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Bird that shunn'st the noise of | Bond, 't is not in the, 38.

folly, 124.

Birth is but a sleep, 238.
Biscuit, the remainder, 310.
Bitterness of things, 238.
Black spirits and white, 49.

to red began to turn, 133.
Blackberries, if reasons were as
plenty as, 55.
Blackbird to whistle, 130.
Bladder, blows a man up like a, 55.
Blessed, more, to give, 20.
Blessings wait on virtuous deeds,


[blocks in formation]

in my, 40.

her pure and eloquent, 97.
felt in the, 233.
of the martyrs, 306.
Blot, which dying he could wish
to, 191.

Blow, might be the be-all, 45.

-, every hand that dealt the,

themselves must strike the,

Blunder, frae mony a, 222.

worse than a crime, 309.
Blush of maiden shame, 284.
Boast, the patriot's, 201.
Boatman, take thrice thy fee, 291.
Boats, little, should keep near
shore, 298.

Body, absent in, 21.

form doth take, 96.
would almost say

thought, 97.

Bond, nominated in the, 38.


Bondman, who would be a, 67.
Bondsmen hereditary, 260.
Bone and Skin, two millers thin,

[blocks in formation]

cannot always please, 220.
quit your, 236.
which are no, 248.

-, some to be tasted, 296.
Bores and bored, 270.
Born, better to be lowly, 62.
Borrower nor lender be, 71.
Bosom, cleanse the stuffed, 51.
's lord sits lightly, 74.
of his Father and his God,

Boston, solid men of, 218.
Botanize upon his mother's grave,

Boughs are daily rifled, 274.
Bounds of modesty, 74.
Bounty, large was his, 197.
Bourbon or Nassau, 147.
Bourne, no traveller returns, 81.
Bow, two strings to his, 135.
Bowl, mingles with my friendly,


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

eternal in the human, 154.
Breastplate, what stronger, 60.
Breath can make them, 202.
, weary of, 274.

Breathes there the man with soul
so dead, 252.

Brethren, pleasant to dwell to-
gether, 6.

Brevity is the soul of wit, 79.
Bribe, too poor for a, 197.
Bridge of Sighs, 261.

Briers, this working-day world is
full of, 39.

Brightest and best of the sons of
the morning, 257.
Bringer of unwelcome news, 57.
Britannia rules the waves, 185.

needs no bulwarks, 250.
Britons never will be slaves, 185.
Brook, noise like a hidden, 242.
Brooks, books in the running, 39.
Brotherhood, monastic, 239.
Brow, when pain and anguish
wring the, 253.
Bruised reed, 10.

Brutus is an honorable man, 67.
Bubbles, the earth hath, 44.
Bucket, as a drop of a, 10.

the old oaken, 259.

Buckets into empty wells, 212.
Bucks had dined, 208.

Bug, snug as a, 298.
Build, he lives to, 181.

Burden, the grasshopper a, 9.
bear his own, 23.

Burning, one fire burns out an-
other's, 72.

Bush, good wine needs no, 42.
the thief doth fear each, 60.
Butterfly upon a wheel, 165.

Cabined, cribbed, confined, 48.
Cæsar, not that I loved, less, 67.
hath wept, 67.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

fit to hold a, 171.
hold, to the sun, 179.
Canon against self-slaughter, 76.
Canopied by the blue sky, 267.
Captain ill, 91.
Captive good, 91.

Carcass is, there will the eagles be,


[blocks in formation]

Caution, cold pausing, 223.
Cave, they enter the darksome, 95.
Caviare to the general, 80.
Caw, what says he, 215.
Celestial, rosy-red, 118.
Chaff, hid in two bushels of, 36.
Chalice, the ingredients of our,
poisoned, 45.

Chamber where the good man
meets his fate, 176.
Chance that oft decides the fate
of monarchs, 184.

to fall below Demosthe-

nes or Cicero, 227.
Chances, most disastrous, 87.
Change, ringing groves of, 279.
Chaos is come again, 88.

reign of, 111.

Charge, Chester, charge, 253.
Chapel, the devil builds a, 146.
Charities that soothe, 241.
Charity shall cover the multitude
of sins, 25.
Charm, no need of a remoter, 233.
Charms strike the sight, 164.
Charmer, t' other dear, away, 170.
Charmers sinner it, 159.
Charybdis, your mother, 37.
Chasteneth, whom the Lord lov-
eth, he, 24.
Chastity, saintly, 122.
Chatham's language, 211.
Chatterton, marvellous boy, 232.
Chaucer, nigh to learned, 109.
Cheated, pleasure of being, 134.
Cheek, feed on her damask, 29.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Child, a naked newborn, 218.
-, airy hopes my, 239.

a simple, that lightly draws
its breath, 228.

is father of the man, 228.
a curious, 240.

a three years, 241.
spoil the, 133.
Childhood, days of my, 248.
Childhood's hour, 255.
Childishness, second, 41.
Children of this world, 18.
of light, 18.


gathering pebbles, 120.
of larger growth, 141.
Rachel weeping for her,

Children's sports satisfy the child,

Chimeras dire, 113.

Chin, some bee had stung, 103.
China fall, 160.

Chinks that time has made, 108.
Chivalry, age of, is gone, 301.
Chord in melancholy, 275.
Christ, for me to live is, 23.
Christmas comes but once a year,

Church, built God a, 213.
Church-going bell, 214.
Church, who builds to God a, 160.
Churchdoor, not so wide as a, 74.
Churchyards yawn, 84.
Cimmerian darkness, 249.
Circle, Shakspeare's magic, 141.
Circumstance allows, the best his,


Cities, far from gay, 168.
City set on an hill, 14.
Civet, good apothecary,
Claims of long descent, 281.
Clapper-clawing, 133.
Clarion, sound the, 255.
Classic ground, 151.
Clay, o'er informed the tenement
of, 139.

of human kind, 141.
blind his soul with, 281.
Cloud out of the sea, 3.

capped towers, 26.

overcome us like a sum-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Come live with me, 93.
Come what come may, 44.
like shadows, 50.

Comforters, miserable, 4.
Coming events, 250.

Commentators, each dark passage
shun, 179.

-, plain, 220.
Commonplace of nature, 232.
Communion sweet, quaff, 117.
with nature, 284.
Companions, I have had, 248.
Comparisons are odorous, 33.
are odious, 97.

Compass, a narrow, 108.
Compulsion, give you a reason
on, 55.

Compute, we partly may, 222.
Concealment, like a worm in the
bud, 29.

Conceals, the maid who mod-
estly, 192.

Conceits, be not wise in your
own, 21.
Conclusion, most lame and impo-
tent, 88.

denoted a foregone, 90.
Concord of sweet sounds, 38.
Confines of daylight and truth,


Confirmations strong, 89.
Conflict, dire was the noise of,

Confusion, worse confounded, 114.

[blocks in formation]

Consideration, like an angel, 58.
Constable, outrun the, 132.
Consummation devoutly to be
wished, 81.

Contemplation he, and valor
formed, 115.

Content, humble livers in, 62.
farewell, 89.

to dwell in decencies, 159.
Contentment, the noblest mind,
has, 95.

Contradiction, woman 's a, 160.
Cord be loosed, 9.

Corn, reap an acre of, 228.
Coronets, kind hearts are more
than, 281.

Corporations, no souls, 307.
Corsair's name, he left a, 266.
Cortez, like stout, 272.
Cot, beside the hill, 277.
Cottage, the soul's dark, 108.
stood beside a, 283.
Couch, drapery of his, 284.
Counsels, perplex and dash ma-
turest, 113.

Counsellors, safety in the multi-
tude of, 6.

[ocr errors]

Country, undiscovered, 81.
God made the, 211.
my bleeding, 248.
Courage, screw your, to the stick-
ing place, 46.


mounteth with occasion,

Course, I have finished my, 24.
of true love never did run
smooth, 34.

of empire, 172.
Courtesy, I am the very pink of,

Counterfeit presentment, 84.
Coward, thou slave, 53.
on instinct, 55.

sneaks to death, 172.
Cowards die many times, 66.
what can ennoble, 157.

Crabtree, and old iron rang, 132.

Crack of doom, 50.
Creation sleeps, 174.
Creator, remember thy, 9.
Creature not too bright, 231.
Creatures, millions of spiritual,

Credulity, ye who listen with, 189.
Crebillon, romances of, 197.
Creed, and suckled in an outworn,

--, sapping a solemn, 261.
Crime, within thee, undivulged,


it was worse than a, 308.
Crimes, the dignity of, 217.
Critics, not trust in, 268.
Critical, nothing if not, 87.
Criticizing elves, 209.
Cross, sparkling, she wore, 163.
last at his, 292.
Crotchets in thy head now, 28.
Crown of glory, 7.

fruitless, upon my head, 47.
-, uneasy lies the head that
wears a, 58.
Cruel as death, 185.
Crumbs, dogs eat of the, 16.
Crutch, shouldered his, 203.
Cry is still they come, 52.

and no wool, 132.
Cunning, let my right hand for-
get her, 6.

Cupid kills with arrows, 32.
is painted blind, 34.
Cups, freshly remembered in their
flowing, 59.

that cheer but not inebri-
ate, 213.
Current of a woman's will, 182.
Curs mouth a bone, 209.
Curses, rigged with, dark, 123.
not loud, but deep, 51.
Custom stale her infinite variety,


more honored in the

breach, 78.
Cut, the most unkindest, 67.

Cycle and epicycle, 118.
Cymbal, tinkling, 22.

Cynosure of neighboring eyes,125.
Cypress and myrtle, 264.
Cynthia of this minute, 159.
Cytherea's breath, 43.

Dacian mother, 262.

Daffodils that come before the
swallow, 43.

Dagger I see before me, 46.
Daggers drawing, 133.
Dale, haunts in, 248.
Dame, our sulky sullen, 221.
Dames, of ancient days, 201.
Damn with faint praise, 165.
Damnation, the deep, of his tak-
ing off, 46.

round the land, 163.
Damned be him, who first cries
hold, enough, 52.

to fame, 167.
Dan to Beersheba, 300.
Dance, when you do, 43.
attendance, 64.
Danger, out of this nettle, 55.
Dangers of the seas, 304.
Daniel come to judgment, 38.
Dare, what man dare, I, 48.
Dark, illumine what is, 110.
Darkly, through a glass, 22.
Darkness visible, 110.

[ocr errors]

the raven down of, 121.
cimmerian, 249.
Darien, silent upon a peak in, 272.
Dart, like the poisoning of
a, 106.
Daughter, still harping on my, 80.
David, Nathan said to, 3.

not only hating, but the
king, 139.

Dawn, exhalations of the, 246.
Day, what a, may bring forth, 8.
sufficient unto the, 15.

-, jocund, stands tiptoe, 74.
as it fell upon a, 94.

[ocr errors]

not to me returns, 114.
brought back my night, 127.
the great, important, 149.
big with the fate of Rome,

her suffering ended with
the, 283.

I've lost a, 175.
Days, though fallen on evil, 117.

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