BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Andrew S. Draper, LL. D., Eugene Davenport, M. AGR., Dean; Thremmatology. Thomas J. Burrill, PH. D., LL. D., Bot. Isabel Bevier, PH. M., Household Sci. Violet D. Jayne, M. A., (Assoc.) Engl. Herbert W. Mumford, B. S., Animal Husb. Harry S. Grindley, D. Sc., (Assoc.) C. F. Hottes, PH. D., Instr. Bot. President of the University. George H. Meyer, M. A., (Asst.) Ger man. Matthew B. Hammond, PH. D., (Asst.) Econ. Jennette E. Carpenter, O. M., Phys. Train. Wilber J. Fraser, M. S., Dairy Husb. Neal C. Brooks, PH. D., Instr. German. Martha J. Kyle, M. A., Instr. Rhet. John W. Lloyd, B. S. A., Instr. Olericulture. John H. McClellan, M. A., Instr. Zool. Oscar Erf, B. AGR., B. S., Instr. Dairy Husb. Justus W. Folsom, S. D., Instr. Ent. Daisy L. Blaisdell, M. A., Instr. German. Fred R. Crane, B. S., Instr. in Farm Alvin C. Beal, B. S., Asst. in Floricult. Fred H. Rankin, Supt. College Exten sion. Albert R. Curtiss, Foreman in Wood Shops. Henry Jones, Foreman in Blacksmith Shop. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, Urbana. Department of the University of Illinois. STATION STAFF. Eugene Davenport, M. AGR., Dir. T. J. Burrill, Pн. D., Bot. C. G. Hopkins, PH. D., Agron., Chem. H. W. Mumford, B. S., Animal Husb. A. D. Shamel, B. S., Chief Asst. in J. W. Lloyd, B.S.A.,Chief Asst. in Hort. A. J. Glover, B. AGR., Chief Asst. in Dairy Husb. J. G. Mosier, B. S., Chief Asst. in Soil C. F. Hottes, PH. D., Asst. in Bot. H. Hasselbring, B. S., Asst. in Veg. J. H. Petitt, PH. B., Asst. in Chem. W. F. Pate, B. S., Asst. in Chem. a On leave. INDIANA. School of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Veterinary Science of Purdue University, Lafayette. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: William V. Stuart (Pres.). Lafayette; E. A. Ellsworth (Sec.), Lafayette; J. M. Fowler (Treas.), Lafayette; William A. Banks, Laporte; James M. Barrett, Fort Wayne; David E. Beem, Spencer; Charles Downing, Greenfield; Sylvester Johnson, Irvington; William H. O'Brien, Lawrenceburg; C. B. Stemen, Fort Wayne; J. H. Van Natta, Lafayette. COURSE OF STUDY. The course of study requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. There is also a short course in agriculture from January 6 to March 20, 1903. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Winthrop Ellsworth Stone, PH. William C. Latta, M. S., Agr., Supt. of Farmers' Inst. James Troop, M. S., Hort., Ent. John H. Skinner, B. S., (Assoc.) Animal Robert A. Craig, D. V. M., Instr. Vet. Sei. Hubert E. Van Norman, B. S., (Assoc.) Dairying. A. T. Wiancko, B. S. A., (Assoc.) Agr. Stanley Coulter, PH. D., Biol. Joseph C. Arthur, D. Sc., Veg. Physiol. and Path. Katherine E. Golden, M. S., (Asst.) Biol. William H. Test, M. S., (Asst.) Chem. Thomas F. Moran, PH. D., Hist., Polit. Ernst J. Fluegel, PH. D., German. Pauline Mariotte-Davies, PH.D., French. Clarence A. Waldo, PH. D., Math. Thomas G. Alford, M. A., Math. Erastus Test. M. A., M. D., Math. a D., President of the University. Alfred M. Kenyon, M. A., (Assoc.) Math. Jacob H. Westlund, PH. D., (Assoc.) Math. Laura A. Fry, Indus. Art. Nellie P. Samson, Instr. Wood Carving. Severance Burrage, B. S., Instr. Sanitary Sci. Edward Mahin, B. S., Instr. Chem. Charles M. Smith, B. S., Instr. Phys. Winfred H. Osborne, B. A., Instr. Math. Charles H. Beckett, B. A., Instr. Math. E. L. Hancock, M. S., Instr. Math. Caroline E. Shoemaker, M. S., Instr. Engl. Clyde B. Cooper, M. A., Instr. Engl. Edwin W. Kemmerer, B. A., Instr. Hist., Econ. John Heiss, M. A., Instr. German. Chester W.Gould, M. A., Instr.German. W. M. Nye, B. S., M. E., Woodshop. Alpha P. Jamison, B. M. E., Mech. Draw. Wm. H. Holmes, Asst. in Shops. Lloyd E. King., Instr. Phys. Ira L. Reeves, Capt., U. S. A., Comdt. Chas. I. Freeman, Phys. Dir. Blanche A. Miller, Asst. Libr. @ This list does not include the instructors exclusively engaged in the schools of engineering, science, and pharmacy. Agricultural Experiment Station of Indiana, Lafayette. STATION STAFF. Henry A. Huston, M. A., A. C., Dir. Wm. C. Latta, M. S., Agr. James Troop, M. S., Hort. J. C. Arthur, D. S., Bot. A. W. Bitting, D. V. M., Vet. J. H. Skinner, B. S., Animal Husb. A. T. Wiancko, B. S. A., in charge of Wm. J. Jones, M. S., A. C., Asst. State H. E. Van Norman, B. S., Dairying. R. M. Hamer, Stockman. IOWA. Iowa State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Ames. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. B. Cummins, Des Moines; R. C. Barrett (Supt. of Public Instr.); W. O. McElroy, Newton; E. W. Stanton (Sec.), Ames; Herman Knapp (Treas.), Ames; W. K. Boardman, Nevada; W. J. Dixon, Sac City; E. A. Alexander, Clarion; C. L. Gabrilson, New Hampton; J. B. Hungerford (Chair.), Carroll; W. R. Moninger, Marshalltown; Jas. H. Wilson, Adair; S. H. Watkins, Libertyville; C. S. Barclay, West Liberty; W. B. Penick, Chariton. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are eight: The course in agriculture, leading to the degree of B. S. A.; the course in veterinary science, leading to the degree of D. V. M.; the course in mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of B. M. E.; the course in civil engineering, leading to the degree of B. C. E.; the course in electrical engineering, leading to the degree of B. S. in E. E.; the course in mining engineering, leading to the degree of B. M. E.; the course in sciences as related to the industries, leading to the degree of B. S.; and the course in general and domestic science for ladies, leading to the degree of B. S. The veterinary course requires three years for completion; each of the others, four years. There are also short winter courses in stock judging and dairying, and group courses in the sciences. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. L. Budd, M. H., Emeritus in Hort. Gen. James R. Lincoln, Mil. Sci. George W. Bissell, M. E., Mech. Engin. Julius B. Weems, PH. D., Agr. Chem. Charles F. Curtiss, B. S., M. S., Agr. President. Lizzie M. Allis, B. A., M. A., French, Louis B. Spinney, B. M. E., M. S., W. J. Kennedy, B. S. A., Animal Husb. P. G. Holden, M. S., B. PD., Vice Dean; Alvin B. Noble, PH. B., Rhet., Engl. Lit. John J. Repp, V. M. D., Path., Thera- BOARD OF INSTRUCTION-continued. Warren H. Meeker, M. E., (Asst.) Mech. Engin. Mrs. Marian H. Kilbourne, B. L., Dean of Women. George L. McKay, Dairying. Burton L. Lanphear, M. M. E., (Asst.) Phys., Elect. Engin. Carl W. Gay, D. V. M., Vet. Med., Sanitary Sci. John H. McNeall, V. M. D., Anat. and Prin. and Pract. of Surgery. Walter A. Stuhr, D. V. M., Resident Surgeon, Instr. Vet. Dept. Frank J. Resler, PH. B., Dir. of Music and Vocalist. Maria M. Roberts, B. L., Instr. Math. Talbot Lenox, Instr. Mach. Shops. Forge and Foundry. Mrs. Elizabeth Resler, PH. B., Instr. Instrumental Music. R. J. Kenzer, B. S. A., Farm Supt. Lola Placeway, B. S., Instr. Chem. Sarah Ellis, B. L., Instr. Dom. Econ. Bessie B. Larrabee, B. A., Instr. Lat. Edw. E. Little, B. S., AGR., Instr. Hort. Ora L. Edgett, B. S., Instr. Chem. Wilbur M. Wilson, B. M. E., Instr. Mech. Engin., Freehand Draw. E. C. Myers., B. S. AGR., Instr. Agr. Chem. A. Estella Paddock, B. S., Instr. Gen. Alice Hess, B. S., Instr. Dom. Econ. E. B. Tuttle. B. S. E. E., Instr. Phys. Ada J. Miller, PH. B., Instr. Engl. Elizabeth Maclean, B. D., Instr. Engl. Helen G. Reed, PH. B., Instr. Engl. Julia Colpitts, M. A., Instr. Math. Ernest A. Pattengill, B. S., Instr. Math. A. T. Erwin, Instr. Greenhouse Handicraft. F. R. Marshall, B. S. A., Asst. in Animal Husb. W. H. Stevensen, B. A., Asst. in Soils. Olive E. Stevens, B. L., Asst. Libr. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames. Department of Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. STATION STAFF. C. F. Curtiss, M. S. A., Dir.; Agr. H. E. Summers, B. S., Ent. W. J. Kennedy, B. S. A., V. Dir.; Animal Husb. P. G. Holden, M. S., B. PD., Agron. Homer C. Price, M. S. A., Hort. F. R. Marshall, B. S. A., Asst. in Animal Husb. Miss C. M. King, Asst. Bot.; Artist. W. H. Stevensen, B. A., Asst. in Soils. C. Larson, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairying. KANSAS. Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: J. S. McDowell (Pres.), Smith Center; F. D. Coburn (V. Pres.), Kansas City; E. T. Fairchild (Treas.), Ellsworth; William Hunter (Loan Commissioner), Blue Rapids; J. M. Satterthwaite, Douglass; S. J. Stewart, Humboldt; E. R. Nichols (Sec. ex officio), Manhattan. COURSES OF STUDY. There are five regular courses of study, each requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S.-general science, agriculture, domestic science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering; four short courses, each requiring two terms, except the dairy, which is one term-agriculture and mechanics, horticulture and mechanics, domestic science, and dairy. The degree of M. S. is given upon post-graduate study, with satisfactory evidence of proficiency, after two years, one of which must be resident. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. E. R. Nichols, M. A., President of College and Chairman of Station Council. John D. Walters, M. S., Indus. Art and Josephine C. Harper, M. A., (Asst.) Math. Designing. Alexander B. Brown, M. A., Music. D. H. Otis, M. S., Animal Husb.; in charge of Farmers' Inst. Edith A. McIntyre, Household Econ. E. H. Webster, M. S., Dairying. Mrs. Henrietta W. Calvin, B. S., Libr. Jacob Lund, B. S., Supt. Heat and Power. Alice Rupp, (Asst.) Engl. Geo. F. Weida, PH. D., (Asst.) Chem. Clarence L. Barnes, D. V. S., (Asst.) Vet. Sci. Wm. L. House, Foreman Carpenter Shop. Margaret J. Minis, B. S., Asst. Libr. R. H. Brown, B. S., Asst. in Music. William Anderson, B. S., Asst. in Math. Gertrude Barnes, Asst. Libr. William Baxter, Foreman Greenhouses. W. M. Sawdon, B. S., Asst. Mech. Engin. Ada Rice, B. S., Asst. Engl. Louis Wabnitz, Foreman Iron Shops. Elizabeth J. Agnew, B. S., Asst. in Dom. Sci. E. C. Gasser, Foreman Blacksmith Shop. George O. Greene, M. S., Asst. Hort. |