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Neither the Moniteur, nor any other papers this morning, asserted the con

sicres, and advanced early this morning soldiers before her walls. He was deterto the villages of Vauvres and Issy, as in mined to denounce the treason and the preparation for a general attack of the traitors that night in the house of peers. combined armies on the capital; at eight Leaving the house, I soon heard the ino'clock the two armies were in face of telligence confirmed, both relating to the each other; the French in the plain of capitulation, and the expected denunGrenelle, and the allies in the plain be- ciation. Indeed, the artillery and some of neath Meudon. Firing had been heard the troops are now filing through Paris and seen the whole night from the heights in their retreat. of Chaillot, which were crowded by people with telescopes. A portion of the cavalry of the guard, which was stationed in the Champ de Mars, rode off at clusion of a convention. The chamber eleven o'clock along the left bank of the of representatives sat until two in the Seine, and were the last to take up their morning, and adjourned its secret compositions, which, at twelve o'clock, seem- mittee until seven, and its public sitting ed concluded, and left the two armies in opened at eleven. At two o'clock the line of battle. inclosed convention and its articles were Some corps of infantry, amongst which hawked about the streets. The allies ocwere two battalions from the higher cupied St. Ouen, St. Denis, Clichy, and Marne, joined the army to-day. The Neuilly, this day at twelve; to-morrow corps of Generals Lamarque and Travot they are to be put in possession of Montare on their march to the capital. It martre, and the next day of the barriers. was commonly reported early in the The French army is to quit its present afternoon, that a general action was on position in three days, and to retire in the point of being fought. The throng eight to the south bank of the Loire. and the silence, and the eager looks of There are reports at this moment curthe multitudes in the gardens and boule- rent, that the troops have refused to revards, the groups collected round, and treat, but I have met several regiments trailing after two or three straggling dra- myself. It is true that, at the barriers goons, leading their wounded horses, or this evening, and, indeed, in the streets, carrying orders to the head-quarters of are several small bodies of troops of the the square Vendôme-the dead, thso- line, and of cuirassiers, straggling about, cial solemnity of the heavy patroles pa- apparently without order or destinations. rading the streets without music-the An officer at the barriere de l'Etoile doors of the houses and courts all shut, rushed by me, exclaiming with a furious the upper windows opened every now tone, and slapping his breast, "On vend and then, and occupied by female faces, des bêtes á cornes, mais aujourd'hui on as the clattering horse of a gend'arme an- vend des hommes." A persuasion of nounced the expectation of intelligence- treachery has become very prevalent this every appearance of anxiety and appre- afternoon, and some movement was then hension, unusual even since the com- expected on the part of the troops and mencement of the siege, was to be re- the federates. cognized at the first glance for an hour I just hear that the whole national or two after it was known that the two guard are put under arms. Single musarmies were in presence. More than quets have been heard in various parts of once crowds rushed towards the elevated the city, on the bridges, the boulevards, spots of the gardens and squares at the and the squares, and parties of men are exclamation of individuals, who announ- running through the back-streets, shoutced the opening cannonade. ing "Vive l'Empereur!" A cannon or At four o'clock the battle had not be- two have been fired from Montmartre. gan. I called on your friend Madame I saw a carriage stopped in my presence and found her in tears. I was in the rue St. Honoré by two men, who thunderstruck with the news. Her son, insisted on knowing whether any of the the lieutenant-general, had just left the government were in it. The movement army; all was lost-Paris had surren- began at three o'clock, when many dered, with a devoted army of 80,000 groups were formed in the gardens and

They declare, that the government of France, whoever may be its chief, ought to call round itself the wishes of the nation, legally declare, and to co-operate

form a common tie and guarantee of peace between France and Europe.

streets, listening to harangues and denun- the depository of the national represenciations. At six o'clock the doors and tation. windows were shut, and the whole of the They declare, that they repose with national guards received orders to hold the most entire confidence on the princithemselves in readiness to act at a mo- ples of morality and of honour, on the ment's warning. The women disap- magnanimity of the allied powers, and peared from the streets, and preparations on that respect for the independence were made in the interior of many houses of the nation, so positively expressed in for a defence against massacre and pil- their manifestos. lage. It is fancied at this moment that the generale is beating-it is beating in all quarters of the town-no actual insurrection has yet broken out, or any violence been attempted. The tumult in with the other governments, in order to the town now seems to subside the guards have every where been doubled. You must not suppose the discontent They declare that no monarch can at the convention confined to the soldiers offer any real guarantees, unless he swear nor the lower classes. A member of the to observe a constitution formed upon lower chamber told me this evening, that the deliberations of the national repreproofs of treason might be brought a sentation, and accepted by the people. gainst Fouché; that he had contrived to Thus, any government which shall have bring over the president Lanjuinais, and no other title than the acclamations about fifty active orators of the assembly and wishes of a party, or that shall be to his interests and views, and that the imposed by force; any government that consequence was, no one who had any shall not adopt the national colours, and objection to make to the measures of that shall not guarantee the liberty of the government was heard for a moment. citizens-the equality of civil and poHe added, "There are three hundred litical rights--the liberty of the pressamongst us for Napoleon the Second, the liberty of worship-the representaand a hundred and fifty that are indif- tive system-the free consent of the ferent, but are good patriots; the rest citizens in the levies of men and money are for temporizing and yielding." I the responsibility of ministers-the quote this as this gentleman's notion, not irrevocability of the sales of the national mine. He threw the whole blame of the convention upon Fouché, who, he said, had deceived the Prince of Eckmülh, and all the general officers.



The troops of the allied powers are about to occupy the capital.

property of all kinds the inviolability of property-the abolition of tythes, of ancient and new hereditary nobility and of feudalism-the abolition of all confiscation of goods-the entire oblivion of opinions and political sentiments pronounced up to this moment-the institution of the legion of honour-the recompences due to the officers and soldThe chamber of representatives will iers the assistance due to their widows nevertheless continue to sit in the midst and children the institution of juriesof the inhabitants of Paris, whither the the permanence of the judges-the payexpress will of the people hath called its ment of the public debt-will have only mandatories. an ephemeral existence, and will not enBut in these weighty circumstances, sure the tranquillity of France or of Euthe chamber of representatives owe to rope. That if it can be supposed that themselves, to France, and to Europe, a the bases announced in this declaration declaration of their sentiments, and their principles.

They declare, then, that they make a solemn appeal to the fidelity and the patriotism of the national guard of Paris, 41

can be disregarded or violated, the representatives of the French people now acquit themselves of a sacred duty, protesting beforehand, in the face of the whole world, against violence and usurMON. MAG. No. 286.


pation. They confide the maintenance force; her representatives are driven of the conditions which they thus pro- from their seats; the glittering ensigns claim to all good Frenchmen-to all of her former glory are torn down, and generous hearts-to all enlightened minds displaced by the banner of treason and -to all men jealous of their liberty- disgrace, the pale memorial of defeat lastly, to all future generations. and slavery. The monarch who, if LANJUINAIS, President.-DUMOLARD, private virtues do not interfere with a -BEDOCH,-CLEMENT, (du Doubs,) policy too likely to be pursued, may exHELLO, Secretaries. ercise the depotism of a domestic master, and the severity of a foreign conqueror, may treat her children as slavishly as if they were his own, and as unsparingly as if they did not belong to him,-is rearmed with authority, and intrusted with the infliction of every punishment, which is rendered more intolerable as it follows upon the hope of pardon, and the mockery of reprieve.

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My expectations would, I own, be more sanguine, had I not met Lord Castlereagh entering the barrier of Clichy, escorted by half a dozen dragoons, not as a prisoner, but as a master-the arbiter of nations. His lordship must be a little surprised to see in a city, whose inhabitants he so often represented as detained from the embrace of their lawful If I may depend upon the assertion of sovereign by the menace of bayonets, the one of the commission, what did actually standard of treason triumphant, and the happen was as follows:-Lord Castlebusts and portraits of Napoleon every reagh, on his arrival at head-quarters, imwhere displayed, at a moment when a parted to the commission his surprise, division of English troops is encamped indeed his indignation, that Louis was in the Elysian fields, when not a French not yet in Paris, and added that he must soldier, excepting the loyal national come in to-morrow, or the next day at guard, is to be seen in arms, and when furthest. The president of the governthe head of the imperial dynasty is a de- ment replied, that he understood from throned fugitive, uncertain of his fortunes the allied sovereigns that there was no and of his life. If Lord Castlereagh intention, on their part, to interfere with were one of those men who can deter- the inclinations of the French nation in mine upon an action merely because it the election of its monarch; for answer is good, without any reference to their to which remonstrance, his lordship only former policy, and who dare to forget introduced Mr. Pozzo di Borgho, and the shame of contrition in the utility of the ministers of the other two principal reform, he might yet be the benefactor powers, each of whom drew a note from of Europe. his pocket, stating their respective soVNapoleon is overthrown at the battle ereigns' agreement with the English of Waterloo; he is compelled to abdi- minister, and their resolution to replace cate by the representatives of the people. Louis on the throne of France. This The conquerors arrive at the capital, to was decisive: but the government was which they grant honourable terms of still sitting in the Tuileries, when a surrender, and respect the independence squadron of cavalry and two battalions. of an unfortunate nation. The Duke of of Westphalian infantry, and several Wellington and the whole English army pieces of cannon, marched into the behave with a moderation more noble Place du Carousel, and occupied the inthan their victory. The sovereigns, ner court of the palace; and an officer, promise solemnly to adhere to their de- entering the council-chamber, told the clarations. The friends of freedom commissioners that he was ordered to cherish every hope. Lord Castlereagh evacuate the apartments, and at the same arrives; the curtain rises at once, and time presented a paper, which contained displays the triumphant personages of a demand of a contribution of a hundred the drama, unmasked, and in the atti- millions, signed by Marshal Blucher. tude of revenge and rage; whilst France The government remonstrated; they appears a conquered culprit, in chains, contrasted this demand and conduct with bound to the altar, and waiting for the the articles of the convention, which seblow. Her government is dissolved by cured the public and private property.

and which left the service of the interior Bondy, who informs him that he has of the capital to the national guard; but been ordered to procure ten millions of in vain. The officer did not understand contributions, and takes him to Talleythe nicety of the distinction, and the rand: that minister advises them both to government had no other resource than keep out of the way, or to temporise, unto resolve upon communicating their til the king--that is, the king of Prusforced dissolution to the chambers, and sia-shall arrive, when some means of upon retiring each to his own home. As remonstrance may be in their power. to the contribution, they deposited the The Prussian marshal avowed that he paper upon the council-table, where," would sack the suburbs of St. Germain said the Duke of Otranto, we will in three days if his demands were not leave it as a legacy for the king." The satisfied; and, upon being told that the government did not dissolve itself-it Duke of Wellington had made no such was dissolved by Lord Castlereagh.



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requisition, replied, "He may if he
pleases, I shall not interfere." He laughs
at the nomination of General Maison to
be governor of Paris, and says, that his
general Muffling shall take care to see
that the Frenchman does not infringe
upon his authority. I understood that
the Duke of Wellington is exceedingly
concerned at these excesses,
but says,

may seem extraordinary is, that the Prussians are in a state of extreme insubordination, and even talk not so much of the king as of the cause for which they are fighting. This, you may conclude, is to avenge themselves of the French. They quite forget, as all our declaimers in England, as well as in Germany are in the habit of doing, that the Prussians were the first aggressors. The invasion of the Duke of Brunswick, the coalition of Pilnitz, are wiped from the page even of contemporary history: we only talk of revenging the wrongs of Germany, as if France had not received the original injury.

Since my last letter the Parisians have begun to find that their king reigns only in the Tuileries, which palace itself can scarcely be said to be under his command, as the Prussians still bivouack in the Place du Carousel, and have rendered the avenues on that side unapproachable. The interior of the triumphal very naturally, that he cannot prevent arch is their slaughter-house : even the them, unless he should draw out his arwretched royalist journalists begin to my to fight the Prussian marshal. What complain of the loaded cannon, lighted matches, and piled arms, in front of their king, and on the bridges of his capital; and hint that the conduct of the Prussians is such as the friends of the good cause must deplore. Marshal Blucher allows his subordinates every vengeance and pillage, which he seems inclined to direct against the town collectively, as well as individuals. The bridge of Jena had been mined by his order, and would have been blown up in spite of the king's remonstrances, had not the Duke of Wellington placed a sentry upon it, who was ordered to quit his post preparatory to lighting the train, and actually saved this monument by adhering to his declaration, that he could not leave the place until he was relieved by the corporal. Malmaison has been half spoiled, out of spite; and not only the house, but the persons attached to Napoleon, have been marked for retribution. General Thielman, being quartertered with Madame la Marechale Ney, took away all the horses, carrriages, and harness, from her stables. The adjoint of the 10th arrondissement was threatened on Sunday last, that, if he did not provide ten thousand pairs of shoes in a given time, he should he sent to a fortress. This officer goes to the prefect


A personal friend and general of Napoleon's was, one day, a little before the departure of the emperor for the army, talking to him in private, and undertook the defence of Fouché. Napoleon replied, "that he was a traitor, and that he would deprive him of his place, and arrest him." His defender took up the cause warmly on every ground, both as to the difficulty of finding a successor (for Savary would terrify even the aidede-camps,) and as far as respected the outcries of the partisans of that minister, who would exclaim against Napoleon for dismissing a man who would not sign


his ambitious decrees. "If you are of a dream. Passing, in so short an invictorious," said the general, "Fouché terval of time, to a world absolutely will serve you well: if you are beaten, new, and which has not the smallest reyou must not expect that any minister of semblance to that which we have quitpolice will be of any service to your ted, we seem to have been actually transcause." Napoleon desisted from his ported into another planet. project of dismissing Fouché; but his In all countries of the world, the inhaadviser has since changed his opinion, bitants of the neighbouring states are and one day said to me, "I am now more or less united by mutual relation convinced that Fouché was a traitor, they amalgamate in some degree tofrom the moment he found the war inev- gether, and intermix so much in lanitable. His conduct in every event sub- guage, habits, and customs, that we pass sequent upon the abdication was always from one to the other by gradations aldouble. I know not whether it was most imperceptible. But this constant possible to save the national cause; but law of nature does not prevail between of this I am sure, that Fouché and Da- the inhabitants of the two shores of the voust thought only of saving Fouché Streights of Gibraltar; they, notwithand Davoust.

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[This elegant work recommends itself to general attention, as the intelligent account of Mahometan countries by a traveller being, or professing himself a Mussulman. He was thus accredited in their courts and relig

which hitherto has concealed them from

standing their vicinity, are as much strangers to each other as a Frenchman to a Chinese.

In the countries of the east, if we observe successively the inhabitants of Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Walachia, and Germany, a long series of transitions marks, in some manner, almost all the different degrees which separate the barbarian from the civilized man. But here the observer, in the same morning, touches the two extremities of the chain of civilization, and within the petty space of two leagues and two-thirds (which is the shortest distance between the two coasts,) he finds a difference of twenty centuries.


The dress of the Moors is very little ious sanctuaries, and has drawn up the veil known in Europe, because when they Christian or infidel examination. It is visit it they generally make use of the therefore as much a work of discovery as a barbaric costume of the Algerine Turks. voyage among islands of the Great Ocean, The Moor never covers his legs. He whose scite had previously been unknown;

while it relates to countries of infinitely wears nothing but very clumsy yellow greater importance, in a moral, philosophi- slippers, without heels; and the principal cal, and political sense. It is said that ALI BEY is by birth a Spaniard: but, whatever article of his clothing is a piece of large be his country, he is a man of profound observation, and qualified, by his scientific attainments, to satisfy the most fastidious readers of modern travels.]


white woollen, called Hhaïk, with which he covers himself from head to foot. As I was desirous of dressing like other people, I sacrificed my stockings, and my pretty Turkish slippers, and wrapped [AVING returned to Spain in April myself up in a very large Hhaïk, expo1803, I embarked at Tariffa, on sing my legs and feet to the atmosphere, board a very small vessel, and, after with the exception of my toes, which crossing the Straits of Gibraltar in four entered my enormous heavy slippers. hours, I arrived in the port of Tanja or Tangier at ten o'clock in the morning, on the 23d of June in the same year. ion of the Moorish children takes place. The sensation which we experience on during the festival of Mouloud. This making this short passage for the first operation, which is publicly performed time, can be compared only to the effect at the chapel without the town, which I


I have mentioned that the circumcis

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