From the Rivers of Babylon to the Highlands of Judah: Collected Studies on the Restoration PeriodEisenbrauns, 2006 - 469 pages "Culled from various books, journals, and festschrifts, the most important essays by Sara Japhet on the biblical restoration period and the books of Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles appear in this accessible collection."--BOOK JACKET. |
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From the Rivers of Babylon to the Highlands of Judah: Collected Studies on ... Sara Japhet No preview available - 2006 |
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according Aramaic Artaxerxes aspects author of Ezra-Nehemiah Babylon Babylonian Bible book of Chronicles Book of Ezra-Nehemiah book of Kings Books of Ezra building Chronicler's Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah Chronik Chronistic chronological common composition concept conclusion context Cyrus Cyrus's Darius described destruction Deuteronomistic discussion documents Esdras Esra und Nehemia expression Ezra and Nehemiah fact genealogy God's justice governor H. G. M. Williamson Haggai and Zechariah Hebrew historian historical historiography history of Israel holy Ideology impurity Israelite Japhet Jehoiachin Jerusalem Jewish Joshua JSOTSup Judah Judean Levites literary Lord mentioned miah narrative Old Testament original Pentateuch Persian Period phrase present priests prophecy prophets question reference regarding reign remnant Restoration Period returned exiles Rudolph scholars Second Temple Shealtiel Sheshbazzar Solomon sources Temple city Temple Scroll temple's construction term theodicy theological tion translation verse words Zech Zechariah Zerubbabel
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Page viii - JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament JSOTSup Journal for the Study of the Old Testament — Supplement Series...