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army as a surgeon, and he was present ture, then convened at Jacksonborough. with the Charleston Ancient Battalion of It was at this assembly that the various Artillery, at the seige of Savannah.. acts of confiscating the estates of the adDr. Ramsay's career as a politician herents to Great Britain, were passed. commenced with the war. His ardent Dr. Ramsay being conciliatory in his mind could not remain inactive when disposition, tolerant and humane in his the liberties of his country, and the hap- principles, and the friend of peace, alpiness of man, were at stake. though he well knew that the conduct of From the declaration of independence some of those who fell under the operato the termination of the war, he was a tion of these laws, merited all the severmember of the legislature of the state of ity that could be used toward them, yet South Carolina. For two years he had he remembered also, that many others the honour of being one of the privy were acting from the honest dictates of council, and, with two others of that conscience. He could not, therefore, body, was among those citizens of approve of the confiscation acts, and he Charleston who were banished by the opposed them in every shape. While enemy to St. Augustine. While this in this, we know that he differed from transaction is justly regarded as dis- some of the best patriots of the day, yet graceful to the British, it was glorious we cannot but admire that magnanimous for those who cheerfully submitted to spirit which could thus forget all its reexile, and all the horrors of a prison cent wrongs, and refuse to be revenged. ship, rather than renounce their princi- Dr. Ramsay continued to possess the ples. Many still live who remember undiminished confidence of his fellow well the 17th of August, 1780. It was citizens and was, in February, 1782, on the morning of the Lord's day, while elected a member of the continental the Christian patriot on his knees before congress. In this body he was always his Maker was invoking the aid of heav- conspicuous, and particularly exerted en for his bleeding country, seeking con- himself in procuring relief for the southsolation for himself, and in his petitions ern States, then overrun by the enemy. even remembering his enemies, that a On the peace, he returned to Charleston, band of armed men burst in upon him, and recommenced the practice of his dragged him from his habitation like a profession; but he was not permitted felon, and conveyed him to the prison long to remain in private life, and, in ship-the tomb for living men. We 1785, was again elected a member of shall not attempt to paint the scene which congress from Charleston district. The ensued when these political martyrs celebrated John Hancock had been chowere to bid adieu to their relatives and sen president of that body, but being friends, perhaps to meet them no more. unable to attend from indisposition, Dr. Ramsay was elected president pro tempore, and continued for a whole year to discharge the important duties of that station, with much ability, industry, and impartiality. In 1786 he again returned to Charleston, and reëntered the walls of private life. In the state legislature, and in the continental congress, Dr. Ramsay was useful and influential; and, indeed, the success of every measure to which he was known to be opposed, was considered doubtful. He was a remarkably fluent, rapid, and ready speaker; and though his manner was ungraceful, though he neglected all ornament, and never addressed himself to the imagination or the passions of his audience, yet his style was so simple and pure, his rea

A number of the most respectable citizens of Charleston, prisoners on parole, and entitled to protection by all the rules held sacred in civilized warfare, were seized at the same time, and consigned to exile. The sole reason alleged by the enemy for this outrage was, "that Lord Cornwallis had been highly incensed at the perfidious revolt of many of the inhabitants, and had been informed that several of the citizens of Charleston had promoted and fomented this spirit."

In consequence of an exchange of prisoners, Dr. Ramsay was sent back to the United States, after an absence of eleven months. He immediately took his seat as a member of the state legisla

sonings so cogent, his remarks so strik- incident of his own life, and all public ing and original, and his conclusions re- events, were indelibly engraven on his sulted so clearly from his premises, that memory. He was, in truth, a living he seldom failed to convince. chronicle.

Through the whole course of his life His learning and uncommon industry he was assiduous in the practice of his eminently fitted him for the pursuits of a profession. Of his merits as a physi- historian. He was above prejudice, and cian, the writer of this memoir is unqual- absolute master of passion. Who else ified to judge. He knows that he was could have dwelt upon the merits of the punctual and attentive at the chambers revolution, and "told an unvarnished of the sick, and that his behaviour there tale?" We may speak calmly of the was kind and encouraging; it was not times, that have long since passed by, his habit to despair of his patients, nor and of events in which we have no conto permit them to despair of themselves. cern; but when we speak of the times in Whenever his services were required, he which we live, or of events concerning never hesitated to render them promptly, which we can say with Æneas, at every sacrifice of personal convenience and safety. In his medical principles, he Et quorum pars magna fui, was a rigid disciple of Rush, and his


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quæque ipse miserrima vidi,

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practice was remarkably bold. Instead of it is almost impossible to write or speak endeavouring to overcome diseases by re- without prejudice; yet such was the nopeated efforts, it was his aim to subdue them at once, by a single vigorous remedy. This mode of practice is probably well adapted to southern latitudes, where disease is so sudden in its approach and so rapid in its effects. In the treatment of the yellow fever, Dr. Ramsay is said to have been uncommonly successful, and it is well known that he effected several remarkable cures in cases of wounds, received from poisonous animals. Those who knew him best, and had the experience of his services in their families for fortytwo years, entertained the most exalted opinion of his professional merits.

ble victory obtained by the American historian over himself. "I declare," says he, in the introduction of his first work, "that, embracing every opportunity of obtaining genuine information, I have sought for truth, and have asserted nothing but what I believe to be fact. If I should be mistaken, I will, on conviction, willingly retract it. During the whole course of my writing, I have carefully watched the workings of my mind, lest passion, prejudice, or a partyfeeling, should warp my judgment. I have endeavoured to impress on myself, how much more honourable it is to We proceed to consider Dr. Ramsay write impartially, for the good of posteras an author. It is in this character he ity, than to condescend to be the apolois best known and most distinguished. gist of a party. Notwithstanding this His reputation was not only well estab- care to guard against partiality, I expect lished in every part of the United States, to be charged with it by both of the late but had extended to Europe. Few men contending parties. The suffering Amerin America have written more, and per- icans, who have seen and felt the ravahaps no one has written better. The ges and oppressions of the British army, citizens of the United States have long will accuse me of too great moderation. regarded him as the father of history in Europeans, who have heard much of the new world, and he has always been American cowardice, perfidy, and inranked among those on whom America gratitude, and more of British honour, must depend for her literary character. clemency, and moderation, will probably He was admirably calculated by nature, condemn my work as the offspring of education, and habit, to become the his- party zeal. I shall decline the fruitless torian of his country. He possessed a attempt of aiming to please either, and memory so tenacious, that an impression instead thereof, follow the attractions of once made on it could never be erased. truth whithersoever she may lead." From The minutest circumstances of his early these resolutions the historian never deyouth-facts and dates relative to every parted.

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From the beginning, to the close of dustrious in collecting facts, or more war, Dr. Ramsay was carefully collect- scrupulous in relating them. The Hising materials for this work. After it tory of the American Revolution was was completed, it was submitted to the published in 1790, and was received perusal of General Greene, who having with universal approbation. It is not given his assent to all the statements, necessary to analyze the character of a made therein, the History of the Revolu- work that has stood the test of public tion in South Carolina was published in opinion, and passed through the cruci1785. Its reputation soon spread ble of criticism. If the demand of a throughout the United States, and it was book can be received as evidence of its translated into French, and read with great avidity in Europe.

merits, perhaps this work must be ranked above any of Dr. Ramsay's productions. The first edition was soon disposed of, a second was called for, and has been exhausted, and the book is now difficult to be procured.

It was ever the wish of Dr. Ramsay to render lasting services to his country; and, being well aware that a general history of the revolution would be more extensively useful than a work confined to In 1801, Dr. Ramsay gave to the the transactions of a particular state, world his Life of Washington; as fine a want of materials alone prevented him piece of biography as can be found in in the first instance from undertaking the any language. It will not sink in com. former in preference to the latter.parison with the best productions of anWhen, therefore, in the year 1785, he cient or modern times. Indeed, our took his seat in congress, finding himself biographer had one great advantage over associated with many of the most dis- all others we mean the exalted and untinguished heroes and statesmen of the rivalled character of his hero-a characrevolution, and having free access to all ter "above all Greek, above all Roman the public records and documents that fame." would throw light on the events of the In 1808, Dr. Ramsay published his war, he immediately commenced the History of South Carolina, in two voHistory of the American Revolution. lumes 8vo. He had, in 1796, published Notwithstanding his public duties, he an interesting" Sketch of the soil, clifound time sufficient to collect from the mate, weather, and diseases of South public offices, and from every living Carolina," and this probably suggested source, the materials for this valuable the idea of a more minute history of the work. With Dr. Franklin and Dr. state. No pains were spared to make Witherspoon, both of them his intimate this work valuable and useful. The aufriends, he conferred freely, and gained thor was himself well acquainted with much valuable information from them. many of the facts he has recorded, and Anxious to obtain every important fact, by the means of circular letters, addreshe also visited General Washington at sed to intelligent gentlemen in every Mount Vernon, and was readily fur- part of the state, the most correct infornished by him with all the information mation was obtained. Many important required, relative to the events in which facts are thus preserved that must otherthat great man had been the chief actor. wise have been soon forgotten, and by Dr. Ramsay thus possessed greater fa- this publication the author fully supcilities for procuring materials for the ported the reputation he had so justly acHistory of the Revolution, than any quired. The death of his wife in 1811, other individual of the United States. induced him to publish, a short time afHe had been an eye-witness of many of terwards, the memoirs of her life. This its events, and was a conspicuous actor interesting little volume, which, in addiin its busy scenes; he was the friend of tion to the Life of Mrs. Ramsay, conWashington, Franklin, Witherspoon, and tains some of the productions of her own a host of others, who were intimately pen, is very generally read, and has been acquainted with all the events of the extensively useful. If, in any instance, war; and it may be said, with perfect the virtues of individuals, whose sphere truth, that no writer was ever more in- of action has been confined to private

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life, ought to be held up to public view of the revolution as is important to be as an example for imitation, we hesitate known, brought down to the present not to say that the Christian world had a day, would be more interesting to the claim on the publication of Mrs. Ram- public, as well as more extensively use. say's Life. She possessed, from nature, ful. After completing this up to the a superior understanding; and education year 1808, he determined to publish it had added higher excellence to her na- in connexion with his Universal Histive virtues; while her whole character tory, hereafter to be mentioned. Had was refined and exalted by the influence not death arrested his progress, he would of Christianity. The experience of such have brought down this work to the end a woman, whose principles had borne of the late war. While we deplore, her triumphantly through all the trials however, an event that has deprived us and vicissitudes of life, will not be lost of the intellectual feast which the history in the world. of the war of 1812, from the same able In addition to the works already men- pen which detailed the events of our tioned, Dr. Ramsay published "An revolution, must have furnished, we may Oration on the acquisition of Louisiana," congratulate ourselves, that the History "A Review of the improvements, pro- of the United States, to a very late gress, and state of medicine in the eigh- period, was finished by Dr. Ramsay teenth century," delivered on the first before his death, and will shortly be day of the new century; "A Medical given to the world. Register for the year 1802," "A Dis- But the last and greatest work of the sertation on the means of preserving American historian yet remains to be health in Charleston," "A Biographical mentioned. He had, for upward of forty Chart, on a new plan, to facilitate the years, been preparing for the press a sestudy of History," and an Eulogium ries of historical volumes which, when on Dr. Rush." All these works have finished, were to bear the title of " Unimerit in their several departments; par- versal History Americanized, or a Histicularly the Review of the Eighteenth torical View of the World from the earCentury, which contains more medical liest records to the 19th century, with information in a small space than can be a particular reference to the state of sofound in any production of the kind. ciety, literature, religion, and form of He had also committed to the press, a government in the United States of short time previous to his death, a Brief America." History of the Independent or Congre- The reputation of Dr. Ramsay throughgational Church in Charleston. To this out the United States is, perhaps, the church he had, from his youth, been best criterion of his merits as a writer; strongly attached, and this little history and still the value of his works, and parwas meant as a tribute of affection. A ticularly of his histories of the revolution, few weeks before the event which closed can scarcely be said to be properly aphis useful life, he commenced collecting preciated by the public. They who materials for the life of General Andrew acted well their parts on the glorious Jackson, with which he intended to con- scenes of the revolution, could never fornect a particular account of the origin get any thing connected with it; but and progress of the Indian war, and of those who have grown up since that the state of society in Louisiana. This event, and millions yet unborn, must interesting work has gone with him to owe an everlasting debt of gratitude to the tomb. David Ramsay. Soon might the events The increasing demand for the His- of our revolution have been lost in the tory of the American Revolution induced mists of time, and even the memory of the author, several years before his death our heroes would have gradually faded to resolve to publish an improved edi- into oblivion; but in the "History of tion of that work. In preparing this, it the Revolution" is found a monument occurred to him that a history of the to their memory, more beautiful than United States, from their first settlement, man could rear. There their names, as English colonies, including as much their virtues, and their noble deeds, are


inscribed on tablets more durable than he had humanely endeavoured to serve. brass. Never can they be forgotten. If harmlessness of manners, suavity of The American historian has secured to temper, and peaceableness of deportment them immortality of fame.

-if a heart glowing with benevolence, In society he was a most agreeable and a disposition to do good to all men, companion; his memory was stored with are characteristics that would promise to an infinite fund of interesting or amu- any one security, he had on all these sing anecdotes, which gave great spright grounds the least cause to apprehend or liness and zest to his conversation. He guard against hostility. The fatal wound never assumed any superiority, over was received in the open street, and at those with whom he conversed, and al- noon day, under circumstances of horror ways took peculiar pleasure in the society calculated to appal the stoutest heart; of young men of intelligence or piety. yet the unfortunate victim was calm

His principles influenced all his ac- and self possessed. tions. In every situation he preserved The history of this mournful transacthe most unruffled equanimity. He was tion is this: A man by the name of a firm believer in the doctrine of the par- William Linnen, a taylor by trade, had ticular providence of the Deity, and been long remarked for singularity of hence, in a great measure, resulted his conduct. Having been engaged in some composure. Events that would ex- lawsuits, he conceived that he had suftremely disconcert almost every other fered injustice through the misconduct of man scarcely moved him at all. Those his lawyer, the judges, and the jury. To who witnessed his behaviour under some obtain redress from these supposed injuof the severest trials of life must be con- ries, he petitioned the legislature revinced that the sentiment, that "God peatedly, and actually walked the whole does all things well," was deeply en- way to Washington on foot to endeavour graven on his heart. His life was a to procure the impeachment of one of checkered scene, and presented frequent the judges of the supreme court. At opportunities for the exercise of his prin- last he became desperate, and was heard ciples. Three times was he called to to declare, "that as the laws afforded mourn over the graves of his dearest him no protection, he meant to protect earthly friends. No man ever began life himself." Soon after this he made an with fairer prospects; not a cloud was attempt upon the life of his attorney, and to be seen in his horizon. Possessed of wounded him severely. For this offence talents, reputation, fortune, and friends, he was thrown into prison. On being he bid fair to pass his days in the sun- arraigned, it was represented to the shine of prosperity, and to have his court, that he was under the influence of evening gilded by the beams of happi- mental derangement. Dr. Ramsay and But misfortune overtook him, Dr. Benjamin Simmons were appointed and he was stripped of all his comforts. by the court to examine and report on In old age, when the weary soul seeks his case. They concurred in opinion repose, calamity came upon him, and that Linnen was deranged, and that it was the constant inmate of his house. A son grown to manhood, who promised fair to imitate his father's virtues, was suddenly cut down. A tender and excellent wife, the mother of his eight surviving children, was torn from his embrace, and consigned to the tomb.


would be dangerous to let him go at large. He was therefore remanded to prison, where he was confined until exhibiting symptoms of returning sanity, he was discharged. He behaved himself peaceably for some time; but was heard to declare, that he would "kill the doctors As a husband, as a father, and in ev- who had joined the conspiracy against ery domestic relation in life, he was a- him." This threat was communicated like exemplary. The closing scene of to Dr. Ramsay; but conscious of having Dr. Ramsay's life was alone wanting to given no cause of offence, he disregarded put a seal to his character. He fell by it. On Saturday, the 6th day of May, the hand of an assassin whom he never Dr. Ramsay was met in Broad-street, wronged, but whom, on the contrary, about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, within

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