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gratified by the appearance of the coun- bank of the Macquarie River, the situatry, which there began to exhibit an tion being selected in consequence of open and extensive view of gently rising its commanding a beautiful and extensive grounds and fertile plains. Judging prospect for many miles in every direcfrom the height of the banks, and its ge- tion around it. At this place the gov neral width, the Campbell River must ernor remained for a week, which time be, on some occasions, of very consider- he occupied in making excursions in able magnitude; but the extraordinary different directions through the adjoining drought which has apparently prevailed country, on both sides of the river. on the western side of the mountains, On Sunday, the 7th of May, the govequally as throughout this colony for the ernor fixed on a scite suitable for the last three years, has reduced this river so erection of a town at some future period, much that it may be more properly call- to which he gave the name of Bathurst, ed a chain of pools, than a running in honour of the present secretary of state stream at the present time. In the reach for the colonies. The situation of Bathes, or pools, of the Campbell River, the urst is elevated sufficiently beyond the very curious animal called the paradox, reach of any floods which may occur, or water-mole, is seen in great numbers. and is at the same time so near to the The soil on both banks is uncommonly river on its south bank, as to derive all rich, and the grass is consequently luxu- the advantages of its clear and beautiful riant. Two miles to the southward of stream. The mechanics and settlers of the line of road which crosses the Camp- whatever description, who may be herebell River, there is a very fine rich tract after permitted to form permanent reof low lands, which has been named sidences to themselves at this place, will Mitchell Plains. Flax was found here have the highly important advantages of growing in considerable quantities. The a rich and fertile soil, with a beautiful Fish River, which forms a junction with river flowing through it, for all the uses the Campbell River, a few miles to the of man. The governor must, however northward of the road and bridge over add, that the hopes which were once so the latter, has also two very fertile plains sanguinely entertained, of this river beon its banks, the one called O'Connell coming navigable to the Western Sea, Plains, and the other Macquarie Plains, have ended in disappointment. both of considerable extent, and very capable of yielding all the necessaries of life.

During the week that the governor remained at Bathurst, he made daily excursions in various directions; one of At the distance of seven miles from these extended twenty-two miles in a the bridge over the Campbell River, south-west direction, and on that ocBathurst Plains open to the view, pre- casion, as well as on all the others, he senting a rich tract of champaign coun- found the country composed chiefly of try of eleven miles in length, bounded valleys and plains, separated occasionon both sides by gently rising, and very ally by ranges of low hills; the soil beautiful hills, thinly wooded. The throughout being generally fertile, and Macquarie River, which is constituted well circumstanced for the purpose of by the junction of the Fish and Camp- agriculture or grazing.


bell River, takes a winding course Within a distance of ten miles from through the plains, and can be easily the scite of Bathurst, there is not less traced from the high lands adjoining, by than fifty thousand acres of land clear of the particular verdure of the trees on timber, and fully one half of that may its banks, which are likewise the only considered excellent soil, well calculated trees throughout the extent of the plains. for cultivation. It is a matter of regret The level and clean surface of these plains, gives them at first view very much the appearance of lands in a state of cultivation.

The governor and suite arrived at these plains on Thursday the 4th of May, and encamped on the southern or left

that in proportion as the soil improves the timber degenerates; and it is to be remarked, that every where to the westward of the mountains it is much infe-. rior, both in size and quality to that within the present colony; there is, however, a sufficiency of timber of tolerable qua

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Having enumerated the principal and most important features of this new country, the governor has now to notice. some of its live productions. All around Bathurst abounds in a variety of game; and the two principal rivers contain a great quantity of fish, but all of one denomination, resembling the perch in appearance, and of a delicate and fine flavour, not unlike that of a rock cod; this fish grows to a large size, and is very voracious. Several of them were caught during the governor's stay at Bathurst, and at the halting place on the Fish River. One of those caught weighed seventeen pounds, and the people stationed at Bathurst reported, that they had caught some weighing twentyfive pounds.

The field game are the kangaroos, emus, black swans, wild geese, wild turkeys, bustards, ducks of various kinds, quail, bronze, and other pigeons, &c. &c. The water-mole, or paradox, also abounds in all the rivers and ponds.

The scite designed for the town of Bathurst, by observation taken at the flag-staff, which was erected on the day of Bathurst receiving that name, is situated in latitude 33° 24′ 30′′ south, and in longitude 149° 37' 45" east of Greenwich, being also 27 miles north of Government-house in Sydney, and 944 west of it, bearing west 20° 30′ north, 83 geographic miles, or 95 statute miles, the measured road distance from Sydney to Bathurst being 140 English miles.

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REQUEST your permission to notice a mistake of your correspondent, Mr. William Hornby, of Cambridge, in his endeavour to correct an error respecting the poem of "the Beacon," which appeared in your Magazine for February, under the head of "American Literature." This poem was not written by the Rev. J. Plumptre, but by Mr. P.M.James, of Birmingham. April 2, 1816.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


YOUR correspondent E. M. vol. xli.

p. 217, has advanced curious and weighty doubts concerning the execution of the celebrated Joan of Arc. The question had been already agitated, on the evidence of other documents, in your sixth volume, p. 3. There is, however, one method of conciliating the proofs of the execution, with the proofs of the appearance afterwards, of a person recognized as Joan of Arc by her brothers and by the king: it is to suppose that the Joan of Arc, who, in 1436, married a gentleman of the house of Amboise, and received a dower from the king, was a

The road constructed by Mr. Cox, and the party under him, commences at Emu Ford, on the left bank of the river Nepean, and is thence carried 101 natural daughter of the famous pucelle. miles to the flag-staff at Bathurst; this road has been carefully measured, and each mile regularly marked on the trees growing on the left side of the road proceeding towards Bathurst.

It might be a great object to conceal such a descendant, while the mother's reputation of virginity favored a belief in her being divinely inspired; and it might be a real duty of national gratitude

May 10, 1816.


afterwards to rocognise and ennoble coast to continue very apparently within this descendant, who perhaps resembled a distance of a few miles. her parent so obviously, as to account for the monarch's welcoming her in the words-Pucelle, m'amie, soyez la trèsbien revenue au nom de Dieu.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


IT certainly is an absurdity to apply

Indeed, unless this resolution is resorted to, the proofs of death in the flames, the terms melody and harmony to and of a subsequent terrestrial existence poetry or oratory! Melody consists of and marriage, would be so strong as to certain musical intervals or tones, (called require the admission of a supernatural notes) played in succession; harmony resurrection; and it is only to be won- consists of two or more of these notes dered at, that, during the superstitious united. The construction of poetical ages, she was not canonized, on the ex- numbers, and the mechanical arrangepress ground of a miraculous reanima- ment of words and syllables, have no tion. The legend of Joan of Arc would analogy whatever to musical sounds; have become deservedly dear to French rough and smooth lines might, with patriotism; she delivered her country from a foreign conqueror. Original remarks on this topic occur in the Monthly Review, vol. 71, p. 126-132.

M. R.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine,


ALLOW me to inform Mr. Middleton, who, in your number for April, has excited alarm by his remarks on the influx of the sea, that, with regard to the shore at Gorleston, near Yarmouth, he is strangely mistaken. The distance between the town and the shore, or the breadth of the dams, as they are called, is not, as stated by Mr. M. any thing near three miles, nor more than half a mile. Mr. M. strongly argues that the sea gains most on rocky shores; but if, when observing the distance between Gorleston and the sea, he had gone on to the south of the town, and observed the cliffs, a conviction to the contrary, must forcibly have struck him; or if he had proceeded a few miles further, to the village of Pakefield, he would there have learnt the loss of a town once very large, standing on a soft sandy soil, and which has been, except a very few houses remaining, with every chance of a similar fate, entirely swallowed up by the sea. Mr. M. might also have learnt (which must have eased his alarm) that what the sea gains in one place it loses in another; for at the town of Lowestoff, between Pakefield and Gorleston, the sea has for several years past been losing; and indeed such an alternancy is known at that

equal propriety, be called black and blue, as harmonious and discordant.— It is well known, that several of the finest versifiers, (Pope, Prior, Thomson, Darwin, and others,) were totally destitute of an ear for music; while Milton and Cowper, (who were musicians,) are often remarkable for the harshness of

their lines. Every one of common sense may be taught the mechanical construction of verses, and to judge of poetical numbers; but an ear for music is a distinct sense, bestowed by nature, and not to be acquired; children, at an early age, shew whether or not they have this sense, and in what degree of perfection;* sometimes it is so perfect, as to admit of little or no improvement; but in general, practice and cultivation are ne cessary to bring it to perfection; some persons never can learn to distinguish one instrument, or one tune from another, and are totally insensible to music; but the great majority certainly possess more or less an ear for it.

The tones and inflections of the voice in speaking, have no analogy whatever to musical intervals, (tones,) or the proper management of the voice, in speaking, any connection with a musical ear.t

*All the eminent musicians, of whose life childhood proofs of the most perfect ears, and there is any particular account, gave in early could distinguish every musical tone with a precision hot always attained by veteran professors---Mozart, the Westleys, and Crotch, are striking instances.

+ Some of the most celebrated orators and

actors were without an ear for music---Lord Chatham, Mr. Pitt, Sheridan the elder (who taught oratory,) Garrick, Foot, &c.

The faculty of imitating the voice, and church-yard commonly serves for that articulation of various persons, so totally purpose. We remained out of doors; independent of an ear for music, entirely the servant and horses drawn up at the depends on the great flexibility of the horse-block, ourselves walking in the fair organs of utterance, and other peculiar of Cerig-y-Druidion, and making no physical powers. Those who are desti- inconsiderable part of the shew. tute of an ear for music, are as accurate judges of the truth of imitations, and can as certainly distinguish one person from another by the sound of their voice, as those who have the best ears for music. A. C.

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E have pursued the track we fol'lowed last year as far as Pont-yGlyn, from whence the great road led us through Cerig-y-Druidion, the Rock of the Druids. It is a considerable village, with a church, an inn, and a shop; but there is no rock to be seen, or Druid to be heard of.

We proceeded, over high and wild moors, till we found ourselves hanging, at an immense height, over the Vale of Llanrwst, which is composed of grass of the finest verdure, and corn of the richest yellow, intersected by green hedges. The river Conwy, not, like the Dee, foaming over its rocky bed, but a placid, though a noble stream, moves majestically along it; and white houses, of every description, from the palace to the cottage, enliven it. The town of Llanrwst, and its elegant bridge, appear towards the further end, and the whole is encircled by hills, rocks, and woods. The magnificent mountains of Snowdonia should have been seen towering above these, on the left; but heavy clouds hid them from our view.

The town of Llanrwst is ill-looking and ill-paved. The bridge is the work of Inigo Jones, and is deservedly admired. The workmanship is said to be so true, It was now the fair; and about two that one person, leaning against a large hundred home-spun coats and blue cloaks stone, in the centre of one of the parapet were intermingled with a small number walls, while another strikes the corresof cattle; and a few stalls of gingerbread ponding stone in the opposite wall, feels and earthenware. Three or four men of the shock. This I experienced. But a higher class appeared in broad-cloth the truth of the work will probably accelcoats; but not a female in a gown of dis- erate its destruction, for the stone has tant manufacture, except one dirty crea- been so often struck that it has given way. ture, who seemed to be the refuse of The inn at Llanrwst is the best I have seen another country. Here, an old woman had a piece of striped woollen under her arm, for sale; there, another had a remnant of linen, or a pair of stockings, the produce of her own industry, and the overplus of the family apparel. Men and women were chatting, in small parties; and the women, universally, were knitting.

in the country. A Welsh harp welcomed our arrival, though we entered on foot, and dropping like the water-works at Chatsworth.

Having crossed the Conwy, on leaving Llanrwst, we rode under stupendous mountains by its side. Three torrents poured down from different lakes, high above, and, crossing our road, under The public-house was so crowded that bridges, rushed into the river. After quitwe could not enter it; and as to a stable ting the vale, we passed over high grounds. for our horses, we should have been The last of these presented us with a sight laughed at if we had asked it, for the wholly new to us; a town, surrounded by Welsh ponies stood, by fifties, in an an ancient wall, with battlements and adjoining inclosure. This is regular towers; the beautiful castle of Conwy' piece of Welsh economy; and each per- rising from a rock at one end. I almost son pays a halfpenny for the standing of saw the place as it had been left by his horse, except on Sundays, when the Edward the First.


MON. MAG. No. 285.

There are only two entrances into the I look with admiration on the mechatown of Conwy, one from the land, and nism of the mail-coaches; not on the one from the water, both are under arch- construction of their wheels and springs, ed gateways in the wall. We had no but, on the whole considered, as one sooner passed through the former of these, grand machine, pervading every part of than we were attacked by a kind of the kingdom, and governed by invariable hostler, who offered to conduct us to the laws. As an individual, I never tried a inn; and, without further ceremony, mail-coach but once. I was then struck seized the bridle of one of the horses. with the singularity of finding the table We imagined, from this circumstance, ready spread, when I entered an inn; that there were two inns; and, recollect- and was reminded of those scenes of ening the old adage, “Good wine needs no chantment in which the traveller finds the bush," we determined to go to that which door of the castle open, and the banquet the man did not recommend. We un- on the table, before he has time to signify derstood, afterwards, that the Harp was his wishes. I own I was also struck the old house, and the Bull the new; and with another circumstance-As decent that the Bull had taken this extraordinary people do, sometimes, travel in stagemethod of sending out its emissaries to coaches; and as all, I presume, pay suffi forestal travellers in order to supplant its ciently for the refreshment they take, I rival. The Harp, in its own defence, was surprised that they should be regardhad adopted the same method; and it had ed, at inns, as vagrants, who were whiphappened more than once, when the con- ped from town to town. tending parties met, that they came to an engagement, and the vanquished had been obliged to retreat, with a black eye or a

nose. was even asserted,. the mistress of the Bull had, defeated the chamber-maid of the Harp, in single combat.

The beauty of Conwy Castle; the strength of its towers; the elegance of its turrets; the magnificence of its great hall; the wonder of the tower still standing, though its base, a mighty ruin, has been long prostrate on the shore; and its charming appearance, all together, from either land or water, have been often described. It is well they have, for I do not think any words of mine could do them justice.

Conwy was the first Welsh town in which I observed an air of industry, and a greater number of people were seen in its streets, than in any I had met with; yet its staple article is the entertainment of travellers, and its principal trade is to convey them across the river: I need not tell you that the high-road from London to Holyhead is over this river. At high water it is nearly a mile in breadth. The mail-boat is always afloat, and the passengers cross the river in all weathers and at all tides; but persons who can wait, seldom choose to go at less than half-flood, or more than half ebb, on account of the wet sands they would have to walk over.

Two miles and a half of steep, hilly road, brought us from Conwy to the pass of Sychnant, a pass that leads down to straits of Menai. The descent is steep, and of the brink of a precipice. The smacking of a whip, reverberated from the opposite mountain, sounded like a shower of stones. From hence, to Caernarvon, the road lies along the shore of the Menai, except where it climbs the bold promontory of Penmaen Mawr, which shoots out into the water. Much has been said of the tremendous road over Penmaen Mawr, and terrific, as welf as dangerous, it must have been, as it has a great and steep precipice on one hand, and an impenetrable rock on the other. It is now, however, fenced with a stone-wall, that has the peculiar advantage of being cemented with mortar.

Bangor, nine miles short of Caernarvon, would only be noticed as a neat little Welsh town, if it were not an episcopal see. The cathedral boasts a tower steeple, which is a great mark of dignity in this country; and the bishop's palace, and the deanery, seem sheltered from the blasts of weather and of fortune. The tombs are of a black stone, of a remarkably fine texture; and, as the sculptor might have searched the Herald's office in vain, for the titles of the dead, he has contented himself with announcing to the world, that one was a mercer, another a grocer, and another a taylor.


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