Zoology 22277 INDEX TO VOLUME X. A. Abbott, C. C. American caves, 180. Boyhood, savagery of, 172, 203. Academy of Sciences, National, 224; list of papers Brain-wounds, 30. read at, 249; meeting, 241. Act of God, 241, 264, 276, 299. Adams, H. C. Dodd's Republic of the Future, 92. Afghan life in Afghan songs, 195. Alvord, H. E. Economy in management of soil, 77. Amery, C. F. Nitrogen in manures, 34. Anderson's Conversion of Heat into Work, 190. Andrews's Brief Institutes of General History, 190. Animals, ideas of number in, 316. Antarctic region exploration, 193. Anthony and Brackett's Physics, 235. Anthropological treatises, 57. Breathing, types of, 65. Brinton, D. G. Chronology of America, 76; Eskimo Brinton's Ancient Nahuatl Poetry, 222. Browning, O. Aspects of education, 206, 253. Buel, R. H. Conspiracy of silence, 298. Butler, N. M. Manual training in Norway, 255. C. Cabanne, C. Distillery-milk, 72. Canal between Bordeaux and Narbonne, 224. Anthropology in the American and British Associa- Catamaran, a steam, 273. Ants, bees, and wasps, habits of, 320. tions, 231. Apparitions and haunted houses, 289. Arctic, notes from the, 233. Arctic America, 3. Aristotelian Society of London, 272. Ashe, W. A. Freezing-point of sea-water, 36; gla- Audubon's grave, 68, 108, 205, 277. Caterpillar-cocoons, 32. Chamberlain, A. F. Eskimo and the Indian, 120, Chamberlin and Salisbury's Driftless Area of the Charnay's Ancient Cities of the New World, 200. Children, false testimony of, 215; of New York, 197. Chrome as a poison, 58, 104. Classen's Analysis by Electrolysis, 191. Cloud-heights, 46. Coal-mines, statistics of, 45. Coast Survey vessels, 57, 68. Cohen's Practical Organic Chemistry, 128. Bastian's Die Welt in ihren Spiegelungen unter dem College, original research in, 109. Wandel des Völkergedankens, 284. 251, 264. De Bary's Comparative Morphology and Biology of. Decimal system in England, 13. DeGarmo, C. German normal schools, 302 Density of the earth, 104. Derelict vessels, danger to commerce from, 265 Diamond, a North Carolina, 168. Diamond-field in Kentucky, 140. Diamonds, four large South African, 69. Diller, J. S. Diamond-field in Kentucky, 140. Disinfectants, Report on, 55. Dodd's Republic of the Future, 92. Dolbear, A. E. Tornado force, 60. Donaldson, F. Cause of consumption, 24. Drake's Making of the Great West, 175. Dreams, investigation of, 229. Drought of 1887, 321. Duck's brain, 126. Dutch Literary Review, 203. Dutton, C. E. Charleston earthquake, 10, 35. Dutton's Mount Taylor and the Zuñi Plateau, 317. Earthquake of Central Asia, 140; Charleston, 10, 35; Education, a rational, 13; aspects of, 206, 253: meth- Educational Association, National, 37; indorsement Electric light in mines, 217. Electrical exhibition in New York, 8. Electricity in the earth, 72, 96: loss of, 151, 308. Emminghaus's Die psychischen Störungen des Kin- English science, 193. Error, natural history of, 41. Eskimo, 150; and Indian, 120, 273, 287, 322; and Iro- Ethnographical museums, 245. Ethnographie, Internationales Archiv für, 239. Evolution, what American zoologists have done for Examinations, school, 109, 112. Colleges and schools, New England association of, Explosion record, 320. Changes in Indian languages, Color-blindness, 121, 179. Beer-trade statistics, 192. Columbia College, progress of, 253; report, 169. Conspiracy of silence, 265, 298, 308. Co-operation in England, 1; in Europe, 121, 161. Explosives, modern, 205. Eyesight of children, testing of, 264. Bowen, H. C. British universities, 210. Bower and Vinos's Instruction in Botany, 175. Bowne's Philosophy of Theism, 215. Craig's Azimuth, 201. Crampton, C. A. Sorghum-sugar, 227. Cumming's Electricity treated Experimentally, 93. Fowler and Wilson's Principles of Morals, 31. Frazer, P. Geological questions, 35; Geologists' Con- |