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.3 6

..3 6

...3 6

Virgil. New Edition, Vol. I.; con-
taining the Bucolics and First Six
Books of the Eneid.....

..........3 6

Virgil. New Edition, Vol. II.; containing the last Six Books of the Eneid, and Georgies; with a copious Index Nominum et Rerum...3 6 Livy............

..........3 6

Latin and English Dictionary...........9 U



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.1 0

.1 0

....1 0

Latin-English l'art. New


........5 0

English-Latin Part............4 6

Natural Philosophy, Volume I.........3 0
Volume II........3 0
for W. and R. CHAMBERS by W. &
A. K. Johnston. Designed to illus
traie Your Philosophy, &c.,
monted with rollers and cloth
to hang on the walls of School-
rooms; namely-1. Properties of
Bodies. Mechanical Powers.-
3. Hydrostatics.-4. Hydraulics.-
3. Physiology, Plate I. Theo
She ta ar accompanied with
Pingrams and Descriptive Books,
.....10 0
And may lead varied, at 2. additional
Chemistry-New Treatise. By G.


Edited by Dr Ane, German Master in the h
School of Edinburgh.

First German Reading Book............2 0 1 Second German Reading Book.........3 German Grammar, Elementary..... 20 -, Advance.......... Phrase Book, English-German.........2 0

German and English Dictionary.....10 6
German-English Part.....5 0
English-German Part.....5 0
German Synonyms, Dictionary of.... 6


M.D., F.R.S.I............. 30 Mannal of Music..
Other Works in preparation.-Sej 7. 1976,

MAAR. CHAMBERS, Pat mat e Row, 1ondon, and 199 High Sheet, Fdiehur.h.

.3 0

Phil 9172.2

1870, fan. 12. Gift of Francis 6. Swan, of Boston. (26.6.1859.)

Printed by W. and R. Chambers.


FEB 18 1970


THE Editors of the EDUCATIONAL COURSE design that this little volumo should be used in Schools, and in Private Instruction, by children of about ten years of age While their Rudiments of Knowledge and Introduction to the Sciences, aim respectively at conveying information concerning the more obvious features of the common world, and concerning the simpler facts and principles of natural science, they venture to hope that the present Treatise will be equally serviceable in conveying intelligible views of the more important moral and economic duties.

The work, nevertheless, must be regarded as only a humble aid in the business of moral education. Precept, example, and training are the three degrees of comparison in this important business-the first being good, the second better, and the third best of all. The education of home is also of infinitely greater importance than that which comes from any other source. Finally, as we need scarcely remark, it is by the influence of religious principle that we may chiefly expect to give the right stamp to human character. When we examine the present volume with a regard to these principles, we find that, being purely didactic, it can only bo expected to do a little for the greatest of causes—religion ; which the Editors conceive should be taught directly from the oracles of Sacred Truth.

It is on the peculiar construction of our little Treatise that we chiefly rest our hopes of its success. As the great end in view was to familiariso moral rules, wo have adopted a form in which the abstract holds only a secondary place. The various virtues are described chiefly by means of narratives, in which individuals

are shown as exemplifying them. To these have been added all those fables of Esop and others which are most remarkable for their happy bearing on the important points of human conduct. While chiefly depending on these narrative illustrations for the means of impressing the nature, the beauty, and the good effects of each virtue, a definition or explanation of that virtue is also given, generally, it is hoped, in such terms as, with a little help from a teacher or parent, may be found within the capacity of the learner. Further, that nothing may be wanting to give the principle itself the desirable force, a series of appropriate passages from Scripture is usually given in conclusion.

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