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To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine,



N the first part of the Royal Institution's Journals of Science and the Arts, Sir H. DAVY inserted a short paper on the wire-gauze safe-lamps for preventing explosions from fire-damp, and for giving light in explosive atmospheres in coal. mines. He remarks, that the dreadful accidents of explosions are occasioned by the firing of light carburetted inflammable gas, which is disengaged during the working of the coals, and from fissures in the strata; and which, when it has accumulated so as to form more than 1-13 part of the volume of the atmospherical air, becomes explosive by a lighted candle, or by any kind of flame. The apertures in the gauze should not be more than of an inch square. As the firedamp is not inflamed by ignited wire, the thickness of the wire is not of importance, but wire from to of an inch in diameter is the most convenient. If the wire of is found to wear out too soon in practice, the thickness may be increased to any extent; but the thicker the wire, the more the light will be intercepted, for the size of the apertures must never be more than of an In the working models

inch square.


which he has sent to the mines, there are 748 apertures in the square inch.

When the wire-gaze safe-lamp is lighted and introduced into an atmosphere gradually mixed with fire damp, the first effect of the fire-damp is to increase the length and size of the flame. When the inflammable gas forms as much as of the volume of the air, the cylinder becomes filled with a feeble blue flame, but the flame of the wick appears burning brightly within the blue flame, and the light of the wick continues till the fire-damp increases toor, when it is lost in the flame of the firedamp, which in this case fills the cylinder with a pretty strong light. As long as any explosive mixture of gas exists in contact with the lamp, so long it will give light, and when it is extinguished, which happens when the foul air constitutes as much as of the volume of the atmosphere, the air is no longer proper for respiration. In cases in which the fire-damp is mixed only in its smallest explosive proportion with air, the use of the wire-gauze safe-lamp, which rapidly consumes the inflammable gas, will soon reduce the quantity below the explosive point; and it can scarcely ever happen, that a lamp will be exposed to


G. the second top of an inch above the first.

H. a copper plate, which may be in contact with the second top.

I.I.I.I. thick wires surrounding the cage to preserve it from being bent.

K.K. are rings to hold or hang it by. By this description any of your foreign readers may get the lamp made.


an explosive mixture containing the largest proportion of fire-damp: but even in this case the instrument is absolutely safe; and should the wires become redhot, they have no power of communicating explosion. Should it ever be necessary for the miner to work for a great length of time in an explosive atmosphere by the wire-gauze safe-lamp, it may be proper to cool the lamp occasionally by throwing water upon the top, MY wife was afflicted with a glanor a little cistern for holding water may be attached to the top, the evaporation scribed by your correspondent Y. of of which will prevent the heat from becoming excessive.

The figure beneath represents the parts of a wire-gauze safe-lamp.

A. the cistern which contains the oil.
B. the rim in which the wire-gauze cover

is fixed, and which is fastened to the cistern by

C. an aperture for supplying oil, fitted with a screw or a cork, and which communicates with the bottom of the cistern by a tube. D. the receptacle for the wick.

E. a wire for raising, lowering or trimming it, and which passes through a safe tube.

F. the wire gauze cylinder, which should not have less than 625 apertures to the square inch.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


Hackney, at page 215 of your present volume. After trying various means to remove this complaint, and even subjecting the part to the scarifying processes of the Whitworth surgeons, without any good effect, she applied to the late eminent Mr. White, of Manchester, who prescribed a remedy, which proved effectual; it was sea-bathing, long persevered in. To reside at a bathing place was impracticable. "It is not necessary," (said Mr. White) "to go to the sea, because we can produce sea-water at home. Take one pound weight of bay salt, and put it into half a hogshead of common water. In this bathe three times a week, till the obstruction be removed, changing the water when it begins to be putrid." The cure was completed in one year and a half.. Twenty years have passed since that event, and the complaint has not returned. The bathing was commenced in the depth of winter, at first by tepid water, which in a few times was reduced to its natural coldness. G. N. S.

Stourport; May 16, 1816.

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bell, secretary; Capt. Antill, major of now inhabited, of equal interest, are disbrigade; Lieut. Watts, aid-de-camp; tinctly seen from hence. The majestic Mr. Redfern, assistant-surgeon; Mr. grandeur of the situation, combined with Oxley, surveyor-general; Mr. Meehen, the various objects to be seen from this deputy-surveyor-general; Mr. Lewin, place, induced the governor to give it the painter and naturalist; and Mr. G. W. appellation of the King's Table Evans, deputy-surveyor of lands, who Land. On the south-west side of had been sent forward for the purpose of the King's Table Land the mounmaking further discoveries, and rejoined tain terminates in abrupt precipices of the party on the day of arrival at Bath- immense depth, at the bottom of which urst Plains. is seen a glen, as romantically beautiful The commencement of the ascent as can be imagined, bounded on the furfrom Emu Plains to the first depot, and ther side by mountains of great magnithence to a resting place, now called tude, terminating equally abruptly as Spring Wood, distant twelve miles the others; and the whole thickly cofrom Emu Ford, was through a very vered with timber. The length of this handsome open forest of lofty trees, and picturesque and remarkable tract of much more practicable and easy than country is about twenty-four miles, to was expected. The facility of the as- which the governor gave the name of cent for this distance excited surprise, the Prince Regent's Glen. and is certainly not well calculated to Proceeding hence to the thirty-third give the traveller a just idea of the diffi- mile, on the top of a hill, an opening culties he has afterwards to encounter. presents itself, on the south-west side of At a further distance of four miles, a the Prince Regent's Glen, from whence sudden change is perceived in the ap- a view is obtained particularly beautiful pearance of the timber and the quality and grand-mountains rising beyond of the soil; the former becoming stunt- mountains, with stupendous masses of ed, and the latter barren and rocky. At rock in the fore-ground, here strike the this place the fatigues of the journey eye with admiration and astonishment. may be said to commence; here the The circular form in which the whole is country became altogether mountainous, and extremely rugged.

so wonderfully disposed, induced the governor to give the name of Pitt's AmNear to the eighteenth mile mark (it phitheatre to this offset or branch from is to observed that the measure com- the Prince Regent's Glen. The road mences from Emu Ford) a pile of stones continues from hence, for the space of attracted attention; it is close to the line seventeen miles, on the ridge of the of road, on the top of a rugged and ab- mountain which forms one side of the rupt ascent, and is supposed to have Prince Regent's Glen, and there it sudbeen placed there by Mr. Caley, as the denly terminates in nearly a perpendicuextreme limit of his tour; hence the go- lar precipice of 676 feet high, as ascervernor gave that part of the mountain the tained by measurement. The road conname of Caley's Repulse. To have pen- structed by Mr. Cox down this rugged etrated even so far, was, at that time, an and tremendous descent, through all its effort of no small difficulty. From windings, is no less than three-fourths of hence, forward to the twenty-sixth mile, a mile in length, and has been executed is a succession of steep and rugged hills, with such skill and stability as reflects some of which are almost so abrupt as much credit on him. The labour here to deny a passage altogether; but at this undergone, and the difficulties surmounplace a considerable extensive plain is ted, can only be appreciated by those arrived at, which constitutes the summit who view this scene. In order to perof the Western Mountains; and from petuate the memory of Mr. Cox's serthence a most extensive and beautiful vices, the governor deemed it a tribute prospect presents itself on all sides to the justly due to him, to give his name to eye. The town of Windsor, the river this grand and extraordinary pass, and Hawkesbury, Prospect Hill, and other he accordingly called it Cox's Pass.objects within that part of the colony Having descended into the valley at the

bottom of this pass, the retrospective til they had effected the descent from
view of the overhanging mountain is Mount York, to which place they were
magnificently grand. Although the pre- obliged to pass through a thick brush-
sent pass is the only practicable point wood, where they were under the ne-
yet discovered for descending by, yet cessity of cutting a passage for their bag-
the mountain is much higher than those gage-horses, the severity of which labour
on either side of it, from whence it is had seriously affected their healths, their
distinguished at a considerable distance, patient endurance of such fatigue cannot
when approaching it from the interior; fail to excite much surprise and admira-
and, in this point of view, it has the ap- tion.
pearance of a very high distinct hill, al-
though it is, in fact, only the abrupt ter-
mination of a ridge. The governor gave
the name of Mount York to this termi-
nation of the ridge.

In commemoration of their me

rits, three beautiful high hills, joining each other, at the end of their tour at this place, have received their names in the following order :-viz. Mount Blaxland, Wentworth's Sugar Loaf, and Lawson's On descending Cox's Pass, the gover- Sugar Loaf. A range of very lofty hills nor was much gratified by the appear and narrow valleys alternately form the ance of good pasture land and soil fit tract of country from Cox's River, for a for cultivation, which was the first he distance of sixteen miles until the Fish had met with since the commencement River is arrived at; and the stage beof his tour. The valley at the base of tween these rivers is consequently very Mount York he called, the Vale of severe and oppressive on the cattle. To Clwyd, in consequence of the strong re- this range the governor gave the name of semblance it bore to the vale of that Clarence Hilly Range. name in North Wales. The grass in Proceeding from the Fish River, and, this vale is of a good quality, and very at a short distance from it, a very singuabundant; and a rivulet of fine water lar and beautiful mountain attracts the runs along it from the eastward, which attention, its summit being crowned with unites itself at the western extremity of a large and very extraordinary-looking the vale with another rivulet, containing rock, nearly circular in form, which gives still more water. The junction of these to the whole very much the appearance two streams forms a very handsome of a hill fort, such as are frequent in river, now called by the governor Cox's India. To this lofty hill, Mr. Evans, River; which takes its course, as has who was the first European discoverer, been since ascertained, through the gave the name of Mount Evans. PassPrince Regent's Glen, and empties itself ing on from hence, the country continues into the river Nepean; and it is conjec- hilly, but affords good pasturage; gratured, from the nature of the country dually improving to Sidmouth Valley, through which it passes, that it must be which is distant from the pass of the one of the principal causes of the floods Fish River eight miles. The land here which have been occasionally felt on the is level, and the first met with unencumlow banks of the river Hawkesbury, into bered with timber; it is not of very conwhich the Nepean discharges itself. The siderable extent, but abounds with a vale of Clwyd, from the base of Mount great variety of herbs and plants, such York, extends six miles in a westerly as would probably highly interest and direction, and has its termination at gratify the scientific botanist. Cox's river. Westward of this river the country again becomes brilly, but is generally open forest land, and very good pastorage.

This beautiful little valley runs north-west and south-east, between hills of easy ascent, thinly covered with timber.

Leaving Sidmouth Valley, the counThree miles to the westward of the try becomes again hilly, and, in other Vale of Clwyd, Messrs. Blaxland, Went- respects, resembles very much the counworth, and Lawson, had formerly ter- try to the eastward of the valley for minated their excursion; and when the some miles. Having reached Campbell various difficulties are considered which River, distant thirteen miles from Sidthey had to contend with, especially un- mouth valley, the governor was highly

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