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Meetings of

Extraordinary meetings of Convocation


Place of meeting.

Notice of meetings.

Chairman of

Absence of chairman.

matter whatsoever relating to the University, and of declaring the opinion of Convocation in any such matter; the power of taking into consideration all questions affecting the well-being and prosperity of the University, and to make representations from time to time on such questions to the Senate of the said University, who shall consider the same, and return to Convocation their conclusions thereon; the power of deciding upon the recognition, upon such terms as the Senate shall propose, of the affiliation of any College, or School, with the said University; the power of deciding upon the mode of conducting and registering the proceedings of Convocation; the power of appointing and removing the Clerk of Convocation, and of prescribing his duties; the power of requiring a Fee to be paid by Members of Convocation as a condition of being placed on the Register of Members; and its Members shall have the right to attend the Annual Convocation for conferring Degrees; Provided always, that, except as in this Act expressly provided, Convocation shall not be entitled to interfere in, or have any control over, the affairs of the University.

25. Once at least in every year, and as often as they may think fit, the Senate shall convene a Meeting of Convocation.

26. If twenty-five, or more, Members of Convocation shall, by writing under their hands, require the Chairman for the time being of Convocation, to be appointed as hereinafter prescribed, to convene an extraordinary Meeting of Convocation, and such requisition shall express the object of the Meeting required to be called, it shall be the duty of the said Chairman, within a reasonable time, to convene such Meeting of Convocation.

27. Provided always, that after the first of such extraordinary Meetings, no such extraordinary Meeting shall be convened in pursuance of the clause lastly herein before contained until the expiration of three calendar months from the last of such extraordinary Meetings; Provided also, that no matter shall be discussed at any such extraordinary Meeting except the matter for the discussion whereof it was convened.

28. The Senate shall provide a proper place for the Meeting of Couvocation, and the proceedings of any Meeting of Convocation shall be transmitted to the Senate at the next following Meeting of the Senate.

29. Notice of the meeting of Convocation shall be given by advertisement, or in such other manner as the Senate shall from time to time determine.

30. The office of Chairman of Convocation shall be an office held for the term of three years, unless sooner determined by death, resignation, or otherwise. The Chairman shall be elegible for re-election. At the first Meeting of Convocation the Members present shall elect a Chairman, and the Vice Chancellor shall preside at such first Meeting until such Chairman is elected. Within the year preceding the expiration of every term of the said office, or in case of the death, or resignation, of the Chairman, or any vacancy of the said office, the Members of Convocation present at any Meeting duly convened, or the major part of them, shall elect a Chairman who, if elected during the term of office of any Chairman, shall hold office three years after expiration of the tenure of office of such Chairman, and il elected during a vacancy, then till the expiration of the third year after the commencement of the vacancy. If, from any cause, no Chairman is elected to succeed any Chairman for the time being, then such last mentioned Chairman shall continue in office until his Successor is appointed.

31. If the Chairman shall be absent at the time of the Meeting of Convocation, or if there shall be a vacancy in the office then, before proceeding to business, the Members of Convocation then present, or the major part

of them, shall elect a Chairman, who shall hold office during such Meeting only.

before Convo

32. All questions which shall come before Convocation shall be decided Questions by the majority of the Members present, and the Chairman, at any Meeting cation, how thereof, shall have a vote, and in case of equality of votes, a second, or casting, vote.


33. No question shall be decided at any Meeting of Convocation unless Quorum. thirty Members at least shall be present.

34. Any Meeting of Convocation shall have power to adjourn to a Adjournments. future day.

35. The Lieutenant-Governor of this Province may, at any time after Appointments by the Crown. the passing of this Act, appoint nine Persons to be Members of the Senate of the said University, and thereupon, the Secretary of the Province for the time being shall forthwith communicate the names of the Persons so appointed to the Registrar of the University.

36. The nine Persons so appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor shall Crown appointees, their retire in rotation by seniority, that is to say, the first three named by the term of office. Lieutenant-Governor shall retire in three years from the date of their appointment, the second three in two years from such date, and the remaining three in one year from such date, and the vacancies in the Senate respectively created by such retirements in each year, shall, from time to time, be filled by appointment by the Lieutenant-Governor, the Members sappointd holding office for three years and retiring by rotation on expiry of the said term.

Retirement of

37. Whenever any such appointment shall be so made by the Lieutenant-Governor to fill vacancies, whether on retirement by rotation, or from Crown appointees to be other cause arising, the Secretary of the Province for the time being shall notified to the registrar. forthwith communicate the names of the Persons so appointed to the Registrar of the University.

vacancies are


38. If at any time by death, or otherwise, the number of the said Provision when appointed Members of the Senate shall be reduced below the number of not filled by nine, and shall so remain reduced for three months, then, and in such case, Governor. and as often as the same shall happen, if the Lieutenant-Governor do not think proper to complete the said number by appointment, the Members of the Senate may at a Meeting to be holden for that purpose, of which notice shall be given to the Provincial Secretary, and to the Members of the Senate in such manner as shall be provided by Statute of Senate, elect one, or more, fit and proper Persons to be Members of the Senate, in addition to the then remaining appointed Members thereof to the end, that by means of such election the number of nine appointed Members of the Senate may thus be completed; and such Members so elected to vacancies by the Senate shall hold office for the term for the remainder of the term pertaining to each such vacancy respectively.

39. If, at any time by death, or resignation, or otherwise than by retiro Vacancies, ment by rotation, the number of the Members of the Senate elected thereto how filled. by Convocation, shall be reduced below the number of fifteen, then, at the next ensuing annual election to be held, as directed by Section Twenty-two of this Act, such additional Persons shall be elected in the manner therein provided, as may be necessary to complete the number of elected Members of the Senate to the number of fifteen.

40. At all elections to take place under this Act, all retiring Chancellors, Former Chanor Members of the Senate, shall be re-eligible.

41. The said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Members of the Senate, shall have power to examine for, and, after examination, to confer in such

cellors, etc.. re-eligible for election.


Ad eundem degrees.

Certificates of proficiency.

mode, and on compliance by the Candidate with such conditions as they shall, from time to time, determine, the several, or such as they shall think fit of the Degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, Bachelor and Doctor in Laws, Science, Medicine, and Music, and Master in Surgery, and Civil Engineer, Mining Engineer and Mechanical Engineer; and also to confer the several Degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor in any Departments of knowledge whatever, except Theology, as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate, by Regulations in that behalf shall, from time to time, determine, and whether such Departments of knowledge shall, or shall not, include any portion of the Departments of knowledge for which Degrees in Arts, Laws, Science, Medicine and Music, or any of them, are authorized to be conferred by this Act; and such reasonable Fees may be charged for in respect of such Examinations and Degrees respectively, or either of them, as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall, by a Statute in that behalf, from time to time, direct.

42. The said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall also have power to confer any of the said Degrees as ad eundem Degrees; but no Degree, so conferred, shall, without the consent of Convocation in each case, entitle the holder thereof to be, or become, a Member of Convocation.

43. The said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall, from time to time, determine, Certificates of Proficiency in such mode, and on compliance by the Candidate with such conditions, as they shall, from time to time, determine, Certificates of Preficiency in such branches of knowledge as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall, from time to time, by Regulations, made in that behalf, determine; and, in addition to the Examination of Candidates for Degrees, as hereinbefore provided, the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Members Examinations, of the Senate may cause to be held, from time to time, examination of Persons including Women, who shall have prosecuted the study of such branches of knowledge in Literature, Science or Art, and who shall be Candidates for such Certificates of proficiency as aforesaid, subject to such Regulations as, by the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall, from time to time, be made in that behalf; and on every such examination the Candidates shall be examined by Examiners appointed by the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate; and, at the conculsion of every examination of the Candidates, the Examiners shall declare and certify to the Registrar of the University the name of every Candidate whom they shall have deemed to be qualified to receive any such Certificate, together with such particulars as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall, from time to time, determine; and he, or she, shall, if otherwise approved by the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate, and, if they shall think fit, receive from the said Chancellor a Certificate under the seal of the said University, and signed by the said Chancellor, or by the Vice Chancellor, in which the branch or branches, of knowledge in respect of which he, or she, has been allowed by the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate to obtain the Certificate shall be stated, together with such particulars, if any, as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall deem fitting to be stated therein; and such reasonable Fees may be charged for, or in respect of such Examinations and Certificates of Proficiency, respectively, or either of them, as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall by a Statute in that behalf, from time to time, direct.



Affiliation of

44. No Member of the Senate shall be eligible as an Examiner, and no Examiner. Examiner shall be eligible for re-election more than four years consecutively. colleges, etc. 45. The Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Members of the Senate may, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, from time to time, by Statute in that behalf, prescribe that any College, School, or other Institution, established in this Province for the promotion of Literature, Science, Engineering, Agriculture or other useful branch of education, upon the application of such College, School, or other Institution, shall be deemed to be affiliated with the said University for the purpose of admitting therefrom as Candidates at any of the respective Examinations for Standing, Scholarships, Honours, Degrees and Certificates which the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Members of the Senate are authorized to confer, such persons as shall have respectively completed in such College, School or other Institution, whilst affiliated with the said University, such course of instruction preliminary to any of the said respective Examinations for Standing, Scholarships, Honours, Degrees and Certificates as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate shall, from time to time, by Regulation in that behalf determine; and the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate may, with the like consent of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council remove any of such Institutions which shall be affiliated under this section, from its said connection with the University; Provided also, that, excepting such Colleges, Schools, or Institutions, as are now in connection with the University, under special applications heretofore made in that behalf, or as may become so, in conformity with the provisions in this Section contained, and excepting University College, and the Schools of Law and Medicine in the Eighteenth Section of the Act in the recital hereof mentioned, no other College, School or Institution shall be deemed or taken to be affiliated for any purpose with the University.


educated in

may be "candidates for

46. Persons not educated in any of the said Institutions for the time Persons not being affiliated with the said University may be admitted as Candidates the institutions for Examination for Standing, or for any of the Honours, Scholarships, Degrees, or Certificates authorized to be conferred by the said University degrees, etc. other than in Medicine, or Surgery, on such conditions as the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Members of the Senate may, from time to time, determine.

of affiliated

47. The said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Members of the Senate Examinations may make such Regulations with regard to the examination of Candidates colleges. at any affiliated College, School, or Institution, in this Province as may appear convenient, and such examinations may be conducted by Sub-Examiners upon Papers, or Questions, prepared by the Examiners in the prescribed subjects, and may be deemed and taken as equivalent to the ordinary examinations held for any purpose at the University, and also for Certificates of having undergone a satisfactory examination in any Department of Literature, Science, or Art.

48. The Dean of Residence in University College for the time being shall be a Member of the Council of said College.

Dean of

Senate over

49. The Senate of the University, upon representations made to it in Powers of that behalf, may enquire into the conduct, or efficiency, of any Professor professors of in University College, and report to the Lieutenant-Governor, the result of University College. such enquiry, and may make such recommendation as the Senate may think the circumstances of the case require.

50. The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may, upon the recommenda- New tion of the Senate, establish such other Professorships, or Chairs, in any professorships. Department of Knowledge, Science, or Art, in University College as may promote the further efficiency and usefulness of said College.

[blocks in formation]


Establishment of school.

Museum of geology and mineralogy.

Site of school.

Gifts, bequests, etc., to school.

Owners of mines to furnish specimens.

Rules, etc., of the school.

51. To remove doubts, it is hereby declared, that the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may appropriate from the general Income Fund such sum, or sums, as may, from time to time, be necessary for providing retiring allowances, or gratuities, to aged and infirm Professors, Lecturers, Teachers, and Officers upon their resignation, or other deprivation, of the respective offices.

52. The Salary of the Bursar of the said University may be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council at any amount not to exceed Two thousand four hundred dollars.

53. Without prejudice to any of the powers conferred by the said recited Act, so much of any of the provisions thereof as conflict with the express provisions of this Act are hereby, repealed.

(NOTE. Here follows the usual form of Voting Paper. Schedule A).



Received the Royal Assent on the 29th of March, 1873.

Whereas the establishment of a School for Practical Education in such arts as Mining, Engineering, Mechanics and Manufactures, would greatly promote the development of the mineral and economic resources of the Province, and its industrial progress; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows::

1. A School of Practical Science is instituted in this Province for instruction in Mining, Engineering, and the Mechanical and Manufacturing arts.

2. In connection with such School there shall also be established a Museum of Geology and Mineralogy, with other branches, in order to afford aids for practical instruction, and illustrations of the mineral and economic products of the Province.

3. The Site of such School and Museum shall be in the City of Toronto, and the said School and Museum may be continued in the Building already acquired, or such Buildings may be sold and new Premises erected, or obtained therefor.

4. It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, on behalf of this Province, to accept, hold and enjoy any gifts, bequests, or devises of Personal, or Real Property, or effects, which any Person may think fit to make for the purposes of the said School and Museum.

5. Specimens of the Ores, Minerals and other products of any Mine now being worked in this Province, shall, on request, be furnished by the respective Owners of such Mines for said School and Museum, and who, in case of refusal to furnish such specimens, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Fifty dollars in each case of refusal, to be recovered according to the provisions of the Law respecting "Summary Convictions."

6. The government of the School and Museum shall be under and according to such Rules and Regulations as the Lieutenant-Governor-inCouncil may, from time to time, prescribe, and such Rules and Regulations shall contain provisions for the subjects and Course of Study in each branch of Practical Science in which instruction is to be given, and may authorize Certificates of proficiency, Scholarships, or other rewards, to be given after

By this Bill the College of Tecnology, already in operation in Toronto, was converted into the proposed School of Practical Science.

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