I am hers: But O! how oddly will it sound that I Must ask my child forgiveness! Pro. 236 Of roaring, shrieking, howling, jingling chains, And mo diversity of sounds, all horrible, There, sir, stop: We were awak'd; straightway, at liberty: Where we, in all her trim, freshly beheld Our royal, good, and gallant ship; our master Capering to eye her: on a trice, so please you, Even in a dream, were we divided from them, And were brought moping hither. Let us not burden our remembrances I have inly wept, 200 Or should have spoke ere this. Look down, you gods, And on this couple drop a blessed crown; Alon. I say, Amen, Gonzalo! 204 Gon. Was Milan thrust from Milan, that his issue Should become kings of Naples? O, rejoice In a poor isle; and all of us ourselves, 212 240 Ari. [Aside to PRO.] Was 't well done? Alon. This is as strange a maze as e'er men trod; Sir, my liege, Do not infest your mind with beating on The strangeness of this business: at pick'd leisure Which shall be shortly, single I'll resolve you,— Which to you shall seem probable,-of every These happen'd accidents; till when, be cheerful, And think of each thing well.-[Aside to ARI.] Come hither, spirit; 252 Set Caliban and his companions free; Untie the spell. [Exit ARI.] How fares my gracious sir? There are yet missing of your company Some few odd lads that you remember not. Re-enter ARIEL, driving in CALIBAN, STEPHANO, and TRINCULO, in their stolen apparel. Ste. Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself, for all is but fortune.-Coragio! bully-monster, Coragio! Trin. If these be true spies which I wear in my head, here's a goodly sight. 260 Cal. O Setebos! these be brave spirits, indeed. How fine my master is! I am afraid He will chastise me. Cal. I shall be pinch'd to death 276 Alon. Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler? Seb. He is drunk now: where had he wine? Alon. And Trinculo is reeling-ripe: where should they Find this grand liquor that hath gilded them? How cam'st thou in this pickle? 281 Trin. I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last that, I fear me, will never out of my bones: I shall not fear fly-blowing. Seb. Why, how now, Stephano! 284 304 To my poor cell, where you shall take your rest 308 I long And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales That is thy charge: then to the elements 316 Ste. O touch me not: I am not Stephano, Be free, and fare thou well!--Please you, draw but a cramp. near. EPILOGUE. Spoken by PROSPERO. [Exeunt. Now my charms are all o'erthrown, 8 12 16 20 THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA DUKE OF MILAN, Father to Silvia. VALENTINE, PROTEUS, } the Two Gentlemen. ANTONIO, Father to Proteus. THURIO, a foolish rival to Valentine. DRAMATIS PERSONE. EGLAMOUR, Agent for Silvia, in her escape. PANTHINO, Servant to Antonio. JULIA, beloved of Proteus. SCENE.-Verona; Milan; and the frontiers of Mantua. 4 Enter VALENTINE and PROTEUS. Even as I would when I to love begin. Pro. Wilt thou be gone? Sweet Valentine, Think on thy Proteus, when thou haply seest 12 8 32 Pro. 'Tis love you cavil at: I am not Love. When thou dost meet good hap; and in thy The eating canker dwells, so eating love If ever danger do environ thee, 16 Inhabits in the finest wits of all. 40 44 Speed. The shepherd seeks the sheep, and not the sheep the shepherd; but I seek my master, and my master seeks not me: therefore I am no sheep. 91 Pro. No, no; you shall have it for bearing the letter. Speed. Well, I perceive I must be fain to bear with you. 129 Pro. Why, sir, how do you bear with me? Speed. Marry, sir, the letter very orderly; having nothing but the word 'noddy' for my pains. 133 Pro. Beshrew me, but you have a quick wit. Speed. And yet it cannot overtake your slow purse. 136 Pro. Come, come; open the matter in brief: what said she? Speed. Open your purse, that the money and the matter may be both at once delivered. 140 Pro. Well, sir, here is for your pains [giving him money]. What said she? Speed. Truly, sir, I think you'll hardly win her. Pro. Why? couldst thou perceive so much from her? 145 Speed. Sir, I could perceive nothing at all Pro. The sheep for fodder follow the shep-from her; no, not so much as a ducat for herd, the shepherd for food follows not the delivering your letter. And being so hard to sheep; thou for wages followest thy master, me that brought your mind, I fear she'll prove thy master for wages follows not thee: therefore as hard to you in telling your mind. Give her thou art a sheep. 96 no token but stones, for she's as hard as steel. Speed. Such another proof will make me cry Pro. What! said she nothing? 'baa.' 152 Speed. No, not so much as 'Take this for Pro. But, dost thou hear? gavest thou my thy pains.' To testify your bounty, I thank you, letter to Julia? 100 you have testerned me; in requital whereof, Speed. Ay, sir: I, a lost mutton, gave your henceforth carry your letters yourself. And so, letter to her, a laced mutton; and she, a laced sir, I'll commend you to my master. mutton, gave me, a lost mutton, nothing for my labour. 104 Pro. Here's too small a pasture for such store of muttons. Speed. If the ground be overcharged, you were best stick her. 157 Pro. Go, go, be gone, to save your ship from wrack; Which cannot perish, having thee aboard, Being destin'd to a drier death on shore. 160 [Exit SPEED. 108 I must go send some better messenger: Jul. What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour? Luc. As of a knight well-spoken, neat and fine; But, were I you, he never should be mine. II Jul. What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio? Luc. Well of his wealth; but of himself, so so. Jul. What think'st thou of the gentle Proteus? Luc. Lord, Lord! to see what folly reigns in us! Jul. How now! what means this passion at his name? 16 44 Luc. To plead for love deserves more fee than hate. Jul. Will ye be gone? It were a shame to call her back again Fie, fie! how wayward is this foolish love Re-enter LUCETTA. 60 |