Sierra Foothill Station, R. C. Rust, Patron, Jackson; Jackson. Foreman, South California Station, Rev. C. F. Loop, Patron, Chino; James W. Mills, Foreman, Pomona. East Side Santa Clara Valley Viticultural Station, John Gallegos, Patron, Mission San Jose. Chico Forestry Station, R. F. Pennell, Patron, Chico; A. B. Boland, Foreman. Santa Monica Forestry Station, Roy Jones, Patron, Box 4, Los Angeles; John H. Barber, Foreman, Santa Monica. COLORADO. Agricultural Experiment Station, Fort Collins. Department of The State Agricultural College of Colorado. GOVERNING BOARD. State Board of Agriculture: John J. Ryan (Pres.), Fort Collins ; A. L. Kellogg, Rocky Ford; James L. Chatfield, Gypsum; E. H. Snyder, Highlands; James E. Du Bois, Fort Collins; A. S. Benson, Loveland; B. F. Rockafellow, Canon City; Mrs. Eliza F. Routt, Denver; Gov. Alva Adams, Denver; Alston Ellis, Fort Collins. STATION STAFF. Alston Ellis, M. A., PH. D., LL. D., President of the College and Director. W. W. Cooke, B. S., M. A., Agr. Clarence P. Gillette, M. S., Ent. Charles J. Ryan, Asst. Chem. Jacob H. Cowen, B. S. Asst. Hort. R. E. Trimble, B. S., Asst. Met. and Irrig. Emma A. Gillette, Asst. Ent. Philo K. Blim, B. S., Supt. Arkansas Valley Substa., Rocky Ford. CONNECTICUT. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven. GOVERNING BOARD. State Board of Control: Gov. Lorrin A. Cooke (Pres.), Hartford; W. H. Brewer (Sec. and Treas.), New Haven; S. W. Johnson, New Haven; W. O. Atwater, Middletown; Edwin Hoyt, New Canaan; J. H. Webb, Box 1644, New Haven; T. S. Gold, West Cornwall; S. M. Wells, Wethersfield. Samuel W. Johnson, M. A., Dir. STATION STAFF. E. H. Jenkins, PH. D., V. Dir. and Chem. A. L. Winton, PH. B., Chem. T. B. Osborne, PH. D., Chem. A. W. Ogden, PH. B., Chem. George F. Campbell, PH. B., Chem. Wm. C. Sturgis, M. A., PH. D., Myc. W. E. Britton, B. S., Hort. Miss C. S. Green, Lib. and Clerk. Hugo Lange, Lab. Asst. Julius Korn, Lab. Asst. J. B. Olcott, Grass Gardener. Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs,1 Department of Storrs Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. Lorrin A. Cooke (Pres.), Hartford; T. S. Gold (Sec.), West Cornwall; H. C. Miles (Treas.), Milford; W. E. Simonds, Hartford; J. M. Hubbard, Middletown; S. W. Johnson, New Haven; E. S. Henry, Rockville; W. H. Hammond, Elliott; Andrew Hyde, Norwich. Board of Trustees-Committee on Agriculture: James Hossinger, Newark; Chas. C. Stockley, Georgetown; John C. Higgins, Delaware City; Manlove Hayes, Dover; W. F. Causey, Milford; H. A. Nowland, Middletown; W. H. Stevens, Seaford; Nathan Pratt, Milford. STATION STAFF. Geo. A. Harter, M. A., PH. D., President of the College. Arthur T. Neale, M. A., PH. D., Dir. G. H. Powell, M. S., Agr., Hort., and Ent. W. H. Bishop, B. S., Met. FLORIDA. Agricultural Experiment Station of Florida, Lake City. Department of Florida State Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Walter Gwynn (Pres.), Sanford; A. B. Hagan (Sec.), Lake City; W. D. Chipley, Pensacola; F. E. Harris, Ocala; S. Stringer, Brooksville. STATION STAFF. O. Clute, M. S., LL. D., P. H. Rolfs, M. S., Hort. and Biol. A. L. Quaintance, M. S., Asst. in Biol. President of the College and Director. W. P. Jernigan, Bookkeeper. W. A. Marsh, Supt. Substa., Fort Myers. GEORGIA. Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment.2 Department of Georgia State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Directors: R. T. Nesbitt (Pres.), Atlanta; J. B. Park, jr., (Sec. and Treas.), Greensboro; W. E. Boggs, Athens; H. C. White, Athens; James H. Evans, Halcyon 'Telegraph address, Storrs via Willimantic; railroad station, express, and freight address, Eagleville. 2 Telegraph, express, and freight address, Griffin. dale; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Wright Brady, Americus; J. H. Mobley, Hamilton; A. J. Smith, Conyers; Eden Taylor, Popes Ferry; Felix Corput, Cave Spring; A. V. Deadwyler, Pendergrass; W. H. Warren, Augusta; Ben Millikin, Jesup. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Idaho, Moscow. Department of the University of Idaho. GOVERNING BOARD. J. H. Forney (Pres.), Moscow; Frank Martin (V. Pres.), Boise; John G. Brown (Sec.), Pocatello; P. A. Reagan (Treas.), Boise; F. E. Cornwall, Moscow; D. M. Eckman, Follmer; Mrs. M. J. Whitman, Montpelier; Ashby Turney, Idaho City; A. F. Parker, Grangeville. STATION STAFF. Franklin B. Gault, President of the University and Director. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, Urbana. Department of the University of Illinois. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees of the University: Gov. John R. Tanner, Springfield; Irving J. Pearce, Sherman House, Chicago; S. M. Inglis, Springfield; F. M. McKay, 134 Warren ave., Chicago; Mrs. Mary T. Carriel, Jacksonville; T. J. Smith, Champaign; N. B. Morrison, Odin; James E. Armstrong, 529 Sixty-second st., Chicago; Isaac S. Raymond, Sidney; Alexander McLean, Macomb ; S. A. Bullard, Springfield; Mrs. Lucy L. Flower, The Virginia, Chicago. ADVISORY BOARD. Andrew S. Draper, LL. D., Urbana; Thomas J. Burrill, PH. D. (Pres.), Urbana; Eugene Davenport, M. AGR., Urbana; A. D. Barber (of State Board of Agriculture), Hamilton; E. A. Riehl (of State Horticultural Society), Alton; H. B. Gurler (of State Dairymen's Association), Dekalb; N. B. Morrison, Odin; Isaac S. Raymond, Sidney; Stephen A. Forbes, PH. D., Urbana. STATION STAFF. Andrew S. Draper, LL. D., President of the University of Illinois. Eugene Davenport, M. S., Dir.; Animal Husbandry. W. L. Pillsbury, M. A., Sec. T. J. Burrill, PH. D., Bot. and Hort. S. A. Forbes, PH. D., Ent. D. McIntosh, V. S., Vet. C. G. Hopkins, M. S., Chem. P. G. Holden, Agr. Phys. J. C. Blair, INDIANA. Agricultural Experiment Station of Indiana, Lafayette. Department of Purdue University. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Charles B. Stuart (Pres.), Lafayette; E. A. Ellsworth (Sec.), Lafayette; J. M. Fowler (Treas.), Lafayette; William A. Banks, Laporte; Sylvester Johnson, Irvington; D. E. Beem, Spencer; Job H. Van Natta, Lafayette; Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis; William H. O'Brien, Lawrenceburg; James M. Barrett, Fort Wayne; John Martin, Brookville. STATION STAFF. James H. Smart, M. A., LL. D., President of the University. Department of Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: W. O. McElroy (Chair.), Newton; E. W. Stanton (Sec.), Ames; Herman Knapp (Treas.), Ames; C. F. Saylor, Des Moines; H. C. Wheeler, Odebolt; C. M. Dunbar, Maquoketa; Hamilton Smith, New London; J. S. Jones, Manchester; Addis Schermerhorn, Charles City; A. B. Shaw, Corning; J. B. Hungerford, Carroll; A. V. Stout, Parkersburg; L. B. Robinson, Avoca. STATION STAFF. W. M. Beardshear, A. M., LL. D., President of the College. C. F. Curtiss, M. S. A., Dir. and Agr. James W. Wilson. B. AGR., Asst. Agr. Ira J. Meade, B. AGR., Asst. Chem. E. D. Ball, B. S., Asst. Ent. C. H. Eckles, B. AGR., Asst. in Dairying. KANSAS. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattar.. Department of Kansas State Agricultural College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: C. E. Goodyear (Pres.), Oatville; Geo. T. Fairchild (ex officio Sec.), Manhattan ; C. B. Daughters (Treas.), Lincoln; C. B. Hoffman, Enterprise; C. R. Noe, Leon; Harrison Kelley, Burlington; Mrs. J. P. St. John, Olathe; J. N. Limbocker, Manhattan; Jeff. Hudson, Fredonia. STATION STAFF. George T. Fairchild, LL.D., President of the College and Chairman of the Station Council. G. H. Failyer, M. S., Chem. E. A. Popenoe, M. A., Ent. C. C. Georgeson, M. S., Agr. N. S. Mayo, D.V. S., M. S., Physiol. and Vet. S. C. Mason, M. S., Hort. I. D. Graham, B. S., M. A., Sec. Isaac Jones, Asst. Hort. KENTUCKY. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. Department of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control: A. P. Gooding (Chair.), Mays Lick; R. S. Bullock (Treas.), Lexington; J. K. Patterson, Lexington; M. A. Scovell, Lexington; Hart Boswell, Lexington; J. B. Kennedy, Paris. STATION STAFF. James K. Patterson, PH. D., President of the College. M. A. Scovell, M. S., Dir.; Chem. C. W. Mathews, B. S., Hort. A. M. Peter, M. S., Chem. H. E. Curtis, M. S., Chem. H. Garman, Ent. and Bot. Alice M. Shelby, Sten. J. N. Harper, Dairyman. V. E. Muncey, Weather Observer. LOUISIANA. No. 1. Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, New Orleans. No. 2. State Experiment Station, Baton Rouge. No. 3. North Louisiana Experiment Station, Calhoun. Department of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. GOVERNING BOARD. Bureau of Agriculture: Gov. Murphy J. Foster (Pres.), Baton Rouge; H. Skolfield (Treas.), Baton Rouge; Maj. J. G. Lee, B. S., Baton Rouge; William Garig, Baton Rouge. STATION STAFF. T. D. Boyd, President of the College (Baton Rouge). Sugar Experiment Station, Audubon Park, New Orleans. Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., PH. D., Dir. R. E. Blouin, B. S., Chem. H. W. Taylor, B. S., Chem. E. S. Matthews, B. S., Asst. Phys. R. T. Burwell, M. E., Machinist. T. C. Glynn, Sugar Maker. R. N. Morgan, B. S. A., V. S., Farm Mana ger. Jas. K. McHugh, Sec. State Experiment Station, Baton Rouge. Wm. C. Stubbs, M. A., PH. D., Dir. W. W. Clendenin, M. S., M. A., Geol. S. B. Staples, B. S., D. V. S., Vet. H. A. Morgan, B. S. A., Ent. F. H. Burnette, Hort. James Clayton, Farm Manager and Tobac conist. |