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Memoirs of the Life and Character of Gilbert Purring, Younger, of Caernarvon. With important Obfervations on modern fashionable Education. By an eminent Editor. 2s. 6d.

The Banks of the Douro: or the Maid of Portugal. A Tale. Emily Clarke. 3 Vols. 12mo.


13s. 6d.

The Homicide. A Novel. By Mary Chartfon.


2 vols. 12mo.

The Caftle of Roviego: or Retribution. A Romance. By Mary Pickar, 4 vols.

The Two Pilgrims. 2 vols. 12mo. 75.


The Speech of Mr. Deputy Birch, in the Court of Common Council, at Guildhall, on Tuesday, April 30, 1803, against the Roman Catholic Petition, now before both Houfes of Parliament.


A ferious Examination of the Roman Catholic Claims, as fet forth in the Petition now pending in Parliament. By the Rev. Thomas Le Mefurier, Rector of Newton Longville, late Fellow of New College, Oxford. 1s. 6d.

An Abstract of the Catholic Question. Is.

A Fee for an Irish Counsellor: or Remarks upon the Roman Catholic Petition, Counfellor Scully's Addrefs, Father Gaghan's Sermon, and Dr. Troy's Pastoral Addrefs. The whole calculated to fhew that Popery in Ireland is a different I hing from what is reprefented in this Petition. Is.

The Roman Catholic Petition unfan&ioned; therefore an unfafe and unconftitutional ground of Emancipation. 8vo. 15.

An Hiftorical Letter from Francis Plowden, Efq. to Sir Richard Mufgrave, Bart. Occafioned by Sir Richard's Strictures, and other Invectives against the Hiftorical Review of the State of Ireland; in divers anonymous Publications, and bearing particularly upon the Pledges and Undertakings of fome leading Men to bring forward, and of others to refift, the Queftion of Catholic Emancipation, now pending in Parliament. Win an appropriate Frontispiece. 35. 68.

Strictures on the Pamphlet, entitled, "Thoughts on the Proteftant Afcendancy," in a Letter from a Gentleman in Dublin, to an English Member of the United Parliament.

Thoughts on the Kingdom of Ireland. Written in the Year 1785, during the Debates in the British Parliament, on certain Propofitions, commonly called the Irish Propofitions. Is.

A Letter on Irish Affairs; addressed to the Public. By Sir James Foulis, Bart.

A Reply to Melanthon's Letter to Dr. Troy, Titular Archbishop of Dublin. By the Rev. Lewis Roberts.


A Letter from a Bull-Bitch to his Grace the Duke of Portland, on the Subject of Catholic Emancipation. 6.



A fynoptical and genealogical Table of the ten Parts of Speech of the English Language: adapted to the Abbé Gaultier's Method of Teaching the French Grammar, With a Book of Exercises, &c. 55.


A Letter to Lord Eufton, refpecting the Guardianfhip of Mifs Seymour. By a Member of the British Houfe of Commons.


Light Reading for Leifure Hours: or an Attempt to unite the proper Objects of Gaiety and Tafte, in explaining the various Sources of rational Pleafure, the Fine Arts, Poetry, &c. &c. 78.

The whole of the intercepted Difpatches, &c. from the Marquis Wellesley to the Secret Committee of the Court of Directors. 5s.

A Memoir of the Proceedings of the Society called Quakers, belonging to the Monthly Meeting of Hardfhaw, in Lancashire, in the Cafe of the Author of a Publication, entitled, "A Narrative of Events, which have lately taken place in Ireland, &c." By William Rathbone. 2s. 6d.

Lately published, at the CLARENDON PRESS, Oxford: Sold by PAYNE and MACKINLAY, London, and J. COOKE, Oxford.

Ariftotelis Ars Rhetorica, Gr. and Lat. Svo. Price 9s. in Boards, Xenophontis Anabafis, Gr. 8vo. Price 11s. 6d. in Boards.

Novum Teftamentum Græcum. Crown 8vo. 5s. 6d. in Boards. Dr. Holmes's Greek Septuagint. Vol. 1ft. complete. Price 41. 45. in Sheets; and the Book of Daniel, Price 11. 1s. fewed.

Dr. Bradley's Aftronomical Obfervations, from 1750 to 1762. Vol. II. Price 41. 4s. in Sheets.

Harmonia Quatuor Evangeliorum jufta Sectiones Ammonianas et Eufebii Canones. 4to. 18s. the large Paper, and 12s. the small Paper, in Sheets.

This will hardly be published by the 1ft of June, but there is no doubt of its being ready by the following Week.

Nearly finished.

Ciceronis Tufculanæ Difputationes Davifii. 8vo.

Trapp's Notes on the Four Gofpels. 8vo. New Edition.

Longinus Toupii. 8vo. New Edition.




Examen critique des Hiftoriens d' Alexandre. Par Barbeau. 2 vols. 4to. Cartes.

Memoirs de l'Inflitut. 3 vols. 5e Livraison.

Cours d' Agriculture. Par Rozier. Vol. II. 12. 4to.
Relation de l'Ile Imaginare. 12mo. boards.

Il Zelbalvonne, Poetama. 12mo,

Hift. de l'Empereur Charlemagne. 8vo. boards
Nouveaux effais fur Paris. 12mo. 2 vols.

Lina on les enfans du Miniftre Albert. 2 vols. 12mo.
Suites aux nouveaux Contes moraux de Genlis.

3 vols.

Hift. de Guerres d' Italie. Par Servan. Pot 8vo. Atlas.
Galerie historique des hommes illuftres. Iere Part.

Memoires de la Ducheffe de Portfimouth.

Triomphe de l'Amour conjugal. 18mo.

2 vols.


Hift. des Francois en Italie. 6 vols.



2 vols.

12 mo.


Regence du Duc d'Orleans.

Manufcrits de Necker. 8vo.

Dons de Lavater. 18mo.

Memoires de Marmontel.

4 vols.

Souvenirs de 20 Ans. 5 vols. 8vo.

[ocr errors]

Les Monumens religieux. Par Mad. de Genlis. 8vo.


Dukeri Thucydides, a Bavero et Beckio. Tom 2, et ult. 410. Orphica, edente Gothof. Hermanno. 8vo.



The Library of the late Samuel Rofe, Efq. Barifter at Law, by Leigh and Sotheby, May 1, 2, 3.

The Library of John Hall, Efq. of Malton, by Mr. King, Jun. May 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.

The Library of Dr. Woodville, by Mr. Sotheby, York-ftreet, May

9, 10, 11.


The Library of the late Sir Charles Style, Bart. of Walteringbury, Kent, by Leigh and Sotheby, May 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21.

The Library of the late Dr. William Butter, Fellow of the College of Phyficians, by Leigh and Sotheby, May 28, 29, 30, 31, and June 1. The Library of the lare Edward Hilditch, Efq. by Mr. Sotheby, York-ftreet, May 29, 30, 31.


We believe, but cannot be quite pofitive, that the Sermon mentioned by B. L. was not fent to us till we had his letter. The poem arrived very punctually. To the plan which he propofes there are objections of confiderable force.

"When two men ride on a horfe," fays Shakfpeare, "one of them must ride behind." In like manner, when an hundred books arrive together, fome must be noticed before others. If C. W. would recollect thefe axioms, he would find little reafon for his remonstrance.


Confiderable progrefs is made in the new edition of the General Biographical Dictionary, under the fuperintendance of Mr. A. Chalmers.

Mr. W. Gifford's edition of Maffinger is completed, and will be delivered to the public in a few days.

A new edition of Mr. Lane's Account of the Honourable ·Society of Lincoln's Inn is in the prefs, with many important


Mr. Beloc's new edition of the tranflation of Herodotus may be expected very shortly.

The fecond volume of the Periplus of Arrian, by the Dean of Westminster, is in great forwardness, and will complete

that valuable work.

A new edition of Mr. S. Burder's Oriental Cuftoms is about to be publifhed by fubfcription. The fecond volume is entirely new, and may be purchafed feparately.

An Effay on the Nature and Caufe of the Gout will foon be publifhed by Mr. Parkinson of Hoxton.



For JUNE, 1805.

Τις ἤδη ἰατρὸς εὐμήχανος ἀνεκίρασε βραχεῖαν ἡδονῆν τῷ ἀλγεινῷ τῆς λάσεως. ΜΑx. TYR.

Every skilful practitioner will take care to mix fomething palatable, with the bitter draughts he is obliged to adminifter.

ART. I. An Abstract of the whole Doctrine of the Chriftian Religion; with Obfervations. By John Anaftatius Frey linghaufen, Minifter of St. Ulrich's Church, and Inspector of the Public School, at Hall, in Germany. From a Manufcript in HER MAJESTY'S Poffeffion. Imperial 8vo.

216 pp. 12s. Cadell and Davies. Stereotype. 1804. So much herefy and learned nonfenfe have been of late imported from Germany, under pretence of bringing the church of England acquainted with the fpeculations of men peculiarly diftinguished for their progrefs in theological fcience, that we are happy to announce to our readers the tranflation of a German work, in which, though they will meet with no difcoveries in religion, they will find old truths clearly stated and fyftematically arranged. Freylinghaufen belongs not to the fchool of Eichhorn, or to any other school in which paradox is preferred to truth. Novelty could be no recommendation of opinions to him, who feems to have "flood in the ways, and confcientiously afked for the old paths, where is the good way", that he and thofe, who should liften to her inftruction, might "find reft for their fouls".

S s



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