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most part on the text of the Second Folio (1633); its readings "in a few cases are entirely independent of previous editions."


The subject of "the deposition of Richard II" was regarded with considerable suspicion towards the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign,1 and the suppression of lines 154318 in the first scene of the fourth act in the two editions of the play published during the Queen's lifetime must be taken in connection with certain well-known incidents:(i.) in 1599 Sir John Hayward was imprisoned for publishing his History of the Life and Raigne of Henry the Fourth, i.e. the story of the deposition of Richard II; (ii.) in 1601, on the afternoon before the rebellion of Essex, Merrick, one of his adherents, "with a great company of others that afterwards were all in the action, had procured to be played before them the Play of Deposing of King Richard the Second. Neither was it casual, but a play bespoken by Merrick"; 2 (iii.) it is recorded how the Queen on one occasion, probably soon after the revolt of Essex, when Lambarde, the Keeper of the Records in the Tower, was showing her his rolls, suddenly exclaimed, on coming. to the reign of Richard II:-"I am Richard II; know ye not that," and she told Lambarde how "this tragedy was played forty times in open streets and houses." 3


(i.) Merrick's play was in all probability not Shakespeare's, though it is singular that the actor who provided the play was a member of the Globe Theater, Augustine Philipps; the piece in question is described as "an obsolete

1 In 1596 a Papal Bull was issued against the Queen, inciting her subjects to rebellion.

2 Bacon's "Declaration of the practices and treasons attempted and committed by Robert, late Earl of Essex, and his complices against her Majesty and her kingdom." Cp. also State Trials, p. 1445 (ed. 1809).

3 Nichol's Progresses of Queen Elizabeth.

tragedy" (exoletam tragoediam de tragica abdicatione regis Ric. II, according to Camden), and the players complained that "they should have loss in playing it, because few would come to it." 1 (ii.) Dr. Simon Forman saw a play of Richard II, at the Globe, on April 30, 1611; it dealt with the tumult of Jack Straw and the death of the Duke of Gloucester, i.e., with earlier events of the reign; (i.) and (ii.) were possibly the first and second parts of a chronicle history of the whole reign of Richard II. (iii.) In 1870 Mr. T. Halliwell printed, for the first time, from the Egerton MSS. (in the British Museum), “The Tragedy of Richard II, concluding with the murder of the Duke of Gloster at Calais"; Mr. Halliwell claimed that the play was composed before Shakespeare's; but this view has been rightly contested (cp. New Shakespeare Society's Transactions, April 10, 1885), and in all probability the production belongs to the end of the first quarter of the seventeenth century.


The publication of the First Quarto in 1597 gives us one hint for the date of composition, which may be safely assigned to about the year 1593. A noticeable piece of external evidence is perhaps to be found in the second edition of Daniel's Civil Wars, published in 1595, which contains certain striking parallels with Shakespeare's play not found in the earlier version. The likeness may possibly be purely accidental; on the other hand, we know that Daniel was addicted to the vice of plagiarism.2

1 Prof. Hales considers it unlikely that there were two plays answering the same description "in the field” of the Globe-two plays dealing with the closing years of Richard II (Notes and Essays on Shakespeare, p. 208).

2 Cp.

“Only let him more sparingly make use
Of others' wit, and use his own the more,
That well may scorn base imitation."-

Return from Parnassus.

In the second play of the trilogy the author makes it quite clear

The relation of Richard II to Marlowe's Edward II (not earlier than 1590) throws valuable light on the date of composition. As regards versification, it is to be noted that Shakespeare broke away from Marlowe's example, and in place of a rigid use of blank verse, made free use of rhyme: no less than one-fifth of Richard II is in rhymed verse. The proportion of rhyme cannot be taken as an absolute test in placing the piece: it may perhaps be due to an intentional experiment on Shakespeare's part to produce that "unity of lyrical effect" which is the play's most striking characteristic. In the avoidance of prose, however, the Marlowan precedent is still followed, as in the case of Richard III and King John. A general consideration of the metrical tests places Richard II between Richard III and Henry IV, Romeo and Juliet and King John belonging to nearly the same date. But in dramatic method, no less than in versification, Shakespeare's play shows resistance of Marlowe's influence, though the subject of Richard II may, as is very probable, have been suggested by the similar theme of Edward II. "The reluctant pangs of abdicating royalty in Edward II” may have, in Charles Lamb's famous words, "furnished hints which Shakespeare scarcely improved in his Richard II." Outwardly the two plays have much in common; in tragic pathos, arising from the collision of incident and character, as opposed to tragic horror, Shakespeare had left his predecessor far behind.


Shakespeare's main source for the historical facts of Richard II was Holinshed's Chronicle of Englande, Scotland, and Ireland; probably the second edition of the work that Daniel showed at times too palpably the influence exercised upon him by Shakespeare.

1 It is perhaps worth while pointing out that the parallel of Edward and Richard is brought out by Hayward in his History of Henry the Fourth, where Richard's last words refer to his great-grandfather, King Edward the Second, "being in this manner deposed, imprisoned, and murdered," &c.

published in 1586, which alone contains the withering of the bay-trees (II. iv. 8). Stowe's Annals (1580) seems to have supplied the story of Mowbray's career in Palestine (IV. 1. 97). Other sources were used by Shakespeare, but they are unknown; neither Hall nor Holinshed states that the Bishop of Carlisle was committed to the custody of the Abbot of Westminster. On the whole, Holinshed has been carefully followed by Shakespeare; among the chief divergences are—(i.) the re-creation of characters of the Queen, and Gaunt; (ii.) the death-bed scene of Gaunt, and the deposition scene of Richard; (iii.) the introduction of the gardener, the servant, and the groom; (iv.) changes in historic time and place, etc. (cp. Riechelman's Abhandlung zu Richard II und Holinshed).


The time of Richard II. covers fourteen days, with intervals; the historic period is from April 29, 1398, to the beginning of March, 1400, "at which time the body of Richard, or what was declared to be such, was brought to London" (cp. Daniel's Time-Analysis, Trans. New Shakespeare Society, 1877-79, p. 269).



The earliest notice that has been discovered of The Life and Death of King Richard the Second is an entry by Andrew Wise in the Stationers' Register, dated August 29, 1597. The same year was published a quarto pamphlet of thirty-seven leaves, with a title-page reading as follows: "The Tragedy of King Richard the Second: As it hath been publicly acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlain his Servants. London: Printed by Valentine Simmes for Andrew Wise, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Church-yard at the sign of the Angel. 1597." It will be observed that in this edition the author's name was not given. In 1598 another edition was put forth having the same title-page, save the announcement "By William Shake speare." There was a third issue in 1608, the title-page varying thus: "With new additions of the Parliament Scene, and the deposing of King Richard. As it hath been lately acted by the King's Majesty's Servants, at the Globe. Printed by W. W. for Matthew Law, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Church-yard, at the sign of the Fox." In 1615 appeared a fourth edition with a title-page precisely the same as that of 1608, save that it lacks the printer's initials.

At the accession of James I in the spring of 1603, "The Lord Chamberlain's Servants" became "His Majesty's Servants;" so that the play was still in the hands of the same company. The "new additions" of 1608 are in Act iv. sc. 1, being a hundred and sixty-four lines, or about half the Act. In the folio of 1623 this play makes the second in the list of histories, has the acts and scenes regu

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