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philanthropinists, 281; re-
cent reaction against, 282.
Huxley quoted on liberal edu-
cation, 5.

INDIA, land and people, 18;
language and religion, 18;
caste system of, 20; primary
education, 21; higher educa-
tion, 22; defects of educa-
tion, 22.

Israel, people of, 27; mission
of, 28; education among,
29; influence of theocracy,
29; domestic education, 30;
annual festivals, 31; learned
class, 31; music, 31; schools
of prophets, 32; general es-
timate of Jewish education,

JACOTOT, biographical, 322;
method of universal instruc-
tion, 323; success and oppo-
sition, 323; intellects equal,
324; "all is in all," 325;
326; use of


66 Telemachus," 326 sum-
mary, 327.
Jahn, quoted, 36.
James, Dr. E. T., on business
colleges, 354.
Jansenism, 238; Port Royal
center of, 239; Saint Cyran,
240; tutorial system of, 240;
method and discipline, 241;
formation of judgment, 242;
favorable to progress, 242;
new method in Latin, 243;
glimpse of schools, 243; sum-
mary, 244.
Jefferson, Thomas, on popular
education, 386.

Jesuits, historical sketch of,
187; educational activity of,
188; "Ratio Studiorum,"
188; neglect of primary edu-
cation, 189; features of

Jesuit system of education
190; summary, 193; Quick
quoted on, 193.
Jews. (See Israel.)
Johannot quoted, 8.

KANT, biographical, 289; on
education as development
289; education difficult, 290;
a fundamental principle,
fourfold education,
291; on moral culture, 292;
on use of moral maxims,
293; training to work, 294;
summary, 295.

Kindergarten, the, 311.
Knightly, education, in Middle
Ages, 126; three periods of,

Latin schools, 178.

Literature, in seventeenth cen-
tury, 195.


Locke, John, biographica
230; Thoughts concernin
Education," 231; on learnin
and character, 231; Ο
physical training, 232;
child study, 233; knowled
of things, 232; study of n
ture, 234; order of langua
study, 235; knowledge va
ues, 235; summary, 237.
Luther, biographical, 154; in

terest in education, 155; end
of education, 156; on civil
government, 157; on compul-
sory education, 157; on do-
mestic training,
158; on

religious training, 159; on
subjects of study, 160; on
language study, 161; on na-
ture study, 162; music and
gymnastics, 162; on libra-
ries, 163; estimate of teach-
ers, 163; summary, 164.
Lycurgus, system of, 41.


MAGI, 26.
Mann, Horace, biographical,

328; Board of Education,
329; condition of schools,
329; method of work, 330;
difficulties and controversies,
331; normal schools, 333; as
educational reformer, 334.
Manual training, 355.
Martial, quoted, 83.
382, 383.

education in,

Maurus, Rhabanus, quoted on
studies, 120.
Melanchthon, biographical, 165;
interest in learning, 166; on
teacher, 166; writer of text-
167; influence on
education, 167; pedagogical
views, 168; a critic of exist-
ing defects, 169; plan of in-
struction in schools, 169.
Middle Ages, education in,
114-138; monastic schools
cathedral and
parochial schools, 121; work
of Charlemagne, 122; sec-
ular education in, 125;
knightly education, 127;
burgher schools, 128; female
education, 129; methods and
discipline, 130; rise of uni-
133; summary,
Milton, biographical, 207; devo-
tion to learning, 207;
tate on Education," 208;
nature and end of education,
209; study of languages,
209; adaptation of studies,
210; on moral culture, 211;
on gymnastic training, 211;
course of study, 212.
Mohammedan learning, in Mid-
dle Ages, 132.

Monasteries, growth of, 119.
Monastic schools, 118; course
of study in, 119; theology
in, 120.

Monroe, Paul, quoted, 79.
Montague, Governor, of Vir-
ginia, 390.
Montaigne, biographical, 196;
on humanistic education,
197; on pouring-in process,
198; on knowledge and char-
acter, 198; on discipline,
199; on nature and history,

Music, in Hebrew education,
31; in Greek, 59; Plato on,
71; Aristotle on, 76; Luther
on, 162.

NATURE study, Luther on, 162;
Locke on, 234; Rousseau on,

Negro, education of, 352.
Nicole, quoted on Jansenistic
education, 242.

Niethammer, on humanism and
philanthropinism, 281.
Normal schools, in Massachu-
setts, 333; in Germany, 360;
training in required, 395.

Oriental nations, aim of educa-
tion in, 11. (See China, In-
dia, Persia, Israel, Egypt.)

PAROZ, quoted, 184; on Féne-
lon, 250.

Payne, Joseph, quoted on Froe-
bel, 306.

Peabody, George, gift for edu-
cation, 350.

Pedagogue, office of, in Greece,
Pennsylvania, education in,
Pericles, 56.

Persia, place in history, 23;
religion of, 24; culture in,
25; domestic life in, 25;
system of education, 26; de-
fects of system, 27.

Pestalozzi, relation to popular
education, 295; condition of
schools, 296; early life, 296;
strong sympathies of, 297;
at Neuhof, 298; at Stanz,

298; success and failure,
299; at Burgdorf, 300; at
Yverdun, 300; his estimate
of the work there, 301; self-
forgetfulness, 302; death,

302; educational principles,
303; education as develop-.
ment, 303; education by do-
ing, 304; natural order of
studies, 304; fundamental
principles, 305.
Philanthropin, the, leading
representatives of, 274; key-
note of system, 274; descrip-
tion of school, 276; failure
of, 278; Kant on, 278.
Philosophy and science, in the
seventeenth century, 194.
Phoenicians, influence of, 28.
Pietism, nature and influence
of, 257.





Plato, quoted, 37,
ographical, 67; his Repub-
and Laws," 68; idea
of education, 68; basis of his
educational system, 69; state
education, 70; courses of
study, 70; music, 71; educa-
tion of woman, 72; sum-
mary, 72.
Plutarch, quoted, on Spartan
education, 42, 43, 45; bi-
ographical, 98; on heredity,
98; on early susceptibility,
99; on character of teacher,
99; on discipline, 100; on
physical training, 100; on
popular education, 101.
Progress, human, 4; in educa-
tion, 4.

Prophets, school of, 32.
Protestantism, concurring cir-
cumstances in rise of, 139;
relation to education, 153;

Protestant leaders, 154;
Luther, 154; Melanchthon,
165; Calvin, 171; Zwingli,
172; establishes schools for
girls, 177.

Puritans, in New England, 381.
Pythagoras, biographical, 46;

school at Crotona, 47; idea
of education, 47; course of
study, 48; religion of, 49;
critique of, 50.

QUICK quoted on Jesuits, 193.
Quintilian, biographical, 93;
"Institutes of Oratory," 94;
on early environments, 94; on
primary education, 95; sec-
ondary instruction, 96; eth-
ical factor in education, 97.

RACE, the Teutonic, 103.

Raikes, Robert, founds Sun-
day-schools, 374.

Ratich, biographical, 213; edu-
cational claims, 214; school
at Köthen, 215; method of
teaching, 215; his failure,
217; his educational prin-
ciples, 217; summary, 218.
Religion, and education, 2; at
present time, 348.
Reuchlin, biographical,


Hebrew studies of, 146; con-
troversy of, 147.

Revival of learning, 140; origin
of, 140; growth of, 141; dif-
ferent results, 141.
Richter, Jean Paul, biograph-
ical, 285; on purpose of edu-
cation, 285; regard for child-
hood, 286; faith in children,
286; on religion and moral-
ity, 286; education of girls,

Rollin, biographical, 251; end
of education, 252; character
of teacher, 253; public
schools, 254; the mother-
tongue, 254; on woman's

education, 254; on school
management, 255.
Roman Catholic Church. (See

Rome, place in history, 39; in
education, 39; history of,
77; Roman character, 78;
family life in, 79; early Ro-
man education, 79; primary
education in, 81; secondary
education, 81; higher educa-
tion, 81; private schools in,
82; general summary, 84.
Rousseau, biographical, 265;
his inconsistencies, 265;
Émile," 266; fundamental
principles, 266; return to
nature, 267; periods of de-
velopment, 267; study of
children, 268;,


training, 268; Emile's early
boyhood, 269; later boyhood,
270; activity of pupil, 270;
end of education, 271; moral
and religious culture, 271;
education of woman, 272;
summary, 273.

[blocks in formation]

Slater, John F., gift for edu-
cation, 350.

Socrates, biographical, 63; his
teaching, 64; high moral
conceptions, 64; Socratic

method, 65; maieutic office,
66; estimate of, 67.
Solon, 55.


Sophists, the, in Greece, 63.
South, the, in education, 389;
present conditions, 390.
Sparta, social condition of, 41;
system of Lycurgus,
physical education in, 42;
literary culture, 43; moral
education, 44; music, 45;
female education, 45; crit-
ique of Spartan education,

Spencer, Herbert, quoted on
education, 7; biographical,
335; on value of studies,
336; activities of life, 337;
criticism of current educa-
tion, 338; intellectual edu-
cation, 339; harsh methods,
340; moral education, 340;
moral discipline, 341; phys-
ical education, 342; cram-
ming system, 343; critique
of, 344.

Sturm, John, biographical,
179; aim of education, 179;
method and discipline, 180;
popularity of Strasburg
school, 181; course of study
in, 181.
Sunday-schools, 350; founder
of, 374.

TERTULLIAN on marriage, 109.
Theology, activity in, 174: in-

fluence of, on education,
175; multiplies schools, 176.
Teutonic race, the, 103.
Thirlwall quoted, 45.

UNITED STATES, need of edu-

cation in, 378; two periods,

[ocr errors]

378; in colonial Virginia,
379; in colonial New Eng-
land, 381; order of General
Court, 383; national period,
385; views of leading states-
men, 385; national univer-
sity, 386; land grants, 387;
bureau of education, 388;
in the South, 389; effect of
Civil War, 389; in the
South, 389; in the North
and West, 391; general sys-
tem, 391.

Universities, rise of, 133; a
need of the time, 133; spe-
cial privileges of, 134; papal
patronage, 134; royal pa-
tronage, 135; organization,
135; method and spirit, 136;
degrees conferred in, 136;
university life, 137; eccle-
siastical relations of, 184;
courses of study, 185; state
of morals in, 186.

VIRGINIA, education in, 379;
literary development of, 381.

ular education, 385.
William and Mary College,


Woman, in China, 12; in In-
dia, 21; in Persia, 25; in
Israel, 33; in Egypt, 35;
education of, in Sparta, 45;
Xenophon on education of,
54; in Athens, 57; Plato on
education of, 72; in Rome,
79; education of, in Middle
Ages, 129; Erasmus on edu-
cation of, 153; Luther on
education of, 160; Protestant
school orders, 177; Comenius
on education of, 223; Féne-
lon on same, 245; Rollin on
same, 254; Rousseau on
same, 272; Richter on same,
288; Froebel on same, 313;
Horace Mann on same, 334;
in Germany, 361; coeduca-
tion in United States, 394.

XENOPHON, biographical, 50;
Cyropædia of, 51; on moral
training, 51; on military
training, 52; on civil ser-
vice, 53; democracy of, 54;
on woman's education, 54;
quoted on Socrates, 64, 65,

Zoroaster, 24.
Zwingli, 172.



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