Letter and Spirit: The Authority of Mystery, the Word of God and the People of GodScott Hahn, Dave Scott Emmaus Road Publishing, 2006 - 248 pages Letter & Spirit is a journal of Catholic biblical theology for the new millennium. It seeks to foster deeper understanding of sacred Scripture and the divine liturgy of the Church. This second volume of the journal, ?The Authority of Mystery: The Word of God and the People of God, ? is inspired by the scholarship of Pope Benedict XVI?especially Benedict's concerns about the relation of the Bible to faith in Christ. The editors write in their introduction: As we write in our introduction: ?How to read the Bible is, at bottom, a question about the identity of Jesus. Is he Jesus of Nazareth only, or is he also the Christ, the Son of the living God? Did he have a divine mission to reveal the mystery of God, or was he only a man like others? Does he remain among us in sacrament and liturgy Letter & Spirit is published annually by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, a nonprofit research and educational institute founded by Dr. Scott Hahn. The journal is published in association with Emmaus Road Publishing. |
3 | |
17 | |
The Use of Scripture in the Catechism of the Catholic Church | 43 |
The Lords Prayer and the New Exodus | 69 |
Notes | 141 |
A Liturgical Approach to Hebrews 13 | 159 |
Tradition Traditions | 175 |
The Word Scripture and Tradition | 189 |
The Sacraments and the History of Salvation | 203 |
The Kingdom of God and the HeavenlyEarthly Church | 217 |
Reviews Notices | 235 |
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already ancient baptism become beginning believe Benedict Bible biblical body bring called Cardinal Catechism Catholic Christ Christian Church coming connection consider context continuity Council covenant creation criticism death discussion divine earth eschatological Eucharist example exegesis exegetical Exodus expression fact faith Father final Gentiles given gives God’s Gospel heart heaven Hebrews Holy human important incarnation inspired interpretation Israel Jesus Jesus Christ Jewish Jews John kingdom language letter light liturgy living Lord Lord’s Prayer meaning mystery nature notes Old Testament original passage Paul person Pope prayer present promise prophets question reality reason reference regard relationship revelation Romans sacraments sacred salvation scholars Scripture Second sense speaks Spirit teaching term texts theology things tradition translation true truth understanding understood unity University Verbum verse whole Word writings