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ing from the different nature of the colours with which the bulbs were painted; and the refult was not decifive.

whose ball was painted black, was conftantly higher than the other whenever they were expofed to the ftrong day-light. The difference was commonly about one 3d of a degree, but fometimes it amounted to three 4ths, or even to a whole degree; and the experiment answered even when the fun was hid by clouds, which feems to indicate that every degree of light is accompanied with a correfponding one of heat. By this confideration Mr Cavallo was induced to try whether, by directing the concentrated light of the moon upon the blackened bulb of a thermometer, it would be raised higher than a clean one standing in the fame. The experiment was feveral times tried with a large lens, and afterwards with a burning mirror of 18 inches diameter; yet fometimes, for want of proper means of obferving the height of the mercury in the tubes of the thermometers, fometimes for want of a continued clear light of the moon, or, in fhort, from fome unfavourable circumftance or other, he was never able to make a fair and decifive trial of this experiment. Upon trying the heat of a lamp, he found that it alfo had a confiderable effect. The ball of one being blackened, and both fet at two inches diftance from the flame of a lamp, they both rofe from 58 to 65 deg. and the thermometer which was blackened to 67. Another time the uncoloured thermometer rose to 67, and the coloured one to 683. From a number of trials it at laft appeared, that the difference at this diftance from the lamp amounted generally to about a degree. When the thermometers were removed farther than two inches from the lamp, the difference decreafed; and at the diftance of about 14 or 15 inches it vanifhed entirely. On this occafion Mr Cavallo had an opportunity of making a curious obfervation concerning the decrease of heat at different diftances from the centre. "It is mathematically true, that emanations which proceed from a centre, and expand in a fphere, muft become more and more rare in proportion to the fquares of the distances from the centre. Thus it is faid, that the intensity of light proceeding from a luminous body, at the double, treble, quadruple, &c. diftance from that body, must be refpectively 4, 9, 16 times, &c. lefs denfe. The fame thing may be faid of heat; but with refpect to the latter, it appeared, that its intenfity did not decrease exactly in the duplicate proportion of the distances from the flame of the lamp, but fhowed a very odd irregularity. It feemed to decrease fafter than the duplicate proportion of the diftances for the space of 2 or 3 inches, after which it decreased much flower; but whether this proceeded from fome different ftate of the air's purity at different distances from the flame of the lamp, or from the vapours coming from the flame, I cannot take upon me to determine." Mr Cavallo next made fome experiments upon thermometers, the balls of which were painted of various colours. His view was to examine with precision the degrees of heat imbibed by differently coloured fubtances, to determine whether they kept any proportion to the fpaces occupied by the prifmatic colours in the prifmatic spectrum, or if they followed any other law: But in thefe experiments he met with confiderable difficulties, chiefly arif

(6.) HEAT, EXPERIMENTS RESPECTING THE DEGREES OF, WHICH ANIMALS CAN BEAR. The ancients were of opinion, that all countries lying within the tropics were uninhabitable by reafon of their heat: but time has difcovered their mistake; and it is now found, that no part of the world is too hot for mankind to live in. The learned Dr Boerhaave, in his chemistry, relates certain expe riments made with great accuracy by the celebrated Fahrenheit, and others at his defire, on this fubject, in a sugar-baker's office; where the heat, at the time of making the experiments, was up to 146 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer. A fparrow fubjected to air thus heated died, after breathing very laboriously, in lefs than 7 minutes. A cat refifted this great heat fomewhat above a quarter of an hour; and a dog about 28 minutes, difcharging before his death a confiderable quantity of a ruddy-coloured foam, and exhaling a ftench, fo peculiarly offenfive, as to throw one of the affiftants into a fainting fit. This diffolution of the humours, or great change from a natural ftate, the profeffor attributes not to the heat of the ftove alone, which would not have produced any fuch effect on the flesh of a dead animal; but also, to the vital motion, by which a ftill greater degree of heat, he fuppofes, was produced in the fluids circulating through the lungs, in confequence of which the oils, falts, and fpirits of the animal became fo highly exalted. Meffieurs Du Hamel and Tillet having been fent into the province of Augomois, in 1760 and 1761, with a view to destroy an infect which confumed the grain of that pro❤ vince, effected the fame in the manner related in the Memoirs for 1761, by expofing the affected corn, with the infects included in it, in an oven, where the heat was fufficient to kill them without injuring the grain. This operation was performed at Rochefoucault, in a large public oven, where, for economical views, their first step was to affure themselves of the heat remaining in it on the day after bread had been baked in it. This they did, by conveying in a thermometer on the end of a fhovel, which, on its being withdrawn, indicated a degree of heat confiderably above that of boiling water: but M. Tillet, convinced that the thermometer had fallen feveral degrees in drawing to the mouth of the oven, and appearing under fome embarrafiment on that head, a girl, one of the attendants on the oven, offered to enter, and mark with a pencil the height at which the thermometer ftood within the oven. M. Tillet appearing to hefitate at this ftrange propofition, the girl failed, and entering the oven, marked the thermometer with a pencil, after staying two or three minutes, ftanding at 100° of Reaumur's scale, or at near 260° of Fahrenheit's. M. Tillet began to exprefs an anxiety for the welfare of his female affiftant, and to prefs her return. This female falamander, however, affuring him that the felt no inconvenience from her fituation, remained there 10 minutes longer; that is, near the time when Boerhaave's cat parted with her nine lives, under a much lefs degree of heat; when, the thermometer ftanding at 288°, or 76° above that of boiling

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water, fhe came out of the oven, her complexion indeed confiderably heightened, but her refpiration by no means quick or laborious. After M. Tillet's return to Paris, these experiments were repeated by Monf. Marantin, commiffary of war at Rochefoucault, an intelligent and accurate obferver, on a 2d girl belonging to the oven, who reimained in it, without much inconvenience, under the fame degree of heat, as long as her predécef, for; and even breathed in air heated to about 325° for five minutes. M. Tillet endeavoured to clear up the apparent contrariety between these experiments and those made under the direction of Boerhaave, by fubjecting various animals, under different circumftances, to great degrees of heat. From his experiments, in fome of which the animals were swaddled with clothes, and were there. by enabled to refift for a much longer time the effects of the extraordinary heat, he infers, that the heat of the air received into the langs was not, as was fuppofed by Boerhaave, the only or principal caufe of the anxiety, laborious breathing, and death of the animals on whom his experiments were made; but that the hot air, which had free and immediate accefs to every part of the furface of their bodies, penetrated the substance on all fides, and brought on a fever, from whence proceeded all the fymptoms: on the contrary, the girls at Rochefoucault, having their bodies in great measure protected from this action by their clothes, were enabled to breathe the air, thus violently heated, for a long time without great inconvenience. The bulk of their bodies appears alfo to have contributed not a little to their fecurity. In common refpiration, the blood, in its paffage through the lungs, is cooled by being brought into contact with the external air infpired: In thefe experiments, on the contrary, the vehicles and veffels of the lungs, receiving at each infpiration an air heated to 300°, muft have been continually cooled and refreshed, as well as the fubcutaneous veffels, by the fucceffive arrival of the whole mafs of blood contained in the interior parts of the body, whofe heat might be fuppofed, at the beginning of the experiment, not to exceed 100°. Not to mention, that M. Tillet's two girls may not poffibly have been fubjected to fo great a degree of heat as that indicated by the thermometer; which appears to have always remained on the fhovel, in contact with the earth. Thefe experiments foon excited other philofophers to make fimilar ones, of which fome very remarkable ones are thofe of Dr Dobfon at Liverpool, related in the Philof. Tranf. vol. lxv. "I. The fweating room of our public hofpital at Liverpool, which is nearly a cube of nine feet, lighted from the top, was heated till the quickfilver food at 224° on Fahrenheit's fcale, nor would the tube of the thermometer indeed ad-, mit the heat to be raised higher. The thermometer was fufpended,by a ftring fixed to the wooden frame of the fky-light, and hung down about the centre of the rooth. Myfelf and feveral others were at this time inclofed in the ftove, without experiencing any oppreffive or painful fenfation of heat proportioned to the degree pointed out by the thermometer. Every metallic article about us foon became very hot. My friend Mr Park, an ingenious furgeon of this place, went into the ftove

heated to 202°. After ten minutes, I found the pulfe quickened to 120. And to determine the increafe of the animal heat, another thermometer was handed to bim, in which the quickfilver already ftood at 98°; but it rofe only to 994, whether the bulb of the thermometer was inclosed in the palms of the hands or received in the mouth. The natural ftate of this gentleman's pulfe is about 65. III. Another gentleman went through the fame experiment in the fame circumftances, and with the fame effects. IV. One of the por ters to the hospital, a healthy young man, his pulse 75, was inclosed in the ftove when the quickfilver ftood at 210; and he remained there, with little inconvenience, for 20 minutes. The pulfe, now 164, and the animal heat, determined by another thermometer, as in the former experiments, was 1014. V. A young gentleman of a delicate and irritable habit, whofe natural pulse is about 80, remained in the ftove ten minutes when heated to 224. The pulse rose to 145, and the animal heat to 102°. This gentleman, who had been frequently in the ftove during the course of the day, found himself feeble, and disposed to break out into fweats for 24 hours after the experiment." Even these experiments do not show the utmost degrees of heat which the human body is capable of enduring. Some others, ftill more remarkable (as in them the body was exposed to the heat without clothes), by Drs Fordyce and Blagden, are alfo recorded in the Philof. Trans. They were made in rooms heated by fiues in the floor, and by pouring upon it boiling water. There was no chimney in them, nor any vent for the air, excepting through crevices at the door. In the first room were placed 3 thermometers, one in the hotteft part of it, another in the cooleft part, and a 3d on a table, to be used occafionally in the course of the experiment. Of these experiments, the two following may be taken as a fpecimen. "About 3 hours after breakfast, Dr Fordyce having taken off all his clothes, except his fhirt, and being turnished with wooden fhces tied on with lift, went into one of the rooms, where he ftaid 5 minutes in a heat of 90°, and began to fweat gently. He then entered another room, and ftood in a part of it heated to 110. In about half a minute his shirt became fo wet that he was obliged to throw it alide, and then the water poured down in ftreams over his whole body. Having remained in this heat for ten minutes, he removed to a part of the room heated to 120°; and after flaying there 20 min. found that the thermometer placed under his tongue, and held in his hand, stood just at 100°, and that his urine was of the fame temperaturę. His pulfe had gradually rifen to 145 pulfations in a minute. The external circulation was greatly increated, the veins had become very large, and an univerfal redness had diffused itself all over the body, attended with a strong feeling of heat; his respiration, however, was little affected. He con cluded this experiment by plunging in water heat. ed to 100°; and after being wiped dry, was carried home in a chair; but the circulation did not fubfide for two hours. Dr Blagden took off his coat, waistcoat, and shirt, and went into one of the rooms, as foon as the thermometer had indicated a degree of heat above that of boiling water.


The first impreffion of this hot air upon his body was exceedingly disagreeable, but in a few minutes all his uneafinefs was removed by the breaking out of a fweat. At the end of 12 minutes he left the room very much fatigued, but no otherwise difordered. His pulfe beat 136 in a minute, and the thermometer had risen to 220°. In other experiments it was found, that a heat even of 260° of Fahrenheit could be submitted to with tolerable ease. But it must be observed, that inthefe great heats every piece of metal they carried about with them became intolerably hot. Small quantities of water placed in metalline veffels quickly boiled; but in a common earthen veffel it required an hour and an half to arrive at a temperature of 140°, nor could it ever be brought near the boiling point. Neither durft the people, who with impunity breathed the air of this very hot room at 264°, bear to put their fingers into the boiling water, which indicated only a heat of 212°. So far from this, they could not bear the touch of quickfilver heated only to 120°, and could but just bear spirit of wine at 130°.


(8.) HEAT, INTERNAL, OF THE EARTH. That there is a very confiderable degree of heat always felt in digging to great depths in the earth, is a greed upon by all naturalifts: but the quantity of this beat hath feldom been measured in any part; nor is it known, whether in digging to an equal depth in different parts of the earth, the heat is found always the fame. In digging mines, wells, &c. they find that at a little depth below the furface it is cold. A little lower it is colder ftill, as being beyond any immediate influence of the fun's rays; infomuch that water will freeze almost at any feafon of the year: but when we go to the depth of 40 or 30 feet, it begins to grow warm, fo that no ice can bear it; and then the deeper we go, ftill the greater the heat, until at last refpiration grows difficult, and the candles go out. This heat of the earth has been variously explained. Some fuppofe an immenfe body of fire lod. ged in the centre of the earth, which they confider as a central fun, and the great principle of the generation, vegetation, nutrition, &c. of foffile and vegetable bodies. But Mr Boyle, who had been at the bottom of fome mines himself, fufpects that this degree of heat, at leaft in fome of them, may arise from the peculiar nature of the minerals generated therein. In proof of this, he inftances a mineral of a vitriolic kind, dug up in large quantities in many parts of England, which by the bare affufion of common water will grow fo hot, that it will almoft take fire.-Thefe hypothefes are liable to the following objections: 1. If, there is within the earth a body of actual fire, it feems difficult to fhow why that fire fhould not confume the outer fhell of earth, till either the earth was totally destroyed, or the fire extinguifhed. 2. If the internal heat of the earth is owing to the action of water upon mineral fubftances that action through time must have ceafed, and the heat have totally vanished; but we have po reafon to think that the heat of the earth is

any thing lefs now than it was 1000 years ago. The phenomenon is eafily explained by the propofitions above laid down. (§ 2, 3.) If heat is nothing else than a certain mode of action in the ethereal fluid, or the matter of light, by which it flows out from a body in all directions, as radii drawn from the centre to the circumference of a circle; it will then follow, that if an opaque body abforbs any confiderable quantity of light, it must neceffarily grow hot. The reafon is plain. The body can hold no more than a certain quantity of ethereal matter; if more is continually forcing itself in, that which has already entered must go out. But it cannot eafily get out, because it is hindered by the particles of the body among which it is detained. It makes an effort therefore in all directions to separate thefe particles from each other; and hence the body expands, and the effort of the fluid to efcape is felt when we put our bands on the body, which we then fay is hot. Now, as the earth is perpetually absorbing the ethereal matter, which comes from the fun in an immense stream, and which we call his light, it is plain, that every pore of it must have been filled with this matter long ago. The quantity that is lodged in the earth, therefore, must be continually endeavouring to separate its particles from each other, and confequently muft make it hot. The atmosphere, which is perpetually receiving that portion of the ethereal matter which iffues from the earth, counteracts the force of the internal heat, and cools the external surface of the earth, and for a confiderable way down; and hence the earth for 20 or 30 feet down, shows none of that heat which is felt at greater depths.



(10.) HEAT, NOXIOUS EFFECTS OF IMMODERATE. Great heats are rather the remote, than the immediate caufe of epidemical diseases, by relaxing the fibres, and difpofing the juices to putrefaction, efpecially among foldiers and perfons expofed the whole day to the fun; for the greateft heats are feldom found to produce epidemic diseases, till the perfpiration is ftopped by wet clothes, fogs, dews, damps, &c. and then fome bilious or putrid dif temper is the certain confequence, as fluxes and ardent intermitting fevers. Sometimes, however, heats have been fo great as to prove the more immediate caufe of particular disorders; as when centinels have been placed without cover or frequent reliefs in feorching heats; or when troops march or are exercifed in the heat of the day; or when people imprudently lie down and fleep in the fun. All these circumstances are apt to bring on diftempers, varying according to the season of the year. In the beginning of fummer, they produce inflammatory fevers; and in autumn, remitting fevers or dyfenteries. To prevent, therefore, the effects of immoderate heats, commanders have found it expedient fo to order the marches, that the men come to their ground before the heat of the day; and to give strict orders, that none of them fleep out of their tents, which, in fixed encampments, may be covered with boughs to fhade them from the fun. It is likewife a rule of great importance to have the foldiers exercised before the cool of the morning is over; as thus not only the fultry heats


are avoided, but the blood being cooled, and the fibres braced, the body will be better prepared to bear the heat of the day. Laftly, in very hot weather, it has often been found proper to fhorten the centinel's duty, when obliged to ftand in the fun.

(11.) HEAT OF ANIMALS. Of the natural heat of animals, there are various degrees; fome preferving a heat of 100° or more in all the different temperatures of the atmosphere; others keeping only a few degrees warmer than the medium which furrounds them; and in fome of the more imperfect animals, the heat is fcarcely one degree above that of the air or water in which they live. The phenomenon of animal heat has, from the earlieft ages, been the fubject of philofophical difcuffion; and like most other fubjects of this nature, its caufe is not yet afcertained. "The ancients (fays Dr Duguid Lellie,) poffeffed not the requisites for minutely inveftigating the fcience of nature; and, prone to fuperftition, attributed every phe. nomenon which eluded their investigation, to the influence of a fupernatural power. Hippocrates, the father and founder of medicine, accounted animal heat a mystery, and beftow. ed on it many attributes of the Deity. In treating of the fubject, he says, in exprefs terms, 'what we call heat appears to me to be fomething immortal, which understands, fees, hears, and knows every thing prefent and to come.' A riftotle feems to have confidered it particularly, but nothing is to be met with in his works that can be faid to throw light upon it. Galen tells us that the difpute between the philofophers and phyficians of his time was, whether animal heat depended on the motion of the heart and arteries? or whether, as the motion of the heart and arteries was innate, the heat was not alfo innate? Both thefe opinions, however, he rejects; and attempts a folution of the queftion on his favourite fyftem, namely, the peripatetic philofophy; but his leading principles being erroneous, his deductions are of courte inadmiffible." The heat of the human body in its natural fate, according to Dr Boerhaave, is such as to raise the mercury in the thermometer to 92°, or at moft to 94°; and Dr Pitcairn makes the heat of the human skin the fame. Indeed it is evident that different parts of the human body, and its different ftates, as well as the different feafons, will make it thow of different temperatures. Thus, by various experiments at different times, the heat of the human body is varioully eftimated by the following authors: Boerhaave and Pitcairn, 92°; Amontons, 91, 92, or 93; Sir Ifaac Newton, 95, Fahrenheit and Mufchenbroek; the blood, 96; Dr Martine, the skin, 97 or 98; the urine, 99; Dr Hales, the skin, 97; the urine, 103; Mr John Hunter, his tongue, 97; in his rectum, 984; his urethra at inch, 92; at 2 inches, 93; at 4 inches 94; the ball of the thermometer at the bulb of the urethra, 97.

(12.) HEAT OF ANIMALS, HYPOTHESES RESPECTING THE CAUSE OF THE. There is hardly any fubject of philofophical inveftiga tion that has afforded a greater variety of hy pothefes, conjectures, and experiments, than the cause of animal heat. The first opinion, which

has very generally obtained, is, that the heat of animal bodies is owing to the attrition between the arteries and the blood. All the obfervations and reasoning brought in favour of this opinion, however, only fhow, that the heat and the motion of the arteries are generally proportional to each other; without fhewing which is the cause, and which the effect; or indeed that either is the cause or effect of the other, fince both may be the effects of some other cause. Dr Douglas, in his EfJay on the Generation of Heat in Animals, afcribes it folely to the friction of the globules, of blood in their circulation through the capillary veffels. Another opinion is, that the lungs are the fountain of heat in the human body; and this opinion is fupported by much the fame fort of arguments as the former, and feemingly to little better purpose. A 3d opinion is, that the caufe of animal heat is owing to the action of the folid parts upon one another. And as the heart and arteries move most, it has been thought natural to expect that the heat fhould be owing to this motion. But even this does not feem very plautible, from the following confiderations: 1ft, The moving parts, however we term them folid, are neither hard nor dry; which two conditions are abfolutely requifite to make them fit to generate heat by attrition. 2d, None of their motions are fwift enough to promife heat in this way. 3d, They have but a little change of furface in their attritions. And, 4thly, The moveable fibres have fat, mucilage, or liquors, every way furrounding them, to prevent their being destroyed, or heated by attrition. A 4th caufe affigned for the heat of our bodies, is that procefs by which our aliment and fluids are perpetually undergoing fome alteration. And this opinion is chiefly fupported by Dr Stevenson, in the Edinburgh Medical Effuys, vol. 5, art. 77. The late ingenions Dr Frankun inclines to this opinion, when he fays, that the fluid fire, as well as the fluid air, is attracted by plants in their growth, and becomes confolidated with the other materials of which they are formed, and makes a great part of their fubitance; that when they come to be digested, and to undergo a kind of fermentation in the vellels, part of the fire, as well as part of the air, recovers its fluid active state again, and diffufes itfelf on the body, digefting and separating it, &c. Exper. and Obf. on Electr. p. 346. Dr Mortimer thinks the heat of animals explicable from the phofphorus and air they contain. Phosphorus exifts, at leaft in a dormant ftate, in quimal fluids and it is also known that they all contain air: it is therefore only neceflary to bring the phosphoreal and aerial particles into contact, and heat muit be generated; and were it not for the quantity of aqueous humours in animals, fatal accenfions would frequently happen. See Philof. Tranf. N° 476. Dr Black fuppofes, that animal heat is generated altogether in the lungs, by the action of the air on the principle of inflamma bility, and is thence diffufed over the reft of the body by means of the circulation. But Dr Leflie urges feveral arguments againft this hypothefis, tending to thow that it is repugnant to the known laws of the animal machine; and he advances another hypothefis, viz. that the pilogifton which enters into the compofition of natural bodies is,


change of form produced in the different fubftan. ces which are mixed together; and the manner in which it happens may be easily understood from the example of oil of vitroil and water. If equal quantities of concentrated vitriolic acid and water are mixed together, a very great degree of heat immediately takes place; infomuch, that if the vessel which contains the mixture is made of glass, it will probably break; and after it is cold, the mixture will be found to have fhrunk in its dimensions, or will occupy lefs space than the bulk of the water and acid taken separately. The reafon is, that the water in its fluid ftate has as much latent heat as it can contain; i. e. the elementary fire within it expands or feparates its parts from each other, as much as is confiftent with the conftitution of the body. If any more is added, it cannot be absorbed, or direct its force upon the particles of the water, without raifing them itt vapour, and the rest will be discharged upon the neighbouring bodies, i. e. will be converted into fenfible heat. The vitriolic acid, in its concentrated state, contains a quantity of latent heat, which is neceffary to preferve its fluidity. But when it is mixed with the fluid water, the latent heat contained in the latter is abundantly fufficient for both: of confequence, the great expansive pówer in the oil of vitriol itself becomes now totally ufelefs, and therefore exerts its force upon the neighbouring bodies; and when the mixture returns to the original temperature of the oil of vitriol and water, it shows a lofs of fubftance by its diminution in bulk. This will explain all cafes in chemistry where heat or cold is produced: and it will generally be found, that where bodies, by being mixed together, produce heat, they shrink in their dimenfions; but when they produce cold, they are enlarged. See CHEMISTRY, Index.

in confequence of the action of the vascular system, gradually evolved through every part of the animal machine, and that during this evolution heat is generated. This opinion, he candidly acknow ledges, was first delivered by Dr Duncan of Edin burgh; and that fomething fimilar to it is to be found in Dr Franklin's works, and in a paper of Dr Mortimer's in the Philof. Tranf. The laft hypothefis we shall mention, is that of Dr Crawford, in his Experiments and Obfervations on Animal Heat. This ingenious gentleman has inter red, from a variety of experiments, that heat and phlogifton, fo far from being connected, as most philofophers have imagined, act in fome meafare in oppofition to each other. By the action of heat on bodies, the force of their attraction of phlogif ton is diminished, and by the action of phlogifton, a part of their abfolute heat is expelled. He has alfo demonftrated, that atmospherical air contains a greater quantity of abfolute heat than the air which is expired from the lungs of animals: he makes the proportion of the absolute heat of atmospherical air, to that of fixed air, as 67 to I; and the heat of dephlogisticated air, to that of atmospherical air, as 4'6 to 1; and obferving that Dr Pricftley has proved, that the power of this dephlogifticated air in fupporting animal life is 5 times as great as that of atmospherical air, he concludes that the quantity of abfolute heat, contained in any kind of air fit for refpiration, is very nearly in proportion to its purity, or to its power of fupporting animal life; and fince the air exhaled by respiration is found to contain only the 67th part of the heat which was contained in the atmospherical air, previous to infpiration, it is reasonably inferred, that the latter muft neceflarily depofit a very great proportion of its abfolute heat in the lungs. Dr. Crawford has also fhown, that the blood which paffes from the lungs to the heart by the pulmonary vein, contains more abfolute heat than that which paffes from the heart to the lungs by the pulmonary artery; the abfo lute heat of florid arterial blood being to that of (16.) HEAT OF THE ATMOSPHERE. venous blood as 11 to 10 therefore, fince the cury feldom falls under 16° in Fahrenheit's therblood which is returned by the pulmonary vein to mometer; but we are apt to reckon it very cold the heart, has the quantity of its abfolute heat in- at 24°, and it continues cold to 40°, and a little creased, it must have acquired this heat in its paf- above. However, fuch colds have been often. fage through the lungs; fo that in the procefs of known as bring it down to o°, the beginning of refpiration. a quantity of abfolute heat is feparated the fcale, or nearly the cold produced by a mixfrom the air, and abforbed by the blood. Dr ture of fnow and falt, often near it, and in some Priestley has also proved, that in refpiration places below it. Thus, the degree of the thermophlogiston is feparated from the blood, and com- meter has been obferved at various times and plabined with air. This theory, however, has been ces as follows: contefted and difputed, particularly by M. Theo- Places. bald Vacca Berlinghieri; and Dr Crawford's ex- Pennfylvania periments have been repeated with contrary re- Paris fults, though no regular and fyftematical theory Leyden has been formed in its ftead. Indeed thefe theo- Utrecht ries of Dr Leflie, and all others founded upon the London doctrine of phlogiston, muft prove fallacious; the Copenhagen non-existence of that principle being now fatif Upfal factorily proved by the latest discoveries in che. Petersburg mistry. See CHEMISTRY, Index; and PHLOGIS- Torneo Hudson's Bay The middle temperature of our atmosphere is about 48°, being nearly a medium of all the feasons. The French make it fomewhat higher, reckoning it equal to the cave of their national observatory, or



(14.) HEAT OF CHEMICAL MIXTURES. This is a phenomenon neceffarily refulting from the

(15.) HEAT OF SPRINGS. The mean heat of fprings, near Edinburgh, is estimated at 47°, and of thofe near London, at 51°. Philofoph. Tranf. vol. 65. art. 44. See SPRINGS, N° 8.

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52 10

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