pharmacy, and the farmers' training courses of twelve weeks. The course in the school of law is three years and leads to the degree of LL. B.


George Emory Fellows, M. A., PH. D., President.

Merritt C. Fernald, PH. D., Philos.

Alfred B. Aubert, M. S., Chem.
Allen E. Rogers, M. A., Civics.
James M. Bartlett, M. S., Chem.
Lucius H. Merrill, B. S., Agr. Chem.
Gilman A. Drew, PH. D., Biol.
James N. Hart, C. E., Math., Astron.
Fremont L. Russell, B. S., V. S., Biol.,
Vet. Sci.

Welton M. Munson, PH. D., Hort.
Horace M. Estabrooke, M. A., Engl.
Guy A. Thompson, M. A., Engl.
James S. Stevens, PH. D., Phys.
Gilbert M.Gowell, M. S., Animal Indus.

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Charles D. Woods, B. S., Agr.

Amos H. Martin, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Sci.
Orlando F. Lewis, PH. D., Mod. Lang.
Gilbert A. Boggs, PH. D., Chem.

Ralph K. Jones, B. S., Libr.

Alfred Y. Dubuque, Mod. Lang.

Edward R. Mansfield, B. S., Chem.

Thomas Buck, B. S., Math.

Walter D. Lambert, M. A., Math.
John E. Burbank, M. A., Phys.
Walter A. Mitchell, B. A., Phys.
Frank H. Mitchell, B. S., Chem.
Horace W. Britcher, B. C. E., Zool.
Marshall B. Cummings, B. S., Hort.

Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono,
Department of University of Maine.

Chas. D. Woods, B. S., Dir.
J. M. Bartlett, M. S., Chem.

L. H. Merrill, B. S., Chem.

F. L. Russell, B. S., V. S., Vet.
W. M. Munson. PH. D., Hort.


G. M. Gowell, M. S., Stock Breeding,

Gilman A. Drew, B. S., Zool.

H. W. Britcher, B. C. E., Asst. Zool.
H. H. Hansen, B. S., Asst. Chem.
E. R. Mansfield, B. S., Asst. Chem.
M. B. Cummings, B. S., Asst. Hort.
Annie M. Snow, Sten.

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