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new light on the mysterious, and always We may make still further discoveries. so obscure, doctrine of initiations. of new chemical agents, and yet simplify Paintings have been carefully traced many bodies even now supposed simple; from the originals, and form fourteen but the known properties of the prinplates, of which several are double. cipal natural agents will not admit but The frontispiece and the text an orna- of very limited advances, and certainly mented with interesting inedited monu- no change, consequently the description ments, relative to the subjects of the of these will long retain its value. Chework. To these recommendations, we mical analysis is still in a very imperfect may add the graphic and typographic state; but, as it is naturally the last Juxury of this splendid work, which is branch the student has to learn, that from the press of Didot l'ainé. Thus part has been treated last, and conseantiquaries, the lovers of the Fine Arts, quently brought down to the present year. and the admirers of splendid editions, will all receive a high gratification in the acquisition of the work of the illustrious Millin.



Traité de Chimie Elementaire Théorique
et Pratique; par M. L. J. Thenard,
&c. &c.
An Elementary Treatise of Theoretical
and Practical Chemistry; by M.
Thenard, &c. &.- 5 vols, 8vo. 1813

To convey an idea of the merit of our author's plan, we will give an outline of the arrangement he has adopted.

The first part treats of inorganic bodies, and the laws of cohesion and affinity, slightly; the farther consideration of affinity, he reserves for a more advanced state of the student's knowledge. He next treats of imponderable bodies, and particularly light; the expansion or dilatation of bodies, the nature of the thermometer, the decompoTHE name alone of such a distinguish- sition of bodies by caloric, and their ed chemist as M. Thenard, is in itself a contraction by cold, their specific caloric, guarantee of the excellence of the work; and the different means by which it is but the course of political events has determined, and the sources from which shed its baneful influence over the whole it emanates, which are the sun, or the horizon of literature, and prevented the bodies that abandon it, either by the effect final publication of M. L's work until of compression or combination. last winter, though the first volume had appeared in 1813. This is highly disadvantageous to an author remarkable for the observance of the laws of method and precision in his works; but, if the work suffers from being obliged to form a supplement, bringing down the state He examines light merely in its cheof knowledge to the publication of the mical effects. Electricity and galvanism last volume, the consideration is more are treated in a perspicuous manner. than counterbalanced by the cheering He then resumes the consideration of reflection, that the unconquered spirit of science cannot be subdued; and, that in spite of political action and re-action, revolution, and the exchange of a military tyranny for that of priesthood, the philosopher is but partially distracted Oxygen being the most important of from the study of nature and nature's ponderable bodies, the author developes laws. Of all the sciences, that of che- its nature and effects at length, from mistry makes the most rapid progress; which he passes to combustible bodies; and the best treatise of chemistry has thence to oxides and acids, and their its date like an almanack. reciprocal action, and the properties of

The author's theory would occupy too much space; but we think, had he been acquainted with that published long ago in this Magazine, he would have altered his system, or at least strongly doubted its truth and accuracy.

chemical affinities, and the properties of imponderable fluids, whose actions extend throughout all nature. Ponderable bodies, simple and compound, next occupy his attention, with their classification.

As the work of M. Thenard is of an minerals and extraction of metals; he elementary nature, it has suffered less then treats of vegetable and animal in the respect we allude to than if it had matters. treated of chemistry in its higher forms.

M. Thenard, in his researches, exa

mines bodies in general under seven points of view--

1. Their principal physical properties. 2. Those of their chemical properties which depend on the rank they occupy. 3. The various states in which they

are formed in nature.

4. The manner of obtaining them pure.
5. Their composition.
6. Their uses.

7. A brief history of their discovery, or that of their more remarkable properties.

ems of Homer; by the Chevalier Millin, &c. &c.-1 vol. 8vo. Paris,


M. MILLIN considers the works of Homer as the encyclopædia of the heroic ages, they alone can inform us of the state of knowledge in his time." Homer did not study natural history like the philosophers who succeeded him; it was not become a theoretical science, He observed Nature by a sublime instincthe loved to describe her in her gayest form-and she almost always presented Having proceeded thus far, he leads herself unveiled before him. Every reiga the student into the theory and practice furnished him with pictures and compaof analysis, to which he dedicates eight risons; and, on examining them closely, distinct chapters. The first treats of the we shall frequently find an accuracy manipulations common to a great num- that as much astonishes the imagination, ber of analyses-the second of the ana- as the magic of the style transports it. lyses of gases-the third of combustible It is, therefore, Homer alone whom we bodies the fourth of burnt substances must invoke to instruct us with any de-the fifth of salts-the sixth of mineral

waters—the seventh of organic substances —and the eighth of the mode of discovering to what class a body, intended to be analized, belongs.

Having thus given a brief, but careful analysis of the excellent work of M. Thenard, we have only to add, that not only the young student, but even the experienced chemist, may study it with pleasure and profit.


gree of certitude on the state of know-
ledge in the ages he sung. He alone.
can give us true details on the history
of those ages, on their manners, their
customs, and their arts. I will not com-
pare his knowledge with that since ac-
quired on the different subjects he has
treated. They are at present more exact
and extensive; but is it not prodigious
that a single man should have possessed
so great a number? for I regard the
writings of. Homer as the encyclopædia
of the heroic ages, and the Greeks had

Manuel du Tourneur; par M. Hamelin the same opinion of them.

The Turner's Manual.-2 vols. 4to.
and 1 vol. of plates.

His geo

graphical notions relative to the countries he had visited were so exact, that, long after him, the Catalogue of the Ships, in the second book of the Iliad, THIS is a highly singular and curious frequently served to terminate différences work. M. Bery has treated largely on in Greece. The Eolians were obliged an art that would seem to admit but of to cede Calydon to the Etolians, hefew details, yet he is far from a prolix cause Homer, in his enumeration, had writer; and we apprehend there are few placed this city amongst those which turners in wood, stone, or metal, who belonged to the latter. The same reamay not consult it with great advantage; son induced the Athenians to give SesFrom to the amateur of the art it is invaluable, tos the inhabitants of Abydos. a single line of this poet, Sólon put the same people in possession of Salamine. The inhabitants of Priene, aad those of Miletus, disputed about the city of Mythan all other titles, adjudged to the forcale. The authority of Homer, stronger mer the object of their contestation.Homer knew all that was known in his time. It is this extent of knowledge,


Mineralogie Homerique; ou Essai sur les Mineraux dont il est fait mention dans les Poëmes d'Homère; par A. L. Millin, &c. &c.

The Mineralogy of Homer; or an Essay on the Minerals mentioned in the Po


joined to the sublimity of his genius, genius and considerable talent in their which has conciliated the admiration of respective professions. To an English all ages, and given the name of Homeric reader the work may, perhaps, appear a to the ages he sung, or in which he mere compilation on the subjects of flourished."-Preface of the Author.

anatomy, surgery, pharmacy, &c. &c. M. Millin has rendered an invaluable This idea would be incorrect. The deservice to the lovers of Greek, and espe- sign of the work is to include, not only cially Homeric, literature.-Homer has every thing relative to the practice of had the singular misfortune never to have medicine, but also on the Materia Mebeen translated into any language by a dica, the cause and origin of disorders, man of science. Every person who had and an analysis of those natural substana tolerable acquaintance with Greek, and ces, which tend either to the preservation possessed the facility of stringing verses, or destruction of health; and, consefancied himself equal to the task of trans- quently, extends its views to botany, lating the writings of Homer, which are chemistry, &c. &c. Of this fact, the as much works of science as poems.- articles Leaf and Fermentation, afford a Hence the numerous failures and ridi- striking proof. Under the head Leaves, culous versions. Of all our countrymen, M. Guersent gives a description of their perhaps Clarke understood Homer the structure and their functions; he considbest; Pope too was well acquainted ers them generally as concurring to the with the genius of his language; Ma- ascension of the sap, and the nutrition dame Dacier's translation was wonderful and preservation of the plant, the absorpfor a lady, but in that circumstance con- tion on the inferior surface, and by aquesisted its only merit. Bitaubé has since ous and gazeous perspiration. The use given a very poetical prose translation, of leaves, in medicine, is treated at conand almost balances the scale with that siderable length. He divides them into of Le Brun, the joint-consul with Na- mucilaginous, endowed with emollient poleon. properties; poisonous, distinguished by M. Millin corrects their various errors, their peculiarly foetid odour; bitter and and discovers immense reading in sup- acid, but not aromatic; bitter and aroport of his assertions. The bronze of matic piquant, or sour and aromatic; the ancients has long been a matter of those which contain a white saccharine, dispute; if M. Millin does not exactly and narcotic principle, or a sour and settle the point, it will at any rate be corrosive principle, and leaves sour and difficult to find a more probable theory. bitter, which do not contain a white suTo those who love to contemplate the gar. After this careful and scientific beginning of science, to view it in its analysis, the author proceeds to shew the infant state, and watch its progress and various medical properties of each class. the care bestowed on it until it becomes -But, fifteen thick volumes in 8vo. and gigantic in its form and beautiful in its only arrived at the letter F! proportions, will have a rich treat in the work of M. Millin.*


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Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales. Dictionary of the Medical Sciences. Vol. 13, 14, 15.

This is a highly important work, but. the tremendous bulk which it is likely to assume will render it inaccessible to

many, which is the more to be lamented, as its editors and compilers are men of

It will, in the course of the next winter, make its appearance in English, with additions and corrections communicated by the author to the translator.

Traité de Therapeutique Generale, ou des Regles à suivre dans le Traitement des Maladies Charles Gi raudy, docteur en Medicine, &c. &c. Octavo, 1816.

; par

A Treatise on Therapeutics in General, &c. &c.

If we have blamed the compilers of the Dictionary of Medical Sciences for being too diffuse, we have not the same reproach to make Dr. Giraudy, who has confined the whole science of Therapeutics to one octavo volume, by which he has necessarily reduced his work to a mere nomenclature; for the author's

fame and the satisfaction of the public, finest specimens of oriental printing in
it ought to have been twice as large. existence. Every one is acquainted
He is a writer who understands his sub- with the story of Sind-bad the Sailor,
ject well, and can duly appreciate its but the present version, taken from more
importance; for he acknowledges, that correct manuscripts, is very different
the physician ought carefully to have from M. Galland's. The learned trans-
studied anatomy, physiology, pathology, lator pays several well-merited and high-
&c. &c. Mr. Giraudy is, however, too ly flattering compliments to the Rev.
much a physician of the schools. Hip- Jonathan Scott, on his new translation
pocrates is his idol; and we are not cer- of the Arabian Nights; and, where he
tain whether he would be quite pleased appears to have mistaken a passage, M.
if a patient were to recover, unless treat- L. sets him right, with that urbanity
ed secundum artem. As a specimen of which always marks superior merit.
our author's manner, we shall give his
Lettres ecrites d'Italie in 1812 et 1813,
analysis of a disorder :-
a M. Charles Pictet, &c.

First, the indications called by Galen Agendi insinuationes, which he f

[blocks in formation]

Each of these three principal heads of indication furnishes several subdivisions; as, for example-the first, the nature of the disorder:

I. The state of the parts affectedlocis affectis.

II. The morbid alteration of the vital fluids-à vitio humorum.

III. The period of the disorder—à morbi studio.

IV. The causes of the disorder-a ⚫ausâ.

V. Urgent symptoms-à symptomatibus urgentibus.

The second head of indication he divides into

I. The temperament of the patient.
II. The sex and age.

III. His habits of life, constitutional strength, &c.

The third is divided into, Circumfusa applicata ingesta excreta gesta et percepta or non naturals.

[blocks in formation]

Lettres written from Italy in 1812-13,
to M. Charles Pictet, by M. Frederic
Lullin de Chateau Vieux. 2 vols. 12mo.
These letters are very interesting, and
present some curious details on what was
the state of Italy at that period. It is
points of view, and that unfortunately
now greatly changed in all the political
for the worse. The house of Lorraine
appears with no advantage in Italy, after
the dynasty of Bonaparte.

The learned M. Millin has in the press,
his Travels in Italy; if he publish them
as he wrote them, they will be a great
literary treasure; but we fear the scissars
of the censor.


This article is the very worst in the
whole circle of French literature, the
political jealousy of the
government will
not permit any work to appear that may
contain a homage to a man endowed
with a soul of freedom, no matter what
were his literary attainments; conse-
quently, there is not one article in this
class worth analysing, if we except the
Biographie Universelle, of which the
fifteenth volume has recently appeared.
It is compiled by men of the first talents
in France; but modern articles must in-
fallibly submit to that ordeal, truth can-
not stand.
must bow to despotism and be silent.
The censorship for truth.


Recherches, Historiques, Militaires, Geo-
graphiques, et Philologiques, speciale-
ment d'après Herodote, Thucidide, et
Xenophon, &c.

Historical, Military, Geographical, and

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Philological Researches, particularly wooden edition of Xenophon, in ten
on Herodotus, Thucidides, and Xeno- volumes, quarto.
phon; with geographical charts, plans
of sieges, battles, &c. By J. B. Gail,
Reader and Royal Professor, &c.
Paris, 1 vol. 8vo.

The present work of M. Gail consists of a series of essays, of which the following are highly curious:

Observations on Primitive Athens, and on Athens after the Retreat of the Medes.

On the First Battle of Mantinea, which no Modern Historian has mentioned, with a Plan of the Battle.

On the Principal Events of the 96th and 98th Olympiads, and on the Battle of Nemea.

On the Temples of the Ancients, 28

This learned Greek professor possesses great versatility of talents; and those who have seen his immense and erudite edition of Xenophon, would be astonished at the contents of the present work, which does not sin like his grand one on Xenophon, from its bulk: but to what extent will not the spirit of book-making run? We have seen Stewart publish Sallust in two thick volumes, quarto; and Gail, Xenophon, in six volumes, quarto. The author of "The Bashful Man," had surely the spirit of prophecy, learned arguments, with great depth of when he makes him knock down an ink- learning, and in some cases a very refined stand in attempting to take down the taste, in three essays.


On the Chariot Course described by Eschylus.

The reader will find many curious


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