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snarl; cows bellow; horses snort; yet the Universal Band moved on. It was enough that the whole people were up and listening. No one wished to sleep on such an occasion; and I venture to say, that if there is a man living who knew Ephraim Pipkin, he will first think of him as the Captain of the Universal Band.

Ephraim Pipkin was an old man when he died. His light went out gradually, waxing dimmer and dimmer each day, until the shadows of death settled around him. His head was full of wit, and his face full of humor, to the last. It was not in the power of fate to depress him. He was above her arrows. All the world was a stage' to him, and he played his part well, even to his last exit. Poverty might pinch, sickness assail, scandal deride; it was all the same to Ephraim. He was too much of a philosopher to care a straw for them. He kicked the whole catalogue of miseries from him, as he would a mad-dog. 'As a man thinketh, so is he,' was Ephraim's creed, drawn from the best of books.

Ephraim left no property for posterity to quarrel about. He had seen the folly of it. He had seen affectionate' and 'dutiful' children of deceased parents break open the will on the funeral-day, and fight like cats and dogs, during their natural lives, about dollars and cents! He had seen families split, brothers curse brothers, and sisters war with sisters; and all for money! He had seen the profligacy of the sons, through intemperance, and gambling, and every other vice. Although childless, the greedy world might contend for his smallest pittance; and Ephraim blessed his stars that he died poor.

Our philosopher was never tormented with imaginary troubles. He was not always trembling lest he should fall. He was not high enough for that. No person envied him; and what was better, he fully reciprocated the feeling. He was never charged with officiousness, pride, ostentation, or tyranny. He was beneath those tempests that at times sweep every village. A want of courtesy was no infirmity of his nature, for he made no courteous professions.

But enough. The world has many Ephraim Pipkins, who pass through it and die, without regret or remark. Common justice, howbeit, seemed to demand this tribute; and in closing it, I would say, in true tomb-stone phrase:


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SIR: In the following memoir, I have conformed to the facts furnished by the Arabian chroniclers, as cited by the learned Conde. The story of Abderahman has almost the charm of romance; but it derives a higher interest from the heroic yet gentle virtues which it illustrates, and from recording the fortunes of the founder of that splendid dynasty, which shed such a lustre upon Spain, during the domination of the Arabs. Abderahman may, in some respects, be compared to our own WASHINGTON. He achieved the independence of Moslem Spain, freeing it from subjection to the caliphs; he united its jarring parts under one government; he ruled over it with justice, clemency, and moderation; his whole course of conduct was distinguished by wonderful forbearance and magnanimity; and when he died, he left a legacy of good example and good counsel to his


G. C.




'BLESSED be God!' exclaims an Arabian historian; in His hands alone is the destiny of princes. He overthrows the mighty, and humbles the haughty to the dust; and he raises up the persecuted and afflicted from the very depths of despair!'

The illustrious house of Omeya had swayed the sceptre at Damascus for nearly a century, when a rebellion broke out, headed by Aboul Abbas Safah, who aspired to the throne of the caliphs, as being descended from Abbas, the uncle of the prophet. The rebellion was successful. Marvau, the last caliph of the house of Omeya, was defeated and slain. A general proscription of the Ommiades took place. Many of them fell in battle; many were treacherously slain, in places where they had taken refuge; above seventy, most noble and distinguished, were murdered at a banquet to which they had been invited, and their dead bodies covered with cloths, and made to serve as tables for the horrible festivity. Others were driven forth, forlorn and desolate wanderers in various parts of the earth, and pursued with relentless hatred; for it was the determination of the usurper that not one of the persecuted family should escape. Aboul Abbas took possession of three stately palaces, and delicious gardens, and founded the powerful dynasty of the Abbassides, which, for several centuries, maintained dominion in the east. 'Blessed be God!' again exclaims the Arabian historian: 'it was written in His eternal decrees that, notwithstanding the fury of the Abbassides, the noble stock of Omeya should not be destroyed. One fruitful branch remained, to flourish with glory and greatness in another land.'

When the sanguinary proscription of the Ommiades took place, two young princes of that line, brothers, by the names of Solyman and Abderahman, were spared for a time. Their personal graces, noble demeanor, and winning affability, had made them many friends, while their extreme youth rendered them objects of but little dread to the usurper. Their safety, however, was but transient. In a little while the suspicions of Aboul Abbas were aroused. The unfortunate Solyman fell beneath the scimitar of the executioner. His brother Abderahman was warned of his danger in time. Several of his friends hastened to him, bringing him jewels, a disguise, and a fleet horse. The emissaries of the caliph,' said they, ' are in search of thee; thy brother lies weltering in his blood; fly to the desert! There is no safety for thee in the habitations of man!'

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Abderahman took the jewels, clad himself in the disguise, and mounting the steed, fled for his life. As he passed, a lonely fugitive, by the palaces of his ancestors, in which his family had long held sway, their very walls seemed disposed to betray him, as they echoed the swift clattering of his steed.

Abandoning his native country, Syria, where he was liable at each moment to be recognized and taken, he took refuge among the Bedouin Arabs, a half savage race of shepherds. His youth, his inborn majesty and grace, and the sweetness and affability that shone forth in his azure eyes, won the hearts of these wandering men. He was but twenty years of age, and had been reared in the soft luxury of a palace; but he was tall and vigorous, and in a little while hardened himself so completely to the rustic life of the fields, that it seemed as though he had passed all his days in the rude simplicity of a shepherd's cabin.

His enemies, however, were upon his traces, and gave him but little rest. By day he scoured the plains with the Bedouins, hearing in every blast the sound of pursuit, and fancying in every distant cloud of dust a troop of the caliph's horsemen. His night was passed in broken sleep, and frequent watchings, and at the earliest dawn he was the first to put the bridle to his steed.

Wearied by these perpetual alarms, he bade farewell to his friendly Bedouins, and leaving Egypt behind, sought a safer refuge in Western Africa. The province of Barea was at that time governed by Aben Habib, who had risen to rank and fortune under the fostering favor of the Ommiades. Surely,' thought the unhappy prince, I shall receive kindness and protection from this man; he will rejoice to show his gratitude for the benefits showered upon him by my kindred.'

Abderahman was young, and as yet knew little of mankind. None are so hostile to the victim of power, as those whom he has befriended. They fear being suspected of gratitude by his persecutors, and involved in his misfortunes.

The unfortunate Abderahman had halted for a few days to repose himself among a horde of Bedouins, who had received him with their characteristic hospitality. They would gather round him in the evenings, to listen to his conversation, regarding with wonder this gentlyspoken stranger from the more refined country of Egypt. The old men marvelled to find so much knowledge and wisdom in such early

youth, and the young men, won by his frank and manly carriage, entreated him to remain among them.

One night, when all were buried in sleep, they were roused by the tramp of horsemen. The Wali Aben Habib, who, like all the governors of distant ports, had received orders from the caliph to be on the watch for the fugitive prince, had heard that a young man, answering the description, had entered the province alone, from the frontiers of Egypt, on a steed worn down by travel. He had immediately sent forth horsemen in his pursuit, with orders to bring him to him dead or alive. The emissaries of the Wali had traced him to his resting-place, and demanded of the Arabs whether a young man, a stranger from Syria, did not sojourn among their tribe. The Bedouins knew by the description that the stranger must be their guest, and feared some evil was intended him. 'Such a youth,' said they, has indeed sojourned among us; but he has gone, with some of our young men, to a distant valley, to hunt the lion.' The emissaries inquired the way to the place, and hastened on to surprise their expected prey.

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The Bedouins repaired to Abderahman, who was still sleeping. If thou hast aught to fear from man in power,' said they, 'arise and fly; for the horsemen of the Wali are in quest of thee! We have sent them off for a time on a wrong errand, but they will soon return.' 'Alas! whither shall I fly!' cried the unhappy prince; 'my enemies hunt me like the ostrich of the desert. They follow me like the wind, and allow me neither safety nor repose !'

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Six of the bravest youths of the tribe stepped forward. We have steeds,' said they, that can outstrip the wind, and hands that can hurl the javelin. We will accompany thee in thy flight, and will fight by thy side while life lasts, and we have weapons to wield.'

Abderahman embraced them with tears of gratitude. They mounted their steeds, and made for the most lonely parts of the desert. By the faint light of the stars, they passed through dreary wastes, and over hills of sand. The lion roared, and the hyæna howled unheeded, for they fled from man, more cruel and relentless, when in pursuit of blood, than the savage beasts of the desert.

At sun-rise, they paused to refresh themselves beside a scanty well, surrounded by a few palm trees. One of the young Arabs climbed a tree, and looked in every direction, but not a horseman was to be


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'We have outstripped pursuit,' said the Bedouins; whither shall we conduct thee? Where is thy home, and the land of thy people?' Home have I none!' replied Abderahman, mournfully, nor family, nor kindred! My native land is to me a land of destruction, and my people seek my life!'

The hearts of the youthful Bedouins wère touched with compassion at these words, and they marvelled that one so young and gentle should have suffered such great sorrow and persecution.

Abderahman sat by the well, and mused for a time. At length, breaking silence, 'In the midst of Mauritania,' said he, 'dwells the tribe of Zeneta. My mother was of that tribe; and perhaps when her son presents himself, a persecuted wanderer, at their door, they will not turn him from the threshold.'

'The Zenetes,' replied the Bedouins, are among the bravest and most hospitable of the people of Africa. Never did the unfortunate seek refuge among them in vain, nor was the stranger repulsed from their door.' So they mounted their steeds, with renewed spirits, and journeyed with all speed to Tahart, the capital of the Zenetes.

When Abderahman entered the place, followed by his six rustic Arabs, all way-worn and travel-stained, his noble and majestic demeanor shone through the simple garb of a Bedouin. A crowd gathered around him, as he alighted from his weary steed. Confiding in the well-known character of the tribe, he no longer attempted concealment.

You behold before you,' said he, one of the proscribed house of Omeya. I am that Abderahman, upon whose head a price has been set, and who has been driven from land to land. I come to you as my kindred. My mother was of your tribe, and she told me with her dying breath, that in all time of need I would find a home and friends among the Zenetes.'

The words of Abderahman went straight to the hearts of his hearers. They pitied his youth and his great misfortunes, while they were charmed by his frankness, and by the manly graces of his person. The tribe was of a bold and generous spirit, and not to be awed by the frown of power. Evil be upon us and upon our children,' said they, if we deceive the trust thou hast placed in us!'

Then one of the noblest Xeques took Abderahman to his house, and treated him as his own child; and the principal people of the tribe strove who most should cherish him, and do him honor; endeavoring to obliterate by their kindness the recollection of his past misfortunes.

Abderahman had resided some time among the hospitable Zenetes, when one day two strangers, of venerable appearance, attended by a small retinue, arrived at Tahart. They gave themselves out as merchants, and from the simple style in which they travelled, excited no attention. In a little while they sought out Abderahman, and, taking him apart Hearken,' said they, Abderahman, of the royal line of Omeya; we are ambassadors, sent on the part of the principal Moslems of Spain, to offer thee, not merely an asylum, for that thou hast already among these brave Zenetes, but an empire! Spain is a prey to distracting factions, and can no longer exist as a dependance upon a throne too remote to watch over its welfare. It needs to be independent of Asia and Africa, and to be under the government of a good prince, who shall reside within it, and devote himself entirely to its prosperity; a prince with sufficient title to silence all rival claims, and bring the warring parties into unity and peace; and at the same time with sufficient ability and virtue to insure the welfare of his dominions. For this purpose, the eyes of all the honorable leaders in Spain have been turned to thee, as a descendant of the royal line of Omeya, and an offset from the same stock as our holy prophet. They have heard of thy virtues, and of thy admirable constancy under misfortunes; and invite thee to accept the sovereignty of one of the noblest countries in the world. Thou wilt have some difficulties to encounter from hostile men; but thou wilt have on thy

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