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The above is a north view of Pequot Hill in Groton, about 8 miles northeast from New London. This spot will ever be memorable, on account of its being the place where the first regular conflict between the English and the natives of New England took place. Here the blow was struck by which the salvation of the infant colony of Connecticut was effected, and the ruin of the haughty, warlike, and powerful Pequot tribe of Indians accomplished. The conquest of the Pe quots struck such terror to the Indian tribes in New England, that they had no open war with the colonists for nearly forty years afterwards. The hill represented above is commanding and beautiful, though not steep. The land on which the fort stood is now owned by Roswell Fish, Esq.; his house is seen in the engraving, standing on the summit of the hill; the fort is supposed to have stood a few rods south of his house. Arrows, beads, arrow heads, and other Indian implements, have been found on this spot. This place is about 120 or 130 rods west of Mystic river, and about one mile north of the church in Portersville, which is seen on the left of the engraving.

The following account of the destruction of the Pequots is principally taken from the account written by Capt. Mason, the commander of the expedition, entitled "A Brief History of the Pequot War," &c, published in Boston in 1736. The soldiers from Connecticut, ninety in number, arrived at Saybrook on Wednesday, where they lay windbound till Friday, 12th of May, 1637. There was a difference of opinion between Capt. Mason and his officers, whether to sail directly to Pequot (now Thames) river, or go on beyond and land his men at Narragansett. The instructions were to land the men at Pequot river.

"But Capt. Mason, apprehending an exceeding great hazard in so doing, for the reasons fore, mentioned, as also some other which I shall forbear to trouble you with, did therefore earnestly desire Mr. Stone that he would commend our condition to the Lord that night, to direct how, and in what manner we should demean ourselves in that Respect; he being

our Chaplin and lying aboard our Pink, the Captain on shoar. In the morning very early Mr. Stone came ashoar to the Captain's chamber, and told him he had done as he desired, and was fully satisfied to sail for Narragansett: our council was then called, and the several reasons alledged in fine we all agreed with one accord to sail for Narragansett, which the next morning, (May 12,) we put in execution."

[The little army arrived at Narragansett bay on Saturday towards evening, where they kept the Sabbath. On account of the wind they were not able to go on shore till sunset on Tuesday, when Capt. Mason landed and went to the chief sachem's residence and desired a free passage through his country, which was granted. The next day, Wednesday, they arrived at a place called Nayantic, eighteen or twenty miles distant, where resided another Narragansett sachem, who lived in a fort. As they would not suffer any of the English to go into their fort, Capt. Mason set a guard around it, and would not suffer any of the Indians to go out and give information to the Pequots of their approach.]

"On Thursday, about eight of the clock in the morning, we marched thence towards Pequot, with about five hundred Indians; but through the heat of the weather, and want of provisions, some of our men fainted, and after having marched about twelve miles, we came to Pawcatuck river, at a Ford where our Indians told us the Pequots did usually fish ; there making an Alta, we stayed some small time; the Narragansett Indians manifesting great fear, in so much that many of them returned, although they had frequently despised us, saying, That we durst not look upon a Pequot, but themselves would perform great things; though we had often told them that we came on purpose and were resolved, God assisting, to see the Pequots, and to fight with them before we returned, though we perished. I then enquired of Onkos, (Uncas,) what he thought the Indians would do? who said the Narragansetts would all leave us, but as for himself, he would never leave us and so it proved; for which expression, and some other speeches of his, I shall never forget him. Indeed he was a great friend, and did great service."


South view of Porter's Rocks, Groton.

[The above is a southern view of Porter's Rocks, on the shore of Mystic river, in Groton, where Capt. Mason and his little army lay on the night previous to his attacking the Pequot fort, which was about two miles to the southwest. These rocks are situated about half a mile south of the house of Daniel Eldridge, Esq. and about the same distance from the village in Stonington at the head of Mystic. From the top of the ledge, Portersville and the ocean can be seen.]

"And after we had refreshed ourselves with our mean commons, we marched about three miles, and came to a field which had lately been planted with Indian corn: there we made another Alt, and called our council, supposing we drew near to the enemy: and being informed by the Indians that the enemy had two forts almost impregnable; but we were not at all discouraged, but rather animated, insomuch that we were resolved to assault both

their forts at once. But understanding that one of them was so remote that we could not come up with it before midnight, though we marched hard: whereat we were much grieved, chiefly because the greatest and bloodiest sachem there resided, whose name was Sassacous: We were then, constrained, being exceedingly spent in our march with extreme heat and want of necessaries, to accept the nearest."

"We then marching on in a silent manner, the Indians that remained fell all into the rear, who formerly kept the van, (being possessed with great fear;) we continued our march till about one hour in the night and coming to a little swamp between two hills, we pitched our little camp; much wearied with hard travel, keeping great silence, supposing we were very near the fort as our Indians informed us, which proved otherwise. The rocks were our pillows; yet rest was pleasant. The night proved comfortable, being clear and moonlight. We appointed our guards, and placed our sentinels at some distance; who heard the enemy singing at the fort, who continued their strain till midnight, with great exulting and rejoicing as we were afterwards informed. They seeing our pinnaces sail by them some days before, concluded we were afraid of them, and durst not come near them, the burthen of their song tending to that purpose."


"In the morning, (Friday, 26th of May,) we awaking and seeing it very light, supposing it had been day, and so we might have lost our opportunity, having purposed to make our assault before day, roused the men with all expedition, and briefly commended ourselves and design to God, thinking immediately to go to the assault. The Indians showed us a path, and told us that it led directly to the fort. We held on our march about two miles, wondering that we came not to the fort, and fearing we might be deluded; but seeing corn newly planted at the foot of a great hill, supposing the fort was not far off, a champion country being round about us; then making a stand, gave the word for some of the Indians to come up; at length Onkos and one Wequosh appeared. We demanded of them, Where was the fort? They answered, On the top of that hill. Then we demanded, Where were the rest of the Indians? They answered, Behind, exceedingly afraid. We wished them to tell the rest of their fellows, that they should by no means fly, but stand at what distance they pleased, and see whether Englishmen would now fight or not. Then Captain Underhill came up, who marched in the rear; and commending ourselves to God, we divided our men, there being two entrances into the fort, intending to enter both at once.-Captain Mason leading up to that on the northeast side, who approached within one rod, heard a dog bark, and an Indian crying Owanux! Owanux! which is Englishmen ! Englishmen! We called up our forces with all expedition, gave fire upon them through the pallizado, the Indians being in a dead, indeed their last sleep. Then we wheeling off, fell upon the main entrance, which was blocked up with bushes about breast high, over which the Captain passed, intending to make good the entrance, encouraging the rest to follow. Lieutenant Seeley endeavored to enter; but being somewhat cumbered, stepped back and pulled out the bushes, and so entered, and with him about sixteen men. had formerly concluded to destroy them by the sword and save the plunder." "Whereupon Captain Mason, seeing no Indians, entered a wigwam, where he was beset with many Indians, waiting all opportunities to lay hands on him, but could not prevail. At length William Heydon, espying the breach in the wigwam, supposing some English might be there, entered; but in his entrance fell over a dead Indian; but speedily recovering himself, the Indians some fled, others crept under their beds. The Captain going out of the wigwam, saw many Indians in the lane or street; he making towards them, they fled, were pursued to the end of the lane, where they were met by Edward Pattison, Thomas Barber, with some others; where seven of them were slain, as they said. The Captain facing about, marched a slow pace up the lane; he came down, perceiving himself very much out of breath, and coming to the other end, near the place where he first entered, saw two soldiers standing close to the palisado, with their swords pointed to the ground; the Captain told them that we should never kill them after this manner. The Captain also said, We must burn them; and immediately stepping into the wigwam, where he had been before, brought out a fire brand, and putting it into the mats with which they were covered, set the wigwams on fire. Lieutenant Thomas Bull and Nicholas Omsted beholding, came up; and when it was thoroughly kindled, the Indians ran as men most dreadfully amazed." "And indeed such a dreadful terror did the Almighty let fall upon their spirits, that they would fly from us and run into the very flames, where many of them perished. And when the fort was thoroughly fired, command was given that all should fall off and surround the fort; which was readily attended by all, only one, Arthur Smith, being so wounded that he could not move out of the place, who was happily espied by Lieutenant Bull, and by him rescued. The fire was kindled on the northeast side to the windward; which did swiftly overrun the fort, to the extreme amazement of the enemy, and great rejoicing of ourselves. Some of them climbing to the top of the palizado; others of them running into the very

flames; many of them gathering to the windward, lay pelting at us with their arrows; and we repaid them with our small shot; others of the stoutest issued forth, as we did guess, to the number of forty, who perished by the sword.”

"What I have formerly said, is according to my own knowledge, there being sufficient living testimony to every particular. But in reference to Capt. Underhill and his partie's D1 acting in this assault, I can only intimate as we are informed by some of themselves immediately after the fight, that they marched up to the entrance on the southwest side; there they made some pause; a valiant, resolute gentleman, one Mr. Hedge, stepping towards the gate, saying, If we may not enter, wherefore came we here?' and immediately endeavored to enter; but was opposed by a sturdy Indian, which did impede his entrance; but the Indian being slain by himself and Sergeant Davis, Mr. Hedge entered the fort with some others; but the fort being on fire, the smoke and flames were so violent that they were constrained to desert the fort...... ...Thus were they now at their wit's end, who not many hours before exalted themselves in their great pride, threatening and resolving the utter ruin and destruction of all the English, exulting and rejoicing with songs and dances: but God was above them, who laughed his enemies and the enemies of his people to scorn, making them as a fiery oven. Thus were the stout-hearted spoiled, having slept their last sleep, and none of their men could find their hands. Thus did the Lord judge among the heathen, filling the place with dead bodies! And here we may see the just judgment of God, in sending even the very night before the assault one hundred and fifty men from the other fort, to join with them of that place, who were designed as some of themselves reported to go forth against the English, at that very instant when this heavy stroke came upon them, where they perished with their fellows. So that the mischief they intended to us, came upon their own pate. They were taken in their own snare, and we through mercy escaped. And thus in little more than one hour's space, was their impregnable fort with themselves utterly destroyed, to the number of six or seven hundred as some of themselves confessed. There were only seven taken captive, and about seven escaped. Of the English there were two slain outright, and about twenty wounded; some fainted by reason of the sharpness of the weather, it being a cool morning, and the want of such comforts and necessaries as are needful in such a case; especially our Chirurgeon was much wanting, whom we left with our barks in Narragansett Bay, who had orders to remain until the night before our intended assault. And thereupon grew many difficulties; our provision and munition near spent; we in the enemy's country, who did far exceed us in number, being much enraged, all our Indians except Onkos deserting us; our pinnaces at a great distance from us, and when they would come we were uncertain. But as we were consulting what course to take, it pleased God to discover our vessels to us before a fair gale of wind, sailing into Pequot Harbor, to our great rejoicing."

"We had no sooner discovered our vessels, but immediately came up the enemy from the other fort-three hundred or more as we conceived. The Captain led out a file or two of men to skirmish with them, chiefly to try what temper they were of, who put them to a stand; we being much encouraged thereat, presently prepared to march towards our vessels. Four or five of our men were so wounded that they must be carried with the arms of twenty more. We also being faint, were constrained to put four to one man, with the arms of the rest that were wounded to others; so that we had but forty men free. At length we hired several Indians, who eased us of that burthen, in carrying off our wounded men. And marching about one quarter of a mile, the enemy coming up to the place where the fort was, and beholding what was done, stamped and tore the hair from their heads; and after a little space, came mounting down the hill upon us, in a full career, as if they would overrun us: but when they came within shot, the rear faced about, giving fire upon them: some of them being shot, made the rest more wary; yet they held on running to and fro, and shooting their arrows at random. There was at the foot of the hill a small brook, where we rested and refreshed ourselves, having by that time taught them a little more manners than to disturb us. We then marched on towards Pequot Harbor, and falling upon several wigwams burnt them, the enemy still following us in the rear, which was to the windward, though to little purpose; yet some of them lay in ambush, behind rocks and trees, often shooting at us, yet through mercy touched not one of us; and as we came to any swamp or thicket, we made some shot to clear the passage. Some of them fell with our shot, and probably more might, but for want of munition; but when any of them fell, our Indians would give a great shout, and then they would take so much courage as to fetch their heads. And thus we continued until we came within two miles of Pequot Harbor; where the enemy gathered together and left us, we marching to the top of an hill adjoining the harbor, with our colors flying, having left our drum at the place of our rendezvous the night before; we seeing our vessels there riding at anchor, to our great rejoicing, and came to the water side; we sat down in quiet."

Captain Mason and the Narragansett Indians, continued their march by land to Connecticut river, where they arrived on Saturday about sunset, "being nobly entertained by Lieutenant Gardner with many great guns.'

......" And when we had taken order for the safe conduct of the Narragansett Indians, we repaired to the place of our abode; where we were entertained with great triumph and rejoicing, and praising God for his goodness to us, in succeeding our weak endeavors, in crowning us with success, and restoring of us with so little loss. Thus was God seen in the Mount, crushing his proud enemies, and the enemies of his people: they who were erewhile a terror to all that were round about them, who resolved to destroy all the English and to root their very name out of this country, should by such weak means, even seventyseven, there being no more at the fort, bring the mischief they plotted, and the violence they offered and exercised, upon their own heads in a moment; burning them up in the fire of his wrath, and dunging the ground with their flesh."

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In the addition given by Capt. Mason to his account, "by way of comment," he says, our commons were very short, there being a general scarcity throughout the Colony of all sorts of provisions, it being upon our first arrival at the place. We had but one pint of strong liquors among us in our whole march, but what the wilderness afforded, (the bottle of liquor being in my hand,) and when it was empty the very smelling to the bottle would presently recover such as had fainted away, which happened by the extremity of the heat." "I still remember a speech of Mr. Hooker, at our going abroad, that they should be bread for us.' ."I shall mention two or three special providences that God was pleased to vouchsafe to particular men, viz, two men, being one man's servants, namely John Dier and Thomas Stiles, were both of them shot in the knots of their handkerchiefs, being about their necks, and received no hurt. Lieutenant Seeley was shot in the eyebrow with a flat headed arrow, the point turning downwards; I pulled it out myself. Lieutenant Bull had an arrow shot into a hard piece of cheese, having no other defence; which may verify the old saying, 'A little armor would serve if a man knew where to place it.' Many such providences happened; some respecting myself, but since there is none that witness to them, I shall forbear to mention them."

Several circumstances (says Dr. Trumbull) attending this enterprise were much noticed by the soldiers themselves, and especially by all the pious people. It was considered very providential that the army should march nearly forty miles, and a considerable part of it in the enemy's country, and not be discovered, until the moment they were ready to commence the attack. It was judged remarkable, that the vessels should come into the harbor at the very hour they were most needed. The life of Capt. Mason was very singularly preserved. he entered a wigwam for fire to burn the fort, an Indian was drawing an arrow to the very head and would have killed him immediately, but Davis, one of his sergeants, cut the bow-string with his cutlass, and prevented the fatal shot.


"Few enterprises have been achieved with more personal bravery or good conduct. In few have so great a proportion of the effective men of a whole colony, state, or nation, been put to so great and immediate danger. In few have a people been so deeply and immediately interested, as the whole colony of Connecticut was in this, in that uncommon crisis. In these respects even the great armaments and battles of Europe are comparatively of little importance. In this, under the divine. conduct, by seventy-seven brave men, Connecticut was saved, and the most warlike and terrible nation in New England defeated and ruined. "There is a remnant of the Pequots still existing. They live in the town of Groton, and amount to forty souls in all, or perhaps a few more or less; but do not vary much from that amount. They have about

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