COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are seven in number and require four years each for completion: The classical course and the Latin scientific course, each leading to the degree of B. A.; the agricultural and the general science courses, each leading to the degree of B. S.; and three courses in engineering, leading to the degrees of B. C. E., B. M. E., and B. E. E. There are also a two years' course and a short winter course of thirteen weeks in agriculture. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Geo. A. Harter, M. A., PH. D., President; Mathematics and Physics. T. R. Wolf, M. A., PH. D., Chem., Min., Sanitary Sci., Geol. Frederic H. Robinson, C. E., Civil William H. Bishop, B. S., Agr., Biol. Edgar Dawson, M. A., PH. D., Engl. Edward L. Smith, M. A., Instr. Mod. Lang. Treadwell W. Moore, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Sci. and Tactics. William J. Rowan, PH. D., Instr. Elocution and Oratory. Harold W. Brown, B. S., (Assoc.) Mech. and Elect. Engin. Clarence A. Short, B. C. E., Instr. Math., Engin. C. O. Houghton, Zool., Ent. Joseph F. Brewster, B. A., Instr. Chem. Lee O. Willis, B. M. E., Instr. Shopwork. Arthur T. Neale, M. A., PH. D., Lect. in Agr., Supt. Farmers' Inst. for Newcastle County. Frederick D. Chester, M. S., Lect. in Myc. Charles L. Penny, M. A., Lect. in Agr. Chem. C. P. Close, M. S., Lect. in Hort. The Delaware College Agricultural Experiment Station, Newark. Department of Delaware College. STATION STAFF. Arthur T. Neale, M. A., PH. D., Dir.; C. P. Close, M. S., Hort. Board of Trustees: C. B. Lore (Pres.), Wilmington; H. C. Conrad (Sec. and Treas.), Wilmington; W. T. Cavender, Smyrna; G. W. Marshall, Milford; Ebe W. Tunnell, Lewes; H. P. Cannon, Bridgeville; W. C. Jason (ex officio), Dover. COURSES OF STUDY. There are five courses of study: Classical, scientific, agricultural, engineering, and normal. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Rev. William C. Jason, M. A., B. D., President; Greek, Latin, Mental and Moral Science. Samuel L. Conwell, B. A., Sec.; Com- Lydia P. Laws, Normal Dept.; Hist., mon Engl. Branches, Biol. Engl. Lit.; Matron. Jos. R. Bulkley, Supt. Indus. Dept.; John Boyken Aiken, Instr. Pract. Agr. Math., Phys., Chem. FLORIDA. Florida Agricultural College, Lake City. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Geo. W. Wilson (Pres.), Jacksonville; F. E. Harris (V. Pres.), Ocala; J. D. Callaway (Sec.), Lake City; E. D. Beggs, Pensacola; C. A. Carson, Kissimmee; L. Harrison, Lake City; J. R. Parrott, St. Augustine. COURSES OF STUDY. There are seven courses leading to degrees. The courses in agriculture (including horticulture), mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemistry, Latin science, and general science, respectively, lead to the degree of B. S. The classical course leads to the degree of B. A. These courses require four years each for completion. There are also a two-year course in mechanic arts, a preparatory course of one or two years, as required, a one-year course in business, and a oneyear course in stenography and typewriting. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Thos. H. Taliaferro, C. E., PH. D., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station. J. D. Callaway, Sec. Board of Trustees (ex officio). W. F. Yocum, M. A., D. D., Philos., Robt. L. Borger, B. A., Math., Astron. H. A. Gossard, M. S., Zool., Ent., Geol. C. F. Dawson, M. D., D. V. S., Vet. R. N. Hadley, M. Accтs., Dir. Com'l P. E. Cooper, Instr. Sten., Typew. A. W. Blair, B. S., M. A., Instr. Chem. Lucia McCulloch, B. S., Asst. Biol., Janie L. Brown, Instr. Music. D. H. Clark, Capt., U. S. A. (Retired), J. C. Jeffery, Phys. Dir. Florida State Normal and Industrial College, Tallahassee. GOVERNING BOARD. State Board of Education (ex officio Board of Trustees): Gov. W. S. Jennings (Pres.), Tallahassee; W. N. Sheats (Sec.), Tallahassee; H. C. Crawford, Tallahassee; W. B. Lamar, Tallahassee; J. B. Whitfield (Treas.), Tallahassee. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are: Academic, mechanical, and agricultural. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Nathan B. Young, M. A., President. Geo. M. Sampson, M. A., Sec.; Math. Jubie B. Bragg, Wheelwr., Blacksm. J. T. Williams, PH. B., Sci. A. E. Martin, Tailoring. Daisy E. Attaway, Asst. Matron. Ellen O. Paige, Dressmaking. Lulu M. Cropper, Critic Teacher, Arith., Marietta E. Hall, Reading, Writing, Mrs. Eliza A. Johnson, Millinery. GEORGIA. Georgia State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Athens. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. J. M. Terrell (ex officio), Atlanta; G. F. Gober, Marietta; Clark Howell, Atlanta; W. E. Simmons, Lawrenceville; Hamilton McWhorter, Lexington; S. B. Adams, Savannah; B. B. Bower, jr., Bainbridge; W. H. Fish, Americus; Henry Persons, Talbotton; H. D. McDaniel (Chair.), Monroe; A. O. Bacon, Macon; D. B. Hamilton, Rome; H. T. Lewis, Greensboro; N. L. Hutchins, Lawrenceville; E. H. Calloway, Augusta; H. G. Turner, Quitman; A. L. Hull (Sec. and Treas.), Athens; Howell Cobb, Athens; N. E. Harris (ex officio), Macon; F. G. Du Bignon (ex officio), Savannah; P. W. Meldrim (ex officio), Savannah. COURSES OF STUDY. There are four courses of study, each requiring four years for completion, each leading to the degree of B. S., differing in options and specialization and characterized as general, agriculture, civil engineering, and electrical engineering. There are also graduate courses of one year each, leading to the degrees of M. S., C. E., and M. Agr.; special courses in chemistry, mining, and metallurgy, in agriculture, in electrical engineering, and in building and architecture, in which certificates of attainment are given, and a short winter course in agriculture, comprising instruction in the English branches, agriculture, and dairying. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. H. C. White, PH. D., President; Chemist; in charge of Farmers' Inst. A. H. Patterson, M. A., Phys., Elect. C. J. Moore, PH. D., Instr. Chem. Engin. John Morris, M. A., Mod. Lang. R. E. Park, M. A., Engl. D. C. Barrow, jr., C. and M. E., Math. John P. Campbell, PH. D., Biol. J. H. T. McPherson, PH. D., Hist., C. M. Snelling, M. A., Math. U. H. Davenport, B. S. Instr. Phys., E. L. Griggs, Instr. Draw.; Comdt. R. L. McWhorter, B. A., Tutor Ancient W. O. Payne, M. A., Tutor Hist. Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment.a Department of Georgia State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Directors: O. B. Stevens (Pres.), Atlanta; J. B. Park, jr. (Sec. and Treas.), Greensboro; Walter B. Hill, Athens; H. C. White, Athens; G. M. Ryals, Savannah; P. E. Boyd, Leary; J. T. Furguson, Leesburg; J. H. Mobley, Hamilton; A. J. Smith, Conyers; N. B. Drewry, Griffin; Felix Corput, Cavespring; John Deadwyler, Maysville; George Gilmore, Warthen; William Henderson, Ocilla. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Honolulu. Under the supervision of A. C. True, Director Office of Experiment Stations, . United States Department of Agriculture. IDAHO. College of Agriculture of the University of Idaho, Moscow. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: John B. Goode (Pres.), Rathdrum; Mrs. Wm. H. Ridenbaugh, (V. Pres.), Boise; Geo. C. Parkinson (Sec.), Preston; Geo. W. Chapin, Idaho Falls; Henry E. Wallace, Caldwell; Wm. L. Payne (Treas.), Moscow. COURSES OF STUDY. The regular course in agriculture requires four years for its completion and leads to the degree of B. S. A three years' preparatory course and a short course in dairying are offered. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Jas. A. McLean, PH. D., President; Political Science. Hiram T. French, M. S., Agr. John E. Bonebright, B. S., M. A., Phys. Chas. A. Peters, B. S., PH. D., Chem. Jay G. Eldridge, M. A., Mod. Lang. Sidney R. Sheldon, B. S,, Elect. and Edward M. Hulme, B. A., Instr. Engl. Mrs. M. E. Young, Preceptress; Dir. Dora P. Porter, B. H. E., Instr. Dom. Sci. Miles F. Reed, B.S., Instr. Math., Pedag. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Idaho, Moscow. College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois, Urbana. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees of the University: Gov. Richard Yates, Springfield; Martin Conrad, 48 W. Monroe st., Chicago; Alfred Bayliss, Springfield; Mrs. Mary T. Carriel, Jacksonville; Francis M. McKay, 61 Alice court, Chicago; Thomas J. Smith (Pres.), Champaign; Mrs. Alice A. Abbott, 1106 W. Illinois st., Urbana; Frederic L. Hatch, Spring Grove; Augustus F. Nightingale, 1997 Sheridan road, Argyle Park, Chicago; Alexander McLean, Macomb; Samuel A. Bullard, Springfield; Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, Belleville. COURSE OF STUDY. The regular course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. Provision is also made for special students. |