| William Shakespeare - 1598 - 100 pages
...rrickes. Not made to court an amorous looking glade, I that am rudely ft a nipt & want loucs maiefty, To ftrut before a wanton ambling Nymph: I that am curtaild of this faire proportion, Cheated offeatnreby diflcmblingnatuje, Defoi md,v"finifl«jlcnt before my time Into... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1709 - 570 pages
...a Lute. But I, that am not fhap'd for fportive Tricks, Nor made to court an amorous Looking-ghfî, I, that am rudely ftampt, and want Love's Majefty,...curtail'd of this fair Proportion, Cheated of Feature by diííembling Nature, Defoim'd, unfinifh'd, fent before my time Into this breathing World, fcarce half... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 620 pages
...of fearful Adverfaries, He capers nimbly in a Lady's Chamber, To the lafcivious pleafing of a Lute. But I, that am not fhap'd for fportive Tricks^ Nor made to court an amorous Looking-glafi, I, that am rudely ftampt, and want Love's Majcfty, To ftrut before a wanton... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1733 - 532 pages
...lute. But I, that am not fhap'd for fportive tficks, Nor made to court an am'rous looking -glafs, — I, that am rudely ftampt, and want love's majefty, To ftrut before a wan&h, arabling;Nfaipihi I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by diflembling... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - 508 pages
...of fearful adverfaries, He capers nimbly in a Lady's chamber, To the lafcivious pleafing of a lute. But I, that am not fhap'd for fportive tricks, Nor...looking^-glafs, I, that am rudely ftampt, and want love's [_ '\ grace,x To i maielty, 288 King RICHARD III. To ftrut before a wanton, ambling nymph y I, that... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 372 pages
...tricks, Nor made tn court an am'rous looking- ghfs, I, that am rudely ftampt, and want love's grace, To ftrut before a wanton, ambling nymph ; I, that...curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by disenabling nature, Deform'd, unfinifli'd, fent before my time Into this breathing world ; fcarce half... | |
 | Longinus, William Smith - 1752 - 244 pages
...(5) Shakefpear has made Richard III. fpeak a merry Diafyrm upon himfelf : I, that am rudely ftamp'd, and want love's majefty, To ftrut before a wanton...Cheated of feature by diflembling nature, Deform'd, unfinifhed, fent before my time. Into this breathing world ; fcarce half made up, And lownefs of any... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 434 pages
...to court an sun'rous looking glafs,—— I, that am rudely ftampt, and want love's majelty, To Unit before a wanton, ambling Nymph ; I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dilTembling nature, Deform'd, unfini(h'd, fent before my time Into this breathing world, fcarce half... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 pages
...adverfaries, He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lafcivious pleafing of a lute. (i) But J, that am not fhap'd for fportive tricks, Nor made to court an am'rous looking glafs , J, that am rudely ftampt, and want love's majefly, To ftrut before a- wanton, ambling... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1762 - 428 pages
...chamber, To the lafcivious pleafing of a lute. But I, that am not fhap'd for fportive tricksy fior made to court an am'rous looking-glafs,— — I, that am rudely ftampt, and want love's majefty, Tti ftrut before a wanton, ambling nymph ; J, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of... | |
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