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Pests of House and Ornamental Plants.

Lightning Rods and Protection of Farm Buildings from Lightning. A Good Rod for Five Dollars.

1. The Apple Orchard. 2. Spraying-Why and How. Forecasts of Frosts

1. Building Silos. 2. Forage Crops.
Ninth Annual Report, 1896.

A New anger to Fruit Growers.
Planting Sugar Beets.

Fertilizer Analyses.

Bacteria and the Dairy.
Pasteurization of Milk.


Feeding Dairy Cows.

Sugar Beets in Michigan in 1897.

Raspberries, Blackberries, and Grapes

Tenth Annual Report, 1897.

Report of South Haven Substation.
Vegetable Tests of 1897.

Some Experiments in Corn Raising.

Spraying Calendar for 1898

Preliminary Report of State Inspector of Nurseries and

Orchards, and Laws Relating to the Same.

Hog Cholera.

Some Experiments with Poultry.

A Study of Normal Temperatures and the Tuberculin Test.

Some Insects of the Year 1897.

Fertilizer Analyses.

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Fifteenth Annual Report, 1896.

Forcing Tomatoes. Comparison of Methods of Training
and Benching. Note on a Tomato Disease.
Feeding Experiments with Chicks and Capons.
Strawberries in 1897.

Variety Tests with Raspberries, Blackberries, and Dew-

Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers for the
Spring of 1897.

A Bacterial Disease of Sweet Corn.

Results of Oat Smut in 1897.

The Source of Milk Fat.

Spraying in 1897 to Prevent Gooseberry Mildew.

Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers for the
Fall of 1897.

The Composition and Production of Sugar Beets.
Inspection of Nurseries and Treatment of Infested Nurs
ery Stock.

Commercial Fertilizers for Potatoes.

Experiments and Observations on Some Diseases of

Plant Lice: Descriptions, Enemies, and Treatment.
Wood Ashes and Apple Scab.

Digestion and Feeding Experiments.
Director's Report for 1897.

Cottonwood Leaf Beetle. Green Arsenite.

A Spraying Mixture for Cauliflower and Cabbage Worms.
Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers for the
Spring of 1898.

Some Experiments in Forcing Head Lettuce.

Variety Tests of Strawberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries.

Tomato Forcing: Methods of Training and Benching.
Ground Grain v. Whole Grain for Chicks and Capons.
Notes on Small Fruits Grown in 1897.

A New Disease of Sweet Corn.

Oat Smut and New Preventives.
Milk Fat from Fat-Free Food.

The best Remedy for Gooseberry Mildew.

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June 6..

Crimson Clover.

Miscellaneous Farm Bulletin.

Special Bulletin 48.... Experiment Station Staff. Equipment and Work. Re

Bulletin 147..

Bulletin 148.

Bulletin 149.

Bulletin 150.

June 8.

June 11.

June 13.

June 17.

Bulletin 151.

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cent Bulletins.

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