STATION STAFF. Austin Scott, PH. D., LL. D., President of the College. Edward B. Voorhees, M. A., Dir. Julius Nelson, PH. D., Biol. Byron D. Halsted, D. Sc., Bot. and Hort. John B. Smith, D. Sc., Ent. James A. Kelsey, M. S., Field Asst. Irving S. Upson, Disbursing Clerk and Alfred A. Cannon, Asst. Clerk. Augusta E. Meske, Sten. and Typewriter. NEW MEXICO. Agricultural Experiment Station of New Mexico, Mesilla Park. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: Thomas J. Bull (Pres.), 'Mesilla; Demetrio Chavez (Sec. and Treas.), Mesilla; Robert Black, Silver City; A. A. Jones, Las Vegas; Granville A. Richardson, Roswell. STATION STAFF. C. T. Jordan, M. A., President of the College and Director. Arthur Goss, M. S., A. C., Chem. and V. John D. Tinsley, Biol. Fabian Garcia, B. S., Asst. Agr. and Hort. Ent, and Zool. R. F. Hare, M. S., Asst. Chem. F. E. Lester, Clerk. T. D. A. Cockerell, Hon. Sta. Ent. NEW YORK. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control: M. V. B. Ives (Pres.), Potsdam; W. O'Hanlon (Sec. and Treas.), Geneva; Gov. Frank S. Black, Albany; W. C. Barry, Rochester; S. H. Hammond, Geneva; A. C. Chase, Syracuse; F. O. Chamberlain, Canandaigua; F. C. Schraub, Lowville; Nicholas Hallock, Queens; Lyman P. Haviland, Camden; G. Howard Davison, Millbrook. Station Council: Jacob G. Schurman (Pres.), Andrew D. White, Isaac P. Roberts, George C. Caldwell, James Law, John H. Comstock, Liberty H. Bailey, Henry H. Wing, George F. Atkinson. 12245-No. 39- -2 STATION STAFF. Jacob G. Schurman, B. A., D. Sc., LL. D., President of the University. Isaac P. Roberts, M. AGR., Dir. and Agr. Mark V. Slingerland, B. S., Asst. Ent. George C. Caldwell, B. S., PH. D., Chem. George W. Cavanaugh, B. S., Asst. Chem. Benjamin M. Duggar, M. S., M. A., Asst. Cryptogamic Bot. James Law, F. R. C. V. S., Tet. John H. Comstock, B. S., Ent. Liberty H. Bailey, M. S., Hort. Edward A. Butler, Clerk. NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees-North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts: J. C. L. Harris (Chair.), Raleigh; L. C. Edward, Oxford; E. G. Butler, Henderson; W. G. Pool, Elizabeth City; I. W. Harden, Raleigh; E. V. Cox, Coxville; H. G. Connor, Wilson; Matt. Moore, Kenansville; J. Z. Waller, Burlington; H. E. Bonitz, Wilmington; M. D. Kimbrough, Farmington; B. F. Dixon, Shelby; J. J. Britt, Bakersville: A. Q. Holladay, Raleigh. STATION STAFF. H. B. Battle, PH. D., Dir. and Chem. B. W. Kilgore, M. S., Asst. Chem. H. K. Miller, M. S., Asst. Chem. A. F. Bowen, Sec. NORTH DAKOTA. North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Fargo. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: W. H. Robinson (Pres.), Mayville; A. G. Clark (Sec.), Steele; N. A. Lewis (Treas.), Fargo; Henry J. Rusch, Fargo; L. R. Casey, Jamestown; Alex. Stern, Fargo; Roger Allen, Grafton; Geo. E. Osgood, Fargo. Board of Control: Seth H. Ellis (Pres.), Springboro; R. H. Warder (Sec.), North Bend; J. T. Robinson, Rockaway; Gov. Asa S. Bushnell, Columbus; Charles E. Thorne, Wooster. C. E. Thorne, Dir. W. J. Green, V. Dir. and Hort. J. F. Hickman, M. S. A., Agr. F. M. Webster, M. S., Ent. A. D. Selby, B. S., Bot. and Chem. P. A. Hinman, Bursar. C. W. Mally, M. S., Asst. Ent. STATION STAFF. L. M. Bloomfield, B. AGR., Asst. Chem. William Holmes, Foreman of Farm. D. A. Crowner, B. S. AGR., Dairyman. S. J. Blake, Mechanic. J. E. Barclay, Supt. Substa., Neapolis. OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater. Department of Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: J. D. Debois (Pres.), Guthrie; F. Caruthers (Treas.), Oklahoma City; W. F. Bort, Kingfisher; R. J. Edwards, Cross; Gov. D. Lytton, Stillwater. STATION STAFF. George E. Morrow, M. A., President of the College, Director, and Agr. Board of Regents: J. T. Apperson (Pres.), Oregon City; W. E. Yates (Sec.), Corwallis; J. K. Weatherford (Treas.), Albany; Gov. Wm. P. Lord, Salem; H. R. Kincaid, Salem; G. M. Irwin, Salem; W. M. Hilleary, Turner; T. W. Davenport, Salem; W. P. Keady, Portland; Wallis Nash, Portland; Samuel Hughes, Forest Grove; Benton Killin, Portland; Joseph M. Church, Lagrande. STATION STAFF. H. B. Miller, President of the College and Director. H. T. French, M. S., Agr. U. P. Hedrick, M. S., Hort. and Bot. George Coote, Asst. Hort. D. W. Trine, B. S., Asst. Bot. A. B. Cordley, B. S., Ent. G. W. Shaw, M. A., PH. D., Chem. PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station, State College. Department of the Pennsylvania State College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees-Advisory Committee: John A. Woodward (Chair.), Howard; Amos H. Mylin, Lancaster; Samuel R. Downing, Goshenville; Joel A. Herr, Cedar Springs; George W. Atherton, State College; H. P. Armsby (Sec.), State College. Department of Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Managers: C. H. Coggeshall (Pres.), Bristol; Charles J. Greene (Sec.), Kenyon; Melville Bull (Treas.), Newport; Henry L. Greene (V. Pres.), River Point; Gardiner C. Sims, Providence. STATION STAFF. John H. Washburn, PH. D., President of the College. Charles O. Flagg, B. S., Dir. and Agr. L. F. Kinney, B. S., Hort. George Wilton Field, PH. D., Biol. Joseph A. Tillinghast, Asst. Agr. Bertha E. Bentley, Sten. SOUTH CAROLINA. South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson College,1 Department of Clemson Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: R. W. Simpson (Pres.), Pendleton; P. H. E. Sloan (Sec. and Treas.), Clemson College; D. K. Norris, Hickory Flat; M. L. Donaldson, Greenville; R. E. Bowen, Briggs; Jesse H. Hardin, Chester; B. R. Tillman, Trenton; J. E. Bradley, Hunters; H. M. Stackhouse, Donoho; J. E. Tindal, Felder; W. H. Mauldin, Hampton; J. E. Wannamaker, St. Matthews; W. H. Ellerbe, Columbia; D. T. Redfearn, Mourt Croghan. STATION STAFF. E. B. Craighead, M. A., President of the College and Director. W. J. Quick, M. S., PH. D., V. Dir. and Agr. M. B. Hardin, Chem. A. P. Anderson, M. S., PH. D., Bot. Jno. Thompson, Asst. Chem. J. W. Hart, Dairyman. F. S. Shiver, PH. G., Asst. Chem. C. M. Conner, B. AGR., B. S., Asst. Agr. R. N. Brackett, PH. D., Asst. Chem. J. F. C. Du Pre, Asst. Hort. W. E. A. Wyman, V. S., Vet. J. P. Lewis, Foreman Farm. J. V. Lewis, Geol. 1 Telegraph, express, and freight address, Calhoun. SOUTH DAKOTA. South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Brookings. Department of South Dakota Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARDS. REGENTS OF EDUCATION. F. D. Adams (Pres.), Groton; L. T. Boucher (V. Pres.), Eureka; E. T. Sheldon (Sec.), St. Lawrence; A. B. Smedley, Milbank; G. J. Coller, M. D., Brookings; W. S. Peterson, Rapid City; H. M. Finnerud, M. D., Watertown; N. W. Egleston, Chamberlain; L. T. Sweezy, Vermillion. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A. H. Wheaton (Pres.), Brookings; John Giese, Watertown; C. B. Collins, Groton; Frank Palmer, Madison. Board of Trustees-Executive Committee: J. W. Gaut (Sec.), Knoxville; James Comfort (Treas.), Knoxville; O. P. Temple, Knoxville; James Maynard, Knoxville; Hugh G. Kyle, Rogersville. Chas. W. Dabney, jr., PH. D., LL. D., President of the College.1 Chas. F. Vanderford, Sec. and Agr. R. L. Watts, B. AGR., Hort. C. A. Mooers, B. S., Asst. Chem. F. M. Cargile, jr., Asst. Hort. TEXAS. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station. Department of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Directors: A. J. Rose (Pres.), Austin; W. R. Cavitt, Bryan; G. W. Bowman, Plano; John B. Long, Rusk; D. A. Paulus, Hallettsville. 1 On leave. |