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jects of history and antiquity; and from these volmes it is proposed to select such parts as appear the most interesting and authentic; and it is confidently hoped that they will form a work of great literary interest and curiosity.


whose works have otherwise irrecove- acquaintance, and indeed of most of the rably, and many of them lately, per- literary and political characters of his ished. The Burhan Cata, the favourite day; with a variety of papers on subof the Professors of the Calcutta college, and other native dictionaries of the Persian language, have been published since: a much unacknowledged and illdigested use has been made of the Farhangi Jehangiri in them, particularly in their examples, by quoting much inferior Several auxiliary Peace Societies have late Persian writers in preference to the been projected in the country, in aid of classic quotations of their original; which the London Society, announced in our shows as bad a taste, as if some future last, for the purpose of distributing Tracts compiler of an English dictionary might to expose the folly and wickedness of quote Blackmore and some of our present race of sycophant poetasters in pref- A new work is nearly finished at press, erence to the Popes, Addisons, and entitled, Vulgar Errors, Ancient and Arbuthnots, of Doctor Johnson ! Modern, attributed as imports to the The third volume of the interesting proper names of the globe, clearly asTransactions of the Geological Society certained; with approximations to their will be published about the middle of rational descents, investigating the origin. July. It will be illustrated by a consid- and use of letters. Moses's hitherto misable number of highly finished plates, understood account of Eden, biblical chiefly coloured. long lost names, unknown names of The dramatic novelty of the most heathen gods, of nations, provinces, sterling merit of the present season has towns, &c. with a Critical Disquisition been a new Tragedy, called BERTRAM, on every station of Richard of Cirencesor the Castle of St. Aldobrand; by the ter and Antoniņus in Britain. Many of Rev. Mr. MATURIN, of Dublin. The the subjects which these stations emfable is extravagant and ill made out; brace, were originally printed in this but the poetry is excellent, and some Magazine, where they interested many strongly drawn characters called forth of our erudite readers. all the powers of the actors. Mr. Kean sustained that of Bertram with his usual energy; and that of Countess of Aldobrand was ably filled by Miss SOMERVILLE, who made her first appearance with the Tragedy. Aided by the superior acting of Kean, in the New Way to Pay Old Debts, in Othello, Richard, &c. &c. Drury-Lane Theatre has had a prosperous season. Mrs. SIDDONS and Mr. JOHN KEMBLE have performed two nights within the month at Covent-Garden, to crowded and enraptured audi


The Society of Arts have voted their gold medal, and a reward of 100l. to Mr. RYAN, for an improved system of ventilating mines. Coal-owners may now work out the entire bed of coal, and not leave behind them about one half as pillars to support the roof; and this will yield another benefit-the roof and floor being allowed to close, the cavity will be so much diminished as not to form a reservoir for water, threatening the neighbouring mines.

Sir GEORGE CAYLEY, in a very interesting paper on Aerial Navigation, in a Celiquiæ Hearnianæ ; or, the Genu- late number of the Philosophical Maga. ine Remains of THOMAS HEARNE; are zine, states, that upon large construcpreparing for the press, in 2 vols. 8vo. tions, aërial navigation will be performThis celebrated antiquary left no less ed much cheaper in a horizontal path by than a hundred and fifty (or more) the steam-engine, than upon the ascendpocket volumes, written in his own hand, ing and descending plan by the inclined containing what may very justly be plane. Several years ago he made many termed, a Diary of his Pursuits. This estimates of the application of first movDiary comprises his opinions on books ers to these large balloons; but found and persons, a considerable portion of that the enormous size required to be his correspondence, anecdotes of his successfully driven by them, placed the

proper scale of experiments quite out of to accommodate the purchasers of the the reach of any individual, while they first edition. were of such magnitude as to render the public of that day, if appealed to, incredulous upon the subject. He invites, therefore, a public subscription of 15001. to carry an experiment into effect.


The Eighth Number of Mr. BRITTON's superb work of Cathedral Antiquities, containing seven engravings of Norwich Cathedral, is just published; and another number, to be published in A fine Panorama of Jerusalem, and August, will complete the history and of the interesting country round that illustration of that Cathedral. celebrated city, is now to be seen near chester Church, which is to be third in Temple-Bar, in Fleet-street. We are his series, will be illustrated by thirty glad to see this mimic representation of engravings, and will be published in Nature in other hands, since the original five successive numbers in the course of buildings are prostituted to flatter the the next winter. The history and illusadmiration of the vulgar for human tration of York Cathedral will immeslaughter, without regard to the justice diately follow that of Winchester, and of the contest which is celebrated. The will consist of thirty-six engravings, panoramic picture is only commendable with ample historic and descriptive acwhen designed to bring distant scenes counts. of Nature under the eye, to save the pains and expence of travelling.

Mr. LUCKCOCK, of Birmingham, has in the press, Sunday-School Moral Lectures; interspersed with a variety of interesting and illustrative anecdotes, many of them gleaned from his own personal observation, followed by a brief account of the origin, progress, and permanent success of the institution for which the lectures were prepared.

Mr. HowSHIP has nearly ready for publication, some Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs, illustrated by cases and engravings.

We learn that the publication of the second volume of Mr. BLORE's splendidly, embellished History of Rutland, is suspended by the unhappy confirmation of the malady of the ingenious author's mind.

We again assure our readers, that Dr. JOHN WOLCOT, the author of the inimitable pieces published under the name of PETER PINDAR, has not published any new work, besides the short pieces in this Magazine, for several years past. The poetical name of the venerable bard has lately been grossly abused.

Such has been the effect of the increased duties on Almanack stamps, and such is the inability of the people to pay high duties, that we understand the sale of Moore's Almanack alone his been diminished this year between 70 and 80,000 copies.

The attention of the patrons of the fine arts has been invited to a series of Portraits of celebrated Painters, engraved by JOHN CORNER; with a biographical compilation from established authorities. Each part will contain four portraits of distinguished painters, engraved in the line manner, ornamented with a Tablet, containing a miniature of some esteemed performance of the artist, and accom- esq. It will be derived from authentic panied by a concise memoir, derived from the best authorities.

Proposals have been circulated for publishing, in one volume quarto, price 17. 11s. 6d. in boards the History of Plymouth; by HENRY WOOLLCOMBE,

records in the possession of the corporation of Plymouth, in the Tower of London, the British Museum, the Exchequer, &c. &c. and will contain the History of Plymouth-Dock and Stonehouse; comprising an account of the Dock-yard, with the other naval and military establishments at that port.

Mr. WILLIAM PHILLIPS will publish, early in July, a new edition of his Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology, revised and improved. This elementary book is designed chiefly for the use of students. To this edition will be added, some Account of the Geology of England and Wales, together with a coloured the Gas-light Company to extend their map and section of the strata; which is capital from 2 to 400,000l. and their intended also to be published separately charter to forty years, there is reason to

Parliament having liberally allowed


hope that in the ensuing year, the mode of lighting by gas will be general in the metropolis. Hitherto, the operations of the Company have been fettered by want of sufficient capital. As a measure of police, as well as convenience, hope the pipes will be laid on all the great roads within three or four miles of the metropolis.

The existence of the following societies in London, devoted to the encouragement of the Fine Arts, marks the anxiety which exists in the present day to give effect to genius:

1. The Royal Academy.
2. The British Institution.
3. Society of Engravers.

4. The Society of Painters in Water Colours.

5. The Associated Society of Artists in

Water Colours.

6. The Society of Architects.

7. The London Architectural Society. 8. The Society of Arts in the Adelphi.

An English and Mahratta Dictionary is proposed to be compiled by Captain Gideon Hutchinson, of the Bombay Native Infantry.-Specimens have been laid before the Court of Directors of the E. I. Company, with a view that the efforts of the compiler may meet with their liberal attention. Capt. H. remarks that the Mahratta language may be divided into two classes; the Rooddhhee Blasha, or that which is more immediately colloquial, and the Prakroot, which has a greater abundance of Sanscrit words, and in which their poems, histories, &c. are composed. It has been an object to combine the two classes; as the Prakroot is ever had recourse to, when the conversation turns to other than common topics, and rises to discussions on politics, religion, philosophy, and other subjects of importance. The Prakroot is more generally understood by the lower classes than may be generally presumed. The rich and the poor of the Mahrattas ar peculiarly attached to the recital of the poems celebrating the achievements of their divinities and heroes. The public reciters are numerous, and experience considerable patronage-ever engaged to chant in the temples-to en liven the convivialities of a marriageto add to the entertainment of public rejoicing, or the solemnities of funeral ceremonies.

In consequence of the peace, and the diminished interest of public news, the sale of most of the London Newspapers has fallen one-third.

A novel is printing by Miss EMMA PARKER, under the title of "Self Deception."

In the very curious and important work of Mr. G. N. HILL, of Chester, on insanity, he cousiders himself as having established the following results:

1. That insanity has always corporeal disease for its foundation.

2. That insanity consists of but one species under two forms, viz. the STENIC and ASTENIC, or Mania and Melancholia.

3. That insanity is not an hereditary disease, in the vulgar sense of the word, as commonly understood.

4. That insanity is as generally curable as any of those violent diseases most successfully treated by medicine.

Mr. STEVENSON, an engineer, in a communication to the Geological Society, maintains, that the general bed of the German ocean and British chanuel is filling up, and the level of the water rising. He illustrates the position by facts relative to the encroachments of the sea on the shores of sheltered bays.

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A mass of meteoric iron has been found by Mr. MORLEY in the Brazils, seven feet long and four feet broad, containing twenty-eight cubic feet, and weighing 14,000lbs. Four per cwt, of nickel was found in the iron mast, and it was magnetic.

The subject selected this year by the Margaret Professor at Cambridge, for his discourses before the university, is, the Interpretation of Prophecy.

But he

Mr. CAMPBELL has read an able paper to the Wernerian Society, in which he proves that the upright growth of vegetables is owing to the perpendicular ascent in the sap vessels of gazeous products lighter than atmospheric air. speaks before this learned physical society, of gravitation as an occult power, notwithstanding the repeated proofs published of late years, that the force by which masses of matter fall, or gravitate together, is a necessary result of the mutual mechanical action of any two hodies placed within the elastic medium of space.

Speedily will be published, a secret history of the marriage of the Princess Charlotte with Prince Leopold, and of the breaking off the Treaty with the

On the

Hereditary Prince of Orange; with an Castle, December 14, 1810. outline of the policy of the Court of 23d of May, or 160 days after the acciRussia, and some anecdotes of the Duch- dent, the pig alive was extricated from ess of Oldenburgh. its confinement. Its figure was extreme

We observe in the recent French ly emaciated, having scarcely any musjournals, that translations of our best ele- cles discernible; and its bristles were mentary School Books are announced at erect, though not stiff, but soft, clean, and Paris. Blair's Universal Preceptor and white. The animal was lively, walked Grammar of Philosophy, Goldsmith's well, and took food eagerly. At the Elementary Geographies, and Robinson's time of the accident it was fat and supGrammar of History, are prefaced by posed to have weighed about 160lbs.; high eulogiums.


Mr. SALISBURY, of Brompton, has commenced a series of botanical excursions round the metropolis, on the plan of Jauffret's interesting walks round Paris. He publishes the results in the Medical and Physical Journal.

Mr. HAYES, of King-street, CoventGarden, is preparing a Catalogue of a numerous collection of classical, biblical, and critical literature, arranged (for the convenience of reference) in chronological order, from the infancy of printing to the present time.

but it now weighed only 40lbs. At the time of the fall there was neither food nor water in the stye, which is a cave about six feet square, dug in the rock, and boarded in the front; and the whole was covered about 30 feet deep in the fallen chalk. The door and other wood in front of the stye had been much nibbled, and the sides of the cave were very smooth, having apparently been constantly licked for obtaining the moisture exuding through the rock.


Dr. PARRY, of Bath, in an able work on the Arterial Circulation, gives the folSpeedily will be published, some lowing curious explanation of the phenoPractical Remarks in Surgery, illustrated menon of the Arterial Pulse :- -"When, by cases, by A. COPLAND HUTCHISON, by the contraction of the left ventricle, M. D. late surgeon to the Royal Naval the blood included in it is forcibly exHospital at Deal. pelled into the aorta, all these columns Mr. PYNE's superb work of the Royal (says he) receive the shock of propulsion Residences will be succeeded by a Second at the same instant. But the velocity, Series, which will comprise interior views during this systole, being greater than of the most magificent seats of the nobili- during the diastole, the momentum, and ty and gentry throughout Great Britain, consequently the impulse, in every diwith historical and biographical notices rection, is also greater in the systole. of the families to whom they belong; When, therefore, an artery is compressand a descriptive catalogue of the pictures, ed with the fingers in the usual mode of statues, and superb decorations contain- feeling the pulse, the blood, in conseed in each mansion. The two works quence of the systole, rushing into the will display, by graphic means, a consid- artery with an increase of momentum, erable portion of the grandeur of our gives a stronger impulse of dilatation to domestic architecture; and will exhibit, the fingers than from the less momentum, at one view, much of the magnificence which exists during the diastole, and thus of England; many of the seats of our produces the phenomenon of the pulse.' nobility and gentry vieing, in extent and It appears, in addition to the facts splendour of internal decoration, with which we have already stated, that the the royal palaces. We feel it due to Mr. PYNE to observe, that we have seen some of the drawings of rooms in the royal palaces, and they, in our judgment, exceed in beauty and execution any drawings of the kind that we ever saw. It appears by the late volume of the Mr. DYER'S "Privileges of the UniTransactions of the Linnæan Society versity of Cambridge," will not be pubthat a hog was buried in its stye by a lished till the winter, in consequence of fall of part of the chalk cliff under Dover the necessary enlargement of his plan.

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Adiniralty Telegraph could transmit to Plymouth the hour of twelve by the Horse Guards clock, while the hour was striking; and that several questions and answers could be sent and received back within twelve minutes.


It will consist of two volumes, large octavo, to conform with "the History of the University and Colleges." In the additions to the history (in the second volume,) the literary biography of the university will be brought down to modern times.

Dr. WOLLASTON proves that the action of a diamond on glass is owing to its form; but that it does not penetrate the glass above the two-hundredth part of

The editors of the Medical and Physical Journal state, that they have received from a correspondent in Germany, two cases of Hydrophobia cured by excessive bleeding, mercury, and other

Bulam Fever, in Jamaica, and at Cadiz ; particularly in what regards its primary cause and contagious powers.

Mr. T. WILLIAMS announces a volume, under the title of Religious Liberty, stated and enforced on the Principles of Scripture and Common Sense; in six essays.

Mr. WRIGHT, of Liverpool, whose attachment to the principles of liberty are well known and, deservedly respected, announces a new weekly publication, to be entitled, the Liverpool Freeman, with this excellent motto from Mr. Fox :

"If to inform the people of England of their actual situation is to inflame them, the fault is

in those who have brought them into that situation, and not in those who only tell them the truth."

Mr. GARNATT has sent to the Bath Society an account of the American It will partake of the character of a mode of washing linen by steam, which Magazine; political intelligence and is more simple than the method adopted discussion will be the primary object, in this country. The steam is of the in- but, by compressing the events, and retensity of boiling water, and the compen- serving the space occupied with adversation is made by a longer exposure to tisements, a large portion of the paper its influence in general about two hours will be appropriated to a greater variety answer. The utensils consist of a boiler of subjects, and to communications of nearly filled with water, with a copper merit. It will be printed on a sheet of convex cover, inserted three or four demy, in octavo pages. As an addition inches in the water, and fitting the boiler to the slender means left in the hands of sufficiently tight, though it is not essential that it should be completely close; a pipe, to indicate when the water has evaporated so low as to endanger the burning of the boiler; a steam-pipe, in parts, conveying steam to the washingtub, which has a false bottom, perforated to let the steam ascend to the clothes; and a washing or steaming tub, the cover of which need not be very close.

the people for resisting the flood of political corruption, we heartily wish Mr. WRIGHT the success which his good intentions merit.

The school of Sacred Music in Edinburgh at this time reckons more than 250 pupils: they are taught upon the German plan, viz. by means of a large black board, on which the master writes his lessons with chalk.


A work is in the press, on the Beauties Mr. W. CHAPMAM has communicated and Defects of the Horse, comparatively to the Royal Society an hypothesis, that delineated in a series of coloured plates, coal is derived from the prolonged comfrom the pencil of Mr. H. ALKEN, with pression of beds of peat. The deepest references and useful instruction to young peat-bogs are from thirty to forty feet; purchasers, or to those who wish to pursue the study of that noble animal.

A novel, entitled Adolphé, is printing, by M. BENJAMIN DE CONSTANT.

and he finds, by calculation, that, if this mass was compressed, it would be about equal to the strata of coal at Newcastle. He also traces the analogy between the timber or trees found in peat-bogs, and on the sea-shores of Northumberland, and the gritstone found in the Canton mine at Newcastle. This stone, specimens of which have been sent to the Mr. DOUGHTY is about to publish, British Museum, has the perfect form Observations and Inquiries into the Na- and appearance of trees; and even its ture and Treatment of the Yellow, or apparent fibres are such as to leave no

The library of the late Field-Marshal JUNOT, duke of Abrantes, containing a splendid assemblage of books, chiefly printed upon vellum, will shortly be sold by Mr. EVANS.

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