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persons, entitled to the relief contemplated by said act,
were not able to prove their claims on account of their Preamble.
absence from this State, either as soldiers in the United
States service, or as refugees; and that in other in-
stances no sufficient evidence could be introduced, on
account of the limited time in which said commission-
ers had to perform their labors under said act; and/

Whereas, Said act does not contain any sufficient provisions, whereby any errors committed by said commissioners in auditing and determining the claims, can be properly reviewed and corrected; whereby many persons, without their fault, have been deprived of the benefit contemplated by said act: Now therefore be it

Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota :


lief to the suffer


That our Senators in Congress be instructed and our Representatives be requested to use their best endeavors to secure the passage of an act of Congress for the additional reappointment of other commissioners, with full power from the Stoux to hear and to determine all such claims which might radian war. have been presented to and decided by the first mentioned commissioners; and also to review, hear additional testimony and make new decisions in all such claims, which having been decided by the first mentioned commissioners, may be brought before them by the aggrieved parties by way of appeal.

Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to cach of our Senators and Representatives in Congress.

Approved January 27, 1865.

February 28, 1865.



Joint Resolution instructing our Senators and Representatives to use their efforts for the passage of a law granting a bounty to certain members of the Second Minnesota Cavalry.

Whereas, The Second Minnesota Cavalry was organized as a regiment for three years service, on or about the fifth day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and all the companies of said regiment were mustered into the service of the United States, on or between the twenty-fourth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the fifth day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, except company A, which was mustered on the fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-three;

And whereas, By a decision of the Provost Marshal General, dated March nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, only one hundred dollars bounty is allowed to raw recruits, who enlisted in new organizations, prior to December twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, except in the case of eleven newly organized regiments called into the service of the United States, in the State of Indiana, on the fourteenth day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-three;

And whereas, A large majority of each company of said Second Cavalry were raw recruits, a portion of whom enlisted prior to December twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and are allowed only one hundred dollars bounty, and the other portion enlisted on or subsequent to the said twenty-fourth day of December, and are allowed three hundred dollars bounty;

And whereas, This discrimination in favor of those who volunteered last, is looked upon by the others, who were mustered at the same time, as unjust, and creates much dissatisfaction in the command;

And whereas, The Governor of Minnesota, in his

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proclamation of November twenty-one, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, calling for recruits for said regiment induced them to believe that the Government would pay them a bounty of three hundred dollars, according to the precedent established in the State of Indiana, and did in said proclamation promise that the State authorities would endeavor to have such amount paid. Therefore,

Beitresolved by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

a law granting a

That our Senators and Representatives in Congress be and they are hereby requested to use their utmost For the passage of endeavors to procure by special act of Congress, or bounty to certain such other proper means as they shall deem advisable, members of the an increase of two hundred dollars to the bounty of such of the members of said regiment as are only allowed one hundred dollars.

Approved February 28, 1865.

Second Minnesota Cavalry.


A Joint Resolution relating to the salary of the Warden February 28, 1885. of the State Prison.

Whereas, By an act of the Legislature passed in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, the salary of the Warden of the State Prison, was raised from the sum Preamble. of eight hundred dollars to the sum of nine hundred

dollars per annum,

And whereas, By an error made in enrolling the bill the sum of eight hundred dollars only was inserted in said enrolled bill; therefore,

Relating to the

Beitresolved by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

That the State Auditor is hereby authorized to draw salary of the War- an order on the Treasurer, in favor of said Warden, for the additional sum of one hundred dollars.

den of the State


Approved February 28, 1865.


Saint Paul, March 15, 1865.

I hereby certify that the foregoing Laws and Resolutions have been carefully compared with the originals on file in this office, and that the same are true and correct copies thereof.

D. BLAKELY, Secretary of State.



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St. Paul, Dec. 1st, 1864.

To his Excellency Stephen Miller:

In accordance with the requirements of the act of Treasurer's Report. March 7th, 1861, I have the honor to submit to you

the following Report of the transactions of this office,

for the fiscal year ending November 30th, 1864:

The Receipts are as follows:

For credit of State Revenue Property,

[blocks in formation]

$96,283 75

36,464 93

7,714 13

119,988 77


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54,035 56

119,325 53

$196,482 53

The Total Disbursements, for detail of which you are referred to statement "B," and statement of the account of the various funds, amount to

- $402,952 15

Leaving balance in Treasury, December 1, 1864, of

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$93,530 38

$1,154 90

35,640 66

40,506 38

12,979 35


78 08

Board of Auditors Fund,

1,560 72

Refugee Fund,

1,610 29

$93,530 38


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