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species distinct and separate, with very little variation from year to year, from generation to generation, and from age to age, should be able to call forth distinctly, and without confusion or amalgamation, from the slum. bers of the grave, the appropriate particles to identify the human body in the resurrection state,

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The following literary institutions are more or less under the patronage of the Troy Conference.

THE TROY CONFERENCE ACADEMY at West Poultney, Vt., is more fully under the influence of the conference than any other institution. It was founded soon after our organization, and although it has been greatly embarrassed by a heavy debt, it has annually performed a noble work in behalf of our youth. It has been the scene of numerous revivals of religion. There some of the younger members of the Troy Conference were made partakers of the grace of life, and numbers of them received an important part of their early intellectual training within its walls. Its location is healthful, pleasant and accessible; its instruction is thorough, and its terms are moderate. Rev. J. F. Walker, A. M., is now its accomplished principal.

THE BAKERSFIELD ACADEMY is also under our patronage. It is situated in the north-eastern part of the conference, at Bakersfield, Franklin county, Vt., and is every way worthy of public confidence. It is under the superintendance of Rev. J. H. Moore, A. M.

JONESVILLE ACADEMY at Jonesville, Saratoga county, N. Y., is another excellent institution of a similar character. Its principal, H. A. Wilson, A. M., is a man of ability and experience. Its location is delightful. It is

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