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Street, of $4,000, and that he had deposited the same in the Bank to "Capital Account," when it was,

Resolved, That the Corporation of Trinity College, having been informed at their Meeting of this day by the Bursar and Secretary that he had received from the Executors of the late Mr. T. C. Street, his bequest of $4,000, to the Funds of the College; hereby convey to the said Executors their grateful acknowledgment of the kindly remembrance of the interests of the College evinced by this bequest, on the part of one who was formerly a Member of their Body.

Resolved, That the Committee on Repairs be instructed to have 200 Trees planted in the College Grounds during the coming Autumn.

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The Committee on Repairs made a further detailed second Report, and it was,Resolved, That the above Report of the Committee on Repairs be adopted, and that they be requested to proceed with the work without delay.

November 12th, 1873. The Land and Finance Committee made the following Report:

That there is to the credit of the Capital Account in the Bank, up to the 1st instant, $5,267.90, and to the credit of the General Account, $2,839.75.

That there has been expended during the year, out of Capital Account for Repairs of the College, the Provost's House, the Cricket Ground for Students, the sum of $1,367.69.

The Committee presented the half yearly Statement, up to the 1st of July, 1873, of the Receipts and Expenditure, also the Two Books, showing the "Capital Account" and the "General Account" required to be produced at the General Meeting in May and November in each year. It was,

Resolved, That the Report be adopted.

The Committee on Repairs, etcetera, made a further detailed Report, as follows: — Your Committee have had the Ornamental Trees planted, as authorized by the Council; they have been placed on the south and west boundaries of the College Grounds, and a double row up the central approach to the College Buildings, the contract made with Mr. John Gray, Nurseryman, is for 250 Trees at a cost in all of about $150.

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Resolved, That the Corporation of Trinity College record with deep concern the death of William Hallowell, M.D., L.R.C.S., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Medical Faculty, whose connection with the same extends not alone to the recent revival of the Faculty, but to the original organization of the Medical School on the foundation of the College; and offer to his Widow and Family an expression of respectful condolence on their great and lamented bereavement.

Resolved, That Mr. Henry Cameron be appointed Instructor in Music for the current Academical year at a Salary of $100, provided that he can secure the attendance of a Class averaging six in number, and for three hours' practice.

Resolved, That to remove any doubt, the Chancellor be requested to consider the question of the right of the Bishop of Algoma to take his seat as a Member of the Corporation of Trinity College; and that his opinion being in the affirmative, the Provost be requested to address the Bishop on the subject.

Resolved, That, after the present year, the Annual Meeting of the Convocation of the University of Trinity College be held on the last Thursday in October, at one o'clock p.m.

December 26th, 1873. The Meeting, having been called to consider the granting of leave of absence to Professor Ambery, in consequence of the state of his health, it


Resolved, That the Reverend Professor Ambery be granted leave of absence until the 1st day of July next, in consequence of the state of his health; and that he be informed that, if he find himself unable to resume his duties at that period he shall

communicate with the Provost, in order that such arrangements may be made to fill his Professorship as the Corporation may deem advisable. In granting this leave of absence, the Corporation express their regret that the state of Mr. Ambery's health renders this leave necessary, and hope that it will lead to a complete and speedy restoration of his health.

Resolved, That the Corporation directs the payment of $100 to Mr. Ford for Lectures given on Mr. Ambery's behalf during the Michaelmas Term, and instructs the Bursar to pay the Salary of Mr. Ambery for the ensuing quarter in advance,—and also the cost of his passage to England by Steamer.

Resolved, That the services of the Reverend Mr. Pearman be secured to take the Reverend Mr. Ambery's duties for such remuneration as may be agreed upon between the Chancellor, the Provost and Professor Jones.



June 5th, 1873. The Assembly of the Free Presbyterian Church called for the Report of the Board of Management of Knox College. The Report was presented and read by the Reverend Doctor Topp, the Chairman of the Board. Doctor Topp read also the Report of the Building Committee, appointed by the Board; the Report of the College Senate, and the Financial Report.

The Report of the Board of Examiners was read by the Reverend J. M. King, the Convener.

There were read in connection with the foregoing Reports, the following papers: Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Guelph, asking the General Assembly to fill the Chair of Systematic Theology, in Knox College, and nominating the Reverend William McLaren to the office; extract from the Minutes of the Presbytery of Paris, stating that at a Meeting of the Presbytery on the 11th of March, proposals were made to submit the name of the Reverend Doctor Topp, and that of Mr. McLaren to the Assembly, for appointments to the Professorship of Systematic Theology, in Knox College, but at which it was resolved to make no nomination; Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Huron, nominating the Reverend Robert Ure, of Goderich, for appointment to the Professorship of Systematic Theology in Knox College; Extract Minute of the Synod of Montreal, transmitting an Overture from the Presbytery of Ottawa, in relation to the constitution of the Board of Examiners, recommending certain changes, and that the Regulations, with amendments suggested, should be enacted as a standing Law of the Church; an Extract Minute of the Synod of London, transmitting an Overture from the Presbytery of Huron, in the matter of proceedings of the Board of Examiners, in relation to certain Students of Theology.

June 6th, 1873. The Assembly proceeded to consider the Overtures on the appointment of Professors of Divinity, in the Presbyterian College, Montreal, and in Knox College, Toronto, namely, from the Presbytery of Guelph to appoint the Reverend William McLaren, Professor of Systematic Theology, in Knox College; from the Presbytery of Huron, to appoint the Reverend Robert Ure to the Chair of Systematic Theology in Knox College; from the Presbytery of Paris recominending that the Chair should be filled, but making no nomination; from the Presbytery of Toronto, to transfer the Reverend Professor Gregg to the Chair of Systematic Theology, and appoint the Reverend John Campbell to the Chair of Church History and Apologetics, in Knox College.

It was moved by the Reverend Doctor Waters, seconded by the Reverend Thomas McPherson, and agreed to, That the action of the Board of Knox College in accepting the resignation of the Reverend Professor Inglis be sustained. In parting with their Brother, Doctor Inglis, the Assembly cannot but give expression to their high esteem of him as a man, their admiration of his Christian character, their sense of his worth

as a Pastor, Preacher and Professor; and further, they would express their regret that he felt it to be his duty to resign his Chair in the College and sever his connection with the Church.

June 6th, 1873. It was moved by the Reverend J. M. King, seconded by Mr. W. Meikle, That the remaining matters brought up by the reports of Montreal College and Knox College, Toronto, be remitted to a Committee to bring up recommendations thereon, and report at an early Sederunt.

It was moved in amendment by the Reverend Doctor Waters, seconded by Mr. A. B. Simpson, That the Assembly proceed now to elect a Professor to fill the Chair of Systematic Theology in Knox College.

Votes being taken, the amendment of the Reverend Doctor Waters was carried by a majority, over the motion of the Reverend J. M. King, and the Assembly decided to proceed to the election of a Professor for Knox College.

It was then moved by the Reverend Doctor Waters, seconded by Mr. John Ross, That the Reverend William McLaren, of Knox Church, Ottawa, be appointed Professor of Systematic Theology, in Knox College, Toronto.

A vote was then taken between the motion of Doctor Waters and an amendment of Mr. Cuthbertson, when the motion was carried by a large majority, and the Assembly in accordance with said motion did, and do hereby. appoint the Reverend William McLaren Professor of Systematic Theology in Knox College, Toronto.

The Reverend Doctor Waters and Mr. Ross were appointed to inform Mr. McLaren of the action of the Assembly, and to report as to his acceptance of the Professorship.

June 10th, 1873. The deliverance in the Report on Collegiate Education was read by the Reverend Doctor Topp.

On motion of the Reverend William Cochrane, seconded by the Reverend Doctor Proudfoot, the deliverance was adopted.

There was taken up and read an Overture from Members of the Assembly, signed by the Reverend Doctor Proudfoot and many others, representing the expedienecy of appointing a Principal of Knox College, and praying that the Reverend Professor Caven be appointed such Principal.

It was moved by the Reverend Professor Gregg, seconded by Mr. John Burton, and unanimously agreed to, That the Overture be received, and that the Reverend William Caven, Professor of Exegetical Theology, be, as hereby appointed, Principal, as prayed for, and that his designation be, the Reverend the Principal of Knox College. June 11th, 1873. The Reverend Doctor Waters, from the Committee appointed to confer with the Reverend William McLaren as to his acceptance of the appointment to the Chair of Systematic Theology in Knox College, reported that Mr. McLaren had intimated to the Committee his acceptance of the Professorship.

It was moved by the Reverend Doctor Waters, seconded by Mr. H. McQuarrie, and agreed to, as follows:-The General Assembly agrees to record its high satisfaction that Mr. McLaren has seen it to be his duty to accept the office of Professor in Knox College.

June 12th, 1873. 1. That the Assembly tender thanks to the Reverend Doctor Topp, and the Reverend J. Campbell, for their valuable services rendered to the College and the Church, in their kindly consenting to take part in the work of the Session, when the College Staff was unexpectedly weakened by the resignation of the Reverend Professor Inglis.

2. That the services of a competent Teacher of Elocution be secured for next Session.

3. That the Board be instructed to convey the thanks of the Assembly to the gentlemen who established Bursaries, or Prizes, in connection with the College, during the past year.

4. That the One thousand dollars, ($1,000,, of the Alexander bequest used this year for current expenses be refunded to the Endowment.

5. That the services of the Reverend Doctor Proudfoot be secured in the Department of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology for next Session.

6. That the Assembly express its approval of the scheme for building new premises for Knox College, and its gratification at the measure of success with which the scheme has thus far been prosecuted, and that it empower the Board of Management to procure a new Site, and to make such arrangements, and enter into such Contracts, as may be necessary, in connection with the new College Building; and, further, to sell the present Site and Building, when suitable opportunity offers.

Moved by Mr. T. W. Taylor, seconded by the Reverend Doctor Proudfoot, and agreed to, as follows:


Whereas, it is expedient in the interests of Knox College that the Corporation of Knox College should be empowered, and authorized to sell and dispose of the Buildings, Lands, and Premises now held for the use of said College, in the City of Toronto.

The General Assembly of the Canada Presbyterian Church doth hereby, in pursuance of the provisions and powers contained in the Act passed in the Twenty-second year of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, and Chaptered Sixty-nine, consent to a sale of the Buildings, Lands, and Premises now held by the said Corporation for the use of said College, in the City of Toronto; and doth, and do, empower and authorize the said Corporation to sell and dispose of the said Buildings, Lands, and Premises, at such time, or times, for such price, and upon such terms, in one, or in several parcels, either at public auction, or private contract, and either for cash, or upon credit, or partly for cash, and partly on credit, as may be deemed most advantageous; and doth, and do, empower and authorize the Board of Management of Knox College to enter into such Contracts, and procure the execution of such Conveyances as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out said sale.

On motion of the Reverend Doctor Waters, seconded by the Reverend Doctor Proudfoot, the Assembly agreed that the Salaries of Professors McLaren and Campbell shall be Two thousand dollars, ($2,000), each per annum.


The Board of Management of Knox College, in presenting their Annual Report. have, in the first place, to notice the change which has taken place in the Staff of Professors, since last Assembly. The Reverend Doctor Inglis, Professor of Systematic Theology, having resolved to accept a call given to him by the Reformed Church on the Heights, Brooklyn, New York, sent to the Chairman his resignation of the Chair which he occupied.

A meeting of the Board was accordingly summoned without delay, inasmuch as there was a necessity for immediate action. And at that Meeting, held 2nd September, 1872, it was resolved that the Board should, in the circumstances, take the responsibility of accepting his resignation, subject to the review of the Assembly.

The Board, at the same time, made temporary provision for the teaching of Systematic Theology during the Session by appointing the Reverends Professor Gregg and Doctor Topp to conduct the Classes in that subject, the former for the first three months, and the latter for the remainder of the Session. The Reverend Doctor Proudfoot fulfilled his appointment by the Assembly as Lecturer on Homiletics and Pastoral Theology for the latter half of the Session, and the Reverend John Campbell conducted Classes in Church History during the first three months of the Session.

The number of Students, as will be observed from the Report of the Senate, has been fifty-six,-forty-one in the Theological department, and fifteen in the Literary department. A considerable number of young men, looking forward to the Ministry, are passing through a University Course.

With regard to financial matters, the Income of the past year, from all sources, has been $9,226.90, and the Expenditure, (a detailed account of which is given in the College Financial Report), $9,307.84, leaving a balance against the fund of only $80.94, instead of $365.00 last year.

The Endowment Fund is now $5,192.10.

The Bursary Fund received in all $3,069.34, videlicet, balance from last year, $569.64 $1,199.70 in donations and interest, and investments repaid, $1,300. The Expenditure was $1.750.00, invested; Bursaries and Scholarships, $1,186.00; Printing and Stationery, $42.89, leaving a balance of $9,045.

It was agreed that, while the sum of $1,000 received from the Alexander bequest be, in the meantime, used for current expenses of the College, that sum shall be a first charge upon the Income for the present year, and placed to the credit of the Endowment Fund, and that the action of the Board in this matter be reported to the General Assembly.

It will be perceived that, had it not been for this sum of a Thousand dollars having been added to the Income, there would have been a considerable deficit in the fund for current expenses. And the Board accordingly report this fact, in connection with the action of the Assembly last year with reference to the Kingston Presbytery, in the matter of allocating its contributions for College purposes.

In relation to the fact of three Students having left Knox College during the currency of last Session to attend another College without being certified by the Senate of Knox College, the Board of Management endorses the action of the Senate.

The Board recommends the Assembly to appoint an additional Professor, with a Lecturer.

The Board further suggests to the Assembly the propriety of appointing a day of special Prayer for the blessing of God upon the Theological Institutions of the Church. The Board having frequently had its attention directed to the subject of a new Building for College purposes, and being convinced that it would be desirable to have a Building more commodious and adequate for the requirements of the College, appointed a Committee, with power to add to their numbers, to consider the whole subject and to report. This Committee after fully discussing the matter at several meetings, gave in a Report to the effect: -(1) That it was necessary to have a new Building, and (2), in favourable terms, as to the prospect of success in such an undertaking. The Board accordingly appointed a large Committee of gentlemen throughout the Church generally, to aid in getting subscriptions for the object contemplated. It is a matter of gratification and thankfulness to be able to announce that, through the exertions of the Reverends Professors Caven and Gregg, subscriptions have been obtained to the amount of considerably over $40,000.

Many Members of the Committee were of opinion that a more suitable Site for the new College than the present might be had. But, of course, the Board has no authority to sell the present Building, or Site, and, therefore, awaits the decision of the Assembly on that point. In the meantime it may be stated that arrangements have been made, by which a larger and more advantageous Site in several respects, can be had for a reasonable price, in the event of the Assembly deciding to make a change, and to sell the present Premises and Site.

TORONTO, 30th June, 1873. ALEXANDER TOPP, Chairman of Board of Management.


The Senate has to report that the number of Students in the Theological department of the College during the past Session was forty-one.

The following brief abstract of the several Class Reports is here given:

The Reverend Professor Caven taught three Classes,-the Senior Exegetical. the Junior Exegetical, and the Class in Biblical Criticism. In the Senior Exegetical Class, which, as in former Sessions, comprised the Students of the Second and Third Years, Lectures were given on the Epistle to the Romans, Chapters 6-10, and on selections from the Prophecies of Isaiah. Each Student of the Third Year, as required by the Church, prepared a critical exercise, with additions; these exercises were read and criticized in the Class.

Biblical Criticism was taught partly by Text Book and partly by Lectures. The Class on this subject, as in Junior Exegetics consisted of the First Year's Students. The attendance on these Classes was regular and punctual, except in some instances towards the end of the Session, where illness prevailed. The conduct of the Students was in all cases exemplary.

The Reverend Professor Gregg conducted the Class in Apologetics, which consisted of the Students of the First and Second Years. In consequence of Professor Gregg's having to teach the Classes in Systematic Theology during the first part of the Session, only two Lectures a week were given on Apologetics. During the second Term five Lectures a week were given. The subjects discussed were Natural Theology, the Evidences of Revealed Religion, intra-Scriptural, and extra-Scriptural, and the inspiration of the Scriptures.

During the first three months of the Session, the Reverend Professor Gregg, in accordance with the request of the Board of Management, conducted the Class of Systematic Theology. The Class consisted of the Students of the Second and Third Years. The chief subjects discussed were the Covenant of Grace, the Person and Offices of the Mediator, the nature and extent of the Atonement, and the Effectual Calling. Professor Gregg also examined the Latin Discourses of the Third Year Student.

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