A NEW AND FULL METHOD OF SETTLING THE CANONICAL AUTHORITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED A VINDICATION OF THE FORMER PART OF ST. MATTHEW'S GOSPEL, FROM MR. WHISTON'S CHARGE OF DISLOCATIONS. IN THREE VOLUMES. BY THE REV. JEREMIAH JONES. VOL. II. OXFORD: AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. MDCCXCVIII. Clar. Press 1b.109. A METHOD FOR SETTLING THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. PART III. t 'CH A P. I. The Letter of Abgarus to Chrift, with Chrift's Anfwer to Abgarus in Greek and English. The Accounts of the Antients, viz. Eufebius, Ephraem Syrus, &c. relating to them. The Sentiments of modern Writers concerning them. They have been rejected by most, but efteemed as genuine by several learned Men in England. Numb. I. The EPISTLE of JESUS CHRIST to TH HAT there were formerly several writings afcribed to our Saviour, as well as his Apoftles, I have obferved in the preceding volume (viz. Part II. Ch. XIV, XV.) Those are all loft, but were undoubtedly fpurious and fuppoVOL. II. B fititious |